4 THE BRITISH WHIG)| | | ! eh). -] ol he i=l 71 - JRRN I" N ATI CRE Lr Te EN = Dally by H WHIG PUBLISHING ITED, KINGSTON, ONT. UPERT DAVIES S50 aici, B38 . Q FAOWR REPRESENTATIVES: A Thompson, 100 King p ers, Ine, 19 lie Street. i to the Editor are published the actual mame of the b7 the Aud Baresu of ra careers 'PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER. | get the blessing in the way of com- It Is significant that in the speech- of Premier Meighen there is od ©0 the legislation the King nment enacted during the past p for the benefit of the people fd for their relief from taxation. m and women Who $id $40 a year | ave been éntirely relieved of in-| fomie tax. Taxation of $60 has been | uced to $10, of $80 to $20, of) 00 to $30, and #0 on. These reduc- were announced hot long be- the taxes fell due, and for once period was one of rejoicing and | ful revolutionist. If he had succeed- PROGNOSTICATIONS ASTRAY. Thé weather prognostications did not hit the weather for 1926 with any degree of success. They drew ! pictures of distress from records | of hundreds of years but the proba- | bilities" were wide of the mark, True | the spring was backward but the | weather of July has given a vigor and growth that can only be termed un- precedented. We have had heat and we will have more of it. The plagues associated with plant life have not been as formidable as usual and this has been a decided advantage. Then the ground held much moisture and with hot weather it will be absorbed by the growing and ripening crops. Hot weather is good for human kind, It is suggested that when more heat periods occur people should not fo:- fort that they have thus far enjoy- ed, compared to other people in other parts of this continent. This they are likely to do. For most people two or three weeks of heat are sufficient to con- stityte a terribly Rot summer, though all the other weeks may have beén delightfully cool. Men--and women ~-are queer in their thought of the weather and their attitude towards it. It is more than likely that they have been from the beginning. But let us all try to remember that the present summer has, as a whole, been delightful, and remark upon the fact that the prognostications of the long-distance weather prophets have proven all astray, AN HEROIC EXILE. Poor Abd-el-Kifm, defeated Mo- roccan leader, is §:iled to a little is- land in the Indian Ocean ,where he will live in solitude comparable to that of Napoleon at St. Helena, and in a less salubrious climate. This is the fate of an unsuccess- ed, Krim would have been a great man. Now he will be remembered as a tribal leader who fought bravely and ably, but-did not know when to stop. & --_ rf WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: is additional, OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: yum, crammed, replete, overflowing. day's word: VISAGE; the face or seamed with scars." DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH BY W. L. GORDON further?" Use "farther" to express distance: "further," that which OFTEN MISPELLED: table d'hote. SYNONYMS; crowded, packed, full, filled, brimful, fimmed, WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To- » Don't say "shall .we proceed column. Pronounce kol-um, not look of a person. "His visage was T EDITORIAL NOTES, Smoke screens are undoubtedly the fumes of bad campaign explosions. A little coolness now and then makes summer time delightful for every purpose. Thank goodness, it begins to look as if it might escape being a blue ruin campaign. The luscious strawberry is pass- ing. A few more dishes and then we wait another year. Premier Ferguson® is dumb about the long delayed bye-elections, Sure- ly he hasn't forgotten? Sea monsters crowd the Pacific about British Columbia. The popu- lar brews are producing rare sights. Lord Willingdon anticipates happy days in Canada. The people of Can- ada can help him to the realization! An Ottawa speaker refers to the influence of family ties most of us make use of. Father's ties are too sombre to speak of. The usual family jars are reported among Toronto Conservatives. There' will not likely to be the same anxiety to become candidates among the Sas- katchewan members of the party, re- IS YOUR TOWN GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? BE : (Crawf-Slack.) (To the Woman's Institutes.) It your town aint good enough for you there is a worthy plan, Just lend a hand and make it so in every way you can, Don't be og the defaming bunch, go forward, don't back down, It's what the folks are, what they do, that makes or breaks a town. Your town will not be honored it theres nothing there but weeds, Its eize don't cut no figure, what counts are men, their deeds, Your town will meet adversities in in spite of all you do, But if you make an effort, 'twill be good enough for you. Don't set around and dictate what he ' or she should do, Should the object it be worthy the move is up to you, Just take the lead and stride ahead, don't shirk or beat about, Worthy precedence cannot hide the world will find it out. Your town may be a humble town known only to a few, But you can make it Bnown broad- cast by worthy things you do, BIBBY'S The Men's and Young Men's Wear Store. 3 We are the Selli Agents in Kingston oi, | Vicinity for Church's QL Famous Shoes Northampton is the home of 3 NL CHURCH'S FAMOUS FOOTWEAR efcdency. ing a "CHURCH" Shoe. Just plant a tree, a rosebush and perhaps there'll éome a day, To see the place throngs where you reside | 167 PRINCESS STREET. *Y The Finest in the World. WALK IN COMFORT Perfect foot comfort is essential for perfect happiness And You can attain that comfort if you insist on wear Church's Shoes are $10.00 and $11.00 NOTHING MORE--NOTHING LESS. BIBBY'S 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. b / IA splendid frat furnace; good large sun room; tlle drained les a e 3 Ap frufts. 'Will state of house stable; acre of first Price $1,550. Money to loan on mortgages. 3} drive Raliale Fire Insurance Compan- || T. J. Lockhart | Real Estate and Insurance ot Bok 1 Eigen . Ont. Phones 2780-w or 1797. LEMON SQUASH. ORANGE SQUASE, LIME JUICE CORDIAL. 8B5¢. per bottle Jas. REDDEN & CO, PHONES 20 and 990, small sell at a sacri |i fice as the owner Is leaving [i 3A good stone dwelling, in good || about one-half [i class garden. | LADIES!!! Just received a shipment of hand-painted Crystalline Parchment Shades, in all colors. Priced at Seinen sneer 32.50 and $2.75. Call in and see them. The Saunders Elec LOOK !! tric Co. TELEPHONE 441. MeCALLUM * in the world of MEMORIALS is a 3 will come 'round fig THOMAS COPLEY , Carpenter i: 'Phone 887 See us for all kinds of Curpestry marks the Peterboro Examiner. i 0 DISTINGTION h §iving place to worry and anx- i way. KILLING AS A DUZY. ( O Al The Kingston Industrial Exhibi- tion has never had to run opposition You need not be Not a word is said by Premier = , letter written by the Rev. J. prodigy or such, Ret the feduction In the du-|,, "of Fort Worth. Texas, We are Row taking orders for)|, ., o.. your hardwood floors clean. on automobiles, which has jught down the prices of oars, in- | fd the sales, and given a fresh | to the automobile industry. a word about the restoration ny postage. a word about the increase in export trade to $1,315,000,000 favorablé balance of about 0,000. ; 'word about the flourishing n of the National Railways operating detiocit giving place } operating surplus of $32,000,- the people Will not be un- ful for the faithful service of who have always had the of the people at heart, who Ughtened instead of increasing burdens; and who have sought Ing comfort to the poor in their ing years. / [BTHING TO THINK ABOUT. William - Bennett Munro of d University, one of the Unit- leading authorities on the of government, says: "Since war & dozen new and free gov- " ts bave been set up in Eur. Despite our monumental power psperity, despite our world Pp. despite our exalted opin- 'ourselves politically, not one countries has seen fit to single governmental device d drawn from the United R ry Sa nting upon this, Collier's has this to say: "That's to think about. Several of 'new Huropean statesmen, in- g President Masaryk of Czecho- have lived and worked over d like us. Their verdict is are great In spite of our system, because we are to stand its inconveni- to the Rev. Mr. Loney, Hamilton, Ont., is a document which arrests attention. Rev. Mr. Norris is the Fundamentalist Baptist minister who shot and killed a citizen who had called upon him to protest agalast. his pulpit attacks upon certain other citizens. In his letter to Mr, Loney Mr. Norris says, "I did only what any father or husband or minister could, or ought to, have done." All the facts relating to this act of homicide have not yet been brought out under oath; but even without full knowledge of the affair, comments the Hamilton Herald, one can consider tho seemliness and the moral propriety of the proposition that in killing a man Mr. Norris dia no more than his duty---what was in- deed the duty of any good citizen. Can this be true? Even if the man who was killed was not an ex- emplary character--even if he had threatened the minister--was it the minister's duty to kill him? In Can- ada there is an old-fashioned notion that if there must be capital ®punish- ment it should be inflicted by officers of the law after trial and conviction, and not left to the discretion of pri- vate citizens. But perhaps different notions prevail down in Texas. : ------ MR. MEIGHEN'S POOR CHANCES TO WIN. Mr. Meighen's prospects of victory rest upon mmking gains. The Con- servatives had 116 seats in the late parliament. They must hold them and win at least fifteen more. Where can they get them? Not in the Mari- time Provinces where last October the Liberals got only six members and are likely this time to make gains ' Not in Ontario nor in British Columbia wheres the Conservative strength and luck were at their maximum & year ago. There remain only Quebec and the prairie west. Theoretically there is room for Con. servative gains in both distriets. In Quebec the Conservatives carried four seats out of sixty-five; in the, west ten out of fifty-four. | JAZZ ON THE AMAZON. > to a Federal election before, but the directors are not worrying, The ex- hibition's reputation will carry it through. With the re-election of Miss Mar- garet Bondfield there are now six wo- men members in the British House of Commons. If this keeps on we will begin to regard Westminster as really and truly the Mother of Par- liaments. Hon. G. B. Jones, minister of labor in the Meighen cabinet, heard Mr. Meighen's denunciation of corruption at Moncton. Did anyone remind Mr, Jones of the "Patriotic Potato Gift" revelations in New Brunswick in 19197? . A Bouth 'American scientist says that the sun suffers from an irrup- tive fever every 350 years, which ac- counts for 'the disturbances of weather conditions here. Well, so long as it doesn't recur oftener, we can stand it is a scorcher from the Guelph Mercury, Are our children any better be- cause they dod not have to go to church while they are young, or are those that are raised in the old- fashioned way and led into the church from the time that they are old enough to walk, lable to prove the better citizens? The Toronto Star is Investigating, but the answer is still in doubt. An editor went to Bancroft to a press gathering, He had two good days of rare delight. Then he start- od autoing home, and do you know he now tries to tell us in all solemn- ity that he hit a big black bear that stepped out directly in front of his car. It grunted, shook f{tself and jogged off into the bush. Well! Well What things editors can see after a Jolly plenie 'trip! Deeds woo and win and wear to-day which have the human touch, Go forward, tackle every task too in your town confide, You may not reach the zenith but Stevé, Nut and Pea Coal. Black Gem and Pocahontas Seranton and Virginia Anthracite Lah od a Shakespeare ¥] work. Estimates given on mew Soors | | Also Semi. ed with our sew floor cleaning ma. Hard. Our Coal is all dred of conl for = ton. have it sald you tried. When others do their very best to help improve your town Don't knock their fesble efforts and set around amd frown, When deep within Jou think your town {s much improved could be, Impress this motto on your mind "My town can't be too 800d for nie." News and Views. Well Posted. Shelburne Beonomist: "What puz- zles nie; says a citizen, "is how the ants seem to know so 'well in ad- vanee where there is going to be a picaie."" Small-Town Vancouver Province: "Listen to the voice of the small town if you want to hear the voice of the coun- try," observes an Ohio philosopher. "People In the small towns have more time to read and to ponder, They are less completely engaged in the purpose of pleasure. They care more about people" and issues and policies and less about mere sensa- tion than city folk do.™ -- Moeat-Eating Peoples. Néw York Times: Austrians eat more meat, and Italians less, than any other people. The annual per capita consumption in Austria is 245 | pounds. In-Italy the average person eats only 23 pounds. Americans consumé 118 pounds. Beef-eating Englanders are content with 110, and Norway and Sweden are satisfied with 86 pounds annually, French- men use 73, Germans 70 and Span- iards 49 pounds every twelvemonth. cif v Y a the eliy seales. You get twenty hun. Let have your order for your winter Coal. | AYLESWORTH BROS. Or 'phome U. R. Knight, 1798-w, "FREIGHT DELIVERY Focal and long distance. H. L. BRYANT A SPECIALTY All Motor Trucks with Alr Tires. $84 Division Street. 'Phone 1755 an QUALITY. The McCall Granite Co., Ltd, 306-307 Princess Street, Kingstor, Ont, 'Phone 1981, Senator R. N. Stanfield, at risk of his lite, saved a woman from drown- ing off Ocean City, Md. Moftatt, Ala. Nine men were killed in a gas ex- plosion in the Dixie Coal Mine at A man always tells his wife he doedn't care what the neighbo think--but he does. AFTER all, why not serve The sensible drink Jor summer meals is a glass of "Canada Dry" Canada appetite. Its flavor adds a distinc- e Dry" for luncheon and dinaer these tive and a cheery note to any meal. hot summer d It is cooling and refreshing et better for you than ever, so much ays! Try a sparkling, keener and fresher it makeg you feel, and bubbling bottle - how much cooler, * »