THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Sw t the fly' * BILLETS A teaspoonful of Gillett's Lye sprinkled in the Garbage Can 'prevents flies breeding Use Gillett's Lye for all Cleaning and Disinfecting 3 Costs little i all Tr but always effective Raspberry Picking Begun Sunbury, July 29. --- Raspberry iz the order of the day in | vicinity. A fair crop is report- je nbary Institute was well re- pre: ted at Mrs. Etherington's sum- ome, "Fettercalrn," Chaffey's ock on Friday last. Mrs. Sharpe and Dr. and Mrs. d were Sunday visitors at b of Fred Scott, Sand Hill. . Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Cooper and ldren, William Cooper, Miss Ki- and Joseph Marshall spent Sun- with friends at Crosby. Brown, Toronto, is visiting brother, Cornelius Smith. ttle Miss Ada Sharpe is spend- & week with her cousin, Margar- Arthurs, Latimer, " Wilfred Cooper and family spent day in Brockville, RE IAIYMCIIIGENNG Mrs. John Oraig, Pembroke, an | resident, was buried on Monday. maiden name was Margaret Per- born at Fort William, Que, in 53. A son and daughter survive. was & member of Wesley United 0 matter where it is, how bad N it hurts, how long you've it, or what kind of corn it is, is-It" will stop the pain in 3 ds. All pain goes at a touch. mn the corn shrinks up and goes altogether. You walk, dance, t shoes all you want. For own sake fry "Gets-It." At sts. Costs only a few cents months' supply. "| [ Ir Madein Canade NG SKINNIER EVERY DAY Must Be Done and Done Now--Quick. in Cheeks and Neck Grow- Deeper Every Week of thousands of thin, run- men~yes, and women, too-- getting discouraged--are giving . all hope of ever being able to is on flesh and look healthy and 1 such people can stop worrying pnd start to smile and enjoy life now for McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- t Tablets which any druggist will } L700 a1 abour ara DULIR flesh x ts of ski folks every day, 2 _-- woman, weak and dis- v med 15 pounds in five seks and now feels fine. . fe all know that the livers of Cod are full of Yallsing flesh pro- these same the a class are 'in McCoy's Cod Liver Extract coated and as easy candy. shows what faith th in McCoy's for th thin person don't gain at in 30 days your drug- you your d ol, 80 cents for , Jas. B, McLeod, Ma- 1 Store, Branigan's Drug any live pharmacist any- orth or South America. sure to get McCoy's, the enuine. : I Mitchell. GANANOQUE GOLF GAME FOR SHIELD Skinner Company Buy Old Wringer Works -- Mald Falls Into River. Gananoque, July 30--Jack Har- graft and Hubert Shortall will play the final game that will decide the winner of the president's shield, next week, and as these two young goilf- ers have many laurels to their credit and are pretty evenly matched, game will be watched with much interest. The Skinner C any. Limited completed negot! s yesterday which have put them in possession of the old Cowan and Britton wring- er works property. This factory will be made part of their rapidly deve- loping business, and enable them to make extensions which are mneces- '| sary. The King street building will be converted into modern up<to-date offices for their use. * J. R. Meggs, manager of Bank of Toronto, Vancouver, B.C., paid a flying visit here yesterday to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meggs, on his way to report at head office, Toronto. Mr. Meggs will probably be appointed to a position iin the east. Yesterday afternoon when landing in the Bay, the maid of Mrs. (Dr.) Murphy, who is summering on Tre- mont, fell into the river when gett- ing out of the skiff. Owing to the quick action of young, Murphy and Melvin Halpenny, she wasn't in the water long. Mr. and Mrs. George McCord, (the latter formerly Anne Doran) and dittle daughter, Toronto, are spend- ing a few weeks holiday in Ganano- que. Miss Margaret Heaslip, who las spent the past several months in Portland, Oregon, is here for the summer. Fred Heaslip of the Dom- inign Printing Bureau, Ottawa, is spending a couple of weeks here with his sister. Miss Louise Matthew, Alberquer- que, N.M., arrived a few days ago to spend the summer. She was uccom- panied from Toronte by her sister, Mrs. Gordon. Mrs. Harry Barnes, and children, Ottawa, are the guests of Mrs. W. H. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lewis and daughix¢ June, are epending the holidays at their summer home at Arden. Misses Jane and Harriet Cowan, Marnie Davis and Mary Spence are on a few days paddling expedition up the Rideau. Miss Marion. Ives, New York, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Green, John street. Miss Bvelyn Davideon, Winnipeg, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Gerald Watt, Detroit, Mich, is spending his holidays here. * Miss Alma Sinclair leaves today for Montreal to spend the week-end there with friends. Several from here attended the social at Rockport on Wednesday evening held under the 'auspices of St. Brendan's Church. Although the day was threatening throughout with occasional showers there was ken supper was an excellent one, and the ladies are to be comgra- tulated on the excellent meal and service. The present pastor, lather Scott, leaves on the 11th August for his new appointment at Toledo, and though there is nothing official as yet as to his successor Father Quinn, a former curate of this parish is mentioned in this connec- ton. : ~ Officers and members of 1st Gan- anoque Troop Boy Scouts have issu- ed invitations for the opening of their new Scout Hall, Victoria ave- nue next Wednesday, 4th of August, at 8 p.m. The opening ceremonies will be performed by Dr. James W. Robertson, K.C., C.M.G., Ottawa, Chiet Commissioner for Canada. Sister Mary Cletus of Edmonton, Alta., apent a few days in town this week with her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, and left yesterday, for the House of Providence, Kingston. An event of mich interest to Gan- anoqueans took place at Moosejaw on Friday morning, June 16th, when Archbishop Mathieu united in mar- riage Loretta, daughter of Mr. T. D. O'Connor of this town, and Dr. J, M. Hourigan, Moosejaw, The cere. mony was performed in the Arch. bishop's Private Chapel, and His Grace was assisted by Reverend Fr. Charest. Dr. and Mrs. Hourigan will be at home at Moosejaw in about a month, after a motor trip to Banff, 'take Louise and other Rocky Moun. tain points. : : Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McEwan and children, Windsor, are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex, Pelow. They mo- '| fored down, bringing with them Mrs. - ra a very large attendance. The chic-j Pelow end daughter Loretta, who have spent the past several weeks-in Windsor. RADIO SATURDAY, JULY 31, KDEKA (309.1) Pittsburgh. 12 noon--Markets and news. 2.30 - p.m.--Baseball scores, z p.m.--Tea dance, lotilla Club. 5.30 p.m.--Westinghouse Band. 6.15 p.m.--Baseball scores. 8 p.m.-- Westinghouse Employees' Band. - 9.55 p.m.--Baseball. WJZ (455) New York. 12 M--Park Lane orchestra. 1-1.30 p.m.--News. 3 p.m.--Soprano. 6.05 p.m.--Waldorf Roof orches- tra. 7.25 p.m.~~Philharmonic concert, 9. 30 p.m.--Astor Roof orchestra. WEAF (492) New York, N.Y, 10.45 p.m.--Waldorf orchestra, 4 to 8.30 pm.--Grosso's orcnes- | tra; New Yorkers---orchestra; Wal-| dorf music; Greenwich Village Ton | Orchestra; WEAF Musical Comedy | Troupe. | 8.30 p.m.--Goldman Band concert. | 10.20 p.m.-- Bernie's orchestra, 11.20-12 p.m.--Rolfe's orchestra.' WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 6 p.m.--Omondaga orchestra. 6.30 p.m.--WMAK programme. 7.25 p.m, -- Philaharmonic pro- gramme. 9.30 p.m~--Ten Byck programme. WBZ (883.1)Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.--Capitol orchestra, 8p.m.--Conrtalto; prima donna; soprano. CKAC (411) Montreal, Canada. 7.16 p.m.-- Windsor concert. 8.30 p.m.--Carabiniers band. 10.30 p.m.--Leonard's orchestra. WTAM (889.4) Cleveland, O. 12.30 p.m.--Bamboo Garden or-| chestra. X 7.30 p.m.--Studio programme. ) 8 p.m.--Hollenden orchestra. 9 p.m.--Vaudeville programme. WLW (422.8) Cincinnati, Ohlo. 7 p.m.--Organ, Johanna Grosse. 8 p.m.--Hawkins Radio Club, | 8.30 p.m.--Thies' Castle Farmers. | 8.45 p.m.--Crescendon Mal: Quar- | tette. ------ WSAI (326) Cincinnati, Ohio. 8 p.m.--Chime concert. 8.30 p.m.--Bicycle Play Card sex- tette. WIR (510.9) Pontiac, Mich. 7 p.m. -- Goldkette's orchestra; soloists. 7.30 p.m.--Lagoona Gondoliers. 8 p.m.--DPetroit Symphony orches- tra. 11.30 p.m.--""Jewétt. Radio Jes- ters." KLW (5386) Chicago. 5 p.m.--Bedtime story. 5.30 p.m.--Congress concert. 6 p.m.-~Music hour. American 7 p.m.--Congress studio. 8 p.m.--Edison classic. 9.30 p.m.--Congress curnival. WOC (484) Davenport, Ia. 5.45 to 6 p.m.»--Chimes concert. 9 to 10 p.m.--Fort Armstrong Trio. WCCO (416.4) Minneapolis 6.15 p.m.---Barlow's orchestra. 8.15 p.m.--Venetian Trio. 9 p.m.--Crinoline Trio. 10.05 p.m.----Erickson"s orchestra. Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. No More Piles Thousands Bless Dr. Leonhardt, the Physician Who Discovered This Common Sense Remedy At you think that the surgeon's knife is the only remedy of escape from the misery of piles, it's because Joul 'haven't heard of the new treat- known as Dr. Leonhardt's HEM- ROI. Doctot's treatment is internal. By experimenting for years he discov- ered the exact cause of piles and then went further and compounded a rem- edy that would remove the cause. Dr. Leonhardt wants every sufferer to benefit by his discovery and so that there will be no doubting or de- lay, Jas. B. McLeod, Kingston, and Wallace's Drug Store, of Napanee. and all druggists are authorized to sell HEM-ROID with guarantee that it will do as stated or money back. On that honorable basis ory Br Beautiful Summer} Regular Values to $8.00 2.89 TO-MORROW MORNING ON THE STROKE OF "NINE" we will place on sale a large variety of smart Summer Dresses at a price that represents--undoubted- lIy--the most remarkable value offered tothe Women and Misses of Kingston this season. They are all brand new--in style, fabric At this price you will want two or threes, Extra Voiles, Silk s0 make it a point to be at our doors when they open to-morrow, help to assu Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Great Values at Jackson-Metivier's VerySpecial for Saturday and Cotton Crepes, etc. re prompt service. ime Styles i and color. Figured sales Here's An Eragon Value ! Silk and Wool Dresses $6.95 To be worn for all out-door occasions. silk and wool, washes and wears exceptionally well. in new two-piece effect sport styles, showing turned back ly cuffs, two pockets, box pleat skirts, high, low or tie necks. to select from. In beautiful lightweight quality tailored Smartly Beautiful colors Silk Hose, 95¢ Here is an opportunity to re- wardrobe withe FIRST QUALITY HOSIERY at a great saving. A limited number of pairs will go at this low price. COLORS Bamboo, Atmosphere, Nude, Satin Women ! ~--Daybreak, Misses ! plenish your Summer Blonde, Rose Taupe. Crepe . EXCELLENT QUALITY. Pink, Maive, Kimonas, $2.95 In shades of Peach, Cream, Copen Blue. Regular value $5.00 and $5.50. Very special for Saturday. All Wool Bathing Suits With all around belt, tassel ends. Skirts have open ---- for freedom. Two toned Blue, Gold. Very special Sand, Regular $4. colors----Gold, Black, Navy, Red, Black, =. $2.95 Take Our Advice--"BE EARLY"! | IACKSON-MEITVIER| SRIMITED a Y Olive Roberts Barto A TRIP WITH THE STORK. Nancy and Nick and Johnny Jump Up. the fairy, held tightly to the stork's long sharp beak while he | {carried them from the tulip field| over a lovely county with grass so green it looked like paint in a pic- ture. And the sky above was so blue and the clouds so big and white and fluffy, they.too, looked like paint. "Holland looks like a picture, doesn't it," remarked Nancy, look-; ing down as they sailed through the air high above the tree tops. "Yes," answered the stork, "When I leave my other home in Africa to fly north for the summer&you can't blame me for picking out such a lovely country as Holland. And the people are so kind, too! They al-| ways watch for our coming and! never throw stones at us, the chil- dren don't." "Oh, look!" cried Nick. "What are those big things with wheels on top?" "Those are windmills," said the stork, | "And what are all those creeks for?" asked Nancy, pointing down- ward. "They're so straight they look as though they had been drawn with a ruler, and they cross each Bihar Hike the marks on a checker- he are canals," sxplained the! the! "Holland is low and very The people dig canals to | stork. watery. let the water run away, | fields are dry enough to farm." "1 see a lot of cows," sald Niex next. "There seem to ba cows everywhere." Rheumatism If So Crippled Yon Can't Use Arms or Legs Rheuma Will Bring Quick Relief or Nothing to Pay. If you suffer from torturing rheu- matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, and suffer intensely because your sys- tem is full of the dangerous poison that makes thousands helpless and | kills hundreds years before their | time, then you need Rheuma, and neta 1 3t now. ma acts with speed; it often brings in just a few days the relief you have prayed for. It helps an- tagonize and drive from the system the deadly poisons that cause Rhue- matic agony, twisted, swollen, un- V and sore muscles. then their | |, "Of course," answered the stork. "Cows give milk and milk makes cheese. The people of Holland make enough cheese to, feed the whole world almost----and still have enough left over for the mice. Those houses yonder are dairies where they make the cheese." { "Say," said Johany Jump Up ad- | miringly, "you know a lot, don't you, | Mister Stork? 'Why, you are better than a geography book." "Seeing the world is always better than studying a book," said the stork wisely, "ghd I am a much- traveled person." "Are we much-traveled persons?" asked Nancy curiously. "Well, said the stork thought- fully, "I should say you were. And by the time my friend the titmouse takes you to some of the countries you ought to know enough to get into college. Or high school, any- way." "What's that wall for?" asked Nick, pointing down to a place where the land stopped and the sea began. A high wall ran along the shore as far as they could see. "We're at the seashore, and that's a dyke," said the stork. "The sea came up agd spoiled the land some- times and the people couldn't make das lorced acting 'things grow. So they built this dyke many years ago to keep the sea out, You'll never see anothar one anywhere just like it. But we must go. The titmouse will be wait- Kingston | 0 oor vou on the roof to taks yon i | home." And sure enough, there he was. "Your tickets said 'there and back"," dd he remarked, 'so we must be re- turning to the magic garden." "Goodby," they said to the stork, hopping, all three of them, on the plump little bird's back. Away they flew over the ocean toward the sunset, leaving Holland and the stork far behind. (To Be Continued). (Copyright, 1924, NEA Service, Ine.) Carried Off The Prize. Elmer ;Foiey, son of Mrs. O. B. Foley, Smith's Falls, was the reci- pient of a beautiful leather club bag which prize he won with a splendid composition on "Salesmanship." He took second place jn the competition which was opened not only to boys in Canada but in the United States. A silent man is always worth lis- tening to. FRECKLES Don't Try to Hide These Ugly Spots) Othine Will Remove Them Quickly - and Safely. ration is so successful in ack les 8. and giving xX v ar and complexion it stoi Re, to refund the money it it This pi Fomovin for Oth Thine Jaunis strength: this that sf guarantee, is sd »