Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jul 1926, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS GALLAGHER'S TAX] muon SERVICE 960 25¢ wan DAY OR NiGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS COLLIN'S BAY DANCING PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Dancing from 8 to 18 (standard time) SID FOX Orchestra in attendance, H. R. CLARK, Manager, * oI ~ Friday, July 30, 1926. 3 THE BEAUTY DOCTOR BY NINON. LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. 8. R. Joyce, Rochester, N.Y, for a couple of weeks, has returned to her home. i | Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613. | Private Phone S87w. . * . | Mess Helen Chown, Toronto, is at {"Bdgehill," for the Willlamson- Chown wedding. . . » * Miss Ada Spooner, Albert street, has returned to her home, after spending the past few weeks at Mus- {her mother, Mrs. W. G. Jordan, they koka, and with friends in Toronto | Avonmore Apartments. and Rochester, N.Y. } . ® » * 5 @» Miss Marjorie, Fair, William street, who has been the guest of Mrs. Delbert Cummings, Brock- ville, returned to Kingston on Thursday. ' | | * Mrs, Z. Davies, Toronto, is visiting rt vi 4 ~~ di. THE NEW NESTLE LANOIL AND CIRCULINE PERMANENT WAV- $15.00 and up. "The way girls dress now may be 185 WELLINGTON STREET healthy, but I don't feel respectable A it I ain't got somethin' tight around | Se--------ton aE The Robertson China Shop China -- Crockery -- Glassware *emeer. Emma I. Gwatkin, Prop. Tae® | Miss Georgina Begg of Cardinal, {was the guest of Miss Maude Cooper, | Cataraqui, on Wednesday. | . 5" Miss Marjorie McLeland 1s visit- {ing Mrs, C. C. Calvin at her summer | nome on Garden Island. . . » Mrs.'R. J. Edmunds, Ottawa, will arrive in the city to-day, and will be | Mr. W. H Lake, Kingston, I5|the guest of Dr. and Mrs, A. P. ithe guest of Mrs. D. B. Christie, Pic- | Chown, "Bdgehill," for the Will. ton, and other friends. lamson-Chown wedding, . . - . . * Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, ae- cbmpanied by their small grandson, Master David Gillies, have left Ot- tawa, on a" motor trip to Kingston, Trenton and Toronto. + - . Miss Margaret Whitton and Miss Myrtle Chown entertained at a mis- | - cellaneous shower this afternoon, in honor of Miss Kathleen Lockhart, a bride of next month. J * » . Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cooke, Co- bourg, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. De Loss London, "Glen Echo," Yarker, left on Thurs. day for Peterboro. . . * Mr. Bdward Conroy and his mo- ther, Mre. M. Conroy, Miss Kingsley and niece, Miss Mary Kingsley, Brookline, Mass., are registered at the Chateau Belvidere. - . - Miss Nore Rees, Gore street, and Miss Mildred Mahood, University avenue, have gome to "Cedarnook' Camp, Bath, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. . * WP Miss Catherine and Miss Isabel | Minnes, Bagot street, entertained at {bridge on Thursday afternoon. » WOMEN'S INSTITUTE | nl large All have the ding Beach fea- ROCKPORT. The July meeting of the Woman's Institute was held at the summer | home of Mrs. Edson J. Weeks, Cliff | Cottage, with a good attendance of | members. Those who can only at-| tend through the summer months 0 and were present were Mrs. T. F.|| Taylor, New York City, Miss Annie Eaton, founder of the Lincoln Lib- rary, New York City aad Mrs. Weeks, Philadelphia, Pa., Two visitors, Mrs. Albert Haffle, Chetek, Wis, and Mrs. Shaw, New York City. It was moved by Mrs. Taylor' and seconded by Mre. Slate that we accept and thank Mrs. Bervice for the offer she made to have a bazaar or social oh ner lawn at the Island View hotel this summer, The programme for the day consisted of reading the reponts by the president and the secretary of the district meeting that was held on July 8rd in Lyn, Mrs, Weeks gave a talk on the trip to Florida that she takes each winter, Ice oream and cake were served and a vote of thanke was given the hos- tess for her kind hospitality. The next meeting is to be held at the summer home of Mrs, Taylor, on Club Island, August 3rd. No Cooking 'On Civic Holiday _ Whether you stay at home or go on an outing let the Clark Kitchens help you to make it a real holiday Mrs. Jeffries, of Hamilton, is the save burners, | guest of Mr. Joseph Hooper, and his ges, and rust- | daughters, at Rock Point Camp. of ovens, which make || vos» ing easier. | Mrs. J. L,-Gurd, Johnson street, oan om has gone to Moptreal," where she buy th with will vigit friends for several weeks. open or closed tops, . =» with or without the + Mrs. Yan Wren, Toronto, is spend- nh regulator ing a few days at the Densmere, and 5 aut or from there will go to Montreal. y y 'ese & » FOR SATURDAY | * Saleof Summer | , Dresses AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. CREPES, VOILES, RAYONS AND SILK. $1.95, $295, $395 Miss lda Graham, Ottawa, is visit. ing her cousin, Mrs. Albert Thomp- son. Colborne street, for a few days. . . . Miss Sadie Cross, Kingston, is spending the holidays with her mo- {ther, Mrs. Jennie Cross, Gananoque. * . » Mrs. C. L, Harper, Nelson street, visiting her brother, Mr. Carpenter {and family in Regina, Sask. return- |ed home to-day. . Ila Hopkins showing exercise for making the neck shapely, CONDITION--~ Too much flesh about the neck and upper shoulders ~--with possibly, a '"dowager hump" staking out its claim just across the back. DIAGNOSIS--You . aren't giving this. part of you enough exercise to keep it shapely. Perhaps you sit all day over your typewriter in one posi- tlon. Perhaps you are a bit indo- lent. At any rate, you need to wear down the. fat cells. TREATMENT ---8tand erect With your feet together and your hands at the sides; Relax, and lot your head fall as low over your ®hept as ft will, then using your neck as a pivot, de- Misses Marjorie and Dorothy Pub. {low, Clergy street, are the guests of their aunt, Mrs. W. C, Gorsline, Pic- ton. | * 8 2 Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Toronto, who | has been visiting Mrs. Fred Mahood, Stuart street, left on Thursday for her home. Mr, and Mrs. Graham Bertram, Windsor, and their family, whe have been visiting Mrs, H. W. Rich» ardson, "Alwington," returned to their home, by motor, on Thursday. * . * Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Armstrong, Smith's Falls, announce the mar- riage of thelr daughter, Geraldine Elisabeth, to Collins Yates Mar- shall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Marshall, Toledo, on July the twenty-fourth, ir home and family large, then the Beach le Oven Cabinet with y top ls just what noed. - The canopy top lots of space for Mr, M. DesBrisey, who has been the guest of Mrs. Torrance, Kensing. ton avenue, is leaving om Sunday, 'for Taronto. | . . » | Méss Rommie Tullis, Densmere, is . . - Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lewis of Los {leaving om Sunday for ' visit in New York, Detroit a three Angeles, California, who have been visiting with Hiram Walker, and Mrs. Walker, Yarker, have started on their return trip, going by way scribe a circle with your head. Com- plete this tour about 10 tines, changing your course from starboard to port every other time so as not for all. . Clark's 13 Soups, each true to its name, need simply to be diluted, brought to a boil and served. Clark's $4.95 and $5.95 Pork and Beans, Canadian Boiled Dinner, ete., need merely té be heated, and Clark's Cooked Corned Beef, Clark's. Ox Tongue, Clark's Loat and Potted Meats, etc., offer a large agsortment to be served, cold or hot, or done<nto sandwiches. It gives a comfortable feeling to see by the "Canada Approved" le- gend on the label of all Clark Meat || dishes that the quality is guaranteed by Government Inspection, Re In to become dizzy. If you are suffi- ciently conscientious about this, a swanlike contour will be your re ward. | Mrs. F. Whitty, Hasvowsmith, is | visiting her son and her deughter, Dr. Whitty and Miss Irene Whitty, at Windsor, Ont. { . » . | Misses Dorothy and Patricia Row. land of Kingston, were guests at the home of their uncle, Mr, Charles North, Picton, this week. { - * - Mies Lily Kay and Miss Dollie Custance, Peterboro, are the guests of thelr aunt, Mrs. Joseph Bleakley, Albert street, for two weeks) * - LJ Mrs. W. A. Kaitting and her son, Wendell, have returned from Norway Bay, Que., where they have been vi- siting Mr. and Mrs. Jandrew. of Chicago and Salt Lake City. . 8 W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE Mr. Z. Davies, Toronto, will ar- rive in the city on Saturday, and will be the guest of Mrs, W. G. Jor- dan, Avonmore Apartments, for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. Z. Davies wil leave next week for a fishing trip. Fr ------ NEWS ABODT WOMEN St. Nazaire--~The most touching tribute paid to Mrs. Gertrude Van. derbilt Whitney during the fete which marked 'the dedication of her statute of the doughboy was that of the French queen of the fete Shertly after the official Aanquet opened, the French queen suddenly + * LJ Dr. and Mrs. T. G. Waghorn, Brockville, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Edna, to Mr. Andrew C. Bradley, Brock- ville, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Bradley, Lansdowne, Ontario, the marriage to take place In August. - . . Mr. and Mrs. 8. Coey and Miss HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" t maybe you want a less | af range. If so, should get the Double n Osbinet with shelf. partioularly suitable ing a few i Mrs. of her routo, days » Mrs. W. G. Apartments, Mise Smith, Ottawa, sister of Rev. Lennox Smith, rector of the Christ's Church Cathedral, Ottawa, is spend. at the Densmere. Jordan, entertained at a small tea on Thursday afternoon, in honor daughter, Mrs, Z, Davies, To- Archibald, Belleville, Balley, Belleville, and Mr, and Mrs. W. Adams, Belleville, are the guests of Mrs, W. Aréhibald, Albert street. * . - Mise Avonmore Coey, Newark, N.J., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Livingston, John- son street. They will leave at the end of the week for Chatffey's Locks to spend the next few weeks fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Livingston will accompany them. - . . = Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Esford, Bath Road, Mrs. Jas, Smart and children, Hemlock Park Farm, Glenburnie, Master Clark Jacksom, Cape Vincent N.Y, and Mr. and Mrs. Klosset and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sterling Bsford of New York City spent Monday and Tuesday the guests of Mrs. Bsford's father, Mr. James Esford, Kingston Mills" x crossed to Mrs, Whitney's table and! on behalf of the people of St Na- saire thanked her for the beauty she had added to the harbor by her con- ception of the American "crusader." The action was wholly spontaneous. London--Mounted on a rostrum and surrounded by all kinds of fur-| nitare, Mrs. Rose Elizabeth Smeth-. ers, one of the smartest of auction sers in London, conducts regular sales of second hand furniture at! rooms in Wandsworth Road. For! nine years she has been conducting auctions and although she admits it! is hard work she likes it. Mrs. | Women's Handicap is curbed this new way of solving oldest hygienic prob- lem; gives true protection-- discards like tissus ERE is a new way in women's hygiene that ends the insecurity of old-time "sanitary pada" and their unhappy days. : Eight in 10 better-class women HALLIDAY ELECTRIC Co. Corner King and Princess Streets ThA if Tr prom LL 1 11 11 1°7T] 'i || Ha er ea I" Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corbett aad Miss Bisie Corbett, New York, will "arrive in Kingston on Saturday, and will spend six weeks at the Dens- now use "KOTEX." Discards as easily as a piece of tissue. No laundry. * 0 Guests who have recently been at the Chateau Belvidere, are: Mr. and Smethers generally disposes of about 300 lots at her sales and works quickly. Jl mere. | Mrs. . George Webster, Montreal, who has been the guest of Mrs. G. - W. Mahood: University avemue, is | K. Morley, {son, Mr, and Mrs. R. S. Segsworth, Mr. Mrs. Trainer, Miss Mary Trainer, and Mr. 8. V. Trainer, Jr., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Shidle, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hudson, Miss Jennie Christie, Miss Louise Hudson, Miss Grace Hud- son, Mr. George F. Myers, Patter- gon, N.J.;: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mace, Detroit; Mr. J. L. Webster, New York; Mr. P. L. Thompson, Orillia. - * vo» Toronto guests who will be pre- sent at the Willlamson-Chown wea- ding are: Lady Baton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Barker, Mr. Russell Bradshaw, Mrs. William Doble, Mr. and Mrs. W. , Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Hodg- From 3 London~--Augustus John's por- trait: of Princess Bibesco painted in her wedding veil has been sold Yor 1,500 pounds, which is said to be the highest price any living British art- ist has received for a single portrait, although it falls far short of the Drices Sargent received in his later afs. Princess Bibesco's picture was No embar« rassment. > ; Five times ag absorbent as ordi~ nary cotton Deodorizes, thus ending ALL dane ger of offending, Obtainable at all drug and de. PKOTEX." You sok for i wibes -_. i FOR THE ELECTION SPEECHES Which are of vital {mportance to all Canadians, buy Radio--~THE h the world's finest "

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