_THE DAILY BRITISH WHI Saturday, July 31, 1926. Founded 1847, UNDERWEAR VARIETY ALWAYS BUT ONE QUALITY Good Quality is essential if you expect substantial returns for your Clothing Dollars----Insist on Quality----Then note how much less are your Clothing Costs over a period of & yohr, We've insisted on Quality at a Price--and got it for your s why we're able to offer such Values--Values that will make you a Constant Patron of This Store. Single and Double Breasted SUITS $23, $21.50, $30 GSTON'S 75-79. BROCK STREET sow Off Your Route It Pays To Walk CITY AND DISTRICT Cheese Board Sales. Picton, 1,315 at 16 1-16¢ to 16%ec. Mont. Joli, Que., 80 at 14%e. Chicoutimi, Que., 500 at 14 %ec. An Active The Thousand Island Park Club {has a membership of 'oge hundred | members. It is active aft the time. O.W.L. Cushendall Lawn Social. August 2nd, Morris' Grove, Middle | Road. Dancing 8.30 pm. Len. {Jerome and his Melody Kings. { | f Among the Islands. Btr. Brockville every Saturday and Sunday from Ferry Dock at 2 | p.m. fast time. One hour at Alex- Fog Bay. Adults 75c; children 50e. Burial at Napanee. | The death occurred at Bingham- | ton, N.Y., of Jessie I. Oswell, daugh- {ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lindsay, {Napanee. The funeral was held from {her parents' residence, on Wednes- day afternoon, Over at the Races, Henry Richardson, Commodore of {the Kingston Yacht Club, has been iin attendance at the George Cup Reta 2600 Wholesale 1767 Office 365w erson Bros. Ltd. QUALITY - LARGER MARKET - SERVICE A Good Investment Involves not only safety of principle, but also a fair return on the money invested. It is a good investment when you buy your Foodstuffs at Anderson's, where pure food prices. | Clearance Sale Fruit and : Carry and Save Basis ; FOR SATURDAY NIGHT'S SELLING. Monday store closes [at 10 am, and we do not wish to carry any surplus stock over the week-end. ~ Canteloupes, Tomatoes, Peaches, C bers, : ucum of the finest grade is offered 'you at economy | Vegetable Market Priced on a rages at Chaumont, N.Y., with his | his cruiser, Ultra Therle, with a | party aboard. Went Into Camp. The Canadian Machine Gun Corps goes into camp, at Barrigfield huts, this afternoon. The camp is to be held over the week-end, and a great deal of practical work is expected to be managed. Record Strawberry Crop. 3 This year, George Wilson, the Scotch Line, was favored with a re- cord crop of strawberries. From July 3rd to July 27th he sold light- ly over 2,000 boxes to a Perth gro- cer, who handled Mr. Wilson's crop exclusively. To Attend Convention. Lieut.-Col. W. J. Morgan, King: ston, who is a member of the legisla- tive committee of the Ontario Veter- inary Association, will attend the annual meeting in Toronto on Aug- ust 11th and 12th. ' . Business Men's Conference. Many of the Kingston business men are expected to attend the Busi. ness Men's Conference at the Camp Couchiching . Y. M. C. A. Summer School. August 14th and 15th, and the main Subject will. be "The business man and the Y.M.C.A." -- Big Day For Students. Today is the day, at Queen's Sum- mer School. The big Field Meet, of whith the students have been talk- ng for #0 long, is to be held this af- ternoon, at the George Richardson Stadium. Athletic prowess will be nobly displayed by the stalwarts in the many contests. Kiwanis Club Activities. Owing to Monday beimg Civic Holiday, there will be no meeting of the Kiwanis Club on that day but - {| will be held on Tuesday instead. At §| this meeting the speaker will be Professor Herbert Heaton, who will deliver an address on "The Fitness of King Coal." To Erect a Great Cross, The Thousand Island Park Club is to erect a great cross, to be {llumin- ated: at night, and placed at the en- trance to the narrows, next to Kel Bay, It was the verdict of the club, that the balance of the money sub- scribed for this project should be col- lected and the cross erected. Killed on the A Walter West, Mimico, Ont,, an em. ployee of the Hydro-Electric Com- mission, who with his wife and daughter had gone to Hastings for & few days' fishing, was killed by a C.N.R. train one-quarter of a mile below Birdsall Station. It is believed that he tried to catch a freight train that went through Hastings during the night. ' ¥ A Woman as' The Conference is to be held |' * citis, on Tuesday afternoon at Prince | Bdward County hospital, Picton. The { operation was successful, and her| many young friends at Salmon Point | hope to see her restored to health | again soon, Has Fine Water, The water in Smith's Falls is as | good as it is in any other town in Ontario, and ft should be, after all! the expense that 'the Waterworks | Commission has recently gone to in | establishing the present filtration | plant, which is supposed to be the | last word in such a system and upon | every Government test of the water, made in Ottawa fortnightly, the re- port comes back "good." of Mrs, Isaac The death occurred Wednesday at Pembroke of Isabel Nancy Merk- ley, widow of Isaac Bogart, a well- known and esteemed resident, and one who had been closely associated with the life of the town for the past forty-nine years, Ill for nearly two years, her death came suddenly at her residence, 2353 Cecilia street, at the age of seventy-nine years. Born In 1847, at Chesterville, she was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Merkley. BEntertained the Band. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollitt of Hamilton entertained the members of the Salvation Army band at their summer home at Deadman's Bay last night, the entertainment taking the form of a weaner roast. Swimming and games were enjoyed by the party and during the evening several mu- sical numbers were rendered, among these being two splendid solos by Mrs. Pollitt. A hearty vote of appre- ciation to Mr. and Mrs. Pollitt, for their kindness was moved and seconded by Ensign Falle and Band- master Otten. Band in Macdonald Park, By kind permission of Lt.-Col. Goodwin and officers the P.W.O.R. Band under the direction of Mr. Christmas, W.0., will play the fol- lowing programme in Macdonald Park Monday evening, Aug. 2nd, at 8.15 o'clock, weather permitting: March. . .National Emblem Overture..... ... .Chu Chin Chow Fox Trot... As Long As I Have You WBMB.. sa vines ss so visa adUNO Gavotte. . .Les Clothes De St Malo Fox Trot...... .. .. ...My Sweetie The Blue and Gray Sunny South ++ «.God Save the King... .... The Late Mrs, Usher. Death claimed a well known wo- man in the person of Mary Balle Campbell, wife of William Usher, Smith's Falls, who passed away Wed. nesday after a long f{llmess. Mrs. Usher was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Campbell, Perth, and spent most of her childhood days in Renfrew. She was married to Mr. Usher about seventeen years ago and lived for some time in Renfrew and Sand Point. About eleven years ago she moved to Smith's Falls and dur- ing that time had made numerous friends by her kindly ways and happy disposition. She underwent an oper- ation eight weeks ago. ! A Distinguished Career. The Collingwood Bulletin, says the late W. H, Smith, drowned at King- ston was born in Chicago thirty-four years ago, when the family resided there, but settled in Owen Sound when very small. He attended the bible schools and the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, and after gradu- ating from the latter went to MAGI University at Montreal, which he at. tended for five years, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science. When the war broke ont in 1914 he answered his country's call and went overseas with the Rail- road Corps and served with distine- tion. He bad the rank of Captain, and was awarded the Military Cross for distinguished service in action. - 2 nN Wy ddd hn a = w CIVIC HOLIDAY MONDAY This Store Will Remain Closed All Day. The Sensational Sale of Summer Frocks CONTINUES TO-NIGHT *4, 69 ea. 3 \ Frocks in the very newest midsum- or >) mer fashions are here, in fact frocks [2 79 for every summer daytime and even- ing need are included in this great sale. Every model is exquisitely made of nest quality, Plain and Printed Voiles Novelty Crepes IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY MADE YOUR SE- LECTION, DON'T FAIL TO COME TO THIS SALE TONIGHT. 19 pr ® PURITAN MAID SILK HOSIERY cad Sk Fi the oe a oe aly, ow White, Sombrero, P Cham s Black, Parlo (pale foach, pagne, Nude, Tuskin, Orient Full F ashioned | Silk Hosiery 200 | 225 | 250 CHAMPAGNE OAKDUST TUSKIN NUDE BLONDINE CRANE (GREY) ATMOSPHERE A PHERE BLONDINE rien BLONDE SILVER ROSE POINT BLONDINE BLACK Men's White and Colored Broadcloth Shirts 1.98 Fashionable, well-tailored Sumiher | Shirts, each one has a seperate collar to match shirt, soft French cuff, in good generous sizes, from 14 to 17, The colore are ~~ "-. : ~ WHITE, MAUVE, PONGEE, (x