THE TOWN Tlks many qther things that have Been passed up, the old family um. | i8' no more. And worse luck, medium-sized umbrella of. a de- } B80 hag decreased fii size. The n had occasion to visit the mender's place the other F with what he thought Was a umbrella, and was informed repair spokes were no longer to The modern be Ned for it. protec- oF agaist rain is still smaller, and Perhaps after another decade it will 'be so small that we will do without. Thank heaven for the Women's In- stitutes even for one work t hereabouts--raising m hey are oney to 3 the village and township ceme- neat and clean. Perha Be will soon come when seglected graveyards will thelr deserted appearance and "blos- Kingston has a ifieent cemetery at Cataraqui, #om as the rose." ps the = Te ---- ---- VICTIMS AND NEAR VICTIMS OF OSHA { all the | cast off | 3 oven in that beautiful park-like fe the old tombstones and monu- OR many grave plots and the plots, which are de are pri- d, have long been neglect. | Perhaps the cemetery company adopt a policy whereby r receive atten-| ¥pols will the tion so that the beauty of the ceme- | tery as a whole may 5 " The twentycent place is not be Wry much in circulation and for a quarter of » spoiled. | again being | dollar. | 8 no nead of this silver bit in| coinage, and it should de | 8s fast as possible folks are finding nt piece in their Many | the change, {| fered now for "kicks" i 50 many deaths. | 1. Alexander McNab, son of Mr. Nab, 304 Golf street, who, with Harmony, was instantly killed "and also finding that it is passing for twenty-five cents. Old timers tell the Watchman that much whiskey was manufactured il here in the bar days, but there was ij 80 one in the trade who would stoop is being of- and causing They used to make squirrel whiskey from bluestone and to selling the poison that {| Some other ingredients, but it did not cause blindness and death. It made a man crazy drunk and gave him a desire to fight all the police men in the town, but he woke up next morning in fairly good condi. tion, ¥| Kingston ig Judging by the number of new residénces being erected this year, certainly growing. Per- manent road paving is chiefly the cause of the growth in sofe of the districts turthest away. Vietoria street has a lot of dew dwellings, and other parts of the oity also show up well with houses under construc- tion. In one section, however, a builder has spoiled the appearance of a group of buildings by getting one too many on a plece of ground. The symmetry is lacking. A civic or- dinance requiring buildings to be constructed a certain distance from the line of street would have avoid- ed cases of this kind. ~ Nowadays it appears to be, excep. tional for a pupil to pass the high school examination a the age of twelve, An old teach¥r tells the Watchman that forty ye 480 some pupils in his classes Pp d this ex- amination when nine years and a half, Ten and eleven-year-old boys and girls were the average, and a twelve-year-old was régatded as a third-rater. Now, of course, they do not push the pupils on so rapidly in the common schools as in those days. ------ Condition of Accident Victims. The condition of the three Perth viotims of the recent accident where- by they fell from a scaffold while shingling the roof of EB. Lee's rési- dence, Messrs. W. J, Rabb, Henry Allore and Robert Gamble, has con- siderably improved. Mr. Rabb, al- though etill confined to his bed, 1s improving steadily. Mr. Allore sa patient in the Hospital and, quite weak, is able to walk around. Mr. Gamble bas sufficiently recov. ered to be about but unable to res- ume his calling of a capenter yet, ee e-- Don't miss the opportunity star value prices on all suits, Saturday at Tweddell's, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- maple WA GAS TANK TRAGEDY : -------------- -- ~ PROBS: --Sunday, partly .cloudy, probably scat- tered showers. -- SATURDAY NIGHT AT 9.45 Saturday, July 31, 1926. ¢ || STEACY'S LIMITED | RECOVERING FROM A FRACTURED SKULL John Burns of Delta Returns Home From Kingston General Hospital. Delta, July 30.--John Burns, who received a fraétured skuli by ap ac- cident and who was receiving treat. ment in the Kingston General. Hos- pital, has returned home and is im. proving every day. The son and family of Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Davies, who reside st Am- herstburg, are the guests of his par. ents. Mrs, Henderson, of New York City, is with her parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna. Mra. doynt, of Lombardy, is at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Burns, Miss Teepel and friend, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, William Burns. Mrs, Howard Latimer has been on the sick list. Mps. Oscar Coleman, Mrs. Clarence Morris and Mrs. Morris, Sr. accompanied Mrs. Morris': brothers, the Messrs. God- kin's back to Watertown, N.Y., and will remain a few days for a visit. Kenneth Halladay and two friends, of Toronto, are camping at the lake. Miss O'Grady, of Lansdowne, who was at the home of Miss Cora Slack, has returned to her home. Miss Joanne Slack is with friends near Frankville for a few days, Several from here attended the social at Plum Hollow on Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Beymour Wylie and friends, of Windsor, were camping at the lake for a few days, occupying Mrs. B. B. Ostram's cot- tage and also were callers on & few 'of their relatives in this vieinity, Mrs. Wylie's mother, Mrs. Hattie Gifford, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gifford. Mr. Alfred Irwin made a businéss trip to Broek. ville récently., Mr. Pearce, the King. ston Whig's representative, was in the village on budthess. - The Sunday school plenic of the United church was successfully car- ried out at the Park grounds, de- Spite the threatening clouds on Wed- nesday afternoon: Several from here intend taking in the Sparks cireus in 'Brockville on Monday next, Miss Blsle Forsythe, of Ottawa, is spending part of hér vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, BJ Suffel. Mrs. Stella Preston and daughters; Orla and Mary, are visit. ing friends in Oak Leaf for a few days: Miss Bernice Jackson, of the Ottawa school staff, is holidaying With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Jackson Felix Breéeses one years, is | Friday night, is made up of five patrols, but at pre-B FORM NEW PATROLS FOR SUMMER MONTHS '§ New System of Troop Divi- sion For The Boy Soouts. A new system of troop divisiow for the summer months, was ustided | upon by the Court-of-Hénor of the 1st Kingston troop of Boy Seouts, | The troop regularly | sent, so many boys are out of town that it has been found necessary to break them up and form three new patrols, for the summer. Patrol- leaders are necessary, therefore, a hike is being held Monday for older boys to decide who will 8 the pairol- leaders, 4 The programme for the troop meet, Monday evening, was drawn up by the leaders, and it is to be a real busy nights -A section for badge instruction was alsorincluded, A boy applied to the Court.of -Honer for admittance to the troop. He was told to attend the meetings for the next three weeks, and he will thea be informed whether: hy is to be ad- mitted to the troop or not. ------------ Purchased Machinery. The Leeds and Grenville County Road Commission has purchased a combined tractor, scarifier. grader dod" rooter for work on counties' toads, It was bought from the Monet firm, of Montreal, for $2,950. A Present it is belog operated dy By- ron, White, Merrickville, on the Maitland-Stone's corners road and is giving excellent satisfaction. -------------- Death of Hagh Henrick, Mrs. Ernest Youker, Belleville, has received word of the death at Spokane, Washington, of Hugh Hen: rick, agéd twenty-one years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hearick, former fesidents. The young man was $I bit a few days, -------------- Evident, Doctor: What sent of night did Mejor Mopper spend? Mre. Mopper: He seemed a little Deevigh, doctor, he asked for water several times, Doctor: H'm, stil dilerious, appar. otly.--Opinion, London. ---- ai Experiments now in progress by the air service indicate the possibdil. ity of clarifying cloudy atmosphere by spraying with electrified sand from above. This suggests that fog may be broken up in the same way. Don't miss the opportunity star Yale prices on all suits. Sale ends Seturday at Tweddell's: There has been a 200 per cent. fn- crease in cigarette consumption both in this country and abrosd since the world war. : (reat $150,000 Merchandise Adjustment Sale ENDS Our doors will be closed from 6 to 7 Saturday night to-arrange x sensational array of LAST MINUTE BARGAINS that will be thrown on the Bargain Tables for the crowds who will be here, DOORS OPEN PROMPTLY AT 7 O'CLOCK a of PALM OLIVE SOAP 7 Q'clock Special _ 4 gross of 10c. a cake Palm Olive Sqap (limit of 4 cakes to a customer), WOMEN'S SILK HOSE 7 O'clock Special 10 Dosen regular $1.50 Chi. fon Silk Hose, a sensational last night of sale special. C MEN'S SWEATERS 7 O'clock Special : Promptly at 7 o'clock 12 only sizes 34 and 36 Men's oly Sonts that sold up to $5.00, Out *1.98 "7 O'clock Special 4 . Out 15 Women's All Weal Srl Coin regularly up to final cose $7.50, at out price. 3238 # A WOMEN'S DRESSES | 7Oclock Special One great group of Women's $15. Out they go at - TERRY TOWELS 7 O'clock Special Regular 50c. Terry Bath + Towels. Out they go at up fo \) k