THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG Wednesday, August 4, 1926. | ---- Founded 184 1 WE DRESS THE BEST DRESSERS EXPERT TAILORING New faces are constantly coming to our store to talk Tailoring. ¢ Our trade grows as our reputation for doing excellent work spreads. We study the individual man -- his face -- his figure and his requirements, and tailor him cor- rectly. BEAUTIFUL SUITINGS. TAILORED $ 45.00 up TO MEASURE LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk | | | | | CITY AND DISTRICT Two Drunks Appeared. Two local men were rounded up and were charged in police court Wednesday morning with being in toxicated In a public place. The usual fine of $10 and costs was im- posed. Boys In Trouble. A number of boys are charged With doing damage to lettey boxes 'at the corner of Princess and Victoria street. Postmaster James Stewar! has made an investigation and the matter has been reported to tHe po- lice. + BIR Improved Bridge. The bridge over Cataragui Creek on the Bath Road has been widened and a new fence has been built at this point by the Suburban Road Commission greatly improving this | point, which formerly was rather | dangerous. | -- -- Visiting His Grandparents. | John Amo, Jr, was a recent guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Grifin, Wolfe Island. Mr Amo has been employed for the past two years as ranchman for the Dear- {born fur farm on Galloup Islands, who raise silver black fox. | | { Gananoque Scouts. The Gananoque Boy Scbuts are | having the official opening of their | new headquarters to-night. Dr James W. Robertson, K.C. C.M.G., Chief Commissioner for Canada will open the new building. The of- | ficers of the Kingston Scouts wil! { attend the opening Back From South. George Mathewson, who has spent the last year in California, return- | ed to the city, to resume his duties as assistant to Mr. Disney, at 'tne Locomotive Works. His many friends are glad to see him back in his oli | home town. Mr. Mathewson is an | old Kingston ball-player, and is very | well known here. | | Hold Inquest To-night. An inquest will be held this eve- ning (Wednesday) into the death { of Daniel McLean, who was killed | at Collins Bay Tuesday, when he | was struck by an east-bound freight [ train. Coroner Dr. M. J. Morrisor [ win preside, and the inquest will he | held at the city police court at 8 | o'clock. Child Said To Be Here. A ohild was foumd drowned at Port Hope this week and Mrs Charles Jackson, aged nineteen, wae | arrested on suspicion. It was claim- | ed the infant was hers, When ques- tioned as to the whereabouts of her child ehe said it was in Kingston, Mrs. Jackson ig separated from her husband. a -- « Died From a Stroke. FAITH Our ceaseless efforts toward perfection in production and distribution of quality foodstuffs have engendered within us--faith in our quality and our values--faith in our policy and ideals--faith in our customers and friends. The happy culmination of these endeav- A. N. Young, librarian at the Geologica! Survey department, Ot- tawa, was stricken with paralysis while'on a week-end visit to his bro- {ther R. W. Young, Almonte The | party had just started homeward in an auto on Monday where he was attacked. A widow and a son sur. vive. He was sixty-five years of age. Given A Chance. A young lad in his 'teens, appear- ed in police court this morning charged with stealing two bicycles recently. The young fellow pleaded with the Magistrate for a chance and His Honor remanded the case for a week. The Magistrate waz de sirous of placing the boy on a farm where he will be well looked atter. Case Was Dismissed, A Barrie street resident appeared in police court Wednesday morn- ing, to raise objection to a Chinese laundry at the corner of Barrie and Clergy street west. Said citizen took some collars to the laundry, so as to get evidence against the Chinaman for operating a laundry, but the case { was thrown out in the Police Court | | Cherbourg and Southampton, | | | | .| visit Kingston and Bel 'eville. * 'their sons AUTO HIT BUGGY James Brant Was 'ngs to mateh. The groom was sup- | ported by Arthur Allman, After aj | lainty wedding dinner at the home of he bride the happy couple left by aotor for.Cobourg, Oshawa, Niagara | | Falls, Rochgster, N. Y., and Buffalo, | N.Y. i Yarker Resident Passes. 1 Lydia M. Hart, wife of the late W. | | J. Martin, of Yarker, Ont., passed away at her home, July Sth, at the | age of eighty-five years and nine | months. She leaves to mourn her || loss, one son, Frank S., at home, a | | daughter, Mrs T. C. Rogers, also al brother, Mr. H. L. Hart, of Solvay, | | N.Y.. and a sister, Mrs. Agnes Swit- | | zer, of Dexter, N.Y. The late Mrs. | | Martin was born at Napanee in 1840, | and at a very eary age moved to Har-| | rowsmith. In 1860 she moved on] | the place she left, having lived there | for sixty-five years, living a quiet | | Christian life Her many . friends | and neighbors regret her passing. Her husband predeceased her fifteen years. ------ Canadian" Pacific. City ticket office, 180 Wellington street, report the following steam- ship arrivals: : | Montcairn, from Quebec, due Bel- | fast and Glasgow, Aug. 5th Montcalm, from Montreal, Liverpool, Aug. 6th. Melita, from Antwerp, Southamp- on, Cherbourg and Cobh, due Que- bec, Aug: 6th. Minmedosa, from due due Aug Montreal, 5th, and due Antwe Metagama, from Quebec, Aug Tth. Empress of Russia, Kong, due Vancouver Empress of Asia due Hong Kong, Aug 6th. Liverpool, due from "Hong Aug. 9th. from Vancouver, 9th. LATE SOCIAL NEWS | te ett tet tet ad Mrs. George Garand and 'her son ire visitors in town from Staten Is- land, N.Y. v - - Mr. and Mrs. Jacques, Springfield, Mass., were guests at the Chateau Belvidere on Tuesday . . . Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brymner, London, Ont., are on a motor trip to Ottawa and Montreal, will also . - Mrs. R. S. Minnes and Miss Mar- garet Minnes, Ottawa, have left for Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays, where they will remain for a few weeks. - "oa - - Mr. and Mrs. George R. Towns- end, Winchester, Mass., arrived in town to-day for a short visit with the former's brother, Mr. Everett Townsend and Mrs. Townsend, "The Winston." . . * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knapp, Mrs. E. Hart, Mr. Orten Donnelly, Miss Evelyn and Mr. Edward Donnelly, Mr. Robert Hepburn and his grand- son, Harold, motored to Toronto for the week-end and were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank and 'Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hepburn. . * - * Rev. and Mrs. George Murray and Donald and Kenneth, London, Ont., motored to Kingston and are with Mrs. Murray's parents, Mr .and Mrs. F. Irwin, Barrie street. Later they will motor to Montreal. Miss Jean Irwin who has been visiting her sister returned to Kingston with her. AND HURRIED AWAY Injured on Way to a Picnic. Tyendinaga, Aug. 4.--James Brant Summer Time | Suggestions Protect Yourself from The Heat and Sun with these Cool, Striped Awning Materials Strong quality awning mater- ials in fancy stripes--the kind of fabric.that will withstand the sun and the rain equally well, and protect you from the glaring sun. The shades are Brown and Green and Grey, Navy and Grey, Grey. New Handbags of Leather Included in the collection are imported and Canadian made Hand Bags, in pouch or enve- lope models, possessing the de- tails that make for smartness. Unique designs and splendid leathers; unusual colors. Every bag a real value. Priced from $1.89 to $11.00 SUPER SILK HOSIERY The Big Hosiery Value That Leads All Others in Quality and Prjce. $1.50 pr. No other brand of popular priced Hosiery has the same améunt of fine texture Silk at so moderate a price as . Super-Silk Hosiery. 25 summer shades, White. including an EXQUISITE FRENCH CLUNY AT SPECIAL PRICES Just received by special import an assortment of beautiful, French Cluny, consisting of Doylies, in small, medium and large sizes; round or oblong; Run- ners, etc., and a delightful display of many other pieces priced exceedingly low, for quick clearance. 150 YARDS SILK CREPES SPECIAL 119 « YARD Values up to $2.50 yard. A drastic reduction in the price of a large assortment of lovely Summer Silk Crepes. Ma ny of i them with pretty brocaded de- signs, in all the favorite shades that are popular for this season of | oe ae his lube, - Tastes bright, gay things. Brant's assistance, while the "joy All priced at less than half their was driving along the highway, go- ing to the picnic at MacFarlane's Grove, when a car ran into the back of his buggy, then into the horse, upsetting" him into the ditch, the by the Magistrate with costs paid ors is the realization that these same custom- by the complainant, Late 'Mrs, Mary Gibbs. ers and friends have abiding faith in us and fi; : . | The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary { Gibbs ook place Monday. at 10.30 our methods. A Favorite With Every One HIS tailored dress is Deco ' ing to all tyves , of women and it can be made in all sizes from 32 to 48. You may use either light, wool or silk materials™ for it and at our piece- goods t will find a large assort: ment to choose from. {a.m., Rev. de Pencier Wright of- | ficiating, at the residence of her 1! niece, Mrs. Margaret Huvcke, 25 | Anderson Bros. Ltd. |5=2555% riders' rode on in their glory, never ; looking to see what damage they usual price. had done. SRA P RASPBERRIES Fresh Every Morning | For hot weather have a case of Gurd's Ginger Ale in the house. w----ldme Juice. Grape Juice. =----Canada Dry Ginger Ale. had been in ill health for the past month, The pall-bearers were Messrs. F. Tackalberry, H Brown, | W. Cottey, T. Connor and J. Brown. | © ma---- | Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Entertain. | Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Griffin, Wolfe FOR SPORTY VACATION WEAR . . : Knickers to match . For genuine coolness and com- fort during the hot weather vaca- tion, a suit of Khaki will be wel- come, : Ci was eighty-three years of age, and WHOLESALE AND- RETAIL AAAs asses | 'Island, were completely surprised on } Saturday by the arrival of an auto lj containing their two daughters and fi their families, Mr. and Mrs. John Provision Dealers KINGSTON } were accompanied by Mr. ani Mrs. Amo and family, Amesbury, "iass.. hn Ard had a J Roy Fowler and two dahgiters. i They left for their respective homes, | Tuesday, reporting Wilfe Island a wonderful place to visit for a good time. Manufacturers of Limerick Brand Hams, Bacon, Lard, Sausages, Cooked, Roast and *6976-- Sine 36 requires enh : 3% yds. of 39-inch material or , of Sinch. Always Buy BUTTERICK PATTERNS Including DELTOR ahhh al