Mond .y, August 9, 1926. The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public F orum and a T The British Whig KINGSTON. ONT. KD ADVERTSIN pC AEG Proper classification, snd to ihe Tegular Daily Whig style of type. Ce line or consecutive ne Bally rate Fsertions: Minimum charge, 26 BARTS «cov soavns sunsnncs 8 days .. o wes B : EET kugiguisita. das' as, one insertion charged, §i. $1.00. han and Memoriam a Cake: $1.50; cash, $1.00 each ising ordered 1 Wregsliar inserth ns takes the one-time inger- rats; no ad taken for less Laan of four i unt six average words to the ads. will be received by and 1 Raid st The Brit- ) hig Office within § days from Brat date of insertion, essh rate ordered for more than one day « fore expiration will god mber for the ay Be oT earned. apace ve wes np te : 5 : : : £ E g is type. r yearly advertising e the right to edit all Classified advertising 243; ask for a waat ad. 3 ~ = ¥ " 8 1 i i i d £8 it i JAMES REID Old Firm of Undertakers ¥ "Phone 147 for Ambulance 3 10th, at 9.45 a.m. to St. Mary's Ca- where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy re- fary's Cemetery. Priends and acquaintances respectfully IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. James Freeman, who pass- ed away August 10th, 1925. cen ls. vy Daily retes per line Charge Cash | Just ona year ago, How we miss you, mother dear, We remember all your kindness, As we drop a silent tear. The call was short, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear, Always so good, unselfish and kind, Few on this earth your equal we find So sleep, dear mother, in God's loving Our deep loss, we are trying to bear, For now we know, God thought it best, To take you home with Him to rest ~~Ever remembered by husband, son "Lost and Found Lost, with small change purse inside, on' Princess St. Finder please return to 232 Brock St., and receive reward. A FRIENDSHIP PIN--Lost, Gold Band, circle, initials M. I. G. Reward if re- A BPEADED BAG Monroe 8t., Media, Penn., U.S.A. Owner may have same at 140 Collingwood Street. BLACK ONYX RING---Found on Satur- da Owner may have same at 237 and 256 PRINCESS STREET Help Wanteg Female Help Wanted 3 | COOK~~References required. Apply to | Howard Folge Mrs. r, 1 Emily Stgeet. COMPETENT MOTHER'S HELP -- Or 800d general gervant, immediately. Ap- ply eh: Geo. Bo! son, 15 % . bam &t. 'Phone 1388-w. COOK GENERAL --By August 16th, for country home, three miles from city on bus route; no laundry. Apply Mrs. C. C. Abbott, Glen Wrente R1, King- ston, or Box C3, ig Office. EXPERIENCED GENERAL MAID wl) "Phone 1507-w. CED, YPUNG LADY... Or EXPERIEN woman ranted 8 SEX in Srocss: store. ply, st ng experience salary Ann. to Box H-3, Whig Of- ce, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN -- For light housework. Ope in family. Refer- Sncss required. "Apply at 396 Princess " Btreet. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER ~~wanted. Experienced preferred. State full particulars. Apply Box E-8, Whig Office. Male or Female Help Wanted 8a $3 SELL--HouseholM necessities, great- est imaginable demand; have business of your own; make five dallars up dally; capital or experience mnnéces- Ty. Domestio Product Distributors) sa Brantford, "Male and Female Help Wanted 85 MEN AND BOYS WANTED --To te ronize J. W. Curson's Barber Shop. Men's hair cuts, 235¢. Shaves 10c. Boys' hair cuts, 16c. Ladies 25c. 201 Wel- lington Street. \ Agents Wanted + CARPENTERS SQUARE-- Found, on Mack Street. Owner may have same by calling at 57. Chatham Street. DOMINION BANK BOOK---Found, cor- ner Barrie and Johnson Streets. Own. er may have same at the Whig Office. GENTLEMAN'S WATCH Prince George Hotel, i CORNELIUS jon 0 and Embalmer . Parlors: ¥74 Princess Street ie lance Phone 6869 Owner may have same by applying to E. Walmsley, R. 1, Napa- nee. KEY---On chain, found, corner of Brock | and King Streets. Owner may have) £ ah XNl ySNSALNER and Tae Ambulance 'phone 33. ' P. H. ROBERTS, Es Undertaker and Embaimer, AMBULANCE. Sydenham, Ont. Phone 20. same at Whig Offi ONE GREY END BOARD For truck lost in Eastern part of city on arpe, Sunbury, Ont OF GLASSES--Lost between Ci- and Court House, Dr. Asselstine's name on. 154 University Avenue. PURSE---Found on Princess Street Sat- Owner may have same ving at 107 Clergy Street, near ~ | cut FLOWERS ARTE en Rai ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. PEARL NECKLACE Lost on Friday evening, in Victoria Park. Finder please phone 516 PAIR OF GLASSES--In a case found on Division street, on Wednesday night. Owner may have same by apply'ng at 127 Divison Street. : Classified Display Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wellington Sts. Phone 2051 STRAW HAT---Found on McDonald St. Tuesday, August 3rd. have same at 77 Kensington Avenue. Help Wanted Male Help Wanted BOYS--Wanted to sell webk-end pape to Harold J. Smith, cor. Barra Ww. KENT MACNEE EXPERIENCED BUTCHER--For pork Steady work; good pay. Ap- ply at once to Anderson Bros. RELIABLE SALES AGENTS----Wanted Hd for every unrepresented distriot; largest and complete stock, six hundred acres. Nursery establishéd forty Years. Our agenty is valuable. Write Dow and secure territory. [Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, MAN OR WOMAN--TO travel and ap- point agents. Yearly guarantee $1092 (being $21 weekly average), and ex- penses. Experience 'unnecessary. For particulars write Winston Ce.. Toronto. $500 MONTHLY -- selling Magic Gas. $1 can equals 3 Ballong gaso- less. Proven merits. Your name on cans. Write quick for particulars and proof of this statement. P. A. Lefebvre & Co. Alexandria, Ont., Canada. Ly THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG OUT OUR WAY. rue Market Place BY WILLIAMS... Business Services Ladies WH - OH -A-A I Jes aot UP MY NERVE TOH ASK "UH -TUH DO ME A FAVOR, BLOSSOM ~A- UH WILL HUH MARRY / ME, BLOSSOM? {PERMANENT WAVING Jawlliams 1920 # wea semvice. me, J LABOR LOST. Real Estate For Sale Business Services a -- ' Halr Parior 2 ALL FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK 5 MADE le ORDER --Ladies' Transfors | mations, bobbed Suris, Switches, sham. Roving, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Bingham. $8 Bey Somer, Mit, gouAr 1 mm, tree Telephone 299%. y "i FRENCH MARCEL WAV] Water Waving, Round and WING 3 Curling, Hair Bobbing and Trimm}; § Facial and Scalp Treatment. 3 Attention sre to Ral Drang, (TE vitzer, ucen Street. 1 polntmeni 'phone 3016. - »! For the very latest In Ladies' LADIES' EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE PARLOR. A. B. KINGSBURY. 209 Princess Street. 'Phond 3018 | ------ Auctioneers 24a, AUCTIONEERS--Expert service. modes! rate charges. We can sell anythl 3 &nywhere, any time. 'Phone $91 Le Murray's Auction Rooms, Mar) 3 Square. Insurance FIRB--Automobile and Casual losure nee. A fumley, 4:0 Earl Street 'Phone 1783-M. Y rey 5 INSURANOCE--Gnly ths most reliable companies represented. Strange Strange, established in 1860 Ottice: Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. ERNIE D. SLITER-Insurance a Hy g fe a Se all branches of lneurance in oid companies of highest fix ncial s ie ing. 281 King Street East. 'Phones 25(8-w. Res, 1131. Decorators A. ANDERSON---Palnter and Decorator. Shop and residence 'phone 1986. Of fice 283 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--ADd paper done now. Irices reasonable. k paper for zaie. Horton, 145 Collings Wood Street. 'Phone 3084-J. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIN Ge Shingling and all kinds of re work done promptly. Kelly Bros, 23 Earl Street, near Barrie 8. SIGN PAINTING--J. 5. Robinson, Peat 2i6 bagot Street . Auto Tops and Cush Teachers Wanted 3 PROTESTANT TEACHER -- Qualified, wanted for 8. 8. No. 4, Olden. Salary 700 per year. Apply Chas. Walker, lountain Grove, Ont. TWO PROTESTANT TEACHERS..First and second class; certificates for vil- lage sohool, Junior and Senior rooms; Fifth class in senior room. Salary J200 and $800 per annum. Apply stat- DE experience and copy of testimon- als to Walter W. Barr, secrétary- treasurer of 8 8. No. 12, Olden, Moun- tain Grove, Ont. . Real Estate For Rent to 345 Princ SIX ROOMED HOUSE-- Gas and elec tric Mght. 21 L. University Avenue. 'Phone 760-w. t STONE HOUSKE--233 Brock Street, elec- tric light and gas, hardwood floors, h Immediate possession. Apply to James Reid, 254 Princess St. SOLID BRICK HOUSE ~ Centrally lo- cated; all modern equipment. Trotter, Trotier's Hardware, ess Street. ', water heating. rooms, modern, south arden, hen house, garage. Terms. $5100--Briok Denaalon, 6 Ge ) mod-| IL G. PAUL--Specialist for new or re- rtains, Slip Covers, Se~ ng and decking, wind- exchange. t farms, near city, would exchange shield and body glass Dut in while you Houses and Flats to let. Insurance--Money to loan. ning boards, waterproof 351 Princess ~ lins and awnings made Financial FRONTENAC LOAN AND § MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated 3 1861. President, A. D. Tiw. 2 Vice-president J. M. Farrell Money oh loan on hy and farm properties; mj. vestment. Bonds bought and sold} 53 posits received and interost paid : minimum monthly balance. = ge Cartwright, manager. &7 Clarence St Ts Articles For Sale Fuel ana Feed 397 DIVISION STREET -- 6 roomed house, 3 p. bath, h.w. floors, furnace. $25.00 per month. 1826-m. GO TO TALBOT'S LUMBER YARD-- Concession street, for used lumber at A NUMBER---Of Boys' and Girls' cycles, including some Cleveland and Massey sport models. Also Apply Muller's, 371-8738 King St. E., 'Phone 1961-w. shingles, lowest p And mixed wood, soft and mixed slabs. Phone for prices. HARD COAL COKE---Limited su Apartments and Flats 7 APARTMENT-- Sydénham A rtments, Broek test, 4 oom ahd Bath room r , © refrigerator, rdwood fore Apply 69 Brock Street. SYDENHA APARTHENTS...4 rooms, ya Apply 186 Queen 3 piece bath, heate Street or 'phone 11 UNFURNISHED FLAT---Containing rooms, kitchen and bathroom, at BsY Princess Street, Apply to James Reid, eet. 354 Princess Str BED SITTING ROOM--With board, al- 80 3 adjoining rooms. three or four persons. "Phone 2257. FURNISHED ROOMS--Al Centr: 'Phone, 2766-F. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Married couple preferred. Every con- Apply In evening to 357 Bagot Street. TWO FRONT ROOMS---Nicely furnish- ed. Apply 313 University Avenue or 'phone 352- Ww. $10.00 ton for this month only. coal, $7.00 ton, all rescreaned | elivered. Clinkers, Fine cindérs $1.00. Especially suited Soft slabs, $3.00; Peat, 20 ton, 2 cart. lington, cor. Ordnance. LUMBER-Rough an hingles and lath a wood flooring, Resawing and plani Streets. 'Phone $89. ansatod drs Se slonistens sll Neal, 624 JoLuson St. "Phone 2040. BABY CARRIAGE--Library table, ped- and ete, very reasonable. dressed, algo t a finish hard- kinds, stovewood BABY CARRIAGE-Round, white wick~ er, perambulator style; good condition. ; refrigerators. a port on oll cookers iso oheap congoleum rugs. Turk's Store 'PHONE 705. ' FIREMEN-~Brakemen, Beginners $180, later $250 monthly; also clerks, per- NEY AT HOMBE-You San to $2.00 an hour in your spare time writing showcards. No can- ing or selciting; we Instruct you supply you with work. . Write to- he Menhenitt Com PY porters--What the Merch- ants Are Offering. More Montmorency Cherries ex- 3 pected Tuesday at Carnovsky's. A new heating system is being in- stalled in the Gananoque high school. at James Reid's. is under treatment. ~ Swaine, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street jie west, 'phone 564w, and not Monchieff. NOTES FROM PHILIPSVILLE. Philipsville, Aug. 6.--Mrs. Stev- Athens, is visiting at the home son, Roderick Stevens. Mrs. : + Charles, and Mr, and Mrs, Charles ames, of "To- 7 ledo, were callers '® recently, Miss 5 Lola Ch ; Lombardy, is a guest o Miss Helena Wood's. Among those : 0 wera on a Sunday at nes' Falls, d Mr. and Mrs. M Seed, Toronto, is enjoying a short visit with Mrs. Chisholm and Mrs. Seed. Mrs. Har- spen week-end here. 33 has returned to after a visit to her r er, Mrs... RA ed, 21 Dominion Ballding, YOUNG MAN WANTED--High Sch Business aces 5 OFFIOES--For rent, large and small offices, In the Bibby Building. Ter: 3 to suit tenant upon application to BR D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. STORBS--Centrally located on Prince Street. All heated and with rear on ge trances, Also rooms suitable for lo. of Sub profises Saaleq, Apartments for ren . h "Phodie 3000; TV? I Coben & Co THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS--On bath flat. Suitable for light keeping. All conveniences. Jenking Street, or phone 1319- Apply 164 Nelson Street 5 A F. and Jeunié A, Chiro BUILDING MATERIAL--AS we fife re- modeling.our big store, we have taken out all kinds of lumber, 1-5, 6-7.30." Consultation f; rendevous. Campo, For Sale or To Let WHEN PASSING--Thro in Athens doors and windows; also bricks. Come and ees it; the prices will*be right. at the rear of our ramsky & Son, Ltd. S$ PRACTITIONER wo. W. A. corner of Barrie and Prin- ments, electric treatments and service. ugh or stopping nt your light refreshments at Dick's Bazaar. hours. Tourists and commercial You can see thi store. Jaseph A 259, 261, 268, 2656 Princess Street. Storage STORAGE---For furniture, clean, alcy rooms and spaces; your own ¢ and key. Frost's Chey Storage, 3 305 Queen St. 'Phone 536. Kes. 989 or 1933+J. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE--For furniture or any merchandise, JB proof building. Phone 1000 or 117 RR AR TI TR Miscennancous ASHES--Cleaned out of Yards, ciean job done. A. 24 Russell Street. 'Phone ASHES-~Removed from yard §- lars; general Sarting. Airst & wood tog. sale, iimates 3 Huckley Transfer. 143 or 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. ae ng CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. «= U Princess Street, mowing and Tal i &lso general team-work done. given. 'Phone 1507-J. FOR REAL RADIO SERVICE. * 1207. Open evenings. Batte charging; rentals; delivery. Radio Stores. YOUR RADIO-- Wants promptly plied. 'Phone 207. Open eve Canada Radio Stores. Charleston Lake nEArby. ree. Hours 9-13 esidence 'phone 957-7. CROSSLEY DE FORREST--3 tube ra- dio set; full equipped with asrial and raduate preferred; one that wants to ng the furniture business. is really & gplendid opportunit HEARD ON THE STREET Local Briefs Gathered by Re- ve an interview wit oseph Abramsky & Sons, Limited. STREET RAILWAY MEN HAD A FINE OUTING Spent a Jolly Time at Brews . er's Mills on Sun- A layer felt Simmons Mattress only $8.50, on sale at James Reid's. Rev. Dr. Baldwin preached Mn Grace Church, Gananoque, on Sun- The employees of the Street Rafl- way Company held their annual pie- at Brewer's Mills. It was a stag affair, and only the em- ployees attended. The. party left the eity in auto- mobiles, about § a.m., and they spent the entire day at the picnic grounds. Fishing, swimming, other sports passed the about forty bass were taken by the party in addition to other less pal- jatable fish. Mr. Roy Marchand was in charge of the refreshments, and he looked after the job in a very capable way, but found plenty of time to catch some of the largest of the fish. Mr. Bruce Reid and Mr. Benjamin Watson looked after other details of the entertainment. An all steel Simmons Bed, Spring and Mattress, $25, at James Reid's. nic on Sunday, See our window display of Sim- mons' Beds, Springs and Mattresses Mrs. Watson Stewart, Plum Hol- low is a patient in Hotel Diou, She In an obituary notice published in the Whig on Saturday, the name should have read Mrs. Moncrieff, Houses 9 COTTAGE--4 rooms, 158 Bagot St. elec. tric light, toilet. Possession at once. Apply No. 2, Miller Lane. FRAME HOUSE -- All im rovements, garage, 304 Collingwood Street. Ap- ply 169 Raglan Road, or phone 1472-J. FINE RESIDENCE -- West end, nea Jistoria Park, eight rooms, h.w. a nace, oors, 3 p. bath, ga Slectrielty, verandah. Possession © ot once. * ° or a 34 - tenac Street. ply Fron FRAME HOUSE . 6) Livingston Ave. AL iblovements; 25 per rey Gar- arden. one 110 for information. t rag 3 653 JOHNSTON STREET New brick détached house, light, gas, garage, ga 1528-m, 8. 8 Real Estate For Sale Princess Street. ee eet HIGH CLASS TAILORING-A fow suits left at greatly reduced prices, with terms of payment, some- good for small money. SKIN BLEMISHES Warts, Birthmarks, 8, Scars, Pi removed pirmanent. hy asse, furnished after s ave ay Golire cured without years' experience. Dr. Farms and Land 301w. House 1135J GRAIN SEPARATOR---A Victor Mathew Moody, 22" x 36"; adapted for tractor FARM-~100 acres, § miles from ton. 80 acres under cultivatiod, run- water, hén houses for 200 hens. y to Leond®d Gordon, Only used a short time. 00d as new. WII sell at a ver, uced price for q Ernest A. Sharp, Ont. PRICE FOLGER-- 238 Kingston. Practice limit. throat. Hours: 10 30 4 Lorne Isla neighbors. URNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOW $e 5 and 7 rooms with fireplaces and sordened verandahs; $26 rest of seagon; Eastview Park: ¢ miles from Kingston. Apply J. D. Boyd. Telephone "2784-18 at view, - 8 ROOMED HOUSE -- To 1 Charles t ; eleotric Tight and po. re 7 house, Mn improvements, ace. iy to F. Norman. 69 Pat- n Apply t HOUSE--Newly deco- rated, lot, North Al. Red. A y 3D. 'Phone 2754 use in shops, is so finely constructed that it will weight anything from a human hair to articles of 40 ibs. Argentine's government meat packing plants slaughteréd 3,300, 000 head of sheep and cattle in the past year. L ce FARM TO LET OR ON SHARES On 275 acres, 20 cows, good wher can work in winter ut waged. Apply John Landon, nsdowne, Ont. Houses MOTOR SKIFF--2 cylinder, deck, fishing box, seats and backs, cheap for 165 Queen Street, phone 1780F. PROVIDE-For that cne life that is spent in bi Rest" at Frontenac M 1961J., 377 King St. leather cushions for 'Barristers ana Solicitors 21b ec. 161 W . Wd selling attréss Co. Phone phone DRICK HOUSE--Overiooking City Park Hot water heating. Liv . ing room, Kitchen, hard Tixe bedrooms. Mode: tric lighting. gocd condition. ston and price is-low the best situated houses in the city. Cunningham, Agent, Clarence Street. ran Johnson and Division Siréets 'Phone S39-w. . u! RESIDEN ck A welghing-machine, designed for hot water heating, e w east wick sale. of Toronto nied. lock HOUSE--On stone foun- 2 sioreyy and attic, th M. MeCLARY RANGE--In first class condi. tion; bh. w. fyont. Expert Plaso Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting. Phone 1544. "5 C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED UPHOLSTERIN GeeAna general ing. leave orders at or drop & to F. W, Harold, 104 Clergy 'Phone 1600-J. Automobiles ~ Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO TOF AND BODY lakers of Auto, Buggy. Boat and ushions, Commergial, Coupe bodies, California Tops snd helstering. Awnings ang 247 street. 'Phong 2045. NORDPHEIMER PIANO tion. Appiy 108 Lpwer NOW Is ihe time to decorste lawns and cemete an i ing- Uwner 8 Jodving King Mortgages a REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barris: - EY hy ° is Shand Soliet SHEA---Ambrose, Solicitor. Law O and Brock, over e 380. Pa ge Wire loan. "Phons ks. lating in Silver, A og il FUL BARBY BOY.For adop+ vite lmmed stoty to Box ars e's © To you want to buy or rent houses classified ads. Automobiles ror Sale ' DODGE TOURING CAR Ap | cash. Apply 37 L. ry re. Jeg -------------------- HAYN URING-- room oily car read ph of extras. Car in fine cond Apply 305 Alfred Btreet. * ERRAND CAR~ § Passenger, 78. of er; new} Sa ee . or gu ply L. T. Best, FUER lat. > alive you read the number NS appearing in the Classi tion that are o for ¢ 7 I pen for those 0 BY GEORGE BRINGING UP FATHER # in 288 LL GO D AND. SEE. W E 1S GETTIN MAN'S INJAIL SISTER |] Ls its So an SES RCE | @ - &