omparison Sale OF FUR COATS In Hudson Seal, French Seal, Beaverine, Muskrat and Persian Lamb--at attractive prices. John McKay Ltd. 149-1567 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON - VANITY TALC IN 25¢ TINS A new toilet requisite by Richard Hudnut Branigan's hi LIMITED 268 Princess Street n FURS | Toke Wrigleys Spearmint, Juicy Fruit or he delicious Nips or Doublemint, SILER] THE PURITY mn many ; BUY. ADVERTISED GOODS ' The Sure Way To A Square Deal | i Pickling Spices, | i Sealers, | Mills & Company's Bullding. -- Considerable surprise was express- {ed by hundreds of citizens who view- fed the iron roof that was torn off the | George Mills & Co, building during lithe storm early Saturday morning. Nearly 3,000 feet -of heavy galvan- ized iron were blown up and turned over as if It were paper. |@bout occasionally, | It was the most remarkable dam- |age to any building from storm that {ever took place in Kingston, and is [the more remarkable because of the {apparent splendid condition of the {iron that was lifted and turned {over in one large piece. The build- ling covered is quite high, and ex- | posed, but the roof was not old, the building having been erected |in 1907, and the roof has never |Biven the slightest trouble since the {day it was laid. Unusual enterprise was shown in {making the necessary repairs hur- {riedly, for by 8.30 a.m. no less than fifteen carperjers ana tinsmjths Were put on the job, and by Satur- day evening a new Barrett roof had been started and reached a stage where the roof was again water- tight, The accident caused considerable trouble and expense to the Bell | Telephone Company, as many of | their wires leading into many nearby storés were attached to the roof, and it took many hours' work to renew the telephone service of, those who were inconvenienced by having {no telephone connection for most of |the day. | Photographs of the building and roof, taken shortly after the dam- of the George Mills & Co. windows and are attracting unusual interest. rt ened DESERONTO eters st eet Deséronto, Aug. 9--Messrs. H. N. Robertson, R. Adsit, K. 8. Amey, M. Moss of Kingston; W. Billings, R. E. Wemp, C. Aylward, W. Phillips and wife, K. Phillips, W. H. Morri- son, M. D. Jones, A. E. Camegon, G. Madren, W. Nurse, G. F. Engring- ham, W. G. Long, A. Hudson and wite, H. S. McNeil of Toronto; R. Simser of Fenelon Falls; P. Thomp- son of Lindsay; T. A. Webster of Gananoque; H. Maney of Newark, N. The roof if | had every appearance of being struck Eby a4 western tornado that we read THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 1 REPAIRS T0 THE ROOF WERE MADE IN HURRY {Unusual Enterprise at George | Mr. [NEW BOOTH FIXED | FOR VICTORIA WARD Frank Purdy, the Regis~ trar, Will Sit at Mr. Stover's on Alfred Street. | When the registration officers | were announced in the press a good ldeal of dissatisfaction was vojced {by the residents of Victoria Ward that their place of registration was |at the Court House~in Mr. Frank Purd®'s office, instead of in the ward {as demanded by the Dominion Elec- tion Act. The Court House is in Sydenham Ward, and is about a quarter of a mile from the nearest point of Victoria Ward. . The matter was brought to the at- tention of Mr. Ambrose Shea, the secretary of the Kingston Liberal Association, who immediately took the matter up with Mr. Frank Hoag, the returning officer. Mr, Hoag promised to look into the matter at once, and arranged to have the place of registration for Victoria Ward jmoved from the Court House to Mr. Stover's on Alfred street. Mr. Stover keeps a grocery store on Alfred street just off Union Btreet, and the registration office is now in a very convenjent place. o Fr------an Had 'Jolly Picnic. On July 31st, a very enjoyable day was spent at A. Card's Grove, at the foot of Long Lake, when over fifty cousins apd friends of the Card and Vannest -families assembled for an enjoyable picnic. The cousins from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, Toronto; Mrs. Sloupe and | son, Fred, From Carthage, N.Y., also | Miss Evelyn Card, nurse-in-training, New York City. At about 2.30 the | cable, which has served in past | years, looked very tempting as the | guests sat down to a sumptuous din- joer, while all joined in the singing |of an appropriate chant. After din- ner several pictures were taken and the afternoon was spent in social amusements. -------------- Ratification of the debt agree- ments with the United States and Great Britain will not be asked of the French parliament until Octo- ber. A mt te Ea Beautiful ens | FANCY LINENS > Including Madeira, Trays, Ovals, Runners and Lunch Cloths at Cluny, Karrick Macross and Filet; Doylies, popular prices. MADEIRA SERVIETTES, SPECIAL $4.50 DOZEN 3 Huse Linen Hand Embroidered Madeira Serviettes -- full size and be utiful quality that woul retail regularly at $6.50 dozen. Tuesday .......... $4.50 dozen "ROYAL LINEN" CLOTHS AND NAPKINS Presenting the very finest e Cloths and Napkin designs are here in all sizes and specially priced. Truly, try Shaw's first | range of beautiful, pure Irish Linen match. All the new floral and period for Linens, 8 to IRISH EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES These are really lovely goods, and prettily embroidered. At two low prices. One group in fine Linen-finished Cotton at ends with hemstitched or scalloped coven... $1.25 each. The others in pure Irish Linen at reer devine... $2.50 each, D. A. SHAW. Limited THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE KINGSTON'S CARBET WAREHOUSE Trimmed Hats Clearing at 98¢ ea. Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET ~~ PICTON R. J WOLFE ISLAND CROPS Candidate, Will Make a Wolfe Island, ng REAL ESTATE] ARE OF THE BEST . Bushell, the Progressive |i FOUR GOOD Buys LOCATIONS f ll $2,600--Colborne St., brick, 7 [i | rooms, electric, B. and C., | 890d yard and barn. Fine Run on Island. a Aug. 7.--A great Ji; C. 8. Brutus of Brantford; W. B. Dufort, C. 8S. Stone of Montreal; T. | D. Goodfellow and wife of Bolton; E. F. Broadhead of Hull, Que.; B. Miller, H. Cheetham of Oftawa; D. Minerton and wife of Troy, N.Y.; BE, J. Sexsmith of Napanee; C. B. Young Mrs. A. B. Young, Miss K. Young of { Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. V. Stumpf of | Eureka, I1l.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Jelli- | son of Hammond, Ind.; Mr, and Mrs. A. Campbell. and son of Montreal and H. 8. Cool of Cobourg were cal- j lers In town. Mr. and Mrs. BE. W. Howard of | Oshawa, are the guests of Mr. and | Mrs. M. Luffman, Ottawa, for a tow | days. Mr. Clarence Convert and wife of Cleveland, ONio., are the guesto of his mother, Mrs. F. Convert for al [few days. Mr. Fred Armitage re-| | ports the loss of his Ford car. It wi stolen, by persons unknown! | sometime: after 11 o'clock Saturday | | night. Tracks leading from Mr. Ar-| | mitage's farm show that the car | { went in an easterly direction. It is | hoped that the thieves will be appre- | | hended in the near fusure. The damage done to our building by the | storm on Friday night will not affect the famed event -- our August Sale urs. No Furs wer ich- ed, just some Hats in our reserve depart- ment that we will dis- pose of in bulk, wholesale. The Deséronto fire department Our August Sale of Furs, {had two calls Saturday night. The | Which to "some folks may sound first one was about 10.30 to the |B QUOer, is attracting buyers, as corner of Centre and Dundas street, |[§ the news of it spreads. Our where a large cross, presumably er- | Store ay closed part of Satur. ected by members of the Ku Klux | . 10 our sone. 1a the dam Kian was burning. No damage re- first sale made afterour doors od : The second call came about 12.40. | Persian Tot Ga Sur Popular A large storehouse on 'the wharf fill | ed with about twenty tons of hay | This Sale offers ee ---- and grain was destroyed. The butld- | | ing was burned to the ground. The i firefighters were unable to save the | bullding and contents, as it was of such flamable material. However, 1t was confined to this the dock. The men worked until 8 am. be- fore the flames were extinguished. The buildi and contents were owned by Mr. Fred Perry, of Na anee. It Is covered by insurance. k is thought that the fire was caused | by spontaneous combustion. building and: At Lavant Station. Station, Aug. 9.--Miss } Cora Barr, Lanark, visited for a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Robert Barr." Mrs. Joseph Burke, Sharbot Lake, is visiting friends here, 'Mrs. Harold Warner, of Caldwell' Mills, Spent a few days recently vith Mrs. John Thomas. Mrs. T. Barrie and baby, Margaret, are visiting at James | Barrie's, Watson's Corners. "a Mer- Mul- and number of farmers have finished x Picton, Aug. 9---Consecon Camp closed on Thursday for this year, after having accommodated first the boys of the United Church of Prince Edward District, who were followed by the Canadian girls in training of the same district, who in turn gdve | Some fields of grain are beginning way for about forty children of the show signs Belleville Shelter, who thoréughly will be general in about ten days. The recent showers have retarded their work somewhat. The quality of the hay is exceptionally good, and is above the average in Juantits. 0 enjoyed their two weeks' outing at this delightful camp. The children ranged in age from twelve years down, and were under the care 'ef Miss Harris, the matron of the shel- ter. On Thursday afternoon, a small party went up from Picton to visit the camp, among whom were Capt. Payton, of the Salvation Army, B. Welsh of the Childrens' Aid, and Mr. R. W. Williams. Capt. Payton enter- tained the children with solos, ae- companying «himself with the accor- deon and banjo, and also led the children in chorus singing, to the great delight of the youngsters, who love to do things themselves by way of entertainment. Miss Harris expressed the gratitude of those in charge of /the shelter at having such a fine cdmp and equipment placed at their disposal free of charge, and assured them that one and all would not soon forget their camp' at Con- secon Lake. » Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shaw, Toronto, were week-end visitors in town. Mrs. C. N. Ruttan and Harold left Wednesday for Bobcaygeon, where Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Whadttam of Oshawa have their summer camp. They will spend several weeks with | growth the past couple of weeks. Po- tatSes give Promis titul crop. . Edward Lyons and his niece, Miss Offord, Chicago, are vigiting rela- tives here. Mrs. Kate Bower, De- sister, Mrs. Herbert Leakey. Mrs. Sauve and her daughter, Miss Peggy Cleveland, O., are registered at the Connolly House, Kerd's Bay. Miss Mary Gray, Perth, is holidaying with her cousins, the Misses MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Spoor with their daughter Miss Doris, Buffalo, N.Y. days with the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Spoor. Dr. and Mrs. Millan spent the week-end here with rela- tives. Miss Doris McAddo is visit. ing 'her aunt, Mrs. McAddo, Pitts- burg township. Sandy McDonald, Windsor, is here on a visit to his aunt, who is ger. fously fil. Mrs. Thomas Conley spent a few days In Syracuse, N.Y., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Spoor ar- rived home this week having motor- ed from Macon, Miss. Dp, and Mrs, Doyle, Tweed, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Danfel MacLaren. | The corn crop is making excellent |i troit, was a recent guest with her |! are enjoying two weeks holi- |i {and Mrs. Raymond Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Whattam, - A.motor party from Detroit com- posed of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wilson daughters Mary and Ruth, and son Tom, also Mr. and Mrs. George Bu-: chanan spent several days with Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Powers and family. Mr. W. W. Williams who has been undergoing treatment at Toronto General Hospital for several weeks, Louise, the, young daughter of Mr. Senden haying, the remainder are making || rapid progress towards completion, || of ripening. Harvesting | |i | Building lots 88 x 120 to a lane way. $85.00 and f being a boun- | [ii was brought home from the hospital by her parents, on Friday, much im- proved in health. R. J. Bushell, the Progressive can- didate, can be assured that his farmer friends will majority here, is the right man in the right place. He 1s capable of looking after his canvass in addition to the dufies that are imposed upon him by the King- ston Industrial Fair The only re- grets his opponents have is that such & capable man will be Dr. Edward's opponent. BENITO ALMOST SMILES give him a large They know that he - g