4 : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TE ---- ee THE BRITISH WHIG, will {a all probability find it out too, n : cece | DALY LESSONS INENGLISH | (@ORe==s TENA { BY W. L. GORDON | al ' Fare How many Kingstonians know | Kingston? Wouldn't it be a good WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: Don't say "at about" where \ CENTRAL CANADA thing for the citizens to cover the | "about" will suffice. | £ ! ! eily, by foot or by auto, and lodin J OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: courtier. Pronounce kort-yer, [| he | = D4 H X 1231 TT I (0). \ TH SOO TH SD what a delightful place they live iu. | the o as In "do." the | The beauty, spots are all about the | OFTEN MISSPELLED: homeliness; e after m. \ ity. The beautiful water 1s, of : ' OS.) course, the superlative attraction but | §YNONYMS: brief. small, little, tiny, trifing, diminative, fn- || | = ) | : SNe)P > 0 (© we 'have a wonderful collection of [| significant, Umited, paltry, petty, minute, slight. | \ kis 3 2 other things that are worth knowing. | WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." The public buildings are unsurpassed | Let us increase our, vocabulary by mastering one word esch day, for architecture and they are set | To-day's word: VALIDITY; legal force; justness. "The attorney EDITORIAL NOTES. down in all parts of the city. Our | admitted the validity of the plea." trees are a mighty fine asset. Noth- | | ing finer anywhere. The streets are |" | { ined with them, The shrubbery is eh A A cere as delightful and it bursts into view in|. disease spread by these vermin--- " surprising places. The flowers are |i won the concerted effort. equally ~ntrapcing; almost every home hag its lawn and garden aglow with brightness. We have hundreds . of private residences, of stone, of | : Seite or | -- brick, of cement and of wood that | Are you on the Voters' List? W. Friendly Frecauiton. ns] | : Ki a oston ranscript: n depor ng | 7.50 are Salighitul ov Jook os a Are you sure you are oh? allen gunmen, it will, of course, be | ie year, by to rural offices, stom With its expanse of territory, its | acinar only the part of decency to see to it | CREA I ORE & HIS BAN YOar, to United States ,.,.... bagytitul parks, its superb landscape Have you enquired of the regis- [that they do not take their guns with | Ee B d '& wel ¢ DF TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, all attract observation. tra? them. | WwW. nds a iumph a 0 's W. Thompson, 100 King Kpow Kingston in all its features; i ------ Foremost among the orlds |} a f I . h Mo! out, 8 J. Crowley, |CTeate a civic pride that will go tar | 4, you 'may be left off. Some Difference. €very appearance, they wi e a feature uring the 12¢ St. James Street, * 110 make it a delightful place of resi- Sudbury Sun: The difference be- week of Aug 23 ; YORK--Ingraham-Powers, Ine, 3 ; twhen 'the women of to-day and the 5 . ' Aveane. dence. Greet the siranger, welcome See the registrar for your ward to- , . Ine the visitors for you may thereby b women of yesterday is that the for- . - i a. for y ¥ ¥ be | day. {mer's hair is off 'all the time, while 3 JUTacling" our oity a future citi. [the latter's was off only at night. | '[[ CENTENARY FEATURES EXHIBITION FEATURES over the actusl" mame' ot ibe] "oD. Remanibgr. You eamuot vote if | ee Week of Aug. 16th Week of Aug. 23rd your pame is not on. Public Service Has Call. : eireulntion of The British Whis -_-- -- St. Catharines Standard: Both Mr. \ 0 Stampede & Rodeq Creatore & His Band fiested by (he Auait Bureau of yy pERY IMPORTANT ISSUES.| Nowadays the bathing girl does |Meighen and Mr. King in private lite Old Boy's Home Coming Immense Live Stock Exhibits not care a wrap. [could earn a'great deal more than in : || Historical t Pure Food Show A ti tatty. . { . ' . Th ¢ the Lib- [the public service. Mr. King is re-| Choir of One Thousand The World's Best Vaudeville v ARENTS. ere are two issues that the - ) | | ) G Displ wu TO LIBERAL P No, you don't fish for electric eels ported to have drawn a salary of | Parades rand Fireworks Display 3 oralsmbould stress. One is the Cana- wiih a lightning rod. [$75,000 per year trom the Rochefel- | Championship Sports Horse Races "Have any of your boys or girls i ational Railways I is time | {ler Institute; Mr, Meighen, by vir- h Military Tattoo Great New Midway feached the age of 21 singe last a anadianseshould wake up to -- . |tue of his legal talent, could do as | Venetian Night Dog Show-Poultry Show tober? If Ape bave Pe sure and |the fact that If the Conservatives are Tierne o fab persion 2 xslt. (well or better. The truth of tie | il || Great New I sy , Cat Show-Baby Show their names on the voters' list. | returried to power then the St. James | ®d to be 50 low tha yy {matter is that public service has al | | Something Doing Every Min- Industrial & Educational day, | Street interests will get control of|3fford one next Thanksgiving. call for both men. And the greatest 3 8 ute ve Features vote counts on election day, y ny te if they are not |our railway. The Montreal Star rg T-- ) jmen Canada has produced in the t no one can vo! makes this very plain. The other is The world's greatest surgical feat, { political field. have been poor men. | the list. the Robb budget re roup govern. | CO-OPeration: cuts to the root of the |Macdonald, Laurier and Mr. Fielding - ment ean ba ws then | €80cer of misunderstanding. | being outstanding examples. B. NICHOLSON AND THE CIVIL |.) honor to sroup government, so | lightning bug resembles orto Mr. Meighen Yanked. . SERVICE. | Writes "An Average Citizen" in the human beings; he can't see where De | Edmonton Bulletin: The Liberal eap---- Toronto Globe. He goes on: The i in but he can see where he |123der very unceremoniously yanked Mr. George B. Nicholson, in his|, = can call it a "sham," a mat. |.° 8°25 2 [Mr. Meighen out from behind the | §poech at North Bay on August 4th, (, ~ 0 with taxes, if he |D°° Deen. figure of the governor-general, where | an attack on the Civil Service |. but own 'experience 4 Set" he has been trying to find refuge, t was uncalled for and unwar-|.. os Wy own experience 1s no} 444 now Douce: joins Garland, lang stood him before the public as | : SHAM." ~ When the budget changes DeWitt Foster and the Hon. Potatoes the man who is responsible for the to disown : 9. [HS Bp iyi To is re- yore Mnnounced I had my cheque Jones in aiding Mr. Meighen's cam- | establishment of the bureaueracy remarks. Rr. . for §12 for my income tax written paign for honest government. which now holds power. It is Hon. d 88 saying, in the presence off, yoyo I wanted to buy a Arthur Melghen, not Lord BE | : i ° ® Prime Minister, Mr. Meighen: small' automobile. The change in Mr. Meighen and other Conserva- [Who has to answer for that auto- | - "Do you want to endorse a condi» tarift meant that I paid $65 less for tlye speakers keep harping on the |STatic assumption of the right to! iness a 10nei1 in which one of the chief build- it than I would have a tow weeks | reed of stable government. What's [Fle and whose conduct the voters] e country in Ottawa is Will have to either condemn o . SL iy turned a a bawdy before; In a year I expect to save the idea? . Surely they are not think- bons. Bor son juss, and the keeper of that bawdy | $10 as a result of penny postage. As | ing of taking DeWitt Foster inio the SLM . . ; puse is in the pay roll of this coun- | an average citizen, this saving of al- | Cabinet. Ad ; Weed 'Worth Millions. Well pr inted, nicely designed Statione ly #t $3,500 a year. most $100 appeals to me. If the -- / New York World: A young stu- : : a: . Mr. Nicholson Jipea to, ed Hears Liberal party cannot sweep the coun- | Vienna "has a _demi-dozen of [dent at Sao Paulo, Brazil, may save 18 an asset to any business. The Britis Aylon a protest against the inter-| gry gyn these two issues then I fear | "don'ts" for street regulations, all |millions of dollars for his country | } . ' ' . ' ition, Siced_ on his taruscor. abun are" Miad, and. vistors ot macnn ee SIAR, al by 8, Bev disoreny ho made rice Whig Commercial Printing Department @ referred to "the i - : ' : . ' : fo stated an Impossibility on any platform. trian trafic. Whistling, singing, Coffee 1s shipped from Brasil 18 equipped to give you first-class print- gree, bei city of Ounadn." and by that he loud talking, reading books or pap- in sacks made of burlap which is : ing at the lowest price comparable with the city of Montreal. Mr. : ers, stopping of conversation in road > | " |manufactured from jute, and the ORs telegram to Sir Henry| MALCOLM FOR THE CABINET. way, carrying large parcels. Would- [Brazilian student, Benedicto Garces, qu ality } SE -- n't you like to live in Vienna? has found that instead of jute there Singers » _"Contradict most emphatically i" Reomies King wrote to the North -- can be used a weed which grows Rving made any reference whatever | Bruce Liberal convention tommend- |. ys tne purchaser of a touring car, {rank in the pastures apd has long any public building or any parting the nomination of Mr. "James equipped with balloon tires, cgn buy Deen considered a nuisance. Jute is : ; | service in the city of Ottawa. | Malcolm, The Premier added that 1 , | epecially liable to dam by mois- 1 it for. $530 he is making $103 as a age ace our ext rdaer it 8 matter referred to in the short "had 'the Lib. d fl ¥ eral government "cap« ture, and the fibre from this weed ds given was connected with result of the Robb tariff. Pretty Is supposed to be much better in - inued in office it was my tents @velations in, Customs Department |! ¥ intention | 00d. And he can save $130 in buy- " Montreal. I have the highest per- | Just as soon as. Parliament had Po | ing to-day a Tudor car. Before the this" Fespeet, Yssidss Beina Sheaper. . Pe tuator Whats de Slie Fosucd and it was possible to arrange Robb tariff he paid $828, now he "Bumptions' Tourists. LE I'TERHEADS BUSINESS CARDS . a bye-slection, to ask Mr. Maleolm to pays $690. Is this tarift worth sup- Border Cities Star: President Cool- ENVELOPES MEMO HEADS follows: 'Do the electors of cone fituency of Nipissing desire to en. become a member of the government { porting? ldge, through a spokesman, censures a State of immorality to which | 8% one of the ministers from the pro. "bumptions" tourists who offend > ehief branch of the public ser-| vince of Ontario. It is greatly to be The world old institution of the [Citizens of other countries by their TAGS LOOSE-LEAF FORMS «Bias been reduced in the chief hoped that Canada may yet have the | homie is the foundation of nation- behaviour or attitude. The point is | BILL HEADS FILING CARDS of Canada namely the city of , : timely. Th oa Danas Of Mr. Malcolm's . splendid (hood: it must keep ity wisn standard |p ane. Ar a 18 a3t to fudge 4 #0, happens that the reporter business experience and ability in the | jt the country is to be great. There | with whom he comes in contract. administration of her public office." | is more th 0 k this meeting for the Cana- The electors of North Bruce can do or an ever a duty upon [That is entirely wrong, of co mothers and fathers to see to it that | Besides being unfair to the n. on a; was nong other than Mr, -- : rORiA Hambleton, 3 supurintend: much to ensure this opportunity. the early training of their offspring | Which he visits, he is unjust to' his 1 * 4. & : " of the Canadian Press at-Ottawa. Is In keeping with the Tights of che (FUN 91 the very people he is "his P I't H L tg Hambleton is used to political | HEALTH OF SCHOOL CRILDREN, | future citizens. or ia fudgmest op is hes and is considered one of the w-- eas 1 : : rin me. St reliable 5 sporters at Ottaws. The schools will be in active oper- Our old friend the Prosperity Lea- ler, Jou Swwosd io] de SRenalve; { Commer cial H ting Be nart nt | receipt of the complaint, Mr. J.| aon in a few weeks. The children | 9® Of Canada is with us again." Countrig fake him as a fair sample 1 B. Livesay, the manager of the |Who Sather can develop along health- | After having looked over the list of fof the ace he inhabits. {an Press immediately wired | fu} lines it their parents are atten- | Officers and the advisory gouncii, we ------ Hambleton, and received (he for. | tive to the instructions of the school | Rave decided to vote Liberal once Prince Remembers Faces, . ainblets ok nurses. They are doing good service [MOTe. Whenever we see a long list | The Prince of Wales is getting the in diagnosing defects in eyes of millionalres banding themselves | TéPutation of having a remarkable EL So Ma toda. wn su. hp oa 1 eco Sse | oe Fh i E. sale Bote to Nicholson in meet- (advise. parents Bow to bring wou | ¥a¥S figure it is safe for tne P90 18 {coronal tn-Onr art aa Jo 1a eighing 88 follows: "Dear' Mr. Nichol. improvements. The teachers are | YOle against it. Mrs. Mackenzie, ue tokped_ before Dr. J ga ap English scien your re. ually b p-- P . : & > ra ' = bie bullding. 1s eet eurion mosis. Ayscoprista Sir John Buell predicts the time [je ior N rmntis. whe was standing | tist, several Jhars ago engaged in se a condition in which our | are constantly alert to give lessons | WOB electricity will be used for all | wg remember you when you were dvond aus he teh a - ohief public buildings of the | along Hines of sanitation, exercise | 18'MING. He said every operation, | in India," he said, "how jong have | weight of London fog. One day, he Ottawa is partially turn- | and physical development, : All these | from milking, sheep shearing and | you been home?" . | found' that three hundred tons of tii bawdy house a Keep: | ¢pingy Hands to tremendous gains 1h | S7O0WIng horses to the hatching of ackensle. '4 were hanging overthe city. That is | +{ public health, eficlency and Rappi- Em sould be done by electricity ay 0 to say, that mueh s00t clung to the! | : as 'the sehool generations bene- Price of it becomes cheaper, } - Afterwards she ex-| mist, for it is the soof In the mist, | |] 8 | : : Willison's Magazine ha il fiting by. it grow to Raturity, : for a return of the Meighe tant] «ste only saw me for min. | | ---------------- d en govern- me a fow ment. oh, what a surprige. 5 rr ota 8 Delhi. What g ue. a :