Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Aug 1926, p. 7

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. Wednesday, August 11, 1926. my, a, FANCY - Woollen Sweaters 4 FOR MEN AND WOMEN See our choice selection of Coat Sweat- ° ers in all the newest designs. Price $2.50 to $8.50 WIND BREAKERS with knitted bands in the latest patterns. V Necks in plain George 213 Princess treet. (Hstablished 1871) Steamship passages, booked to all parts of | the world. Pass- ports arranged. rough tickets msued over all ns-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaska, uda, West Indies, Mediterran- 5. 988, Round the World Steamship | Lines. Prepaid passages arranged for ft desire to bring relatives or ili from abroad, ~ For full particulars apply to or Write J. P, Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N. Riys. Office, Canadian National Riys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. .Ope»r Price $6.00 to $8.50. and fancy weaves. .....$3.50 to $7.50 Van Horne "Phone 362-w COAL We are now taking orders for Seranton and Virginia Anthracite Steve, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Black Gem and Pocahontas Semi. Hard, Our Coal 1g all weighed on the city scales. You Ket twenty hun. dred of coal for a tou, Let us have your order for your winter Coal, ' AYLESWORTH BROS, Or 'phone U, R. Kaight, 1798.-w, Bp -- FREIGHT DELIVERY A SPECIALTY Joeal and long distance, All Motor Tucks with Alr Tires. H. L. BRYANT SE ----. L-- TT -- i WHO 4S MADE Goop, Mr. and Mrs, Olle Campo and | | { | | | | | i i 354 Division Street. 'Phone 1758, day and night. 'Phanes 99 or 2837 BN World's largest Annual Reposition, Ree ets, rast son Lah "491.300, fo opened this year, Wl CANADIAN NATIONAL pe 1 | i / gh EXH T rim 1926 Dates--Aug. 28--Sept. 13 eerie CE ----_ Rid your house of every fly, mosquito and roach. BLACK FLAG Kills them all. Not one escapes ! LADIES !! 'LOOK !! Just received a shipment of hand-painted line Parchment Shades, in at COE Yantai all colors. $2.50 and $2.75, "eve Call in and see them. In Sounder --~-------------- Electric Co. ONE 441, Nr | route home, "they purpose visiting To- | | of this interesting Pro TT ttn AN A GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto, Son, Howard, Are Visiting | Toronto, Aus. 10 -- Manito Father's Old Home. | Beat=-No. | ominal; No. 2 northern, $1.57 3-4 Athens, Aug. 11 ~--Touring leisure- | No. 3, $1.57 3-4; c.l.f., bay ports. [ American corn (klin dried), ly trom New, York in their comfort- 2 yellow, 95c; No. 3 yellow, $4c¢ able sedan, Mr. and Mrs. Ollfe Cam- | track, Toronto; natural No. Po; and their son, Howard, and their | 89¢; national No. 3 yellow, 9%c, brother-in-law, J, Hass, Jr., Brook- Ontario grains f.o.b. lyn, arrived here a few days ago, on points. A 2 visit to Mr. Campo's brother, Rleh- | Wheat--Good milling, $1.26 ard, the genial proprietor of "Dick's | .28, new crop. Bazaar." 1% is some thirty. years ag Oats--Ongario No, 2 white, 42 that, as a boy, Ollie Campo left the | 5 440 town, to make his fortune in the Millfeed--Bran, $28 per ton great world outside, and, though Be | shorts, $30 middlings, $37 per ton has met with keen competition, yet | feed fiour, $3.35. - he has made good, and acquired a | Barley--Malting 57¢ to 61c, competency' which speaks volumes Rye--980c¢. for his energy and enterprise. Hel. ayanioba Tlour--First patent, $8 found scope for his activities In the 90, Toronto; do. second patent, §8 fish business, and, at present, is in- 40, Toronto. terested in ope of the largest con- | cerns in Fulton market. of the extent of the business trans- | Moxtreal, for export, $5.80. aed in that market may be Imagin-| Hay--Local dealers are quotin ed, when it is stated that from five Ls 22; goo hundred to one thousand barrels of Nose bay, No. 1. $20 1 332; 2 fish, daily, are handled there, each barrel containing two hundred pounds. Canada {is contributing her quota toward feeding the millions of ; that great. city, various spedies of the | finny tribe being supplied. The party selected a cirecaltous route for their motor-trip, covering a distance of about a thousand miles, and finding the country through | which they passed, to be in a very| Drosperous condition, with indica- J tions of an abundant harvest, EB | hakers, $8.20; choice, $6.50 to bag 90 1ba., $3.20, Bran, $28.25 shorts, $30.25; middlings, Hay, No. 2, per ton, ear lots, $18. baled hay, new, track, Toronto, §1 i old hay, baled, $16 to $16 50 per ton. Straw per ton is Quoted at $9.50, $9 t Montreal. dian western, No. 3 Manitoba Spring wheat firsts, $8.90; seconds, $8.40; stron patents ronto, Niagara Falls, and other | points of interest. Miss Alma Wait, Addison, is sub-| stituting in the local telephone ex- change, while the operator, Miss Marion Hollingsworth, is holidaying for a month at Camp Restalotts, Charleston Lake, with Mrs, Peterson and Miss Beatrice, On Wednesday last, Camp Vega team, Charleston lake, came up for a baseball match on the Athletic srounds here, the visitors carrying off the honors of the day, winning by a score of 4 'to 3. ' io. 9 Be: N. On Thursday last, a sale of live stock | rigid CW, oie Josk Jace at the farm of Mrs. A, 1-8¢; No. 1 feed, 42 1-8¢; No. At the August meeting of the W. ood, " Bas rejected, . 35 5-3¢ M.S., last Thursday, Miss Bertina : Po ' Green, but pecently returned from Barley---No. 3 C.W., 61¢; No. Africa, gave another of her interest. | Ing addresses, speaking; upon that] 55¢ track, 60 Fie. e Occasion, of the progress of the gos-| Flax--No. .1 oa > pel in the Orient. To make her re-| NO. cw, $2.0 3; marks more realistic, she donned the ad Tejected, $1.81; costume adopted hy the peaple of Ea Egypt, where she has been engaged R¥e--No. 2 CW, 97 3-4e. in teaching in a misgion school, and a Chicago. explained many Susges and Do Chicago, Aung. 10--Wheat--No, many specimens of thefr handiwork, | Ted, $1.37 1-2 to $1.38 1-4; No, many beautiful embroideries and | hard. $1.39 to $1.40, laces being exhibited, Corn--No, 2 So much did those in attendance|34 1-2¢; No, 2 whife, 83 1-2¢. enjoy the "barn dance" sponsored | Oats--No, 2 white, 41 3-4¢c to 4 by Percy Whitmore, Sheldon's Cor.| 1-4¢; No. 3 white, ners, on the evening of the 30th ult, | Rye--Na. 2, $1%¢ 1.4, that they requested him to repeat the Timothy seed---$6.25 to $6.75. affair. He acquiesced, ang opened | Clover seed--$20.50 to $29.50. his new ban for a similar event last ee Friday evening, Which proved very Minneapolis. Successful. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Middleton, amilton. for many years residents of this place, are renewing acquaint- ances here, guests of the ators 83 to 84c. Oats, brothers and sister, Messrs. Ephraim | t0 39¢. Flax Nov 1 and Philip Robeson, and Mrs. Her-| 47 1-2. bert Stephenson, and other friends. The older citizens recall Mr. Middle LIVE STOCK MARKETS ton, as a former partner of James Re. Gordon, in the Athens Woollen Mill, Toronto, and as a genial friend and neighbor, To-day (Monday) Mr, and Mrs. | Phillip Robeson are entertaining ip | heifers, their honok, when there is to be a to $5.25. choice stors, large family gathering friends com-{ $8.50 to $7; butchers, cholee, $7.2 ing from various outside points, ag! to $7.75; do. heifers, $6.76 to $7.50 well as those residing hers, and in | 90. medium, this vietnity. Following the death of his mother, ! 8. $9 to $11.50 the late Mrs. Sterns Knowlton, Omer | $6 to $5.25; do, medium, $3.50. t Knowlton hag been disposing of part | $4.25; do. canners and cutters, § of the household effects by private to $2.50; bulls, butcher, choice, § emainder of the effects to! 10 $5.50; do. medium, $4.25 to $4 re being disposed of to. 76; bolognas, $3.25 to $4 morrow by auctfon. short keep $6.50 to $6.75 Miss Caroline La Rose, for Many | Steers, choice $6 to years an Athens girl, now for some | 00d, $4.50 to $5.50 $17 ¢t + Winnipeg. ern, $1.48 1-2; No. 3 northern, §1 40 1-2; No. 4, $1.34 1-2; No. 5, $1 19° 1-2; No. 6, $1.02 1-3; feed, 8 $2.10 1.2 No. 3 CW track, $2 Wheat No. 1 Northern, | $1.60 1-8. September, $1.57 1-8 ¢t $1.49 1-2 No. 3 white, 38 3. $2.44 1-2 to $2 Steers, choice," $7.50 to $8.25; a enjoying a well-earned rest, a guest | $100; milkers, choice, $70 to $85 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. | choice lambs, Parish. ' lambs, To-| $6 to remaining for a hogs, fo.bs $12; Mr. and Mrs, | cars, premium, per 'head, $2.46. James Seymour, following an opera- Ee ton for mastoid, has not been as wel] Montreal, as her friends could wish, and re- turned to-day to the Mospital at| or steers, common, Kingston, ; : 'heifers, Word has been received of the fen | eral at Kingston, of Miss Mabel Stow- Mrs, Mansell Weatherhead, $7.50; hogs, off cars, $12 ledo, who has been time with her $5 to $6; butehe cows, goods, 3% medium, art, for many Aan Athenian dur.| $4.50; canners, $2 to $2.25; ing her chi when living" here! $2.50 to $2.75; With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry | mon, $2.75 to § Stewart, now of le. Migs 50 to $10; medium, 37.50 Stewart was a most successful nurse, | common, $6.50 to $7 being d for some yea with | to $5. Ewes, $4 to $6 Hospital, bi York. | $13 to $14; common, ! work undermined | 58. The ruling price and for several of good quality hogs was "obliged to take| Lights «old from $12.35 to $8.25 ; lambs, 1 northern, $1.61 3-4, ! No. | tion, 2 yellow, | Mrs. Harry country { frien | to Harry | | Flour--Ontario, 90 per cent. pat. | Some {deaf op in pags, Toronto, $5.90; in bulk, No. 2 timothy, $18 to $19, Toronto; Montreal, Aug. 10--Oats, Cana. dian western, No. 2, 60 3-4c; Cana- » 66 3-4¢. Flour, patents, $6.60. Rolled oats, $37.25. Winnipeg, Aus. 10~~Wheat,--No. 1 northern, $1.52 1-2; No. 2 norfh- 1-2¢; track, $1.48 1-2; sereenings, C.W., 58 3-4c; rejected, 56¢; feed, yellow, 83 1-2¢ to 39 3=4c to 41%c. Minneapolis, Aug. 10--DBran, $23. December, $1,47. Corn No. 3 yellow, Torofito, Aug. 10--Cattle, export $7 to $7.50; do. bulls, $4.50 dehorned, $5.50 to $6.25; do. common, $4.50 to $5.50; baby beev- i cows, fat choice, ; feeders, ; feeding $6.75; stockers, ; calves, choice, years matron of the Galt Hospital, is; $11 to $12; springers, choice, $80 to $14 to $14.50; duck $12 to $12.50; sheep, light, hogs, selects, off Montreal, Aug."10--Cattle, butch good, $6.25; medium, $5.50 to 36; common, $4 to $5: butcher y $3.25 to cutters, butcher bulls, eom- 3.50. Good veal, $§- i 8rass, $4.50 : good, $11.50 to §13.- for straight lots $18.35. and $14 ly, and pest | was offered for all government grad- which she loved | ed selects. Sows were slow sellers at : St with ax odd o | ---- * f NAPANEE i er" | Napanee, Aug. 11--Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Shirley Jackson, of Warkworth, | spent Tuesday in Napanee, with Mrs. a | Robert Webste r, Centre street. Mr. Will Shirley, of Wheeling, i | West Virginia, arrived in town on | Tuesday, and is spending his vaca- the guests of Mr, and Mrs. F, + | 8. Boyes, at Watercombe. Mr. and Scott and daughter, | Georgie, spent Civic Holiday with ds in Peterboro. Mrs. . M. McDonald and Scott and daughter, Georgie, { left on Wednesday, to spend a few days with friends in Syracuse, N.Y, Mrs. Jamieson, 'of Battersea, is ' | spending a couple of weeks in Nap. + {anee, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ww. Knapp, John street. Mr. and Mrs. James Henry and daughter, of Rochester, N.Y., have been spending a few days in town. Miss Beatrice Baughan was "at home," on Friday afternoon last to a number of her friends, in honor of her guest, Miss Mildred Clow, B.A., of Kingston. Mr. Henry Bris- coe, of Toronto, spent the week-end, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Me. Clew, Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs. 3 | H. C. Barker, Schenectady, N.Y., and ~|Mr. H. L. Barker, New York City, are the guests this week of Mr. and 0 | Mrs. D. McClew. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Simpson and family, Toronto, were . week-end guests of his mother, Mrs. TW Simpson, Richard street. Mr. J. G. Harrington has purchased H. E, Burnard's home at Vives Corners, Mr. Burnard will remove to fhe &| home of Alfred Kent, a few doors south. Mrs. Charles Switzer, of De- troit, is visiting friends in town, i| Mr. B, R. Sills, Thomas street, ie Quite iN, MY, and Mrs. Fred Lowry and family, Barberton, Ohlo., are guests of his mother, Mrs. Hugh Lowty, Ernestown., Mr. and Mrs. Gould, who have been the Buests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGreer, Riverside, return- ed this week to their home in Cali- fornia, Mrs, Thos. Kenworthy, of 2. {New York City, is spending a few parents, Mr. and - Baughan, Adelphi street, The plasterers are at work repair- ing the plaster in the new wing of the Napanee Collegiate, The ald gy- } |mnasium has been torn down, ang the" material Is being used in putt. Ing an extension on the grand stand at the park. The poultry house has been greatly enlarged, and a large » | number of new sheep and swine pens have been added in preparation for the fair, Aug. 24th to 27th, Miss Katherine O'Ray of Roches- ter is visiting her parents on the Newburgh Road. Rev. and Mrs. R. Bourne, who have been the guests of Capt. and Mrs. A. 8. Hugh turned to Toronto on Tuesday. The Misses Mair entertained at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon, at their home on East street. Misses Trene Garrison, Mary Nugent, and Rdna Carnahan ° are home from a three week's vacation. Miss Winnifred Chinneck, of Belleville is visiting Mrs. MeClew. Miss Ethel spent the week-énd visiting her fa- ther, Mr. D. H. Preston, Mr. Fred Armitage had his car stolen during 0 |'Baturday night. H -------- Holidaying in a Land of Lakes, Few spots on the globe can boast the diversity of appeal to the. va- cationist, of Ontario's 8reat green playground, Here, in places you catch husky, highly-coloured trot gamey bass, savage, deep-fighting muskies, and eight-end-ten pound pike; you indulge in your favorite Sport, live in flannels or overalls, do the things you like to do--snoop around through a network of lake, land and wilderness, sleep under con- vass, in secluded cottages, or luxur- fous summer hotels with tennis courts, golf courses with velvet fair- ways hewn through virgin forest, bathing beaches and open air dance pavilions at the lake's edge. Paddle, swim, ride horseback--or Just Joat and get a tan, You can choose Georgian Bay, Lake Huron's far. flung sandy shores, balsam-edged Kawartha Lakes, virgin lake--dotted Timagimi, or the slightly more set- i |tled shores of the inimitable lake of Bays and Muskoka Lake district, Wherever you go in this vast expanse i fof alluring summeriand you enjoy sunny days that sing with joy and freelom--cool nights that rest you for the morrow's fun. Ask J. P. Hanley, agent of the Canadian National Railways, King- ston, Ont., for full information and illustrated folder. ------ Ia Kingston Firm at Work. .. Additional dredging is to be done In the Otfawa river at Pembroke : | about the new dock ang some 18,000 cubic yards of material removed. 8iit from the Muskrat river deposited in the vicinity of the ferry slip have resulted in landing operations being made very difficult. W. Bur ~ ham & Son, will commence the ad- 'ditional dredging almost te- y. c Eg d 0 3 3 a 4 2 2 2 4 0 5 0 2 5 r A disordered digestive sys- tem often causes sleepless ness. You will sound and restful sleep will generally result from the use of ENO. Try it--Try a Mrs. find that | oe Preston | DURING 'AUGUST Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK FURNITURE SALE See the great array of Simmons' special outfits set up on our spacious floors, ~~THREE PIECES AT THE PRICE OF TWO (1) This beautiful walnut finished, steel and electrically welded, centre, (2) All Steel Woven Wire with imitation cane panels, two inch, comtinuous post medallion' of Coil Springs with a heavy cable on sides. (8) Simmons' Acme Mattress, all pure white felt. (4) A pair of Star Plliows in fancy Art Ticking. SIMMONS' SPECIALLY PRICED $25.00 FAMO AND BANNER SPRINGS. US OSTERMOOR ALL SIZES, JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. WE STORE YOUR PURCHASE AND DELIVER FRER. ------ AAA AAA ~ 1 GANANOQUE | Gananoqie, Aug. 11.---Miss Nel- lie Hanley returned yesterday from the Hote! Dieu, Kingston, where she | has been receiving treatment for aj badly injured ankle, the result of | a fall several weeks ago. Mr. and Mss. Reginald Latimer, and son, Calgary, are spending al couple of days in Gananoque, and | are registered at the Gananoque Ina. Miss Anna Heath, Brooklyn, NY. Miss Gladys and Miss Regina Walzh, | Ottawa, are among the recent ar-/ rivals at Tremont Lodge. { . Crooks, Paris, Ont., Mr. | Case and lttte | Mrs, and Mrs. L. W. | daughter, Highland Park, Conn., are | at the Inn, Mrs. Scully and children, Oswego, who have been the guests "of Mrs. Alex. Bamford, for the past few | weeks, returped home yesterday. | Louis Ree » New York, who is | one of the prominent members of the | A. C. A, and despite the fact that the A. C. A. are holding their meet | at Lake George this year, has come back to the "Old Camping Grounds," for his annual holiday. He was among the interested spectators of last Saturday's events, A. F. Byers and daughter, Mon- treal, are expected to arrive in town today to spend a few days. Mr. Leo Doherty and Miss Gene. vieve Doherty, Brooklyn, N.Y., are at the Inn. Mr. J. Bovey, who was unfortunate enough to lose his boat on Monday by fire near Thousand Island Park; was brought home yesterday, Ha Was very severely burned. Mr. Bo. ~~ Cwta, scratches and blisters, painful in themselves, are most da ous because they. gresent an opening for (nfeatin: Don't take chances~use at once, Its & Hniment, germielde and antiseptic combined, 3 A, tan rr er en Tanid. comfortable healing. For sprains and brulses--n small quan. tity of ABSORBINE JR. rubbed in will allay the pain and reduce the swelling quickly and permanently, Tent also fir Insect bit fre tiff les and sore Roo reat Greasy--will not stain the clothing, Riways Eeep a botile In your medicine cabinet, ¥ $1.25 a bottle dt most druggists or sens postpaid by v W, F. Young Lyman Building bo whole community in this unfe unste ag cident, which ndt only serious injury to himsalf, but talis a heavy monetary joss, b W. Wallace Jones, Toronto, presi. dent, and H.'M. Jaguays, Capt. N, Jones, Montreal, and J. T. Riel son, Toropto, dirsetors, were in yesterday, for the annual the Ontario Steel Products pany. -------------- ; Fartune is seldom seen in the coms pany of a loafer. "y

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