MeKAY Furs -- OF FUR COATS In Hudson Seal, French Seal, Beaverine, Muskrat and Persian Lamb--at attractive John McKay Ltd. 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON A | VANITY TALC IN 256c TINS A new toilet requisite by Richard Hudnut Branigan's 268 Princess Street - STORE LIMITED 1 Phone 18 goats no ry BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Degl ---- Tees mses ERMS REACHED FOR [THE DENAND GOOD || ENCROACKNENTS MADE FOR CANNED GOODS [Ground = Between Collegiate This Year's Canning Is Being Institute and Victoria School | Shipped Out From Leased for Recreation. Bloomfield. | Early in May last Mr. J, M. Camp- Bloomfield, Aug. 10--BEdward | bell and Mr. J. G. Elliott visited Ot-| Platt, manager of Standard Bank, ll tawa in connection with the demands | with his family, are eajoying a I { made upon the Kingston Board of | motor trip, and will visit friends in | Education for the sum of over 320, Montreal, béatore their return. Hom- ll 000 for the purchase of the vacant|er White with wife ind sister, Mrs. | ground between the Collegiate In-| Philip Taleott returned Friday ev- il | stitute and Victoria School and used | ening from a lengthy motor trip | for recreation purposes. A valuator| which included stops at Toronto, =| had been in Kingston, and had ap-| Beamsville, Niagara Falls and other | pratsed the property, and the Board | points. Chas. Fraleigh, Jr, joined a was asked to either purchase or pay | party of friends motoring to Kempt- rental to the amount of $800 per| ville, where they will attend the re- union of students and ex-students of The matter was placed before the | the Agricultural School. | Department of Interior by the de-{ Rev. Archibald Lord, | putation, and after fully discussing |and son, Chase, motored from Mil- the issue, it was felt by departmenta! | Waukee, Wis., to spend a few days officials that the Kingston Board of| With relatives in this vicinity. They, Education should pay for the en-| With Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fraleigh, | eroachments made under a previous | Wellington, were supper guests of | lease, and the balance of the grounds | Mrs. Emma Fraleigh, Saturday even- should be leased zt a nominal rental | 108. ise Reigiaime Bowemmal b for recreati rsposes. pending a ow - This eat . igi the King-| der the parental roof. C. O. Hofford stonlans were asked to name a sum | and family re occupying the Wells which they thought fair for the land | Pome and relieving T. 8. Wells at encroached upon. The sum was fix-| the station. ed at $1,000, and the department Mrs. E. B. Purtelle entertained a agreed that the rental of the land | Dumber 6f iriends at Wh Frias, | tor recreation purposes should be as. sag Mss. age De $1 per year, and the lease issued for ong 58. presen. . : or: s 1258 son and daughter have gone to Ro- chester, N.Y., to visit friends. Mrs. year. with wife five years. This lease, of course, can be extended from time to time. On Thursd Fats o | Mathie is staying with Mrs. J. R. n ursday the secretary of the Smith-in her absence. We regret to MID-SUMMER Furniture Sale EVERYTHING REDUCED 15 to 25%. i Chesterfield Suites, Den Suites, Living and Bedroom Furniture--every piece of F urni- ture has been reduced. All odd pieces from broken Suites go at-cost to make room for new goods. . ROBT. J. REID and Operating Finest I ain The cl SRR REER = = = who sh do your ug a de- peada is your tive wiring often disastrous "Phone 577. PURE Pickling Spices, Vin Sr Rub r Rings, Board of Education, Mr. W. J. CO. 4 Allen, received word that the neces- | hear that Mrs: Smith has bad 2. bd sary order-in-counci a7 | heart attack. if on a, a as Ma) James Fargey and Charles Fra- ji [ leigh, Sr., motored back to the Oak 1,000 and > expenses | : BY Ihe NeCessary expenses). ot it Saal sul Ooh dinner at the Vandewater home- | for the compilation of the proper papers, the details would be com- stead, last Sunday leted. Satisfacti i E ¥ika : | Baa members ag Do) Board of a. The Hallowell canners commenced ucation at th . work Monday on their new store- of ving thin Suseeseiul elimination house. Their pack for this year total- : led 44,000 cases peas. The demand is good and several car-loads of the TOURIST TRAFFIC |: Ses a we ond IS NOT ONE-SIDED new concrete bridge at foot of Bear |Report Shows That Many Hill on road to Sand Banks, a much needed improvement, but causing Canadians Spend Holidays In the States, motorists a lot of inconvenience. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pickering, New York, who have been visiting rela- tives, are now motoring down east, with a party of friends. Jonathan Noxon, an aged resident of New The tourist camp is still getting | yop State, is visiting the Noxons a host of visitors--some from Mexi- co, some from California, some from British Columbia, others from nearer points,' but all have a good word for the camp. It is one of the best met along and Browns, the road. Canada is reputed as hay- WRITES ABOUT A VISIT ing better ¢amps than the United HE P AID TO KINGSTON the best in Canada. Mr. A. F. Messervey Has a Last year the record attendanve i tn The : was on August 12th, just a year ago, Mr. A. F. Messervey writes an When thirty cars registered. This year that record has been beaten severa] times, the highest number b ing forty-two cars. Wedneadey night article in the Halifax Evening Mail twenty-three cares were registered, | On. Kingston, which be visited while attending the annual meeting of the Odd Fellows' Relief Association. Among other things he said: The camp is certainly béing made "The convention I - attended known, through: the agency of visi- tors. brought together business men from all parts of Canada, and were I ac- tively engaged in the game of poli ties T know of .no better opportunity one could have to get the viewpoint of other portions of our Dominion, were one so inclined to canvass the situation. One familiar person was missed from our meeting, which was much regretted by those present; I refer to Hon. J. A. Robb, ex-minister of finance. "Through the courtesy of General A. E. Ross we were taken by him in his car and shown several points of interest, not the least of which was the first Government House in Upper Canada, a very small and un- pretentious wooden building, that, did it come within the purview of our city assessors, would not be rat- ed for more than $300 over the value of the land upon which it rested.' I also visited many places I had not séen on previous visits, among them was portions of the Royal Military College grounds. The General point- out to us the campus in front of the Administration Building, and over which; it was a tradition that no freshman can walk, if he has to cross, be it twedty times a day, it Must "be on the run. Many of its former students now in Halifax, and which among others includes our city engineer, will rémémber even if not with pleasure how they had to perform this little stunt In the stormy winter days. We were also MARINE The Sinmac barges cleared pt night in the tow of the tug Eurfka, with the oats from the steamer Ar- lington, and a 10ad of coal. The steamer Arlington cleared during the night for Port Colborne. The steamer Patdoris arrived from Oswego this morning, and left the barge Davie at Crawford's, and con- tinued to Brockville. : The steamer Jeska, from Oswego, arrived this morning and is unload- ing coal at Swift's. The freighter City of Kingston was in port this morning, and cleared west at 3.15 o'clock. Wednesday----Nisbet, down, 1.05 p.m.; Corrunna ,down, 2.20 pm' Canadian, down, 7.50 p.m.; MeKins. {| try, down, 10.10 p.m.; Thursday Kenefick, up, 12.30 a.m; Royalite, down, 3.15 a.m. . ---------- Was Seriously Injured. Wile driving east on the high- way, about one-third of a .mifle past the sub-way near Shannonville, on Monday afternoon, a Studebaker, bearing a Tenhiessee license carrying Mr, and ¥rs, J. F. MeS8weyn and two daughters, fogether with Mrs. Me. Sweyn's mother, Mrs. Touchbourne, skidded con the freshly oiled road, turned around and went into the ditch, laying on its right sidé. Mrs. years, -- . THE DAILY BRITISH w There you will find remna cluding Voiles, Organdy, etc., all marked about } price. Thursday, August 12, 1 For a real bargain be sure-and visit our rem nts of all kinds of dainty wash goods, in-. Crepes, Ratine, Broadcloths, Ginghams, The balance of our stock of dainty Voiles, all reduced for a quick sale F: riday. Wash Goods, Price Crepes and Organdy : Broken lines and Navy; regular 50c. line Boys' Jerseys, 25¢ sizes in Boys' Summer Jerseys in White and +++..v...OnsaleFriday.... .. ... 25¢. each BOYS' BALBRIGGAN DRAWERS, 3 Pairs for 50c. Broken sizes in Boys' Balbriggan Drawers, 24 to 32, They are excellent quality and regula short or long. Sizes r 50c. line. To Clear Friday . . 3 pairs for 50c. 'D. A. SHAW, L ' THE ALWAYS BUSY STOR imited E Clearing at 98c¢ ea. Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET "Under his guidance we were shown many interesting things, and among others was a complete model set up in a room in connection with the Martello Tower, which represent- ed the whole Canadian sector of the Amiens battle front in France. .It is made to scale and out of paper palp, colored the same 'as the soll of France: Ever¥ihing was there-~front line 'trenches, reserve trenches, so called streets, rest dugouts at rear, shell holes, gun emplacements, barb- ed wire entanglements; ammunition dumps, light railways, division head- quarters, even to the tables and the maps spread thereon, dressing sta- tions. Not only was the surface shown, but by e¢ross sections, the un- derground workings and the method of construction was tlearly indisated. It was made by engineers who had been overseas, and took six months to complete. "I must mot forget to speak of Kingston's street railway, not only because of 'its five cent fare, but on account of its contribution to Child Welfare. Whether the practice is continued throughout the year or not I did not inquire, but at least dur- ing the school holidays," on every Wednesday, . except during rush hours, the children can travel on the cars for a one cent fare, and it is a wonderful sight to see their happy faces, for to many of them, no doubt, the ride is an episode in thelr lives. "An interesting event especially at this time of year when the tourist business is at its heigt, 1s to go down to the dock and meet the steamer in route from the Thousand Isles to Toronto." DEATH OF MRS. BALLS, FORMERLY OF SUNBURY Deceased Was Seventy-three Years of Age and Well Known. A very sad death occurred at her home, 26 James street, on Wednes- day, of Margarete Tremble, wife of Thomas 1s. Deceased seventy-three years of age, and a daughter of the late Robert Tremble, Washburn. She had been a resident RUNAWAY BOYS ARE CHARGED WITH THEFT Three Lads Rounded Up by | the Police at Deseronto and Remgnded. Belleville, Aug. 12.--Arrest of three boys, 14 years were fugatives from the St. John's Industrial School, Toronto, at Deser- | |i onto, is sald to explaim a series of |i entries which have occurred in Tren- ton, Belleville, Deseronto and one or | |i The lads were re- | Ji manded 'to be escorted back to the!|l two other places. school. . They are allered to have broken into places in several! towns west of Trenton, including ope boot store, two dry goods houses, the Belle Tele- | phone 'office, the Dominion Stores and St. Peter's Church at Trenton, three houses in Belleville ard the G.W.V. One of the boys is said to have left an old shirt with a prison mark on it in one of the stores at Trenton. The shirt with the number was found y Chief Bain, who communicated with Toronto, and found it was the number of a lad wanted there for escaping from the school. Five hours later he received word of their cap- f ture in Deseronto. In Trenton they are said to have stolen about $200 worth of goods and money and a pear! ring. Most of their booty had been spent or lost fi on their travels east. Trenton police had a task to find their discarded clothing to send back to the institu- tion. meg -------------- Visiting Her Husband. Mrs. G. Lalonde has been in "Belle- | [i ville visiting her husband, George Lalonde, captain of the barve Na- dine, injured several days ago, but who 18 now making rapid progress || toward recovery. Capt. Lalonde was in charge of unloading a cargo of coal at Belleville when he was struck by the coal hoist. The hoist hit him on the head, inflicting a terrible cat and throwing him into the water. * Ordered to Take a Rest. Rev. P. Caiger-Watson, Marmora, has been ordered to take a rest on t of ill-health. Arrangements ||if made for the services in during his enforced zb- of age, who |i CAMPBELL'S For Vacation Needs SALE OF Si A 926 _-- Friday Is Bargain Day at Shaw's le Wash Goods Remnants nant counter Friday. | | STRAWS" All going at greatly reduced lf prices. "Keép a cool headeets li won't cost much." A compléte line of Summer it Furnishings in the : ng popular sell. ------ ape