Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Aug 1926, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THE EXQUISITE PERDITA B. E. BARRINGTON More divine than 'The Divine Lady;"' more glorious than "Glorious Appollo. R. UGLOW & CO. HANLEY'S (Established 1871) Steamship passages booked to all parts of the world. Pass- portsarranged. Through tickets 1ssued over al) Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Alaske Bermuda, West Indies, Mediterran. ean, Round the. World Steamship Lines. Prepaid passages arranged for it you desire to bring relatives or| friends frm abroad, | For ts particu apply to or write J. 7, Hanley, C.P. & T.A., C.N. Riys. Office, Canadian National Riys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. 'Phones 99 or 283% COAL We are mow taking orders for Scranton and Virginia Anthracite Steve, Nut and Pea Coal Also Black Gem and Pocahontas Semi. Hard, Our Cosi is all weighed on the city seales. You get twenty bun. dred of 44 onl Loz a ton. Let us have your ovder for your winter Coal, { AYLESWORTH BRS. |= Phosie U. R. Knight, 1795.w, Of the twenty-five countries and states In Europe, thirteen have sovergigns. and twelve have presi- dents. , ENGAGEMENT RING Most people look upon the purchase of a Diamond Ring as involving an out- lay of many .hundreds of dollars, when such is not the case. You will be agreeably surprised at the attractive appearance and beauty of our rings, priced at $100.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS STREET 'Waiter Cannem fing and Furnace Work atin a Specialty. Automobile Radiators repaired and recored. 60 BAGOT ST. I | | The Awards Made "Phone 1805. FORT GARRY CAF E Our Motto is Quality and Service. . MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING You ? HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US. EDWARD LEE, Propritor 157 PRINCESS STREET. ~~ "PHONE 201, a ( | SOWARDS COAL CO. It will pay you to consult us, before placirig your order for your winter coal. quality count. Price and SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. "LADIES! Just received a shipment of Crystalline Parcs Shades, i LOOK! 1 hand-painted in all colors. Pricedat ...............$2.50 and $2.75. Call in and see them. 'The Saunders 167 PRINCESS STREET. Electric Co. TELEPHONE, S41, A ------------------s =" A GOOD MEAL VISIT OUR REST AURANT Best Food 'wiih Excellent : Strvis | semctar, suxpay DINNER Of sees Te, Ciavrerens Best Music by New Orthophoute Vigtor AA A ee ee SA of 18 1 EEN RESULTS. GIVEN IN GARDEN CONTESTS in This District Have Been Announced. The home garden contests which were conducted in Frontenac county by the Ontario Department of Agri- culture through the local represen- tative, Mr. A. W. Sirett, have now been completed and the "awards made, The contents are among young boys and girls, aged from 12 to 16 years, in the growing of a garden plot comprised of the essential gar- den crop, and including the 'follow- ing vegetables: Carrots, beets, onions (3 kinds), parsnips, cabbage, corn, | tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, spinach, beans, Swiss chard, citron, squash, cucumbérs and peas. All the seeds are furnished the contentants at cost by the depart- ment, together with a plan and direc- ions to follow in the laying out of the garden. Instruction is also given as fo the corréct way to plant the seeds The backward spring weather made the gardens somewhat late, and the quality of produce was not up to last year's standard. The judging was dome by Mr. Sir- ett during the past week, when the gardens were in their best possible oondition. Prizes amounting to $20 were awarded in each contest. Half of the prize money was furnished by the Chilean Nitraté Company, who also furnished each contestant with a ten-pound bag of nitrate of soda. The awards are made according to the following score: Points General appearance, straight, oven, well filled rows Correct size of plot and arrange- ment of crops Freedom from. .weeds, and insects Cultivation and care of plants. . Quality of vegetables, uniform in size and shape Yield (approximate) The contest resulted as follows: Girls' Contest. Lily Conboy, Mountain Grove, 96: Caroline Conboy, Maberly, R.R. No. 1, 95; Mary Storms, Sydenham, 94; Elizabeth Keenan, Glemburnie, 93: Mary Murchie, Brewer's Mills, 92; Aleta Yorke, Parham, 91. Other contentants were: Hazel Hearns, Parham; Evelyne Hender- son, Oso Station; Evelyne McAllister, Harrowsmith, R.R. No. 3; Marguer- ite Donnelly, Sharbot Lake: Muriel Clark, Kingston, R.R. No. 5: Willo Dodd, Sharbot Lake; Mildred Long, Harrowsmith, R.R. No. 3: Bernice Brawley, Sydenham, R.R. No. 2; Minobell Germain, Kingston, RR. No' 1; Anna Laura Cox, Mountain Grove; Lottie Orr, Gananoque, R.R: No. 3; Susanna Conboy, Sharbot Lake; Edna Myers, Westport, R.R. No. 2; Mabel Robb, Battersea, R.R. No. 2; Agnes Vinkle, Oconto; Isabel Babcock, Hartington; Dorothy War- ner, Yarker; Vera Rogers, Brewer's Mills. -- Boys' Contest. German Fisher, Sunbury, R.R. No. 1, 94; Norman Horné, Wolfe Island, 93; George Gooderham, Hartington, 92; Thomas Howes, Wagarville, 91; Charles Féarsi, Bath Road, P.O., 90; Fred Cox, Mountain Grove, 89. Other contestants were: Mac. Mac- Donald, Wolfe Island; Burt Hender- son, Oso Station; Kenneth Joyce, Kingston, R.R. No. 2; Harold Walk- er, Mountain Grove; Bruce Molr, Vérona, R.R.-No. 17 Joseph Clark, Battersea, R.R. No. 2; Millard Horne, Wolfe Island; Gerald O'Shea, Wolfe Island; John Scott, Joyce- ville, R.R. No. 1; Joseph Kerr, Har- rowsmith, R.R. No. 1; Joseph Kel- ley, Odessa, R.R. No, 3; Gerald Hegadorn, Westbrooke! Leonard Bmith, Sunbury; Ross Donaldson Joyceville, R.R. No. 1; Garfield Bradford, Harrowsmith, R.R. No, 1 33 Reginald Chase, Joyceville, R.R. No. Elmer Cornwell, Parham: Mel- ville Howes; Parham, RR. No. 1; Burney Goodberry, Wagarville: Claude Leonard, Hartington. | e----------------------. Swam the St. Lawrence. Miss Marian Mabafty, Brockville, couraged her by musie, or 'else she was desperate and want. 49.10 got away from the stamens. jon GANANOQUE RACES HELD ON WEDNESDAY - Splendid Card W Was/ Provided at the Driving Park for Half Halliday. Gananoque, Aug. 12.---The races at' the Driving Park yesterday after-| noon were the best Gananoque has | held for many years, and much credit is due the committee, who worked so hard to make them so. The dpy was all that could be de- sired, and, all things considered, it was impossible for them to grant their employees the half-holiday, although the manufacturers went as far as possible in this respect and the departments that could spare their staff at all were "let out." All the merchants also co-operated and let thejr clerks off for the afternoon. Following are the results: 2.85 Class. Margaret Penalty, W, Charles Randall, Napanee .. {Rex Hal, Ted Crag. Smith's Falls .. .. «a, Palmetto, Perth Perth . Lady Driscoll, Kingston .. ao l.l "ono Bessie G., W. J. Gibson, Gananoque au dea Time--2.341%4. Stables, A Driscoll, 2.24 Class. Wenger, S. Blewett, Pe- terboro le Vanity Fair, B. Soper, Smith's Falls ... Iola the Great, Perth Varda Wi Lansdown Mac Dale, O Maz Doo, 'Kings- Cy 'Perth Stables, cs, Thomas Shields, 2.17 Class. boro Mr. Healy, boro ... Direction Murphy, "Thomas Nicholson, Kingston Maude E., Thomas Nichol- son, Kingston ... Diamond D., Perth Stables, Perth ... . 5 King Hal, Perth 'Stables, Perth ... ... 445 2 Several young people 'had a ple nic at the Beach on Tuesday after- noon, and among those present were some of the paddlérs and officials of th C.C,A., who have remained over for a few days' holidays. Wally Jones, Cadet E. B. Rogers and Miss Bernice dePencier were among the guests at a large house party "given on Tuesday evening by Miss Mary Hardy, at the home of her parents, Senator and Mrs, A. C. Hardy, Brockville. Mrs. W. T. Sampson and Mrs. J! T. Rogers were the hostesses at the Golf Club bridge on Wednesday af- terndon at' He' clib house. 'Mrs, Louise Compeau returned to Syra- cuse a couple of days ago, after spending the past week here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McEwan and children motored back to Wind- sor yesterday, aftéer a week's visit here with Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Pilon. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Thomas, who are with Mr, and Mrs. C. C. Skin- ner at their summer home, '"Apro- haqui,'"- say Gananoque is the pret- tiest spot in the world. This is a verdict given by several visitors to our town who have travelled much of the world. Mrs. Jack Downey and little som, Detroit, spent a few days here with her sister, Miss Katherine Vallent- good ,and has gene on to visit her parents at Seeley's Bay for a few weeks, Mrs, Jack Amo and chil- dren, Clayton, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas #aker. Jack Bovey, who was so seriously burned a few days age, when his boat took fire, is reported as doing very nicely, and it is now expected that he will have a rapid convales- cence. T. Barker, captain of one of the Grand Trunk war canoes, 'who has been enjoying a few days here holi- daying, returned' to Montreal yester- day. The shows on thie. Market Square are receiving generous patronage. It is one of the best "Midways"" that has ever been here, and the several features aré much above the aver age. ( S. Blewett, Pe- 2 11} NAPANEE | Napanee, Aug. 12.--T. B. Wallace has purchased the tifying it with a cost of paint. Miss Ida Anderson, of Rochester, N.Y., spent the week-end in Napanee with Mrs. Co anderson. ry att Monday to two weeks wit Ber brother, Dr. Frank C. Ander- son, at summer home, Port- rh on he ". vacation in ir unclp, W.' San- 'Montreal, is the guest Pr Necallam, . 8. Henry pro«| ~ perty, on John street, and is beau-| Edna sad Helen Hull | LANSDOWNE | | Lansdowne, Aug. 12.--Service will { be in St. John's church on Sunday, {Aug. 15th, at 3 pm. Mr. and Mrs. | | George Lawson and son, New York, {are visitors at A. E. Haffe's. Mrs, { { Harry Nunn and family, accompanied ! {by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ayres, To- {ronto, have returned home after spending & week at the Landon] Cottage, Swift Water Point. | Rev. TP. Perry, Gananoque, paid a week-ead visit with Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Baron and preached in the | evening at Truesdale's pavilion. The | services on the Grove church charge | Sunday next, Aug. 15th, are as fol-! lows: Dulcemaine, 11 a.m.; Union 2.30 p.m.; Lansdowne, 7.30 pm.; ! also Truesdale's pawilion at 7.30 p.m. Rev. John H. Kerr, D.D., of Arllng- ton avenue Presbyterian church, Brooklyn, will preach at Truesdale's pavilion at 7.30 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 15th. Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Baron and Mrs. L. M. Galbraith are spend- ing a few days at the rivér this week, in N. Peck's cottage. Marvin | Smith, New York, is visiting his grandfather, Mr. Lappan. Saturday night, on the arrival of the Brockville-Gananoque bus, a lve- ly fight occurred in which three or four young men were concerned, and some of the bus windows were brok. en. Mr. Leo Palmer, teller in the Bank of Montreal, is enjoying a fort- night's holiday in Belleville. Mrs. B. W. Leverette and daughter, Nina, were week-end gnests of Mrs. and Mrs. Firman Cross. Mr. Clifford Nunn, of the Bank of Toronto staff, is spending two weeks down at the river, Mrs. N. Donevan and son, Harry, returned on Wednesday from visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. John Collins, Mal- lorytown. Mrs. Kinnard, Ganano- que, was a recent guest of her moth- er, Mrs. John Quinn. Mr. Alex War- ing, Toronto, who spent the past three weeks at the Stewart House, returned .home on Saturday. Mr. Alexafider Lawson, Charles Lawson, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and Miss Bar- rett, Ottawa, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Senn, at the Stewart House, returning on Mon- day. Mrs. Alexander Lawson and daughter, and Miss Florence Lawson; Ottawa, and Master George Feeley, of Cannamore, accompanying them. Mrs. Nicholls, Niagara Falls, is a Ruest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mit- chell. Howard Herbison, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Herbison, Rockfield, was taken to the Kingston General Hospital, on Thursday, for an operation for appendicitis, Dr. H. Lochéad taking him up by motor. Notes From Elgin. Elgin, Aug. 12.--There was no service in the United Church on Sun- day, as Rev. Mr. McConnell and family are away on holidays, but Sunday school classes were held as usual. Rath Darlington, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Alma Kerr, has returned to her home in Smith's + Falls. Miss Marguerite Knapp, Toronto, is spending her holidays with Mrs. J. C. Pennock, Lyn. Rev. E. Teskey and family are holidaying in this vicinity. Elton 1 I d Q § | ih i Eagle . i ji JC RE-ROOF FOR 50 YEARS WITH EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES They will save you time, labor, money and add beauty and tharm to your home. ALLAN LUMBER CO. "Phone 1042. 3 " Victoria Street Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK ° DURING AUGUST i FURNITURE SALE See the great array- of Simmons' special outfits set up on our spacious floors. A ~THREE PIECES AT THE PRICE OF TWO-- (1) This beautiful walnut finished, two inch, continuous post steel and electrically welded, with imitation cane panels, med centre. (2) All Steel Woven Wire or Coil Springs with a heavy cable on sides. (8) Simmons' Acme Mattress, all pure white felt. (4) A pair of Star Pillows in fancy Art Ticking. SIMMONS' SPECIALLY PRICED $25.00 FAMOUS OSTERMOOR AND BANNER SPRINGS. ALL SIZES. JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, WE STORE YOUR PURCHASE AND DEfIVER FRER, Coon and family are with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coon. C. Sher- wood's out-buildings suffered slight- ly in the storm on Saturday morning. Mrs. George Murphy and her three little daughters are guests of friends at Chaffey's Lock for the week, Miss N. Pinkerton left Tuesday. to spend her holidays with the Misses John- ston at the cottage in Portland. Brazil newspapers, when they get ' out an "extra," first let the public know of the event by blowing a stri- i Ghee i A | i f 3 i x ' 0 i) OH i i Jobbing Work a Specialty Brick, Stone, Plastering and " Mile Setting Dou el 400 ALBERT STREET 'Phones 2267F---028W Golden opportunities are the kil that fate hands the other fellow on silver platter. Zh P ROTECTOR Eagle if fi or three absolutel HILDHOOD, In those first months when bab food on Doctor's orders Be relied f the little are carchully To 0. Re or. umibie ours thee child, rand t yi put on asificil one's very life! fidesd it can instructions nerations or

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