N AUNDERING W.GILLETT CO. LTD. E. J TORONTO, CANADA Ne News From: Canonto. Canonto, Aug. 9.--Cutting hay and picking berries is the order of the day. Daniel Hannah spent Sunday at his home here. J, W. Chatham was 2 Sunday visitor at James Elliott's Miss Grace, also Mrs. Alfred Kirk- | wood, and two children, Alma and | Norman, spent Sunday at James Fl | lott's. A baby boy has come to | brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Robert Peters, Charles and Laurence Sproule spent Sunday at William Lane's. Mrs. Daniel Hannah and son, Howard, spent a day last week with | Mrs. William Love. A number of | 'people motored to Plavna on Sunday | to view the airplane in Sand Lake. | Miss Ruby Kirkwood is spending al couple of weeks at Plevna. A few © of the people attended the dance at Snow Road Saturday evening, and all report a good time. CHAPTER XLIV. Leonie and Lady Warrington sat with their host in a sort of little bower beside a trickling, water-fall, under exquisitely-shaded lights that made even the plain pretty, and the pretty, beautiful. Bald-headed Romeos cavorted gally with bewitching maidens. Lov- ers swooned across the tiny tables towards each other. An intriguing melody crooned from the highest- priced orchestra in the world. "Is that the saxaphone?" she ask- ed, as from one of the instruments came a long-drawn, whining note, plaintive .and fascinating. He pointed put various Napoleons of finance to her, and mames well known on Wall Street. "I didn't think 'they'd find time to relax like this," commented the English girl. "They don't look a$ 'though they had a care in the world." Mr. Sturtevant smiled, well-pleas- od. "Oh, we're a many-sided people. And we like to please the ladies." Leonie beamed on him. "Women are spoiled over here, aren't they?" "Not more than they deserve to be," he gallantly replied, tilting up a glass whose innocuous contents were optimistically labelled as a champagne cocktail, but whose price cruelly corresponded to the real thing! "I drink to your health and happiness, and the enjoyment we ail plan to give you on this visit to our United States!" Late one afternoon Miles Holden walked down Broadway, It was a street that fascinated him. For it was Life Incarnate. In some moods he resented it," de- spised, or even hated #t. Its ruth- lessness, its tinsel show, its faces satiated with pleasures that were rr PT ITP Teng RADIO SATURDAY, AUGUST 14. WOO (484) Davenport, Ia. 5.45-& p.m.--Chimes concert. empty, its fickleness, galety. In other moods he loved the stimu- lus of it, its quick welcome to suc- cess, its generosity. And always it drew him like a magnet. Jostling crowds went by him as he walked down past the Roaring Forties, past the old flower women whining their wares, past endless little shops whose windows were filed with amazingly low-priced copies of the mewest Parig = model, wherewith to tempt the little aetor- ines that throng the 'neighborhood. His pace slowed to a saunter, for time was heavy on his hands. There was two hours to kill, before he should call for Leonie Day and take her out to some amusement. He didn't want ®o go with Leonie! : Always his thoughts turned with naggiog insisteney to the other girl at home. Marcella. + whom he had sworn he. would forget for. ever! He still loved her, despite all at- tempts to hate her and cast her from his life. Marcella! Image of all that was desirable, but at heart so mercen- ary and so decelving! He had been fooled! His eyes were open now, wide open. Marcella had fallen to the highest bidder, with all the world- ly wisdom and calculation of her sox. But--try as he would--he could not tear her image from his mind or heart. With feet of clay, his idol had toppled from the pedestal; yet there were times when it seemed to him that she was nearer, dearer, than she had ever been before! Marriage with Leonfe Day was itke a great cloud on 'the horizon. He cursed himself for the entangle ment, being too innately fine and chivalrous to see Miss Leonie's own 5.30--Concert, Flotilla Clab. 6.15--Baseball scores. 8--Westinghouse band. 9.55---Baseball scores. WJZ (455) New York. 12 n--Park Lane music. 3 p.m.---Soprano, and impersona- tor, :* 4.32-4.50--Reports. ---- F---- its * tawdry | schething hand in the affair. There must be some way out that was honourable and fair! He must be absolutely honest with the girl and tell her that he did mot love her as a man snould love his future wife, Perhaps she dM not really care for him as much as she imagined? On boardship she had been pleased to accept the attentions of other men. A gleam of hope shone there. A stall crowd stood on the pave- ment about a musie-shop. A large megaphone or trumpet was set neat- ly through the ceuntre of the win- dow-pane, magnifying the shri) notes of a woman's voice who-- seated at a piano in the interior of | the place--was lustily bawling the very latest song-hit. Miles halted for a moment In the doorway. "God! What a life for a . wo- man!" he thought, glancing with pitying interest at the peroxide blonde whose livelihood was earned in such a curious way. At the conclusion or the song she rose, and flung an alluring smile through the window at the pavement crowd. ? 'They gaped at her in semi-bore- dom. No one made a move to buy a copy of the piece she'd sung. '"T'll take half a dozen copies," eaid Miles with quick generosity, stepping fordward on an impulse. If she couldn't sel] the music, then she would lose her job, he knew. The owner of the sho would hire a younger, more attractive woman, in the true Broadway manner. "Thanks. I'm a bit up against it." She rolled the sheets together. ,| Then, with an apathetic glance at him, a sudden gleam of recognition came to her tired blue eyes, and she added quickly: "Guess we've met before?" (To be continued) 8--Organ recital, Harvard Club. 8.30--Westminster orchestra. 9 --Springfield programme. WTAM (389.4) Cleveland, O. 12.30 p.m.--Bamboo Garden Or- chestra. ' 6.16--Cleveland Orchestra. 7.30--Studio programme. 8----Hollenden Orchestra, Rheumatism If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms or | Legs Rheuma Will Bring Quick Relief or Nothing to Pay. If you suffer from torturing rheu- tem is full of the dangerous poison that makes thousands helpless and kills hundreds ~ years before their time, then you need Rheuma, and need it now. you have prayed for. It helps an- tagonize and drive from the system the deadly poisons that. cause Rhue- matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, 4 and suffer intensely because your sys- |. Rheuma acts with speed; it often "i brings in just a few days the relief} matic agony, twisted, swollen, un- |i live Belting. sightly" joints and sore muscles. Rheuma is harmless--quick acting and one discovery that has forced Rheumatism to yield and disappear. torture--get a bottle of Rheuma from James B. McLeod of Kingston and Wallace's Drug Store of Napanee, or any druggist to-day. It must rid Jou ot all Rheumatic paih or money ack. FELL AND HURT HAND -- Mrs. A. Snider Injured While Pick- ing Huckleberries, Mountain Grove, Aug. 11--"Apos- tle Benn" has pitched his tent at the village and is holding daily services. Robert Cox and family motored to Elginburg on Sunday. While picking huckleberries Mrs. A. Snider had the misfortune to fall and fracture her wrist and also put her thumb and finger out of joint. Dr, Suddaby dressed the injured members. Hugh Thompson came home on Monday. He will remain until fully recovered from his injuries. J. MaCrimmon is at Sharbot Lake. The little daughter of J. Johnson, who has béen suffering from blood-poi- son, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. A. Barr left for their home in Saskatchewan on Monday, Mrs. F. Thompson and children, Havelock, at W. Brown's. Mr. and Mrs, W. Hill have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Price, Brockville, were at J. Price's recently. G. Mos- fer and family, Arden, at E. Barr's on Sunday. @* A sensible man is one who knows when to let go before taking hold. WOMEN SACRIFICE HEALTH There are ambitious women every- where who, in their anxiety to keep their homes neat and "attractive and their children well clothed and fed, continually overdo and bring on ail- ments as evidenced by headaches, backache, nervousness, irritability and aches and pains which accompany female ills. For over fifty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the one dependable remedy to restore over-worked, sick and ail- Don't continue to suffer Rheumatie | - Private Branch Exchange A Trip to Spain. "Tira-Lira-Loo!"" called Johnny Jump Up. "Wake up, Nancy and Nick." "I'm quickly. "So am I,' said Nancy. going away, Johnny?" "We're going to Spain," said the little garden fairy. "Timmy Tit- mouse is all ready and waiting." Soon both ,of them were dressed and Johnny Jump Up gave them the magic shoes which they put on. They began to shrink up until you could have put two of them into a mustard pot. awake!" answered Nick "Are wa! Then out of the window and down the vine they crept, and there they were in the garden. Hs "I hope 'you will have a nice time," called the fairy from the red rose, p "Don't you hope I'll have a nice time, too?" inquired Tommy Tit- mouse. "Are there any bugs and worms in Spain?" "The little Spanish lady laughed. "Yes, of course, there are, Tommy. As big as alligators." "Hugh? What's that?" cried the little bird. "Then you ean just gO there without me. \ Mebne the bugs in Sprain eat the birds instead of the birds eating'the bugs." "Oh, come on, Tommy," said Johnny Jump Up. "Now who is do- ing too much talking? Here, punch these tickets and we'll be going." "Are the bugs as big ad\alligators, honest?" asked Tommy nervously. "No, I was only fooling," laugh- ed the little rose fairy merrily. "Go on! You'll have a good time." Like many other countries they had visited, it was daylight in Sprain although it was night at home. Mis- ter Sun wakens the Spanish children Used Rubber Belting 4 ply Rubber Belting, in any width up to 34." Has been well preserved and is good, 'S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Phone 1571. PYCHRURGETT Y ERE] Y Olive Roberts Barto . before he pokes his nose up over the hills in America. Ni Tommy Titmouse settled down oa top of a mountain, "These moun= tains are called the Pyr-e-nees," sald Johnny Jump Up. "That's easy to remember because it sounds If pair of knees." "Will you take us to a bull fight? asked Nick. > "No, sir, I will not," said Johnny, "although the people in Spain wo rather go to a bull fight than to & circus." : 2 "Why, what's wrong with a bulls fight?" asked Nick. "Everything," "said Johnny Ju Up. "They tease a poor bull wit a red cloth--and somebody usually gets hurt. I think it's more fun to look at castles and things. There is one not far from here called the Al-ham-bra that is very old and magnificent. Come, Tommy!" "You won't let a poor fellow at all," grumbled the little bird. After they had seen the Alk bra, Johnny Jump Up took them see Madrid, a big city where th king's palace was. # And after that they visited vineyards where grapes were grow Ing and large orange orchards full oranges growing on trees. "There is your fruit of Sprain,' sald Johnny. "Now we'll 80 a see an almond grove and wal grove and an olive orchard. after that I'll show you some qu trees they make cork ouf of. 4 then we'll go home." 5 "Thank goodness!" said Tom: Titmouse, -------------- Extending from Namonde to NI ko, two Japanese towns fifty mile apart, there js a wonderful a LET ME QUOTE YOU RATES ON AN (All Risk Motor Policy BEST AND CHEAPEST FORM OF COVERAGE GENERAL INSURANCE ~] RH. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET "PHONES 826.896. ROID. & DR. J. CW. BROOM =~ ++ 255 : -| By experimenting for years he discov- Dental Surgeon 7 [ered the exact cause of piles and then 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 679. Evenings by ing women to health and strength. Thousands of women bear willing testimony to this fact. 9---Programme from WTAM Stu- dio. 6.05--Waldort Orchestra. 7--Leonard Saxom, tenor. 7.26--Philharmonic 'concent. 9.20--Walter Preston, baritone. 9.30---Astor Orchestra. 9-10--Band Concert. « KDEA (809.1) Pittsburgh, - 2.30 p.m.--Baseball scores. No More Piles | Thoussnds Bless Dr. Leonhardt, the Physician Who Discovered This Common Sense Remedy If you think that the surgeon's knife is the only remedy of escape from the misery of piles, it's because you haven't heard of the new treat- ment known as Dr. Leonhardt's HEM- and French children and English of trees. They are perfectly & 130 to 150 feet high and children and Italian. children long $ £ Guess this Year's Attendance | at the Canadian National Exhibition (TORONTO) '900% | in cash prizes ------ A [ ---- KYW (586) Chicago, HI. 5.30 p.m.--Concert. 6--American music hour. 7--Programme. 8--Concert. o 9.30---Congress carnivai. WEAF (492) New York City. 12.45 p.m.--Waldorf orchestra. 4 to 7.30--Grosso's orchestra; New Yorkers orchestra; Waldor! music; Greenwich Village Inn orch- estra. - 7.30--Musical comedy. 8.30--Goldman Band concert. 10.15--Bernie's orchestra. 11.15--Rojfe's orchestra. WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 6 p.m.--Onondaga orchestra. 6.30--WMAK programme. 7.25--New Yotk = Philharmonic Symphony. 9.30--Dahce programme ------ WSAI (326) Cincinnati, 0, 8 p.m.--Chime concert. 8.30--Bicycle sextet, 9.30--Lella Le Mar, pianist. ' WBZ (888.1) Springfield, Mass. 6 p.m.--Springtield Capital. WOCO (416.4) Minneapolis. 6.15 p.m.--Barlow's Orchestra. 8.15--8urprise. Programme. o 8.45--Crinoline Trio. 10.05--Erickson's Orchestra. -- Complete radio programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. A AN ANNUAL SOCIAL. want further and compounded a rem- edy that would remove the cause. Dr, Leonhardt wants every sufferer to benefit by his discovery and so thas there will be no doubting or de lay, Jas. B. McLeod, Kingston, and Wallace's Drug Store, of Napanee, aud all druggists are authorized to sell HEM-ROID with guarantee that it will do as stated or money back. On that honorable basis every suf- ferer should secure a pafkage of Dr. Leonhardt's HEM-ROID to-day. A Splendid Sum Realized at Rock- field Event. Rockfield, Aug. 11. Several of the farmers have finished their hay- ing and are preparing their machin- ery for the harvest, which will be starting in a few days. The annual ice cream social held by the Rockfield Ladies' Ald came off last Thursday evening with a good attendance, lots of good eating and a good pro- gramme. The ladies are quite pleas- ed with the splendid sum realized, which will be added to the church re- pairs fund. The singing furnished by 8. Hollingsworth, Athéns and Miss Moore, New Dublin, was especially sppreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warren and son, Donald, visited at Roy "Scott's, Addison; on Sunday. They were fe- companied home by Helen and Eric Scott who will spend the week with friends here. Lloyd Herbigon, De- troit, Mich., is calling on friends here. | Miss Mabel Gardiner, Ssel-s's Bay, Spent last week the guest.of her cou- sin, Miss Helen Warren. Howard Herbison underwent an operation for appendicitis in Kingston General Hospital last Thursday and _|18 doing as well as can be expected. Rev. Charles Bland, Winnipeg, who For the Nearest Correct Guesses | Each and every guess MUST be accompanied by 1 CIGAR BANDS | Here is a chance for you to wna" substantial cash prize. There are no restrictions--nio i | any can submit as many guesses as they like. You ve only to comply with these two conditions:, 1 Each and every guess MUST be accompanied : by THREE OVIDO CIGAR BANDS. Six bands entitle you to two guesses--Nine bands to three 'guesses and so forth. : 2. All guesses must be' submitted on or before Announcement of prize winners' will be made on . or about October 1st, 1926. = ! LACKAWANNA COAL Our "Lackawanna" Coal 8 for heating your home. No matter hard the nd ~~ wv mh poms iti