Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1926, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Friday, August 13, 1926. ec. Friday, august 13, 1926. . ES --------r_ [Rav Sit png sovrtment, pp Lenglen Free RE-ROOF FOR 50 YEARS WITH SEEAEE] i Seton | WILL BURNS SET MARKS | Pitchers but handicapped by Vance's | { Physical condition, sti] are the poor- | ASEBAL scores LL est hitters in the old eircqit, Pourville, France, Aug. 12.--*Tne|| Clevelander But Twenty-three Shy of Speaker's Two- It seems impossible for the Braves | nightmare is over." Thus did the Bag American e, and Phillies to wind up higher than | temperamental Suzanne Lenglen, en- | ger Record With Chase Only Half Over. : EDHANM KOLORED y NGLES New York ..001 000 001--2 3 1 they are at present, although both | thusiastic over her prospective visit | ¢ | 3 Washington 120 010 10x--5 6 0 | have shown considerable improve- | to Canada and the Unifed States, -- « 'Batteries: Beall, McQuaid 'and jment lately. At this stage it looks | greet a correspondent of the Associ. \ T : 4 » rel; Muitay and Te. 2 BL 8 three-cornered fight' for the late} Press who had come to this : : § Detroit . .000 002 000-- | pennant, with. the Pirates and Reds | little seaside resort, near Diappe Th ill 1 | ey will save you time, labor, money and Bt. Lopis .. .012 000 04--7 10 9 evenly matched and the Cardinals in | where the amateur woman tennis Batteries: Stoner and Bassler; | ® position to perform a baseball mir- champion of (the world turned pro- Ts and Schange. | acle, fessional. "Phila. .. ..000 300 002--5 10 o| ER ------ Freed from the a1 & Ways present * Boston +e -001 000 000--1 5 1 GERMAN SWIMMER WILL thought of having to defend her Batteries: Ehmke and Perkins; TRY ENGLISH CHANNEL title, Suzanne appeared five years add beauty and charm to your home, LUMBER CO. " Wiltse, Wingfield and Gaston, Bis- younger, carefree and happy. "Some ' 4 : chott. seem to believe I gm tied up hands Phone 1042, Victoria Street . Second game-- Scions 1s of ken Will Try and Ac-| ang feet by becoming professional," : s ¥ la. . .-, .101 210 0 2 complish Feat In Twelve she said. 'To me it is an escape . Boston . . . 000 000 0--0 5 1 Hours, from bondage ang slavery. No one (Called in seventh rain). ; can order me about any longer to 8 ---- ; Batteries: Rommel and Cochrane; Boullogne, France, Aug. 13. |Play tournaments for the benefit of | Zahaister, Welzer, Russell and Spurred by the feat of Miss Ederle ane. I got great fun out of . -- es. {in swimming the English Channel in | tennis for a few years after the war, {Cleveland 151 319 d32t 1 MEY hours and 31 minutes, a German bt lately it had become too exact- if ago . . 0 00 i b " _| ing. . Chie Swimmer named Verkoffer has ar | Get a permanent repair. Batteries: Faber and Schalk; Mil- | Pe at Calais fF and Sowell with the avowed pe q Pose of 'swimming the Channel in 12 n hours. j "Fireworks! Believe me, will show § National League. With Mme. Jane Sion of France | them some fireworks in the United : Cincinnati .024 010 200--9 14 3 and Omer Perrault of ) treal forc- | States and Canada," Suzanne ex- Promises Spectacular Play. Have your Tires and Tubes vulcanized, 29 x 4.40 Goodrich Balloon . co... $14.00 C. L. Attwood 105 Brock S| "Phila. .. : 200 000 S002 12 . [ed to quit their Chafine) attempt | claimed, "with nothing to lose and Batteries: May and Hargrave: early this morning the turbulent | Nothing to gain. I wil] take chances | Bean. Baoeht and Rouiine, League | Tech of water to-day was free of (On shots I never dared take before | mmers which has | when each point loomed up as big as th contest scheduled--Chicago and New ® Crush of swi A challenged it in the past few days. |the Eiffel Tower, ang the match ---- ee -- - | Ce -------- ET -- . York--was postponed because of Heavy seas and rain squalls com. | might depend on it. - rain, pelled the two swimmers to abandon "Who will play against me?" Sus. their attempt, anne again exclaimed in answer to a | he Butta Bternational. Tonge. "ws Although the Channel Was success- | question concerning her future op- alo . . -- | ful in turning back these two latest | ponents in her coming tour. * don't| Baltimore .011 001 010--4 7 aspirants to conquer it, another = [ponsa and I don't care. I am ready Batteries: Profitt, Stryker end vasion of swimmers will be on in a|to meet them all. Tell them to come : Barnes; Ogden, Earnshaw and Frei- few days. on. I have done my bitto build up . Miss Clarebelle Barrett of New Ro-| the teanis of France and of the Other games scheduled were post- chelle, who came within two miles of | world. It's about time tennis did oH poned on account of rain, | S¥imming the Channel last week, | something for me." 12 Lo plans to start her second attempt "Do you think yon might meet Write for Pamphlet 6, Cream of Malt Limited, 44-46 Pear St. Toronto, STANDING OF CLUBS. Sunday. Miss Lillian Cannon of | Helen Wills again?" . Distfibutors: W. P, Peters Seeq Oo. Ltd. 117 Broek Street. ? Baltimore, who feels that she is in "I sincerely hope so," Suzanne re- » i National A p.c. | fit condition to beat Miss Ederle's sponded. "Perhaps it can be ar. SCHOOL PUPILS FILNIO Hughes, h R= += | record, hopes to start on Monday. ranged. I don't feel that I should Mrs.* John Hughes, Miss Mildred 3 Ea aburet "eax ° 33 137% : I -- be ostracized because I have turned Was a Pleasant Event Glver by Miss Reynolds is spending her holidays Be Bh Sains 62 51 549 FOOTBALL AT NORTH BAY. professional. Segsworth at Pleasant Valley, at Verona. i mat --eiuw Sz 3 21 a Picking up the thread of the story Pleasant Valley Aug. 10. -- Yam. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kennedy and New AGS ER '522 | It Has Been Decided to Put Team in| of her career on the courts, which : vy : daughters, Franklin, N. H., at Dex- fChocago ..~.. . 57 52 523 Intermediate O.R.F.U. has carried her to such heights, Suz- 33 are shout through having, 254 ter Si orth's. Little r 1 53 58 477 report § fair crop. A number fro=: 8 le Miss Doris Brooklyn .. .. .. ' North Bay, Aug. 13.~--Football got | anne responding to the remarks that nb oad iw | Hughes is visiting at her d-par. : : Roos co... 44 B84 407 here attended the quarterly servi " grand-p. : ; 4 65 387 | Way to its initial start as the fall she talked like a veteran, readily d dedication of the Free Metho | ents, Athwell Coudy's, Murvale, Mrs, J : Philadelphia. . .. 1 * Sport in the city at an enthusiastic answered a usually taboo question. an ep riasdeS «| McPherson spent Monday with Mrs ft: ---- izati eoting here. It was "Hy la I?" she flashed, "I dist church, Harrow mith, on Aug. * 4 American League, : yn ae ar for afi ow ¥ rg = ad, 27 1st. Mrs. C. Sigsworin Save au 4 Ayrams, Hartington, po ang Mr. Lost P.C. : (| 2m not afraid to say ternoon pi¢nic to the school chiicren | Clarence Bllenbec and children 42 628 vis With the intermediate series Feiss of age, I id Ble 200), George. Burns, Cleveland first baseman, is on a two-base on August Srd. All report a jo.ly spoilt Saturday at Barney Snyder's .R.F.U. . v een yin : i . : . h ly 5 S57 There is plenty of material to ya 1 win when I was hit rampage this season. In the first half of the chase Dublin | time. Mr. and Mrs, Beate Sige a William ne and child 52 540 round out a squad which would be IT vests old George" banged out 36 two-ply swats, only 23 shy of Tris, Worth and family attended the go; have ohare Badds are ren 5 BIA) rons saeugl oe compete tor the in Speaker 8 sehisational 59 made in 1923 which stands as the | (8 wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wiikiu», Ing a few days with her sister a: 57° 500 Je mediate pious > The pan Denies Receiving Money. major league high mark. . Wij Burns chalk up 24 more And| "yes Hazel and Gwen Allen, As. [Desert Lake. : 64 429 |!s to take the available players an 'There has been 'much talk for thereby set a new record for the boys to shoot at ? If he does men, Que., have returned home afier eT -------- i Split them into two teams in order na years that you are an amateur | he'll be puttin one over on his boss--but then eorge i y y on ists ' 76 315 that 'regular weekly games can be A y 0 88 1s on a Spending a week with their sist:r, Isn't it queer how people who are i ¥ --i layed. In this way an all-star teas | ® B8mé only, receiving money from mark-shattering parade, so why worry about anything else. | Mrs. Charles Sigsworih. not capable of giving advice to theme ie International League. Days be. rounded vrs which woulq | $021! 20d big clubs," Suzanne was| wee. . | Miss Bthel Fotter, Otiawa, . is selves seem to know the proper / & Won TOM PC repr a Yi play-ofr. | 04: : foneflt of a professional player eiv-| LONDON ANGLING FOR a, Mice Ti udays with her cou: | thing for you wy Ao: 5 46 620 |Top | "Please spike this talk for all : ins. Mi 1 d ; - & Hmore .. .. . : North Bay getting a bye in the first - Mil . ; Ing exhibitions under a professional ™ s'ns, Misses Ila and FPeatrice Town When a small boy refuses 5 second k:.... 15 41 gis und. This all-star team will play | me" Mile. Lenglen said, vehement. promoter. 0 STAR PLAYERS send. Ross Guess and family, To- Plece of ple there 1s somethin gaoronto .. .. . 75 438 .g10 un auspices of the loca] ha {1¥. "I never received a sou either "That opinion, however, should I , ronto, at Charles Sigsworth. Miss | wrong with either the boy or the ftale .. .. ... 4: 51. 592 . at Wimbledon or the French cham. not be taken as a decision. The mat. Endeavoring to 8ign "Mickey" | Edna and Harry Kerr at George | pie, B.A, and will be known as the North p Rochester .. ... §1 g1 500 [Bay O.N.R. t plonship or at the modest little Rl-| ter has not officially come before us Murray and La : Jersep City .. .. 56 64 467 ay the m pa he following offic.) Y1¢T8 Club. I know I have a reputa. and until it does no action will be y Wrence (Syracuse .. .. . 46 78 340 2 Megtine Pring offex) iop, yor becoming fabulously rich. toner . Aurle, Reading .. .. .. 37 3 235 | 318. Were 2pPyiatea: Tos) sty J. C.| People could not believe that I was In connection with Mile. Lenglens --n ry on . ach, en Bn "Ley; not making and spending fortunes ™ announced desire"to play Helen Wind | Olt, Aug. 13.11 became known . pee and Pe -------- 's ho : 5 - i - 4 THE LEADING HITTERS. Charles Beattle; treasurer, Aris: -- during her tour, contained in an' Xs. | Bere that Goldie Prodgers of London { ---------- Flint. The United States Angle. sociated Press interview the nafional Nas In the city endeavoring to sign National League. -------- New York, Aug. 12.--Suzanne vomen's champion sald she would Fim Murray and Lawrence ' AB R H po Lenglen's profected tour of America| pe pleased to oppose Suzanne again | AUrle for the Forest City's profes- Y 5 ve, Cin... 197 _28 77 391] - Times keep on changing....The|asa professional will receive no sane. "It all depends on the action of the | $lonal hockey team, but both players ou can strop a Valet | | Bfephenson, Chi. 198 "23 78 .369 [rural seitlement thet used to brag} tion from the United States Lawn | tennis officials, however," Miss Wills | to-day declared that they would not AutoStrop blade to | "Bressler, Cin.... 263 49 93 354 about its .300 hitters now likes to| Tennis Assocation, President Jones gsasq. * |!ake the leap. Prodgers also paid a su uicker 3 : » Brook.. 347 48-121 .349| ten about the number of fellers who| W. Mesereau indicated. po Visit to Pteston in search of material, than q er i¥nor, Pitts... 388 60 135 .348|can beat par over the mew sporty It is generally understood that Scouts of other teams in the new a you can " 8 Leader a year-ago to-day, Horns-| nine-hole course. the United States Lawn Tennis Asso-| It is no trick at al for a fighter | Canadian pro league have been fiirt- blade in another razor. ' " s Bt. Louis, .402. John McGraw refuses to count the | elation does not approve exhibition | to put the finishing touch on a pro. | ing with local players, but have had { 0 / : ---- Giants out of the National Leaguo| matches," explained Mr, Mesereau. moter... .He generally does it by | RO success. : Poa American League. Tace....He doesn't need to; some-| "We have repeatedly refused to} demanding "fifty grand." te i a AB R H Ppclone else will do it for him, grant sanctions for exhibitions be- Mr. O'Goofty thinks his chiropo- It may be sald of Nr. Rudolph C€ u rr ny Il, Det.. 248 44 98 398] A ootehmay's dea of Jetadlen by tyes amateurs. Xo ov only reason- dis 5 Is ihe bert in town:..."My man Valentino--as it has been said of Reg. in Canada ' Si oS yush, »++s 381 66 125 378! an all- ay sucker in the retics! able to assume, t erefore, that our| ¢ertain ¥ knows Lis business," he many golfers--that he at least ta'ks : other models lower prices 3 New York 366 107 137 .374 | where the days are six months long, policy would not be altered for thel says. a bully fist fight. 3 $5, ub to $a5; = _-- n , Wash... 410 78 153 371 Sn i Cleve.... 440 70 161 .368 a » Rr @ Year agh to-day, Speaker, { +890, gr: yt -- Is impossible to make a double Rk such a situation unless the play dumb baseball. is necessary to eliminate for a double play is for occupant of the base to It he does, only one man | -- -- Sr ie ND en pt + a]

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