Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Aug 1926, p. 12

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fy Tuesday, August 17, 1926. - THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place - ------ : ids : MARRIAGES. | @he British Whig [sore sn BRNI0D uy alee ned_____ OUT OUR WAY. 1836, at 1é Unit Chur arson-~ 'exia el { A ! % KINGSTON, NE a i a esas Pal %,ont., by Rev. on Help | ; < CLASS b ABIN { as, D. I r, olet, unges | ' rr ads. IFIED ADVES to their i oe oar and Mrs JN, Eo aEIERAL_Eor | dull, APB 72 ; . x =) peas? uiiaciiion oe try Bradagaw, to Jumes E. Botts, Buf- lington Street at 1 or 6.30 o'clock, or Vy [IM GETY NOUT OTH Lana F1BD RATES: | "Mrs. H K. Betts, Ridgetown,| PRone 7i7, : LINE O' FIRE |" HE MAY cutting. 8. Dally rate per line or consqeutive it. acon LAUNDRESS.-..To do fmall pn P g BE HUNGRY =~ BUT HE Pnsham. 3 ay Street, Kingston. ? insertions: NORA { ANK! War aR 0E a= home. Apply Box R-16, ANT NO FOOL! THAT : y i s . Minimunt ra "8 caargo Cash! ors OARD oF 3A HES. wish | == 2 -- DS Wanted Fh - HiNDA Lu 5 BORN. FR mM 3 | to thank thelr many friends and neigh-| Male and Female Heip Wan IN A FELLER.« T . =NGCH 1 MARCEL | bors for their kindness in their recent MEX AND BOYS WANTED --To pat 72 -e NEVER eran ing. J ber yement -- . - oa = | =n oS {sad bereavement. tonise J. W, Cursons Harber Saop \ ge SEE A RABBIT WHEN Facial RD OF THANKS Men's bair cuts, J6c. Shaves luc. Boys 3 ! Switser X 8. Mise 3 3 J i witzer, 3¢ aeen St 2 : cA Simpson and family, In- Bair cuts, ie les 25c. 201 Wel 3 i i} i pointmert "phone og et Yor ap. a Mr. Job Card of 'Thenks, and Memoriam {vorssy. Wish to return thanks: to their | ington su aon ae | \ Notlces--Charged, $1.50; cae { friends an eighbors a) ihe sur- Agents Wanted 4 if & P EF each igsertiva. und in intry tor t ness an 3 ising ordered for irregmiar rounding thair sad befeayement © & ri 9 \ {| sympathy jons takes the one-time inser- EB kind and loving companion and mo- SALES AGENTS--Wanted os ' Q For the very latest in Ladies' ois fn Jats; no ad hken for less Laan on of bu to he largest compleie stock.alx hundred 4 anertl ; unt erage words te Ter establish ory As] 7 ES . ¥ CARD OF THANKS. Years. ay iy is valuabie. write 4 " LADIES EXCLUSIVE PRIVATE Mr. James J. Purtell extends his] DOW and secure territory. Selam . A PARLOR. heartfelt appreciation to Postmaster! Nursery Co. Toionto. A. B. KINGSBURY | James Siewart and general staff, St 209 Princess Street "Phong 2018-2. | Mary's choir, Sisters of Notre Dame SALESHEN---We offer steady empluy- p 3 : ys . a Convent, Kingston Fire Department an tL 8d pay weokly to seil our come 4 oH x 4 more than one day thers for the many kindnesses Shawn yiate and exclusive lines of Suarkn. / ] / Auctioneers 24a. Rane expiration wi him in his late reavement in the 8! Le uslity, whole root, freah-dug- . y. - 4 . for the number. of of his rife 10-Grasr treed and plants. Attractive, i ! a, 2 p AUCTIONERRS--Expert service. modes f= . illustrated samples and tull co-cpera- J _ y \ rate charges. We can soll anyt ¢ tion. A money-making opportunity. /4 » 7, Ai AN Anywhere, any time. 'Phone 891-4. Luke Brothers Nurs ) 2) \ hi \ Murray's Auction Rooms, Market ' . \ uare. ther, also for the floral offerings. now every unrepresented distriot; feistess i 5 3 i § 3°} 2 i i | AUTOMOBILE JACK--On road north of Harrowsmith, found. Apply Albert Teachers : Albion, R. R. 1, Harrowsmith, Ont. nsurance 8 Ss reserve right to edit TEACHER WANTED-.For § 8. Schbol Zs AY 4 3 SY tiaswifiod advertising | so7omovin CRANK--Found. Apply] No. 14, township of Caladar. Must - eh FAN An S FIRE~Automobile and Casusit nsure Mr. Morely, Westbrooke. hold znd class certificate. Salary $600 ES IER : ance. E M. Crumley, 420 Earl Josue 8 349; ask for & want ad. rere ene ee | POF YORE, UMBOLIC preferred. Apply aT NEA / \ RS A> 'Phone 1783-M. % BAG OF BINDING TWINE--Lost Sat-! Hugn O'Donnell, Flinion P. O., Ont. = LR 3 B N me a ey 2 RN 8 N RR NL } INSURANOE--Only the most held it : : i : vl &. urday night between Missourl and|= -- WN Sydenham. Pleage notify John A.| Positions Wanted 0 g ) : 3 A ' companies represented. Strange AMES RE! Koen and recejve reward. . LA BREW N Nt Strange, established in 1860 Oftice Firm of Undertakers Ss { GRADUATE DENTAL NURSE --- Of : LN 2 ; ol. : OHILID'S WHITE MIDDY SUIT--Found. | NC ; \ k and 256 PRINCESS STREET | "5 0" nov have same at Suddaby| huyal College of Dental Surgery ith ; ' \ p : ERNIE D. SLITER--Ineurahos ot ; 3 ) © Clarence Street, opposite Post "Phone 147 for Ambulance Bros. Wo years experience, all branches of Insurance in | tion. ~ Apply Box 8-17, Whig Office. 7 2 companies of hest actal J. RE} COCKER SPANIEL-- Red and White, | = eer mass, oa CE BN ing." 281 King Street t. 'Ph ROBERT D lost, from 187 Stuart Street. Finder) Real Estaie For Ren 23578 The Ui please 'phone 1838-w. } sm a a Tt eT Ea ring Ueferoke , ae AK 4 cess Street Plats % \ \) COLLIE DOG--Lost, with a Portland 1i- a 4 3 i ; Decorators cense. Number 183. Apply 317 Uni- w ; A i : M. P. KEYES versity A' | APARTMENT - For rent, new § room . 2 ' - . ¥U ME: y Avenue. In 'good A. ANDERSON--Palnter and Do oaraton ha % 1966. § (8-w. Res. 1131. : | apartment, hot water heating. y 49 COLBORNE STREET CRANK FOR CAR Foupd on Queen '0Cation. 'Fhone $33-w § p.m. to 7 p.m. x ! Lt foeP a eaidence, Phang , ye p BON | Nr : ' Street. Owner may have same at the| xp NT Syds 2 2 lg TR RwWiltiam AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889. ue, | APARTMENT Sydenham Apartments, ; A&E J 1S ORT TOUR PATNTIN Ca Zl Ph e. C 08. | Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath tom, he done now THONTIN ne . --l 48. range, 1efrigerater, hardwood ad ~W . R80] -~ JOHN OONNELIUS CHILD'S DARK BLUE SWEATER --. 5% ; : , = Paper for sae. Horton, 145 Undertaker and Kmbalmer Lost on Wolfe Island. Finder kindly| UOT APPIY 69 \srock Street. Looe ov nea stvies, wa, OPPORTUNITY ONIN STOOPS ONCE 8-5 J Wood Street Phony Sst Parlors: $74 Princess Street joave at Mrs. Baker's store, Wolfe 1s-| DESIRABLE APARTMENT. Furnished : --------- PAINTING AN - Ambulance Phone 669 and. | or ungurmshed, 7 rooms ana Shinglin AND FarEs HANGIN DOG--T - TORR 1.1 room, beautifully decorated, - a : wa ShaE and 8 L in s, of r W-- : Gt an and white, with a St pol-| wood floors, electricity, gas, in 1 Earl Stead ompt Barrie 5 Bros. or Oe Pera to name of Bus-| cen ral residential locality. Apply Box Real Estate For Rent Real Estate For Sale eet. near ° : . -F. + | J-11, Whig Oftice. : a Bo SS ted FE rt SIGN PAINTING--J. 5. Robinson, reas : \ " a 3 Houses ° : Houses 14 215 or Wana Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 83. | ITOH KEV---Hound, coz Bagot und ; Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. | _ 4 or Str, same Whig Office. SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- Céntrally 10-| RESIDENCE--Brick veneer, 8 room at P. H. nis Mt Ys Ofties ~~ | CORNER 31 ITABLE-For butcher shop| cated; Mii, modern, equibmen Cid hot BENG heating. or light and; k 3. PALL Specialla Jor pow or re- i 7 ONE PAIR SPECTACLES. --.Lost, Tor-| ~-will make aiterations to suit tenant. to H. B., Trotter, Trotwr's Hardware, as, 3-p. bath, east side. Cheap for| Paired, e Curtains, p Co : 50 | LR ONTRENAC Undertaker and Embalmer, |°YE FAIR SPE opposite Crothers. Re-| Apply 89 Patrick Stree. 345 Princess Street. Be boil, Apply J. B. Cook, Bank | dan ypholstering and decking Find- | KE OCI E CAN AND AMBULANCE, turn to Crothers Company. i oi of Toronto Building shield and budy glass put in whi'e you nt. Phon treet, slec- - tee | Wait, lincléum 8nd edging for rune Sydenham, ( eo 20. presen. OFFICES--For rent, lafge and smali| STONE HOUSK-=133 Broek FEKINESE DOG--- With white feet; ¢ffices, in the Bibby Building. Terms| tric light and gas, hardwood 1100Fs, Bot] SOLID BRICK HOUSE~--On stone foun-| NINE boards, waterproof truck tarpau- proper sito lost. 'Phone 1944. | to sult tenant upun appheation to R.| water heating. immediate possession.| j.iion 7 rooms, 2 s.oreys and attic, | Mns and awnings made to order. 393 vestment. Bonds bought and so FLOWERS D. Sload, Bioby"s Limited. Apply to James lteid, 264 Frincess Bi.| freplace, all Improvements, garage,| FTincess Stréet. 'Phone 1640-F. ~~ posits received and in t PIECE OF MACHINERY --- For car, -------- : nice location on Nelson street, $5,600, : minimu CUT found on corner Clarence and King | STORE-=173 Wellington Street, fornmer-| 7 ROOMED HOUSE--Sixth Street, new- Apply to M. B. Trumpour, 270 Princess Fuel ana weed 3 Cartwright, I. SF Chaos WEDDING BOUQUETS Streets. Owner may have same at the| 1¥ 9ocupled by Emily Crawford, florist.| ly decorated, electric light, 3 plece| Loiech hone 704 or 2073W, a , : ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS Whig Office. Possession Scptember ist. Apply to C.| bath and furnace. Rent $25.00 per GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD ' Livingston & Bro, Brock Street. month, algo house on Cowdy Street, § | gVERLOOKING CITY PARK -- Solid] Concession street, for used lumber at Storage KIRKPATRICK S SIDE RACK--Found for truck, Owner - -- fooms, electric light and todlet. Reat| brick, four bedrooms and sewing room.| $25 per thousand, new lumber and . RE may have same at Drury"s coal office,| STORES~Centrally lceated on Princoss $16.00. Apply Hh. F. Norman, Pacrick| Bathroom. Hot water heating. Fire-| shingies, lowest price possible; hard ART AND FLowhs S10 Wellington Stree { Street. All heated Zod with fear en.| Street place. Living room, dining room and and mixed wood, soft and uixed slabs ' an J. oe Serre | 80 rooms suitable for lodge kitchen. In urst class conaition. Price hone for prices. one 2 . Phones 4562 1 Help Wanted or clus premises. Heated apartmenté|s RUOMED FURNISHED HOUSE =i $6,500.00. 34.000.00 of purchase price 305 . f-. Also for rent. About September Ist. Close to Queen's! lair romain orf mortenes. HARD COAL COKE--Limited supple} 30 uisen rd - Rr Ce . po - : A an Apply 1. Cohen & Co. = ===={ "Phone 3009. University and city park. elec- | autpactive houses in Kingeion. $10.00 ton for this month only. Classified Display Male Help Wanted Bree =| triclly and yard. Apply 15 Deacon! ningham, Agent. A Soaj pau Soa) 37.00 on all retoreansd BOYD'S GE WA USE pt -------------------- : . and aelivered. nkers, load STORA REHO BOYS..Wanted to sell week-end papers, Houses 9 $6,000Brick, 8 ropms, modern, céntral.| Fine cinders $1.00. Soft. slabs, $3.00; poet gob BAP merchandise: Fires Er Apply to Harold J. Smith, cor. Barrack Rooms 10 | $1,100--Frame, § rooms, improvements, | herd, $350. ' Feat, $12.00 ton, } 'Phone 1000 or 1177, * EE || and King streets. FRAME HOUSE -- All mproveménts, Farms and Stores would exchange. load ihDohs HioW, W. C. B Miscerancous WwW. KENT MACN garage, 304 Colling wood prove! Ap-| AN UNFURNISHED--Or partly furn- Money 33 loan: 250 Wellington, cor. Ordnanes. » MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You; can > 125 : ad i T. - Writing Al Kinds of Insurance. || sarn $100 io 45.00 an hour dn your, Li 13% KAKIN Koad. or pnome i47d-3.| ished frome. Tih some houses: Phone 1189-4. 351 Princess St. | LUM ough and ir aluo| ASHES--Cieaned out of Rr Tome Jone St Sots gor, : spare time writing showoards. No can-| pang IDENCE -- West end, near| Keeping Priviccas Yih Root shin and lath, sat a hard. | yards ciean job don ood : vassing or soliciting; we instruct you p 4 near! Kesping pr 5; fairly sony Ww ring, aif kinds, stovew 14 Russell Birest Brock and Wellington Sts. - po Nr You With work. re ol Xiotorla Park, eight rooms, h.w. fur-| to University and goad b arding house. For Rorswing aid planing. Piers & h Articles r_Sale roek and to . v hace, hardwc.od uoors, 3 p. bath, gas | Apply Hox V-18, Whi 5 SF ¥ 1 Lr Dominion Boldin haan mize} eisocriclty, ve andab. Possession at " > 4 Sete Eons 849. i ASH Te a tam Fare And v ' ld 0. | once. 'Phcne 2u15 or Apply 344 Fron-| WANTED--By & society, & small un. Miscellaneous IT aL : Wool "for sae. Batimat --- = | WANTED -- Smar., young HAR who | tense Street. ' Saf Toon ior", 0 heated and ADE By ant OT Business Services Buekiey Transfer. 143 Yor 5 wants steady work, gi education RN v ~ x , ; TANIA NUMBER---O oys' and EI Bel et re ee 'Phone 291 snd 2516-M. : necessary. Apply in person to Andes FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS-- Whig Office, stating terms. cycles, Inciuding some Cleveland and = TEEIRRE - 8 Foprigarators. " § and 7 rooms, with fireplaces and - Dressmaki: 20a, -- : 4 Porfection oll cookers || sn Bros corner Princess and Divi-| 5,484 1 rooms wit $35, tor rest of! STUDENTS--Deslre two bedrooms, Liv-| (isc) short Models Adiso "bicycle ne DaatkIn: dativared Eoies Die sda Radi fon Streets. x ra 4 . 207. Also cheap ocongoleum a ON ha season; Bastylew Park; 6 miles from| log room, and kitchenette near Uni : on Ne : rugs. : SYDENHAM GIRLS Woe Kingston. A¥ply J. b. Uoyd. Telephone| versity for winter session. Apply im-| S08 8: K. Phone 1961-w. an on Ar Aiaarers 'ang in. 8 Stores. Quen Svenings 9 . Ne. 2734-r-3 Mt has.view. ey oan asrts, 242 yoRason BRICK Stock, pressed. Rug Rustic | picoting and hemstitching done, at | BATTERY SERVICK--New models Turk s Store ---- § HOUSE TO LEW -- Usfurnioned sight a oi ernoon OF even NES. | wire Sah Sanding tle snd drain tile, fyasonable prices. Mrs. Watson, 290] Water.Kent I Radio Sets and "PRONE Tou Softball Game With Latimer by 12! roomed house with gas stove. electric id" alree rooms unfur. |S Tilo Tod Sohuson Bi. Phone dvee| Wellington Steet. corner Ordnsnce| ow in. Easy terms. Cw to 2. Jrjures &nd di¢h-washer, wash tubs, Suitable for Nght housekeep- CHEVROLET CAR~For sale. Apply 567 STL " $2 Kensington Ave.. 1694-J. 1 conveniedces. Al él . Sydenham, Aug. 17.--At Syden-| 350 82 Kensington Ave. 1694 em | Charles Street. Bly #1] Princess paeet Protessivua a Cnet Ba EER, CO, nd - ham on August 16th, the Latimer) SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE Newly dece- So == | FOR SALE.=One nearly new two seat-| pro hay; also ral team- . : ye . . CY-=Geo. F. 8nd Jeunie A. Chiro i Stnerd MAW COUNTY COUNCIL WILL [oir Soha se rs ris in| oust barn wi IEE Sr Wana To Rent 11| Sh ube, ones, Sear Corll "prdaci Besiabita NUD ia Sagtn| maitre Mun ion 11%, : league game by "the Sydenham! R i. i or ell at 37 Brock street. Tene a anon es 1, Expert Plano Tuning, : MEET TUESDAY NEXT Saltball seanth¥ 4 score of 12-3, The Darling rt, W. Reid cf, I. Chrissle: "ult, Curhiuned or Snfursished Foor FUR & ofl #tdve, I burners, | BRUGL oa - Player-Plano adjusting. ' game was called for 6 p.m., but ow- It Hau ge V| or rome, with board, in private Rome. camp Dede With mattresses, 4 camp Ma reste, "corner of Jarri: sod ii: JFRODS. Lidl ; ---- ing to the delay in the visiting team | '® Phone 1932-J. chairs. Apply between ¢ and 7.30 p.m. | cess Streets Chiropractic. adjoin: CW. LINDSAY, LIMITED Ol ¥ Street.' ments, tric treatments and hand. arriving on the field, the game aid| poi HOUSE --- Medium sized, unfurnished,| ooo Soeetl = ee Theie [reatme id band. | GEST Gd nora not commence until 7.15. The sky| = Note Clreulation $174,557,404. | with modern conveniences: family of| oR SALE... --. Number Barred Rock | io free Hodes 8013 a; Wie ing. ve orders 8t ox atop was very heavy and If was fan boc| OUSWE Ave. 11-Goiw wal Gr Smits lic ani ot) e000 ota Sut] eh oe Mot BE Fe BER 106, Sate cre 6, Slee - 1 3, h e o 8. 333+J. ' - coming dusk, thus shortening up the| 2E4in8t notes In circulation by the| Hox L-13, Whig Office. $200 smch. Must be sold before ahd |--ouns paldedos whons 447-4. i game to six innings. Moles. 1 Finance Deyartment Qa July 31st STUDENT REQUIRES of August. Number of edckersls same | ssan : Warden C. J. Graham has, at the | Latimer scored their two rans in| 35! Amounted to $99,864,210 or ap-| bedroom And Private bath (If possible) 1 2990, Sitting room, shan $2.00 each. 'Phome 4¥3-m or] Warts, riDmArks, Shin * Cancers, al well appointed and wel: heated, on. Soars. J te, removed yarmanenis ] ly 57 per cent. of the note rei ie 8 yr Satisfactory FE Pequest of the Good Roads Commit-|the 1st innings and Verna Cranston | ProXimate wrh ward in quiet home, adjacent to] GOOD COOK VE--WIth reservoir] fo ter onlAgses fitted and 1 .l : hh Wan ; Yo is fl f4e, at a meeting held on Saturday | their pitcher, played & good game, Sireuiatian, tus Jota) omplon, ante Qisen » a oteramble compen tion] Apply 32 Smith Street. "Phone $39. Gollra * gured. without" ave sk a 1 . = en 3 - p 3 . EB sg or, oT aviee on oe Dut Joose playing and Poor; batting, | der notes for banks at the sod ot} 2iY Bax T-11, Whig Ofties. FREER ny LORING--A, pices oa sre ar Ne Front » 3 A Osérs, 4 . . = I woe « He : | July, was $174.657,494. + | usukl easy terms of payment, Pris STERIL Fhons Wiw. Mouse 11340 a of the Frontenac County| G. Phippen played a good game! Ssoea | URINE TeSily good for small money, @Counct! on Tuesday next, Aug. 24th, !in.the pitching box, but made a poor | repos ons Sic J. G. Patterson, 16d Medicas. 1 % p.m. (standard time) to consid- batting average. Alma Barrett made! Good, Perrin's Ginger Watersttes Jonason street, 1 | espa : 20 the advisability of raising ah e3- two thres Base ith, while 1, Blake, *°4 Mallo Cream Sandwich Blssults. | aici BUN Th Goumle Jot | GRA SEE ARA TOR Victor Miao rao trent Kinga * fA Sr ARATY h tra amount of money for good roads catcher for the locals, was at the bat Kelly, Mr. Isaac Pitblado, K.C., and | 443 Harrie Z Moye lar 35,5 stented oF tactap 1 a TPOSEN. four times and scored four runs. Thisg Mr. David Cam good as new. Will sell at a very res 30 p.m. ' , 2 pbell, K.C., is to ex ICE FARM h 'pho To Reeve Graham has also notified [is the last league game for Sjdenham | , nine the differences Between the Bick» v Sodh Pe Bree: A share, Hn No PNA Ro Tomei one Susi KIN iN A AND hE a - and ons. Mr. R. H. Fair, county roads super- in the eastern group, and as they bush; 200 ' a, : = ; h y | To lwaze and their employees. sohogl, ehense y. aa n fn Barristers ana Soticitors 2d Coupe bod es, California helstering. . 247 King jintendent, by registered letter, to have won the six games, must now Willard's Chocopates -- Medley's ¥ cas NO--Hetutam v ive a detalled statement of expend!- | battle it out with the wigners. of the| Immigration for the Sheers. Hula at bo sacrifice. ; Apply 0 a case, silent condition" At Wo dk. HERRINGTON Barrister. Soliel. rest, "tures of money on the county roads southern group to determine Who months of the year show an increase ee Sreatly J El 31° D aay terms | 108 Gud Nomry Fu att Welling. Systomi in detail, up to date, this shall hold the Blacklock trophy: The! of 62 per cent. FARMSIN sores. 3 miles trom Kings- ; tm . . 3 Statement to be presented to the !dates of these games will be arrang-| The New York license commission | nin water, hen houses 200 FROVIDE.F = Speanird of Agr and. Bovierors we Naren treat: Auto Wrecking Co. 4 bers of the council at their meet- jed later. : [orders Dempsey to fight Wills be-| §EP'Y '¢ Leonard Gorden. Glen vat tress Co. Phone] YL Cusnningham, KC] 108 herd Truck, . on Tuesday next. re by innings: fore getting' a license to fight Tun-| sss 5 : gant. So . Paria Tor ait Hake - mer... 200 glue : oon : v jen, Jjoax avy A Making Progress. Bees --12} = Good, Perrin's Ginger Watersties : : ¥ ston. A. 8B | i» William McEwen, who siistained a | Sydenham--G. Phippen p, I. Blake ind Maito Cream Sandwich Bifeuits. usu : : Morigages srranged Phong R ured skull in an accident at the e, A. Barrett 1b, I. Brawley 2b, L.! Gen. Estirada, former Mexiean ¢ Division Streets 4 a REYNOLDS, J. C~-Barrister had Sorter. ds Monday afternoon, was re- | Barvett 3b, A, 88, H. Spafford secretary of war, and 174 men were li i iE SE tor, $1 Brock Givewr. | Morigges cic | ouone 275w. 140 RIDEAU led at 'the General Hospital] on H Bower of, M. Walker It "¢omnection with a plot ai Estate Agen : ture Bohs 2509, And farm property. | bese . ; . mn ied re [morals ta. be making very Jatimer< Yéma. Cratnan 3. X. brow the Mexican Govern-| {3} Swed oking : oe tn ro Taw" offs. euraey" of ane Automodlies sor Sale 3 Cis ® abi Cranst on.ss, Z|. v ; ] . » .Hatate : Antique ir g ang Bre or 1908, ; sone sonable. Apply at i ---- Str 'Phone ---- eats all gives Fito OSEN & PO, 1 PLACE - SARE

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