. nn bi SER LS AR SR ® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MATTERS OF INTEREST | | an, {10 SUMMER SCHOOL ame | ll Were Taken Up at Final Meet- ing, of Association for Present Term. Whether or not a university news- Paper is of any practical use to the student body, was discussed at the ii L1ast meeting of the Queen's Summer li School Association for the present| * fl term which was held in Convocation il | Hall on Monday night. | Beveral other matters of the first =i importance to the extra-mural stu- dents also came up, among them be- ing the dates for the summer school § | term next year, the provision of moré }| tennis accommodation and sugges- | tions as to courses to be given next term. Mr. J, L. Challinor, the retir- ing president, occupied the chair, It was decided that the association would recommend 'to the university authorities that the opening and closing dates for Queen's Summer | School next year be July 7th and | August 17th, | The discussion as to the merits of | 2 university paper was not merely an GLITTER-WA FOR MODELLING Brilliant colors, is clean and odorless. The fancy sets in various sizes from 25 cents to 75 cents. R.UGLOW & CO. [ COAL We are now taking orders for Seranton and Virginia Anthracite J] Steve, Nut and Pea Oosl, Also Bisck Gem and Pocahontas Semi Hard. Our Coal 1s all weighed on the city scales. You get twenty hun dred of coal for a ton, Let us have Your order for youy winter Coal. AYLESWORTH BROS. Or 'phone U, BR. Knight, 1795-w, TRANSPORT KINGSTON-TORONTO Express Service to and Tuesday, August 17, 1926. | | ENGAGEMENT RING Most people look upon the purchase of a Diamond } Ring as involving an out- lay of many hundreds of } dollars, when such is not the case. : You will be agreeably surprised at the attractive academic problem, but i was a con- for the Summer crete proposition, School Has this year carried on the Queen's Journal, the official univer- sity newspaper, and at l¢ast some of the students are convinced that it is no valuable addition to the associa- tion activities, Opinions were voiced for and against the newspaper, and the matter finally was disposed of, § | when a motion that the subscription to the Journal be reduced to fifty Sixty Years menos of Service to Canada and | foundrymen. It pur- chases from Canadian | | ws oe mr po on af 72S nnd Betty of ft 2 ham moun Enid Soret . . 1213, |i 9100.00 'il and om. ive sow corti at an a "maple tree. From Ca n adi ans wire and glass, of nickel Soto hone Trinity 4434, dam Kinnear & d'Esterre | ot be ere. 1 priori the brain of Rober t ; o and fabrics, oils, paints i JEWELLERS: [hl onmmets meas len on mea met McLaughlin, afarmlad and Duco finishes-- and all that heterogeneous mass of ma- terials which enter into the making of a modern automobile--~and which have 3 entered into the building of a total of > . whittling axe helves for his neighbors, sprang Canada's greatest automotive - industry, General Motors of Canada. led executive. The Summer School! Association l}| fee for-next year will be fifty cents, collectable with tuition and athletic fees. A request was made that the university authorities make an effort| 168 PRINCESS STREET « Douglas & Mcllqubam , inter ek Fn Garpentey | 10° SUPPLY information to students at A Canadian institution, founded by a than 32% General. Moto i 1 CONTRACTORS work. Estimates given on mew fSloors| 088 One year in advance as to what Canadian staffed by Cana dians. em- more an ,000 ene Otors oO. ; J 400 ALBERT STREET laid. Faye your hardwood foers clean. | COUTSeS Would be offered at the Sum- i ) : : Wo G da s and trucks Phones 2207F--028W ed With our mew ficor cleaning mer School. Requests for classes for ploying Canadian workmen and using ana car . next term included advance work in Spanish, history, economics, biology, physics, mathematics, Latin and Greek, Mr. A. H. Carr, director of exten- sion courses at Queen's, was present at the meeting, and addressed the students briefly, In his remarks he stated that the student who took the course extramurally, deserved every bit of credit whem he successfully passed his examinations. The intra- mural student got much Relp from lectures, but the student outside the university had to dig for his informa- tion, he sald. In concluding Mr, Carr sald that he was sure that the nuiversity would be pleased to ac- commodate any teachers of any dis- trict who wished to hold their an- nual convention at Queen's. A petition to have four -- Canadian materials, General Motors of Canada has been for sixty years a para- mount factor in the Dominion's pros- perity and progress. ~~ HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satistaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" AY ELECTRIC CO. Corner King and Princess Streets VE a ™ iis 'Phone 04. SOWARDS COAL CO. * Building cars to suit every purse and - purpose, to meet every need and condi- tion of Canadian life and travel, General Motors of Canada is one of the great It sells to Canadians through Canadian institutions that is acquiring for Canada dealers and, in addition, distributes a higher and yet higher place at the Canadian-built cars wherever the flag world's council table. or of Britain flies. : Now at the height of its sixty years of It"uses lumber from Canadian forests service to the Dominion, it is helping ' and steel made in Canadian mills from to make Canada an evengreater Canada Canadian ore, smelted by Canadian for Canadians. GENERAL MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED, OSHAWA, ONTARIO more tte CADILLAC CHEVROLET cif, C, MCLAUGHLIN = BUICK OLDSMOBILE TAND PONTIAC GENERAL MOTORS | i 'will pa ; a cement tennis courts built at the 73 ou It i Pe you to consult us before placing university was unanimously carried "oe a EE your order for your winter coal. , Price and. [ll by the mesting, The roi, cried i ks 6d that the present mumbet of ce- | ( ment courts was inadequate, ami that the grass courts were not in proper shape to be played on. The financial statement of the as- sociation showed that $1,685.55 had been received and that $1,457.79 had been expended, leaving a balance of '| $228.76. The auditors' report was adopted. The meeting closed with the installation of the new executive, and a vote of thanks to the rétiring executive, the orchestra and the staff of the Journal, | quality count. hf | SOWARDS COAL co. ; TELEPHONE 155 : UPTOWN OFFIOR: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. "Phone 311. CANADA sims LADIES! LOOK!! "Just received a shipment of hand-painted Shades, in all colors. a Crystalline Parchment . Pricedat ...."...........$2.50 and $2.75. i Callin and see them. . 2 NAPANEE an | : Napanee, Aug. 17---Tn the Mop |r: | : "pal ; -- und i C Co. anille To 8. ot achiie fe the guests of her parents, Mr. and | pathizing friends down there hs Kingsto 's Bi Ho F sm ' : CX : ' : a a ns est Home Furnishérs 107 saunders of TELEPHONE 441. od on the Naps Collegiate grounds NE Biveg Dotan ot Buffalo, N. a AI%9 1209, Within sis ne on Monday evening; the 1.0.0.F. Miss Catherine Vallentgood is spend- Y., is spending a few days with Lodge, No. $6, defeated the Busi-|triends in Napanee, ing a few days with her parents, FOR A GOOD MEAL ness Med's team by 9 to 8. Tha game was late in getting started, and was called on account of darkness at Mr. and Mrs. Simon Vallentgood, at Seeley's Bay. The Harry Lottridge Shows pulled J. B, Anderson, of New York City, and his sister, Mrs. A. R. McCluskey, of Lakewood, N.Y., arrived in town . THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK the end of the Mfth innings. Some rather snappy plays were made by both teams. Messrs, Holder and #8mé in a very VISIT OUR RESTAURANT thelr home town, on Monday by motot, and are spend- ing a couple of weeks with thelr brother, 8. J. Anderson, Melrose, It is fourteen years"since they visited up stakes here last Saturday night, after a successful week. The weather was perfect throughout the entire time, and the shows were well pa- tronizsed. . Mr. and Mrs. Vietor Youmans mo- tored to Ottawa yesterday for the Cenetenary festivities, and leave to- morrow for Montreal and the Adrion- dacks, betore going on to Rochester, N.Y. #0 take up residence. » g : Ran 3 a 11