re FURS tes | Lomparison OF FUR COATS. In Hudson Seal, French Seal, Beaverine, Muskrat and Persian Lamb--at attractive John McKay Ltd. 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON CHERAMY FACE POWDER AND TALC. ~---- See our display ---- Branigan's - I is a most refreshing and healthful practice to .® drink, first thing in the morning, a glass of water sparkling with a 'dash' of Eno's "Fruit Salt". There is no safer and surer way than this to clear the system of impurities and keep you fit and eager for the work and play which fill each day. 5 But it must be ENO! Eno--never varying in quality and purity. 7Eno--containing nothing that may possibly do you harm. - Eno--with its fifty years' reputation. Eno--approved and used by doctors and nurses. So, for your health's sake, be sure you get ENO'S ~FRUIT SALT- The words Fruit Salt" and ENO, and the label shown oq the package, are registered trade marks. Bales Representatives for North America: Harold F. Ritchie . & Co, Limited, 10-18 McCaul Street, Toronto \ BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Deal I it INFANTS' Delight Totlet Soap 4 cakes 25c. | . LIFEBUOY Toilet Soap CASTILE Crossley Papeteries «in Assorted Tints. Something Different ; in Writing Paper at Laundry Soap . ... 10 bars 50c. ra ILET ROLLS tor ........ Be, - ' | | | Thursday 1 T T | Middle and Lower School Resglts HE DAILY BRITIDN WHIG - "* Announced at Notre Dame Convent Middle School. Callaghan, D., British Hist. T. A. 2, Fr. Comp. ec. Cassidy, A., Geom, c, Physics 1 I| Cassidy, K., Lit. 3, A. History 2, | i] Algebra c, Lat. A. ¢, Lat. Comp. 3. | Clarke, M., Geom. ¢, Physics 2. Collins, P,, Comp. ¢, A. Hist. 2, Alg. ¢, Lat. A. ¢, Lat. Cullen M., Br. Hist. ¢, Geom 2, . | Physics 1, Chem. c, Fr. A. 3, Fr. |History, | Comp. 3. ] Davis, G., Br. Hist. 2, Geom. ©, | Physics 3, Chem. 3, Fr. A. 2, F- | Comp 2. 8, Lat. Comp. ec. Dewey, P., Comp 2, Algebra ¢, Lat. | Comp. ec. { Dillon, A., Comp. ¢, Algebra ec. | Dockrill, M., Br. Hist. c, Donihee, G., Algebra ¢, Geom. 3, | Chem. e. Donoghue, H., Br. Hist. 1. Dorey, L., Br. Hist. 2. Dorey, P., Br. Hist. ¢. Durkin, L., Comp. ¢, Lit. c, Alge- bra 3, Lat. A. 2, Lat. Comp. 1. Egan, M., Comp. c, Alg. ¢, Lat. Comp. e. Fowler, M., Br. Hist. ¢, Geom. ¢, | Physics 2, Chem. 8, Fr. A. ¢, Fr. Comp. ec. Fowler, F., Comp. 3, Lit. ¢. Givens, M., Comp. ¢, Lit. ¢, Lat. Comp. ec. Hamilton, E., Br. Hist. 2, Harrison, A., BY. Hist. 2, Geom. ¢, Physics 2, Chem. 2, Fr. A. 2, Fr. Comp. 3. Hayes, R., Br. Hist. ¢. Horn, M., Br. Hist. 3. James, M., Comp. 3, Alg. ¢, Lat. Comp. e. Johnston, L., Br. Hist. ¢, Geom. 3, Physics 1, Fr. A. ¢, Fr. Comp. c. King, B, Br. Hist. c. Langwith, H., Lat. Comp. ec. Lawless, M., Br. Hist. c. Lumb, M., Comp. 1, Lat. A. ec. McAlpiné L., Br. Hist. 1. McAuley, F., Br. Hist. 2. McAuley, M., Br. Hist. 1, Geom. e, Physics 1, Chem. ¢, Fr. A. c, Fr. Comp. c. McAvoy, A, Comp. 1, Lit. 2, A Hist. 3, Alg. 2, Lat. A. 1, Lat. Comp. 1. | McCartney, V., Fr. Comp. e. | Day, H., Lit. 1, Comp 1, A. Hist. | | i A. ¢, Lat. McGrath, A., Comp. 2, A. Hist. 2, Lat. Comp. e. McKenna, P., Br. Hist ec. PleNichols, A., Br. Hist. 3. McParland, 'K., Br. Hist. 2, Phy- si¢s ¢, Chem. ec. Martin, M., Br. Hist. ¢. Martin, P., Br. Hist. ¢. Matthews, V., Comp. ¢, Lit. c. Miller, M., Comp. 1, Lit. 2, A. Hist. 2, Alg. 1, Lat. A. 1, Lat. Comp. 1. Milne, -C., Br. Hist. 2. Murray, E., Br. Hist. e. Naylor, E., Br. Hist. 3, Alg. 2, Geom. ¢, Physics ¢, Chem. e, Fr A, ¢, Fr. Comp. c. O'Brien, Ly Geom. ¢, A: Hist. O'Brien, R., Comp. 1, Lit. ¢, Alg. 3, Lat. A. ¢, Lat. Comp. 1. O'Connor, M., Br. Hist. ¢, Geom. 2, Physics 1, Chem. 1, Fr. A. 1, Fr. Comp, 2. O'Grady; M., Comp. 3, Lit. ¢, A. Hist. ¢, Lat. Authors c. Osler, C., Chem. 8, Lat. A. ¢, Lat. Comp. 2. Pelow, M., Br, Hist ¢, Alg. ¢, Geom. ¢, Physics 3, Chem. 2. Perry, B., A. Hist. ¢, Alg. 2, Phy- dics 3, Lat. A. (¢), Lat. Comp. 3. Porter, D., Comp. 2, Lit. ¢, Hist. 3. Purcell, B., Comp. ¢, A. Hist. 2, Lat. A. ¢, Lat. Comp. ¢. Quinn, M, Br. Hist. c. Steacy, H., Lit. ¢, Comp. 3. Waddell, J., Br. Hist. 1. Walsh, C., Br. Hist. 2, Geom. 3, Physics 2, Chem. 3. Webster, B., Br. Hist. ¢, Geom. 3, Physics 3, Chdm. 2, Fr. A. ©, Fr. Comp. ec. . Wickham, A. Br. Hist. c. Wright, H, Alg. 1, Physics 2, Lat. C.e, Fr. A ¢, Fr. Comp. ec. Wynn, M., Br. Hist. 2, Geom. 3, A. ii Physics. ¢, Chem 2, Fr. A. 2, Fr. Comp. 3. Wynn, R.. Br. Hist. 2, Alg. 2. Geom. 3, Physics 3, Chem. 2, Fr. A. 3, Fr. Comp. ec. Lower School. H. Bajus--Physiography, arith- metic, zoology. M. Brophy---Botany, Can. history, geography, art. M. Cassidy--Botany, Can. history, geography, art. : M. B. Cassidy-~Botany, Can. his- tory, geography, art. / M. Dockrill--Physiography, arith- metic, Latin, zoology, H. Donoghue -- Physiography, arithmetic, Latin, Joalogy, art. - M. Doyle--Botany, history. . M. Driscoll--Can. history, geo- graphy, art. : aritp- L. Dorey--Physiography, rey--Physiography, zoology. . Glbson--Bo metic, Latin, zoology, P, A. ¢, Lat. history, A A. Lamarche--Physiography, 200- c, "logy. ; om. 3, Physies 1, Chemestry 1, |z00logy. R. Lawler--Physiography, Latin, M. Lawless--Physiography, arith- metic, Latin, zoology, art. A. Maloney-- Botany, Canadian "history, 8eography, art. M. Meanion--Botany, Canadian geography, art. M, Martin--Physiography. M. Meagher--Botany, Canadian geography, art. A. Medley--Botany, Canadian his- tory, geography, art, Cc. Milne--Physiography, arith- | metic, Latin, zoology. D. Murphy-- Botany, Canadian | history, geography, art. \ McAvoy--Botany, Canadian history, art. ' F. McAuley--Physiography, arith. metic, Latin, zoology. L. McAlpine--Physiography, arith- metic, Latin, zoology. M. MeCarthy--Canadian geography, art. R. McGarvey--Botany, history, geography, art. H. McHenry--Botany, history, geography, art. A, MeNichols--Physiography, 200- logy, botady, art, Bnglish grammar, Pp. McKenna--Physiography, z00- logy, arithmetic, Latin, T. Pilley--Geography, history. M. Quinn---Physiography, metic, Latin, zoology. . H. Smith--Canadian history, geo- graphy, art. L. Spencer-- Botany, history, geography, art. history, Canadian Canadian Canadian arith- Canadian D. Van Patten--Botany, Canadian history, geography, art. C. Whalen-- Botany, history, geography, art. M. Cullen--Art, R. O'Brien--Art. L. Durkin--Art. ------ eee A DESERONTO LADY KILLED BY MOTOR CAR Jumped Out of HMusband's Auto When Frightened-- Death Instantaneous, Canadian Deseronto, Aug, 17.~-Chlet Wil- kins received word Sunday of death of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Wilkins 'of Watertown, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins had been visiting his parents, anh were eh- route home, when about three miles out of Rochester, N.Y, a car came out of a side road and Mr. Wilkins pulled over to avoid hitting the other car. His wife presumably be- coming afraid, opened the car door and leaped right in the 'path of the oncoming car with the result that death was instantaneous, Chief Wil- kins and daughter Bud left for Watertown on Sunday night. Mrs. Wilkins will 'be greatly mourned. Mayor and Mrs. Malley arrived home on Monday after a honeymoon to Utica, N.Y., Toronto and Muskoka Lakes. They will reside in Deseronto and will be at home after Oct. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. John Laskos are the prous parents of a young son. James Nafin of New York City is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nafin, Dundas Street east, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cosgrove of Oshawd; Mr. and Mrs. L. McKibbon of Picton; Messrs. 8. Stevens of Belleville; M. Bloom of aynooth; J. Williams of Cherry alley; N. Booth of New York City: M. Hunt, B. Hunt of Detroit; @G. H. Wood- stock, J. Hodge, 8. Cannington, F. Hall, €. J. Windrim of Toroato; C. Drew of Napanee; G. BE. Dulyea, T. 'R. Parker of Brockville; ner, Cols, town. George Fairbairn and family of Potsdam, N.Y., are the guests of his rms AA a Ree : and A. EB. Fisher and family of Ohio, were businéss callers in the | a | i be relied Wednesday, August 18, 1926. _ I Beautiful Irish Linens of When you buy Shaw's Ltd upon for quality, article and besides save you money | ., Irish Linens you appearance and wear. buy Linens that ma We guarantee oe Just received a new shi Trays, Scarfs, Squares and CLUNY LACE PIECES 3 Cluny Doilies, Ovals, ment of lovely, loths, in all sizes. ticularly please you | The prices will par- | | Including Madeira embroider {ii Plauen and Karrick Macross Lace FANCY LINENS y work in all sizes. Pieces at popular prices. Also F ilet, HEMSTITCHED LINENS | | a : Including Trays, Scarfs, Runners and Lunch Cloths, Beauties | hl We show the fines stern Ontario. | | match, Unhemmed, hemstitch or with scalloped fl = BEAUTIFUL cLOTHS AND NAPKINS t range of beautiful, imported, Irish Linens in Lovely, double Satin Damask Cloths in all sizes. ig edges and Napkins to | D. A. Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. HAW, Limited Th e Always Busy Store. - Smart Fall Hats | $4.00 each | Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET a brother, Postmaster Fairbairn, day, . " Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson of Ithaca, N.Y., are the guests of his | parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pear- {son, Thomas street east, for a few jdays. 'Mrs. L. W. McCann of Louisville, Ky., Is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Pearson for a few days. a Mrs. Alton Hamilton of Windsor {is the guest of her parents, Mr. and (Mrs: Reuben Cronk, for a few days. to- FORM BAY OF QUINTE YACHT ASSOCIATION 8st. Qregory's Chorch Lawn Social --= Picton Couple | Move to. Kingston. | Pleton, Aug. 17.--A meating of | yachting enthusiasts was held | Glen Island on Monday for the pur~ {pose of forming a Bay of Quinte | Yachting Assoelation. Representa- {tives were présent from Napanee. | Deseronto and Picton, and much en- [thustaem prevailed, proving that the automobile has not entirely crowded out the old-fashioned sports of other days. Many members of the Craft are planning to go up to Tren- ton on Thursday for the laying . of {the corner stone of the new Masonic Temple in that town. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Shangrow have gone to Kingston to make their future home. Mr. Shangrow has been in charge of the Fallon Bros' mem- orial works in Picton fpr several years. : Gordon Whattam has returned to {Hamilton after holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas What- tam, Burns avehue. Rev. C. 8. Cowan, a férmer pas tor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, is holidaying with his | family at Wellington. The lawn social held onthe Pres- bytery grounds of St. Gregory's church, Monday night was a won- dertul success. The of the church. The drawipe contest resulted as follows: Mr. H Gwil. liam, Mr. Colin Rorke, Miss Minnie and Bertie Kearney won 0 Lumber, all sizes, FOR SALE Also Roofing Material RAILS--BOILERS IL Cohen & Co, MONTREAL STREET 'Phone 3000, | Real Estat Investors Here fa a Money-Making Propost. | tion. Will return 15% em your money, ON MONTREAL sTREWY a a" ther, Mrs. J. J. Kingston, Elizabeth streets Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Irvine of Lon. don, Ont., are on a moto? trip around the lake visiting Ottawa, Montreal, the Adirondacks returning by Nia- gara Falls. They stopped over in Picton 'to renew old acquaintances. | Mr. Irvine having 'belonged for sey- eral years to the firm of "Hicks and at, Irvine" furniture and undertakers. Joseph Bolton has come up from Montreal and joined Mrs. A two weeks holiday at the homes of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McVannell and] family are spending a week at Oak Lake. ---------- A CENSUS WAS TAKEN. ---- Of the Vehicles Passing Over the Lombardy Bridge, Lombardy, Aug. 17.--Miss McDon- ald, \Ottawa, spent the week-end at her home here. Considerable work is under way on the highway between here "and Portland. Mrs. 0. Ww, Shaughnessey, Utica, N.Y., and sis ter, Miss Edna Allen, Ottawa, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Seal, Toronto, and sister, Miss | V. B. Robb, Vancouver, B.C, left on Thursday for a visit with relatives in Perth after a pleasant visit at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Duffield. Dr. A. A. Cauley, wite and two chil- dren, of Hamilton, spent last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cauley. Mrs. Monley, Wellington, Kansas, and sister, Miss Annie Dermady, Bolton for{ff Doubt - i hints dwelling, tuity foweiher wich aoeis pam. hing adjoining. All remied. Au #8in 1s, owner in leaving hs sien: IN PORTSMOUTH ON CAR Lan: Single frame 4a Ing, &arden and Barn for oa Dwelllags, ' Apartments y Stores for rent. Mores to tons il Building lot on Lower Albert st. Real Estate and 1 2 Cor. Johnson ang mg j Phone 530w, 580J and Sas, For all kinds of Insurance SEE OUR J. B. SAMPSON. Pe Philadelphia, accompanied by their brother, Mr. Stephen Dermady, vigit- €d relatives in the past two weeks. Mrs. John Leed- ér, Lyn, accompanied her brother, Dr. A. A. Cauley, and Mrs, Cauley to Hamilton where she will visit for a week, 2 3 Miss Efe Jordan, Ogdensburg, N.Y., is holidaying with her mothe Miss Nora Willis, Toronto, has visiting her aunt, Mrs, Duffield, for the past week. A census taken during the week, July 30th to Aug. 7th inclusive by Miss House and Miss Kiyas of vehicles of all kinds which Over the bridge here on the fal Highway between the hours oF 8 am. and 10 p.m. totalled 4.446. Over 380 American cars passed in this time. Mr. and Mrs. ------------. ry Watertown, N.Y. for over > Quality | |