FS » eeptance, Mr. Halliday made an ex- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG - 3 Thursday, August 19, 19 a ALN, - . TR Published Da » THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHIN . LIMITED, KINGSTON, ONT. W. RUPERT DAVIES SUPSCRIPTION RATES: £ Editioa) _yemr, in 87.50 year, by te cural offices, $2.50 Fear, to, United States $3.00 OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES, TURONTO--F. W. Thompson, 100 King : Street West, Sheree, : -- lo | » 138 31. Jumen Street. lg ers, Ine, NEW ¥ : Madisen Avenue. . fous La Salle Strece Mey. ~The aiavioy of The British Whig authendeuted by the Audit Bureau of MR. HALLIDAY'S NOMINATION In the selection of Mr. James Halliday as the Liberal . standard- bearer last night, the Liberals of Kingston and Portsmonth have chosen a man that they may well feel proud of. In his first specch of the campaign, his speech of ac- correct the "slip of the tongue?" Did he check My, Nicholson? Did he do anything at the time to protect the { name of the civil service fn Ottawa, | | which he knows much better than ! Mr. Nicholson? Did he ask Mr. | Nicholson for an explanation? Did | he insist on a "public apology'? Mr. Meighen did nothing. He | allowed this statement to go to the | people of Canada without a word of | correction or protest. He made | no demand for explanation and apo!- | Ogy. He missed the opportunity of a lifetime, { CONCERNING THRIFT It 4s sald that the good oid habit of saving up for the rainy day is Passing, and judging from the evi. dences of extravagance which are today found on every hand, it would seem that there is considerable truth in the assertion. Pleasure, dress, | luxuries of every kind make alto- gether too heavy demands upon some modest incomes, and the con- Sequence ds that life is one round of anxiety, Excitement and "shaw", which are obtained at the cost of Peace of mind, are paid for much too dearly; yet such so-called pleasures are about all some people think about. "When ia Rome do as Rome does," so. runs the old maxim, and it represents the general tendency of people all over the world. We are all of us imitative, and when we see our neighbors apparently finding it easy to "do the grand," we natura. ly want to do so ourselves. Are we not just as good as they are? If they can put on airs, so can we, comments the Hamilton Spectator. And so it comes about that the present gener- ation is accused, rightly or wrongly of improvidence, and serious obser- vers are shaking their heads and wondering where it is all going to end. Let us look upon another and much pleasanter development of mo- dern life, however. If the grown- cellent impression. He reviewed the history of the various governments '8ince Confederation, in a most cap- @ble manner, and declared his strong allegiance to Liberalism and © all it stands for, There was naturally a good deal of regret that Mr. J. M. Campbell _€ould not he prevailed upen to again ; the 'standard-bearer, but in Mr. mes Halliday everyone is agreed at they have found a most worthy Successor, and one who will undoubt- edly prove to be a winner. The tide of Liberalism is sweeping t country. 'While there might ha been some doubt as to the result two weeks agp 'today none but he Who refuses to note the trend of events, is for a moment in doubt 8 to who will be the.next Premier. Mr. King has made thousands of Votes as he has journeyed through west, and the straightforward "manly addresses of Messrs. Dunning d Robb have done the same thing Ontario and the Maritimes, The 'Robb Budget has been too strong for the Tories. The Customs scandal "has proved a "dud," and from now on in the Dominion it is merely a matter of how much of a majority the King Government will have over all other groups. The Meighen Gov- Srament is doomed, and this is some- ing the electors of Kingston wants think of very seriously when they marking their ballots on Septem. 14th next. The next four years going to be vital ones in the story of Kingston, and it is es- tial that we send & man to Par- iment who 'will be friendly with & in the confidence of the govern- ment of the day. Dr. Ross has had two terms. Let us send a new man wn to Ottawa for a change, one will be keenly alivé to the in- ts of Kingston, and one who, the terminal matter comes up discussion will be able to press claims of this city. : » British Whig belleves that in fr, Halliday the Liberals . have feked a winner, and every Liberal should get right behind hi stay 4 vote ups are reckless in the way they get rid of their money, young people cannot always be charged with the same offence, if school bank ac- counts are to be tdken as a reliable indication, Here we have proof that parents--ithese school savings come, of course, from parents, for ihe most "~ WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: quent, not de-lin-quent. bar. was incapable of proceeding. . DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH BY W. L. GORDON to be real, but may not be, "evidently" for what is real. OFTEN MISSPELLED: misstate: two &'s. SYNONYMS: forbid, prohibit, prevent, preclude, disallow, de- WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To- day's word: INCAPABLE: without power; skill, or capacity. "He Use "apparently" for what seems delinquent. Pronounce #&e-ling- 7 Aer mre to hush the cry against the' protee- tive system, of which farmers have been the victims for a century, is an insult to their intell'zence. Farmers also have to eat onions and tenac-Addington riding. He has the £0 in him to win and he has the ! knowledge to make a really fine par- | liamentarian. {8 good many other things. An ex- | The author of the Robb budget is clusive diet of cotton, flax, alfalfa, | in western Ontario, and in no part sugar beets, or even corn or wheat, is not what dieticians call a balanced ration, ---------------- ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN. John D. Rockfeller, the ofl king, ascribes his good health to the fact that he drinks about three quarts of water every day. That is about twelve cupsful used in flushing out his digestive system. If the young men of today, comments the Chesley Enterprise, who are looking for booze, either of the big distillery or swamp, manufacture, to quench the craving of a false * appetite, would concentrate on copious draughts of cold water they might reach the nineties as the wise old oil 'refiner has. EDITORIAL NOTES. Garnet wheat promises to be one of the most precipus jewels in Can. ada's coronal. ----f-- If these bathing beauty contests results in some girls learning to 6wim, we see a benefit from them. A strange monster has been seen by & farmer in Sharbot Lake. One of 'part---are not unmindfil of the bene- | fits of thrift to their children. Their Own personal example may not al- ways be entirely good, but they know that there is only one way to accu- mulate money, and that is by saving it. Wages are better today than they used to be, and ft is possible to spend more and still save in propor- tion. It may be that the critics are judging too much from appearances, and appearances, we know, can be very ve, ver, that may bs, 'is * ome thing absolutely sure. The exercise - of thrift will bring happiness and prosperity, while extravagance ' i§ dound to bring the opposite. Thrift does not mean miserliness, but the systema. tie putting away of a propontion-- however small--of one's income. Be- fore the earning age savings are ne- ceddarily Hmted: but the habit, once acquired, stays through life, That is the whole secret of po to acquire the saving Mebit early en. ough, It 4s an unfailing recipe for succeds. Take no notice ofthose who would ridiculé you out of such a habit. Thee is nothing to be ashamed of in being careful; but it is a pro- per subject of pride to be so. i ----l . HOW PROHIBITION OPERATES, The United States Tariff Commis sion is to hold an enquiry. into the cost of growing onfons at home abroad. The purpose of course is to Increase the duties, exclude foreigy irowth, and so help' the few thous- ands of domestic Browers to profit by the highest prices to be paid by many, million onfon-eaters, farmers and others in all parts of the United States. As Mr. Mellon has pointed out, in rebuking the impudence of the farmers in the Middle West who demand forms of a special privilege, the profits of domestic onion-growers can be increased only at the expense elector asks whether the the candidates, in for a swim no doubt! London's air this Summer, says a dispatch, "is clearer and cleaner than ever before .within memory," and the coal strike "is responsible. A Harvard professor declares there is no such thing as ptomaine poison- ing. This is a piece of news that should cawse surprise in the ceme- teries, counséls the Toronto Star. Mr. R. J. Bushell will make 3 splendid run for parliament in Fro: of Canada is he more welcome. Even | Conservative candidates Join in com- plimenting him by pretending that they supponted his budget. Six prisoners at Portsmouth who wrote matriculation examination pa- pers passed with 'honors, but, sug- gests the Hamilton Spectator, certain little dMficulties will prevent them entering college in the fall People will agree with the Hon. Mr. Dunning who favors a practi- cable tariff which would benefit the majority of the people, The tariff board appointed by the Liberals was thie best method of securing such a tariff, Mrs. Inglis, Socialist candidate in East Hamilton, thinks, with her el- ection there would be injected into the debates an element of freshness and piquancy that Agnes Maophail has so far failed to supply. Nothing like assurance! Mexico City's department of health has put the ban on the Char- leston on the ground that it is likely to cause heart failure, It is not indi- cated whether the people who dance or the people who look on are likely to be most in danger. President Coolidge has cut $100,- 000,000 from the estimates for the next year, and the people rejoice. Hon. Mr. Robb, Canada's finance minister, has also reduced public ex- penditures and taxation, and the people in Canada rejoice. Return the Liberal Government and better things are im store for the taxpayers. | ----------------" Yes, That's So, So, Border Citles Star: More Cana- dian homes have automobiles than bathtubs. Well, where can you go in a bathtub? ------ An Elector Whose Eyes Have Been Opened by Recent Events | The Tragedy of Mud-Slinging To the Editor of The Globe: ---- The present general election has been one of the most disgraceful in Canadian history. The . average elector has simply given up con- sidering what politicians assert ars vital issues. The Conservative party accuses the Liberal Government of miscondiict of the nation's affairs. The Liberals have retaliated and de- fended. And so the thing has gone on and on interminably. The people are nauseated. I doubt if half the people will cast their votes. , however, unexpected has happened. Mr. Boivin is dead. Looking 'into his character we find him above reproach., And this man (We say) has been vilified. ' The Weapons chosen to kill him have been Innuendo, and inference, even the hint of open charges against his conduct. Appendicitis nowadays rarely preves fatal, and his prema- ture death takes on a ghastly com- plexion. Doctors assert that a pa- tient must will to recover, for rapid recovery depends on the . patient's metality. Mr. Boivin could not rally to the occasion. Why? Ana the political a "By Arthur N. Pack. American Nature Asso. charges and personal innuendoes have not, after all, killed an inno- cent man? We cannot Jet things come to such & Dass without becoming startled. It is time for the electorate to take this election into hand. Personally, I never intended to cast my ballot until today's report of Mr. Boivin's death. It seemed to me since the last election that the conduct of our Canadian House of Commons was be- neath contempt. It was not ths policies of the parties that mattered 80 much ae the characters. On in- vestigating the private charactors of men who have been besmirched we find that on the contrary 'they are men of honesty for the most part. This mud-slinging is becoming too! dirty. Guileless people are gullible peaple, and thoughtlessly they call Mackenzie King a rozune, Meighen a rogue (and a caustic rogue at that), in short, all politicians are rogues, Such mad charges are becoming too neral, ms of foul play. Who's.to blame? The scandal-mongers of all parties! And going on the supposition that al} | i | BIBBY'S Have been appointed exclusive selling agents in Kingston and Vicinity for Church's Famous British Footwear THE BEST $10.00 AND $11.00 SHOE PROPOSITION IN CANADA OR uU S. and mark slightest you, we say this without the ear of contradiction. Yours truly, BIBBY'S Limited MeCALLUM in the world of MEMORIALS is a MARK f DISTINGTION and QUALITY. Bhe McCallum Granite Co., Ld, 835-307 Princess treet, Kingstor, Ont, 'Phone 1931, Blue Ribbon " Mayonnaise 25c¢., 40c., 70c. sizes 25c, and 40c. i packs of high grade playing cards, etc. machines, why vote? ¢ But the news of Mr. Boivin's death is startling and is awakening our consciences. We are going too far with our innuendoes, and inerimina- ting inferences, mot to speak of the i fierce attacks against personal honor. Recently, however, you wrote an edi- torial that cleared the fog, and we See green pastures. - Canada is, after all, growing prosperous. Your edi- torial was very informative to the listless elector. Being startled by Mr. Bolvin's death, the average elec- tor Is encouraged to act by such an |} men are the vie-|