" the fly" with GILLETT LYE | A teaspoonful of i - Gillett's Lye sprinkled in the Garbage Can Use Gillett's Lye for all "Cleaning and Disinfecting ; Visitors at Canonto. Canonto, Aug. 19. --~HBveryone is Busy cutting hay. John Elliott spent Sunday at William Sproule's, La- 'vant. Mrs. Alfred Kirkwood and on, Norman, spent the week-end h her sister, Mrs. Charles -Bar- n, Plevna, Mr, and Mrs. William Love and Ina spent Sunday evening James Elliott's. Miss Dorothy Love is spending a few days with 'Mrs. N. Stewart. Mrs. Allan Stewart, h, and Thomas Ferguson spent 'Sunday at Neil Stewart's. Mrs. er Watson spent one day last week with Mrs. James Elliott. Mr. "Stewart made a business trip to h last week. Daniel Hannah mt a few days at his home here. lifeboat, especially suitable for bmarines, has been desigried by 3 Francisco man. It comes to the rface when released under water. « TIRED, NERVOUS MOTHERS the direct cause of much unhap- #8 in our homes; their condition fates and wears upcn the hus- d and often ruins a child's disposi- {This condition of the mother fs "due to some Weakness which her entirely unfit to perform household duties, and bear the n upon her nerves that governing dren involves. Every woman who 8 herself in this condition should ly upon Lydia ¥. Pinkham's Vege- ab Compound, and lose no time in ng it a fair trial, = PN Try the New Ee eTroun, the e all agony or it Mag. ps N rippled that they could a freed from th: A FAMILY PICNIC IN CLANCY'S GROVE in Honor of the Birthday of of Miss H. M. Paul of Newburgh, Newburgh, Aug. 17. -- A family picnic was held in Clancy's grove, near the river, on Thursday last, when thirty-five relatives and friends of Miss H. M. Paul met in honor of her birthday. Messrs. George and Clare Paul providing seats and tables for the guests, which added much to the comfort of all. Those present were Mrs. 8. Paul, Toronto; Miss Irene Shields, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Paul and family, Swit- serville; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paul and family; Mrs. 8. Shier and family, Newburgh; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paul and family, Wesley; Miss Eliza Paul, Newburgh. . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lockwood, Bellpville, Sundayed with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Lockwood. Visitors: -- Mr. and Mrs. Perry Moore, Windsor, with Mrs. M. Hill; Miss Marie Gannon, Toronto, with Miss Marjorie Sutton; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fry and daughter, Beryl, Peterboro, at the Dunwoody home: Master Dick McCracken, Roblin, with his cousins, Harold and Glenr McKeown; Rev. M. BE. and Mrs. Sex- smith, Hamilton, called on friends in the village; Mr. and Mrs. Trus- cott, Harrowsmith, at J. Walroth's; Miss Orr, Kingston, with her aunt, Mrs. Haines. Miss Gladys Slade, Kingston, spent her holidays with her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Slade, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wales were in Kingston Sunday calling on their . daughter, Mrs. Frink, who 18 quite seriously dll, fol- lowing an operation. Mrs. 8. Shorey and daughters, Clare and Emma, Mrs. Scriver nd Mr. and Mrs. George Paul were in Belleville, on Monday, attending the funeral of the late, Mrs, George Shorey, whose death occurred at her home in Canifton, at the early age of twenty-two years. Mr. and Mrs. George Fairbairne and two daughfers, Potsdam, N.Y. with Peter Fairbafrne for the sweek. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmour and family, Napanee, called on Mr. and Mrs. Detlor on Sunday. Fred Kimmerly, who has been a motor visitor with his sister, Mrs. C. Denison, and his father, J. Kimmer- ly, Napanee, called on his aunt, Mra. J. Farley, during the week. Mr. Kimmerly is an old Deseronto boy who Is now a prosperous coal mer- chant of Collingwood. Miss Strohm, Collingwood, accompanied him, and Was also a guest with Mrs. Farley. Charles Wilbanks, who has been quite ill for a few weeks, is progres- sing slowly. His granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Breese. is proving a very efficient nurse. ' Misses Geraldine and Marjorie Joh ,» Kingston; are visiting with Miss Marguerite Wartman. Charles Detlor enjoyed a motor trip to Peterboro on Sunday. Mrs. Simkins, Hubert, Verna and Ivan and Miss Ena Simkins enjoyed & visit with friends at Picton and Sandbanks. J. B, and James Yeo- mans enjoyed a motor trip to Lough- boro on Monday. Miss Marie and Bernice Lewis and Master William Lewis were recent visitors in Napa- nee with their grandmother, Mrs. Windover. ¥ Mrs. G. Gats, Mrs. Clara Wiilets, Rochester, N.Y., and Saitern Peters, Toronto;- Earl Peter and mother, Wilton, spent a day recently with Mrs. Marshall Peters and"Mrs. Van- dewater. - Mr. and Mrs. George Gil- bert and family spent Sunday at George Thompson's. Mrs. Kellar and family are visiting friends in Enterprise. Mrs. Lindsay, Napanee, is the guest of her sister, Miss L. Loucks. : ' C." Ackerman and Miss Augusté Ackerman visited on Monday with {their brother, Scohyler, at Leland. Mr. and Mrs. A. McKeown and fami- ly spent a pleasant day at Kingston recently. Miss Berna and Frances Shier and Master Clancy Shier visit- ed for a few days at Walter Pauls. Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Embury visited at H. Embury's over Sunday. Miss Meyers, R.N., Napanee, with Miss Jessle Wilson, THE DAIL sited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Derue, Sr., a few days last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shultz and family of Chalk River were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. James Derue, Jr. Mrs. John, Kingston, and son Eimer of Pres- cott are on en extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Wat- kins. Those who were in Kingston last week for the Conservative conven- tion were Charles Smith, Sr., Robert Watkins, Allan Watkins, Lorne Me- Donald and James Derue. Miss N. Keegap of Cloyne and P. J. Kennel- ly of Northbrook were over-Sunday visitors in this burgh. Mrs. Mary Sohwager, is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. J. Scullion. Dr. Goddfellow of McDonald's Coraers was called today. J. Cox of Sharbot Lake and G. Thompson of Perth made business trips to this commu- nity last week. Miss Zilda Hartman returned to Harrowsmith after a few days stay under the parental roof. LEAVING KINGSTON FOR 8T. THOMAS Robert Hagerman, Formerly of Odessa, Goes to a Western City. Odessa, Aug. 16.--Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Sydenham,' spent Sunday at James Boyce"s. Mre. Van Dressen, Watertéwn, N.Y., is visiting her bro- ther, George Burnett. Kenny Hay- men,i Kingston, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. R. Smith. Robert Hay- men, who was a resident of the vil- lage before moving to Kingston, ex- pects to leave in the near future to make his home in St. Thomas. Charles Watts accompanied by Mrs. Stoneburg and daughter, Blanehe, Rochester, N.Y., spent a few days recently guests of the form- er's mother, Mrs. George Watts. Miss Georgie Ettinger, Kingston, was also a week-end guest. Mrs. J. E, Mabee has returned from a week's visit in Toronto having motored up with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Booth. Mrs. Harker, who has been the guest of Mrs. Lewis Snider for the past two weeks has re- turned to her home in Sydenham. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shane spent the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Shane, Newburgh. Mrs. Thomas McConnell] spent the week-end with relatives in Watertown, N.Y. Mrs. Lewis Snider has returned from visit- ing relatives in Deseronto. Joseph Lawlor and daughter, Liszie, left, Thursday, to attend the funeral of the former's brother-in-law, Mr. Cal- lahan, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Toplitf returned, Thursday, from spending the 'past months in Bata. John McLeish, of the Geological Survey, and son, Harold, Ottawa, were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. EB. Mabee. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ma- bee, Bloomfield, Mr. ahd Mrs. Stan- ley Mabee, Williamsport, Pa.;, Mrs. Dr.) Alger, Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Huyck, Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Picton, and Mrs. Clement Booth, Chicago, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Booth. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lee and two children, Kingston, were week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs. E. Vrooman. Mrs. Thomas Burley, Seattle, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Champ Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laughlin, Napanee, spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hillier. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Buffalo, are guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. James Shane. : Mrs. Henry Allen, Newburgh, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Graham and Miss Jean Sproule, Syracuse, N.Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Sproule. Mrs. Robinson, Winnipeg, spent Monday at Isaac Fraser's. win Booth, Brooklyn, spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. BE. Booth. Miss Marion Gordon and sister, Watertown, N.Y. are guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Reel OTHINE Y BRITISH WHIG Women Everywhere Are Talking About the Great | FALL FASHIONS Correct in Gvery Detail Autumn Unfolds Her New Modes We feel the first hints of Autumn in the air, as vacationists return, and the smart world gets ready for a new season. In the store the Fall modes arriving are the signs of the season, and what a brilliant one they foretell. See the mew modes with their flaring tunic, panels, tight hip band, pufty sleeves, so inherently feminine, boleros and other interesting details. Try them on and learn how alluring they are. 07 SRR IO 17 RR EARLY SELECTIONS Early selection can be made now and laid away until wanted. NEW FALL GLOVES New shades New styles Mr. and Mrs. Bd- all's Sports Coats Are Well Adapted for Utility Wear The Fall fashion stage is set and Coats by the hundreds are arriving, each demanding to play a prominent part. the fashionable earmarks and enjoy the distinction that comes from being dress- Choose apparel that bears | ed in the height of fashion. | Values at Jackson-Metivier's | TO.MORROW Final Day of Our GREAT Be early ! Dresses Novelty C Ratines. Shades: Blue, Green and figured patterns. Sizes 16 to 88 only. Values to $8.00, A, Gordon. Many from here have been enjoying * Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Clark ae-|the trips to the north huskleberrying companied by the former's mother,'and fishing. Several from around Mrs. E. O. Clark, left Tuesday, Mrs. here are leaving for the west on the Clark will visit her som, Reginald, 17th. It has been announced that Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin the Rey, C. V. Fairborne will Clark for their home in Huntington, Preach in the Mission Hall on Sun- N. Virginia. Mr. German and three day, 22nd at half past two. Mr. and children and George Allen, who have Mrs. Perry Moore, Detroit, are visit- been guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith for the past two weeks, re- turned to their home in Rochester, N.Y., last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holmes and daughter, Alice, motored to Ottawa and are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Nes- bitt also Mr. and Mrs. Smithers at their summer home. The sale cof household goods of Mrs. BH. O. Clark last Monday, afternoon was largely attended by anxious buyers. Wednesday night, after a long and serious illness, was held from her home on Centre street. Saturday morning. Mr. D. EB. Smith conduct- od the services. Interment took {dng their parents, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. and Mrs. Clancy Moore, Wesley. GRAIN CROPS FAIRLY GOOD Berries are in Abundance Out at 4 Harlowe, Harlowe, Ang. 17-<~The showery weather is very welcome and is mak- ing gardens grow nicely. The farm- ers are nearly through haying. The grain crops are fairly good, and ber 3 W. Scott, who has been very poorly this summer is recovering slowly. Mr. end Mrs. W. Cadman, Holloway, were the guests of Mr. and Mre. J. White, on Sunday. Fred. Wood end J. Huffman motored to Elm Tree on Sunday, both taking a car foad to attend the Standard Church meeting which was conduct- od by Rev. Mr. Harris. Mrs. C. Hiller 'has gone to her home in Napanee af- ter spending a few weeks with Mrs. W. Scott. § Mr. and Mrs. 8. Parks and Mr. C. Parks and wife spent Sunday at Ar- doch with Mrs. 8. Gray. 8. Wheeler, Cloyne made a trip to Harlowe this week. Miss yeron from Salmon Tourist Heme spent Sunday at Mrs. EB. Morley's. Consecon, Aug. 17.--~Several from Consecon took in the entertalnmeny at the Carrying Place last week. In. stead of using the rectory grounds for a garden party, the concert took place in the hall and & very interest« ing programme was given, Mrs. Gill, a soloist from Trenton, sang several selections as also did Mrs. R. Dass, Consecon. The latter gave a highly edifying paper on physical culture and rules on wholesome live ing. She also swung clubs fn des monstration. A political m. is to be held in the hall here this week. One of the speakers is to be a lady. Mrs. Dass and Miss M. Howe had a pleasant trip to Wellington on Monday. ol sed SEALED TWICE- it reaches your table deliciously fresh Fresh and crisp from the toasters, Quaker Corn Flakes is scaled immediately in the carton.' To Friday, August 20, 1926. 3 SE ee ------ *