Saturday, Augisst 21, 1926. & The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | he British Wiig KINGSTON, Tus Dally he sie a ot i Daily Xl SHY line or consecutive 3 Minimum nae '5 cenls. Day rater per line days «.o : days 6 Gosh be received by hale at The Brit- Fithin * in ¢ dara om the same » of type. Bpeeial aie 2 uy yearly advertising Fliblishors reserve the right to edit HH Telegh all classified advertising Telenone 349; ask for a want ad. 3 REID he Sud of Undertakers 204 and 206 6 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 147 for Ambulance ROBERT REID Princess Street Phone 577. M. P. KEVES FUNERAL HOME: REET 49 OOLBORNE BT AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1880. JOHN OONNELIUS Undertaker Kmbalmer Parlors: 376 Prinoose Street Ambulance Phone 650 MH. J. KNIGHT AKER AND & PARLURYwed, a Yarksr, Verona, 'phone 38. WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTIOHO FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. Olassified Dispray W. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance, Brock.and Wellington Sts. 'Phone 2051 3 refr : piteoton. an A Togo thnSoakars rise Turk's Store 'PHONE 708. '| appointed VIKING BREED. DEATHS. FERGUSON--Entered into rest on Sat- urday, August 21st, 1826, Rev. George Dalrymple Ferguson, L. hoy his 97th year. Pana from his late residence, 125 Bagot Street on Tuesday at 2 pm. Please omit flowers. RTER---At Elginburg, Ont, on Aug. PO 20th, 1926, Emily Reid, relict of the late Joan R. Porter, aged 756 years. Funeral from her son's redence: Fred- erick George Porter, Monday, Aug. 23rd, at ten am. ( time) to Cataraqui cemetery. Lost and Found AUTOMOBILE JACK~On road north of Harrowsmith, found. Apply Albert Alcon, R. R. 1, Harrowsmith, Ont. CHILD'S DARK BLUE SWEATER = Lost on Wolfe Island. Finder kindly leave at Mrs. Baker's store, Wolfe 1s- land. FAWN KITTEN--Lost, n streets. Finder o° 15 Deacon St. on Barrie or please return LO n August 14th, & fourteen foot varnished (not new) rowboat. Reward for recovery. A. C. Knapp, Boat Livery, Kingston. PEKINESE DOG With white feet lost. 'Phone 1844. TWO YALE KEYS..Fou have same at 178 Aitred 8 St. TRICYCLE-Found, on Thursday even= ns. Owner may have same at 347 br ncess Street by proving same. WILL THE PARTY---Who up a lady's silk handba containing money, glasses, etc, on the Perth Road on Friday morning, August 20th, kind- y Joave same at Whig Office. Re~ Help Wanted Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED..Hand finisher, W. F. Gourdier, 72 34 Street. MAKE MONEY AT HOME-You can earn $1.06 to $2.00 an hour in your spare time writing showcards. No can- vassing a soliciting; we Instruct you and 8 suppl r Jou with work. . Write to- he Menhenitt Corapany, Limit- fr Ta Dominion Building, Toronto. + MAN--To run a feed grinder. Appli- cant must be a hustler and abie to keep machinery in perfect running ore der. Apply to Box X-19, Whig Office. SMART BOY--With bicycle. Steady em- ployment. Apply in person. Brani- g8n's Drug Store, 268 Princess St YOUNG MAN--With junior mstricula- tion as an apprentice in local drug store. Must have smart, neat appear- ance. Experience unnecessary. Ap- be by letter iz own handwriting, giv- Sa age, phone number and street ad. Box W-200, British Whig Of Owner may folk ad 2 Apply Female Help Wanted GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN -- To do housework. No washing. 'Phone 1384. HOUSEMAID--Apply Mrs. Waldron, 31 -- Street. Fy a n ¥ of two, place, State 1 IL bardculars in Joly. Mrs. . ling, R. R. No. 3, Dnter- son and the wedding music was play- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Boyce, of Hamilton. The guests who wers near relatives, heartily congratulat- ed the young couple and a happy!|' 'hour was spent while a dainty well- luncheon was served. The. bride's® going-away gown was ashes of roses crepe de chine, en- semble suit with hat to match. She carried a handsome blonde kid bag, the groom's gift. Mr. and Mrs. Hudgin motored to 'Toronto, Hamilton and other west- ern Ontario cities. On leaving they were showered with confetti and many good wishes for future happi- ness. Miss BE Paul, Miss Mabel Mo. Neely and the Misses Joy and Queenie Paul are holidaying at Bea ver Lake. Mrs. Lucas and family ate visiting her parents in Madoc. There was a good attendance at the regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the United Church which was held at the home of Mr. Joseph Paul. The organization has adopted the mWonth- ly envelope system for contributions to missions this year, Miss Orr, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. Haines this week. Mr. and Mra. T. A. D. Anderson, Kenora, are visiting at the nage. Miss Rook, Napanee, and Miss Jean Ram- sey, Kwgston, are spending a few days at Mr. Joseph Ramsey's. Miss McCartney, sister of the late Father McCartney, Centreville, recently re- turned from an extended visit in Ire- land and is the guest of Mrs. Hulck. Help Wanted Male and Female Help Wanted 8b MEN AND ¥S WANTED «To ats ronize J. . Curson's Barber Si Men's hair cuts, 36c. Shaves 10c. Boys outs, ibe. Ladies 5c. 201 Wels lington Street. Ca Agents Wanted 4 RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted wl Zor every uarepresented distriet; t and lete stock.six hundred vio Nursery established forty years. Our agency is valuable. Write DOW and secure territory, SPelham Nursery Co, Toronto. ---- ------ MAN OR WOMAN---To travel and ap- point agents. Yeariy guarantee $1992 (being $21 weekly average) and ex~ Experience unnecessary. For particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. = eee SALESMEN--We offer steady empluy- ment and pay weekly to seil our com- piote and exclusive lines of guaran. teed quality, whole root, fresh-dug- to-order trees and plants. Attractive, dllustrated samples and full co-opera- tion. A money-making opportunity. Luke Brothers Nurseries, Montreal. 500 Y -- Easy selling Magic Gas. 1 can equals 33 gallons gaso- line, 0 carbon. Guaranteed harm- less. Aroven, Inerits. Jour md on oang. rite quick for particulars an proof of this Statement. FP. A. Lefebvre & Co., Alexandria, Ont., Candda. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Plate 7 APARTMENTS One 2-room apartment for 'light housekeeping; one .3-room flat; iso furnished rooms, central All conveniences. Apply 263 King Street. APARTMENT -- Or single rooms, with for long or short holiday; easy sting. ikiat, Sonvalescen rest or eal hone Apply IL. B. Gay, Hook Beac Foxboro: Ont. APARTMENT-- Sydenham Apartments, Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath room, 88s range, refrigerator, hardwood noors. Apply 69 Brock Street. DESIRABLE APARTMENT---Furnished or or tgrnisned, 7 rooms and bath- ly decorated, hard- floors, electricity, gas, in best central realdsuisl locality. Apply Box J-11, Whig Of Businéss laces s CORNER SUITABLE-For hutcher shop ~=will make alterations to suit tenant. Apply 69 Patrick Street. OFFICES--Yor rent, large and small io suk in the Bibby Building. Terms tenant upon application to R. D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. TORE----173 Wellington Street, former- occu; Ried a Emily Crawford, florist. Resa n September 1st. Apply to C. ingston & Bro. Brock Street. THOR --Ceeatis. located on Princess Street. All heated and with rear en- trances. Also rooms suitable for lodge or clud premises. Seated Apartments algo for rent Apply 1. Cohen & Co. 'Phone 3000. 7 v Houses ° BRIOK HOUSE TO LET -- Corner of Earl and Alfred Streets. All modern improvements: first class shape. Ap- ply on premises. FRAME HOUSE --- All Jmplavements, by 1h Has 304 1Solling Wood treét. 5 lan Road, or phone 1473-J. FINE RBSID! CE «= West hardwo 2p. bath. & elsctriolty: vi a Posse re once. 'Phone 3515 or apply 344 "Fron: tenac Street. 7 FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS § and 7 rooms, with fireplaces screened verandahs; $25 for rest of season; Eastview Park; 6 miley from Kingston. Apply J. D. Boyd. Telephone 2784-r-3 at Bastview, LIVINGSTON AVE.-- 7 roomed house, al improvements, gas, newly decorat- 2 ganden with fruit, near car line. Appiy 3 Livingston Ave. 'Phone 712-m: Immediate possession. SEVEN aOMED Br ay Seca. rge lo & Al Fred Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 3784 USE. Good shed, ile and rden, city limits. month. Roy Box Y-20, Whis onl: SOLID FRIOK HOUSE -- Centrally lo- fat 3 Sl modern, equipmen vi or, Trotier's are, i rincess Street. XE BOUSE-113 Bre Brock + hg elec wood floors, hot rie Piles and hardwo u hea e Possession Apply to Fe Reid, 254 Princess St. 7 ROOMED HOUSE--Sixth Strest, new- ted, electric ligh nace. Rent ot. Rent Norman, Patrick ouse," 138 Wellington Street, ecCoTal LET--Ho recent newly da ed; modern in ae Bae Soasion. EA in Jocatis oh ry Poite aomly 24a TEN ROOMS : situated. Would rons a Se» whote oF in nts fitt B Detar Bron gust. illness and death of her niece, Mrs, Shorey. Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Service and ly H. F. |Mra. Shorey. 8c.. motored up tor the funeral on Monday last. Adour 1 four hundred enthustasti: visitors witnessed the League base- ball OUT OUR WAY. L 2-19 FOOL our MA! WEN SHE SEZ FIGHTIN AGN HUH? AN REACHES FER MOMENTS WED LIKE TO LIE OVER "HE TAR POT. BY WILLIAMS. i ---- GOI' RAGHT HOME 'Nl TELL MA! =ge IF I DONT Y. DOG GONVA!. GIWVIN' Mf Shc 1! FRwillaus i086 Sv NEA seaVict, mc. me. J Business Services ' Auctioneers Sha. AUCTIONEERS---Expert service. modes ™ rate charges We can 3 5 ne. 891 Anywhere. any timer : rays Auction Rooms, Market Insurance B® i atomeblls and Crum Phone 1783-M. AN kid INSURANGEn-Ony She the mast Sradee. eatabiiehed 1a ss in ig EERE nee Street, opposd esc: dp acial = Decorators A. ANDERSON~--Paln Shop aed 4 Enalience A ad 19 ERNIE D, all DARE BE hen heLrasCs fompaniea or highen: ing. 281 25¢8-w, Rea gS 31 fice 3 GET YOUR PAIN done now. PANTING ah Tee ee PAINTING AND TAPER HA ins, Jud sli mpi ne 1 a TOI Earl Street, n o o Bt SIGN LAIN TING, Robinson, oat b bagot St vs a0 Tell and farm Sr apemal vestment. Bondg bought and posits received and interest minimum monthly balance. Cartwright, Raabear. 87 hones STORAGE~For furniture, lean, alry rooms and Spaces; your o and key. Frost's 806 Queen st "Phone ue f2e 3 or 1933-J. BOYD'S STORAGE WwW. WARBHGY furniture or any merchandise. proof building. "Phone 1000 or 11 Real Estate For Rent Articles For Sale Business Services Miscennancous Rooms 10 Miscellaneous 15 Fuel ana Feed 18 FURNISHED ROOMS-- Good locality, hot and col running water in each room; weil heated. HKeasonable terms. 492 Johnson St, corner Frontenac St. 'Phone 997-4. _ Wanted To Rent 11 STUDENT REQUIRES. Sitting room, bedroom and private bath J i possible all well appointed and with board in quiet vie Fig aa io Queen's College. Ample to will be paid. Keferences furnished. a piy Box T-17, Whig Office. For Sale or To Let 11a FOR SALE OR TO LET-- That desir- able house, 164 King street. For par- jiculars apply to A. M. Bmith, 118 Wil- Real Estate For Sale Farms and Land 12 1 ; all CHOION: FARM 33 sce Sood cheese factory and rl EE sol ES "fudrihen te FE sell at & ce. Pply to Richard Ellerbeck, Moagow, Ont. FARM--100 acres, 8 miles from Kings ton, 60 Acres i under cultivation, run- houses for-200 hens. Avply™ ta. to Ee Gordon, Gleuvale, 7s FARM. Improved, 4, filed, mod og rick residence outbuildings; all a Dha Wit reasonable for cash. Good bar- sain. William Lackie, RRL Houses Wolfe Island, near Oak 14 .GUARANTED COTTAGE --On Point in heart of hunting and Rahing furnished complete. Be" BhoRe 2065 river, Lo o -W or 'Shea, Wolfe Island. : pr recy Estate Agent. TG) Orerioout $6,500. eriouking the ake, 5,3 Stuart 3 near Queen's, $8,800. ese are all in condit Cunningham, real Estate Agent. veneer, § fom @ 3 RESIDENCE--Brick C¢{ hot water hating, electric' ligh Sast Jude. Chemo Aly to to M.B street, phone 704 or CW. MULLIN Real hd aan ce Broke: omen ik and Division Streets Phone 533-w. See AdVE Page 3 HES « And heavy Clinkers A all suited for road work To be had for drawing. Apply to Angrove's Foundry, 5 King and Queen Streets. FOR SALE-~One nearly new two geat- ed rubber tired open bugs , Cost $175.00. Will sell cheap. hone 14 or call at 37 Brock Street. GOOD COOK STOVE---With reservoir. Apply 32 Smith Street. 'Phone 939-J. ROLERS--- With or with out cages. Apply 188 Union Street. GILL NET FISHING-- Equipment consists of gill net motor boat, shanty, reels, ete. 193 MHcense. For Jarticulars 20h Clarence Sherman, 3 Napanee, Ont. HIGH CLASS TAILORING--A few sults left at greatly reduced prices, with usual easy terms of pay. t, thing good for small money. Phone 2206W. G. Patterson, Johnson street. 150 GRAIN SEPARATOR---A LVictor Mathew Moody, 22" x 86"; ; adapted for tractor work. Only used a short time. As rig aw Will Sell a A very re uced price for quick sale. LAB y to Srnest A. Sharp, R.R. No. s Udesse, PIANO--Heintaman and Co. Ionic, wal nut case, in Sxoellent Sondition. AL a greatly reduced p W. Lindsay Li iB Brincsss Br a PROVIDE-~For that one-third of your pie, LBaL ls spent ; N Ded. Savast in Res! I enac ress 19613, 377 King Bt. £. Pishe PUPPIES-- For sale, Cocker Spaniels, Water Spaniels, Foodies, = For ro Ter- riers and also other Biocds A ullon a1] 371-373 King St. 'Phone 1961- pr or RUBBISH BURNERS--- Garden Fences, Gates, Baskews for ev purpose. 'Phone 380. Partridge ire & lron Works. Plating in Silver, Nickie Copper, ete. Tirntture FURNITURE-- An gi) Bu EE : treo, er, ncess Lesses Antique Shap. PRIVATE SALE--Of house furn R ture, inecludi dresse noid 1 tab' oleum beds, Tugs. ete. - Apply even: . Prin- cess street tae 23! Te To at 16a. 10a and moderna ought M. Cram- Successors to 42 bes ATL Specialist it i! w hor 3 a Ni incess Street. LUMBER--Rough and dressed, also shingles and lath, sat'n finish hard- ooring, all kinds, stovewood Resawing and Jlading, J. Peters & fon, corner Broek and Toronto Streets. 'Phone $89, Dressmaking DRESSMAKING-- Children's fants' outfits. Also plain sewing gone at reasonable prices. Mrs. Watson, 200 Wellington Btreet, gorner Ordnance St. "Phone 2440-w, Professiunal 20a, and in. ODRUGLEDS Tota Grrr - W. A Marcelis, corner of Barrie Prin cess Streets. Chiropractic adjust. ments, glectric TeaUnents and hand- rel orice. . Congulsn Baas: 8 yy Sgn nent t Omice foie = phone 57d. SHIN Sear Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses 'tted and furnished after others have falled. Goitre cured without Shetation, 38 fears experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lak Eye, Ear, Nose, T t, Skin. Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House a i a ee = Mot Medicas. DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER 238 t Street, Ki t Pi - Sage eet Rings on. Praecice limit e ear, fhagat Homes i0 a 1 end 1.30 _monis i Appeint. Barristers ang Solicitors 21p W. H. HERRINGTON Barrister, Solel. tor and Notar Publis. ton Street. °* ® 254 B48-we Wetting. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH «. Barr and Sollottors, Clarence go bizvec| 3 Ca t A Su 8 A Bmlin. B. Cunnaing OAY AND REVELLE---Barrister, nd Sietess, 80 Clareacs Brand Ming: Sittendte yo 'Phone 306. veils. REING BR S08 & Shan BEng Sole! ol el rad 2809. os fad Property. SHEA~-Am B.A, Bary Sotletter, a, Otics, soraer 'oe of Brock, over Po, Ban to Hs "Phone 1989. Ladies' Halr Tarior 0 13.30 am. soinings 7+ . and King 3S aAIR WORK E(B 7 + curling, Ladies EEE Money | ASHES.Cleaned out of cel yards, ciean job done. A. MacGrs| 24 Russell Sireet. 'Phone 3365 ASHES----Removed from yard and 5 lars; general carting; first class rye. wood for sale suimates Buckley Transfer, 143 Yor! 'Phone 301 and 2516-M. BATTERY SERVICE-- Radio tubes i Juvenated. Make your set more ojent. Canada Radio Stores. CAVERLY TRANSFER CO. == Princess Street, mowing and hay; aiso general team-wor ane P timates given. 'Phone 1507 PLOYGHING--Harrowing 4 ardens; 8lso gener: Fatimatos Bivens tet work doa Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plano Adjusting, Phone 1544. 3 C. Ww. he ED UPHOLSTERIN jag. Leave orders at : Sdn PW. Raroid, 104 Phone 1600-J. Auto Accessories CHEVROLET SEDAN ~~ 5 engine, mechanically fect, rights to & quick buys Street West. : DODGE BROTHERS--Delivery good Iuanisg order. No r 0 fer ref Graves Bross 314 cess Street. $275.00 Will buy 1924 Fo newly painted, quipped foot accelerator, Jus fad rear view mirror, 00 bargain for Spo' he ea amall car. John Mekay: IA KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND --Makera of Aut JDusEY i a : i oi oe bodies California. To olstering. nl i st HL Ford Touring, | 91 8. un | ord Roadster, 1 920, i AN Barter, License, extra Ford Ton Truck With stake ody and.