Midsummer Prices on Furs % DOMINION. EXPRESS Ladies are cordially in- vited to visit our Show Rooms and take advan- tage of our mid-summer prices at much less than regular retail prices. Latest models in beau- tiful Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat, French Seal, Persian Lamb, Silver Raccoon. McKAY MADE FURS Need po guarantee. Quality, Workmanship and S..ns ab. solutely as represented. LAY AWAY PLAN Makes it easy and convenient for you to obtain a Fur Coat without a large outlay of cash. Select your Coat now; pay a small deposit and terms may be arranged to suit you, so you will have your Coat ready to wear in the Fall. Buying direct from our factory you save the middieman's "John McKay Ltd. 149-1567 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON Lr a ¢ Sa Pt A Ah +n ------ Squibb's Dental Cream with SQUIBB'S MILK OF MAGNESIA. For the care and preservation of the Teeth and Gums. LARGE TUBE STORE Branigar's Drug LNT B0c. 268 Princess Phone 18 L HOWRS ictor Phonograph. -s The Tire Worth REPAIRING ?? This is a question you ight want to ask t a Tire you have. AS Finest Creamery, Ib. .... Choice White Potatoes, pk. 85c. Pure Cane Sugar. . 10 1bs. 6c, Laundry Soap .... 10 bass 50c. Magic Baking Powder, Ib. Ste. TH {| NAME T0 BE CHANGED il To Canadian Pacific Company --Established In King- ston in 1882. After forty-four years of opera- || tion during which it has grown up with the country and contributed in no small way to Canadian' develop- ment, the Dominion Express pany will no longer . be known by that name. After September first next that great transportation agency will be known as the Cana- {dian Pacific Express Company. In all parts of Canada and the United States and throughout the ecivilized world signs on the windows of tha many hundreds of branch offices will be changed, and thus will be forged & still closer link with the great par- {ent company 'whose railroad, steam- ships and hotels aré known around the world. To mark thé changé of name the Company has issued an attractive little booklet giving a short history § of its career and a synopsis of its) present wide-spread activities. The. Dominion Express Company was in- | corporated In 1873, but it was in| 1882 that Mr. Van Horne, then pre- sident of the C.P.R. took it over as an operation part of the Canadian | Pacitle Raflway. | The Dominion Express Company | opened an office in Kingston in! 1884 in a bullding at the corner of | | King and Clarence streets which was | {later a news stand and a few years | ago was torn down to make place | for the present Bank of Montreal | Building. Mr. James Swift was the | first Kingston agent and he was suc- | ! ceeded by his brother, Joseph Swift Kingston was very closely linked | to the early beginning of the Do- | minion Express Company for one of | its distinguished sons, Hon. G. A. | Kirkpatrick, was president of the! Company when in 1882 it made a| contract with the C.P.R. to operate! over its lines. The company was in- | corporated at Winnipeg in 1878 and the equipment at that time consist- | ed of one horse and a second-hand i wagon. When affiliated with the |CP.R. in 1882 the company only | covered 445 miles, and about a half | dozen employees carried on the busi- ness of séven small agencies. Mr. | W. B. Btout, the first superintendent | of the company, is now the presi dent. | To-day the Dominion Express j Company cartles on world-wide ac- tivities which is prdof enough of the soundness of the politics of its firs: superintendent and present head. The development of markets was al- ways attacked with vigor by this company and in many places the ex- prefs company preceded the laying of the C.P.R, rails. This wak ae- complished by means of stage routes among which were the Galt, Hes- Deler, Preston, Waterloo and Berlin rojites and the Myrtle, Whitby, Osha- wa, and Ivanlice-Belleville routes which served' the public for many years. SUMMER HEAT HARD ON BABIES No season of the year is so danger- ous to the life of little ones as is the (summer. The excessive heat throws | the little stomach out of order so 'quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond all human help before the mother real: 136s he is fll. Summer is the season when diarrhoes, cholera infantum, dysentry and collé are most preva- lent. Any of these troubles may prove deadly if not promptly treated. During thé summer the mothers' best friend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The : Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. | Brockville, Ont. : "Invalid Tonic Wine," Gibson's. Medical authorities of Galt are of the opinion that the death of Leo Com- sign "Boats motorists from near and far use it beauty spots, E DAILY BRITISH GOOD ROADS SYSTEN YIELDS RICH HARVEST To the Farmers in Frontenac . Lake Region North of Kingston, -- During the last five or six years, owing to the Good Roads System, the Frontenac lake region lying north of Kingston has been opened to motor- ists and sportsmen and the farmers living in the distri¢t have reaped a rich harvest. Driving out the Perth road and crossing Loughboro Lake, the motorist in search of good fish- Ing turns northeast to Perth Road village, and . from there to Buck Lake. He will find the road in good condition for the most part, except that here and there repairs are need- ed if the travellers are to continue to use it with comfort. Buck Lake pro- vides excellent fishing and not only have several Kingstonians built cot- tages along its lovely shore, but the to Hire," shows the for a fighing ground. Wolf Lake, Bedford township. Further along the road from the top of a hill, a splendid view of Devil's Lake with its many wooded islands, some of them occupied by pretty cottages, can be obtained. On enquiry, it is found that many of the young men on the neighboring farms act as guides and oarsmen to the fishermen, who, leaving the well- fished waters of the Rideau Lakes, have come to this little-known dis- trict of lake and woodland to enjoy their favorite sport. the roads much used by tourists but many of the farmers drive to town in cars, so the road needs constant repairing. - After leaving Bédford Mills the moterist desirous of seeing, the county within a radius of fifty miles from Kingston, enters Leeds to avoid the many lakes hidden among the granite rocks and then tufns west ward and enters Bedford township 'n Frontenac. Here the sand on Some of thé roads is heavy and needs stone to maké good travelling. Wolf Lake, one of Fronténac's and Thirteen Island and Thirty Island lakes near the feldspar minds ave passed, good roads leading into these beautiful lakes 'with high wooded shores dot- ted with islands. Near Glendower there is a bridge that seems in & very unsafe condition at present. It will no doubt be replaced shortly by a concrete bridge, such as is seén on other parts of the road. - The way leads on through Godfrey and to Verona, one of the largest villages in the north. Just at the entrance to the village there are several bad bits of road caused by trafic and by the heavy summer rains. Stopping at Verona to get some excéllent ice cream, it was found that Verona thought théy had a grievance be- cause i Harrowsmith had streets which had been tarred to keep down the dust. and Verona had still the feldspar street, with stones that glittered in Cushion Tops,| # 98c. Miladi and French Nude, Not only are |* Sydenham, Hartington and | Saturday, August 21, 1926. TO-NIGHT AT SHAW'S, LTD. $1.50 CHIFFON SILK HOSE Diana fine Chiffon Silk Hosi Covers * | Wool Bed , $1.00 PAIR , in pretty shades of ide, Toast, Silver, Gold, Oak Buff, Taupe. Sizes84to 10. Regular $1.50 line. ampagne and Rose On sale To-night . . . .. $1.00 Pair BIG VALUES IN KIDDIES' SOX 25¢c. PAIR Kiddies' Short Sox with fancy tops; all sizes. Regular 35¢. Tonight ....~...... SCHOOL STOCKINGS, 25¢. PAIR Children's fine Ribbed, Black Cotton Stockings for school; fast colors. Sizes 51 to 10. i 35¢. PAIR Kiddies' Three Quarter Length Sox with fancy tops; all sizes. Regular 50c. values. 25c¢. pair | To-night 'ie. 3c, pair Sale Price . . . . . . 25¢, pair PURE LINEN TOWELLING, 7 YDS. for $1.00 This is a nice, firm, all pure Linen Towelling that will make good dish, hand or roller towels, and at this exceptionally, low price is real value. NEW CUSHIONS, 49¢. UP New atrivals in fancy Chintz Covered Cushions: round or square. Kapok filled. Special . two styles, .49c., 69¢c. and 98¢. each. D. A. SHAW. Limited | Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. ~ ~3 Smart Fall Hats $4.00 each Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET yr PICTON Picton, Aug. 20---A director from the John B. Rodgers Producing Co., has arrived im Picton to take charge of the pageant, which wil be staged In the gevenings before the grand stand eant, known as the International Cireus, requires several hundred per- formers and the Association is all willing to take part to hand in their names at the Agricultural office as soon as possible, Little Jack Graydon, who has been holidaying with his grandmother, Mrs. Vanderlip at Brantford, was stricken with appendicitis early in the week and rushed to the hospital where an operation was performed. At last reports his condition was very satisfactory. His father, mother and Httle brother and sister are all in Brantford to be near him. F. A. Céverett and daughter Misé Mary of Montreal were guests last week at the J. A. Cooke summer cottage, West Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. English were recent guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Albert Powers, and Mr. Powers, returning to Ham#iton by motor early in the week. Mrs. George Stone is at the home of her father, Mr. R. Lowey Wood- rous. 8 Miss Mollie Wand Is in Toromto, the guest of Mrs. F. M. Gibson. Rev. Stuart and Mrs. Woods and two children wers recent guests Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Young and Mrs. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. J. BE. 'the Picton fair. The DaR-}gress Is being made on these bulld- of} o EXCELLENT PROGRESS MADE ON BUILDINGS New Public School About Complete--Randolph Hotel Is Qoing Ahead. 1 ay Building has been quite heavy in Kingston this summer for, in addi |} tion to an unprecedented number of private homes, many public or semi- public buildings have been started. With several months of favorable weather remaining, excellent pro- Real Estate Pay Like Rent with garden and rm. $1,500 Arch with electric. | $2,100--Altrea st h00.-A . detached, with T00-lirock St. semi 1 rr ma ew ings. Rideau public school is practical- ly completed with only a few finish. ing touchés to be dome; at Hotel Dieu the stonework and roof of the new additiép to the nurses home are completed and carpenters and plumbers are putting up pattitions and piping the building. Tae don- tractor is well ahead with the con- crete work at the New Randolph hotel and it is expected that the steel for the frame of the building will arrive next week. The néw || garage of thé Checker Taxi Cabs Is almost ready for occupation. Louise school, which is being remodelled for use by commercial classes from the Collegiate Institute, is Dbéing rushed to completion. The mdeon |¥ work and plastering has been finish 132; barn, garden. stable. Money to loan, Houses for rent. Real Estate and Insurance. Cor, Johnson snd Divisién Sts. Phone 589w, 580J and 588. For all kinds of SEE OUR J. B. | Cash or Easy Terms | | $1,450--Fortamouth, p3nug home St, frame dwelling |i $8.500-~York St. new solid brick, | all conveniences. : ; $4,100-Nelson St., frame, lot ex | $4.500--Neverly St. frame, with | $5,800. Victoria St | vw mew brick, i (E. W. Mullin| ed and work has started on the floors and roof. The work on the addition to Reglopolie College is also well advanced. : ith 3 § w