------------ HH WHIG PUMLISHING TED, KINGSTON, ONT. DAVIES ...... President 8th, on the subject of the 8 Scandal, with particular re- to rum-running, according all and Empire, sald: "You forge the law withou! hurt- someone, but if you allow these BES there is only one result, and the general breakdown of tho For this reason, ha would low the Customs department used as a medium for the ing of liquor Into tis United this = definite - statement inferred that there would immediate tightening-up of igulations regarding the ex- f liquor to the United Stites, ularly as Mr. Stevens In- most observers agreed ess in regard to tho'trans: on of liquor across the bordsr 'been a large factor in the of smuggling into Canada resulted in the Customs in- n Jast session. i8 the situation rispecting exports at the present mo- To find out The Toruufo two staff men to Windsor last week. They found tha places there dre to-day prac- limitations on the export They found that in cer- it was easy to get whiskey in direct contravention to gE laws, both provinciai and bogus clearance papers. At 'clearance papers are be. Just as before. It fs true ther ports he is not issuing Ce papers, but if you ask least five cases of beer or one whiskey, you are given them & question as to whether for 'export or home con- provided you come in oft in a motor boat. of The Star staff men who ted--upon an investigating t---the liquor export docks KEEPS HIS HAT ON; NOT AGITATED, Mr. James Halliday, the Liberal eandidate in Kingston, keeps his nat on., And he purposes keeping it on until he lifts it in the legislative chamber at Ottawa. A man with his bat on, his faculties alert, his brain clear, js much more dependable than & man with his hat off, his eyes bulging, his face perspiring and a generally dishevelled appearance as it all was not well with him. Mr. Halliday goes into the campaign with assurance of success. The policies he stands for are the policies the people will support for they have al- ready been helpful in reducing the taxes imposed. And better times and better economies will follow in the next Parliament under Liberal auspices. SE ---------------- MR. HUBBS GOT SLIGHTLY MIXED. -- Tory candidates are already tind- ing themselves in strdnge predica- ments, through following the myster. fous windings of the new Finance Minister, Hon. R. B. Bennett. A typi- cal case is that of John Hubbs, Tory member in the last House for Prince Edward-Lennox, and again Tory can- didate in the same Constituency. It may be presumed that Mr. Hubbs made no specific enquiries himself, but blindly followed the glib-tongued gentleman who happens for the mo- ment to be Minister of Finance, On "August 10th, a big meeting was held dn Picton, Ont., in the inter- ests of Mr. Hubbs. On the platform was Mr. Bennett. Bvideatly Mr. Hubbs thought he could pay no more graceful tribute to Mr. Bennett than by stealing a portion of Mr, Ben- nett's speech in the House last ses- sion, and working it over on the audi- ence as his very own. Among other things, Mr. Hubbs, is reported to have stated: "Manufacturers in this country are afraid at present to put their ca- pital in buildings, etc, as they know not when their heads will be cut off through tariff changes, Referring to the Massey-Harris people, Mr. Hubbs Stated that before the Liberals took control of the Ship of State, this con- cern employed some 4,000 men in Toronto, and but a few hundred in their plant at Batavia, New York, Now things are reversed, 3,000 are employed at Batavia and 800 in To- ronto." A ; And as for Mr. Bennett, in his wildfire oration during the Budget debate, he referred to the y- Harris Company by stating: "The manufacturing is carried on in the plant at Batavia, New York. The plant at Torputo has become more and more an assembling plant." Mr, Bennett was in error when he made that statement last May. His atten- tion was drawn to the fact. Yet when he heard Mr. Hubbs, as he must have heard him, he made no reported at- tempt to correct what he knew must have been a falsehood. He allowed it to go, just as another bit of To: propaganda. : Both Mr. Bennett's assertions and Mr. Hubbs' later utterance are cap- able 'of complete denial. No ome knows better the number of men em- ployed 'by the Massey-Harris Com- pany than Thomas Bradshaw, the Company's General Manager. In res- bonse to an enquiry lest May, Mr. Bradshaw wrote as follows: "We appreciate the enquiry which you have made, and, recognizing that your object is to correct a 'wrong im- P and to have the facts krown, we are pleasgdl to advise you, that in our Canadian plant at the present time, we are employing about 4,000 workmen, while in our Batavia plant we are employing about 870. Moreover, these relative Wigures fairly represent the numbers fod throughout the year in WORDS OFTEN MISUSED: "farther" to express distance. ferred to a as in "awl." was well fortified." \ TORONTO'S BEAUTY DISPLAY. The country is about surfeited with the slobbering of the Toronto Press over its beauty contest. To the quiet sober citizen it is really re- Pugnant to one's sense of good breeding to read of the parading and degrading of womankind. But, of course, Toronto must be in the lime. light along with the cities of the United States. The Catholic Regis- ter rightly rebukes the unseemliness of this whole affair in saying: "Silly girls of sillier "ambitions there are by the score who will com- Pete for the unenmviable notoriety of representing Toronto in this so-call- ed 'national beauty pageant.' The girl of the day who walks our streets in semi-nudity is a law unto her- self. She is above the conventions of decency that bound her old-fash- foned mother, and has become a puzzle to the judicious and the sane. But how respectable parents can conscientiously permit--nay, en courage--their daughters to forget their modesty for the prize of a little ephemeral praise, a little free news- paper advertising decorated with questionable pictures, is beyond our comprehension." Aud fifty thousand people of To- ronto the Good, revelled, on Sun- young women showing off their comeliness, their figures and their coiffures, No wonder the old Globe looked askance on the whole pro- ceedings and was able, in the face of the populace to remark that "if the only charm that the entrants in the conest can 'boast of is that of face 4nd figure, they had much better for their own future happiness and peace of mind to stay at home and pray the brayer of the old pagan philosopher: 'Teach me to grow beautiful with- in." ------ EDITORIAL NOTES. Rally to the Liberal side. / Keep the 'Kingston Industrial Ex- hibition in mind, It promises to be & fine success this year, Mr. Meighen says the Robb budget was "a sham." The people - 'who know it's benefits say "Let's have more such shams!" Bare legs have anpeared on the boulévards of Montreal. Now watch Toronto follow the fashion set in Canada's metropolis! The Boston Transcript suggests that Canada herself appears to be a formidable obstacle against her annexation to the That's the truth, and well said. There are enough Liberals in one will work and talk the party policy. The Robb budget has put money in the pockets of every -eon- sumer. : The Montreal Gazette would like for | 45 have the income tax, a darrier to trade. There are only imported into Canada from the United States two fypes of machines, and neither are being manufactured by this country. Moreover the of machines of these business, wiped out. Hon. Mr. Robb is the first finance minister in re- cent years to make attempts at re- ducing the tax. Let him fjpish his work. , Professor W. R. Vance, of the Yale law school, addressing the Itha- ca Rotary club a few days ago, de- clared that when the coddling of thé ~leriminal ceases and he fs treated ] Bot as a martyr, but as a public inc DA DAILY LESSONS IN ENGLISH BY W. L. GORDON to relate." Use "further" to express OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED: OFTEN MISSPELLED: delirium. SYNONYMS: desire, wish, longing, craving, covating, appetite. WORD STUDY: "Use a word three times and it 1s yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. To- day's word: FORTIFY; to strengthen against attaék. "The army day, at Sunnyside, at the sights of | & ILY BDKI'1: Don't say "I have nothing farther that which is additional; daunt, The a as in "calm" is pre- af enemy, then will the war against ¢rime be won. 5 Have been appointed exclusive selling agents in Kingston and Vicinity for Church's Famous - British A contemporary speaks of the of- | fort "to trot out the constitutional issue as a red herring across the trail." A red herring trotting would certainly be a novelty, suggests the Brantford Expositor. A contemporary suggests that! when a father gives his boy a car! he must figure oh depreciation in the boy as well as in the automobile. But the father cam, if he will, es tablish a depreciation reserve. It is known as companionship. Charles Breguiteh, naturalized Pole, who died in Milton last spring, is reported to have bequeathed $20,- 000 to a dancing girl whom he met | In Vienna in 1915. This good Cana- That able and kigh-minded young Canadian, Hon. Vincent Massey, has taken the platform again for the Liberal party. It is to be hoped the country will have his services in the next parliament. Few men can bring so many gifts to the publie life of the country, ------------------ + * SUNDAY THOUGHT. dian dough thus becomes a Vienna! - sos 0000vnvcssocenl Footwear THE BEST $10.00 AND $11.00 SHOE PROPOSITION IN CANADA OR U. S. and mark you, we say this without the slightest fear of contradiction. quality count. UPTOWN OFFICE: ® + * > tx -- * The Bridge You'll Never Cross + % It's what you think that makes * the world * United States. * Seem sad or gay to you: * ¢ Your mind may color all things # LJ grey * ® Or make them radiant hue. # + Be glad today, be true and wise, # ® Distinguish gold from dross; # Waste neither time nor thought + * about * Priced at # The bridge you'll never cross. # + 2 4 There's useful work for you to & * do, $ # For hand and brain and heart: # # There's urgént human service, & s 3 $00, .... i # In which to take your part: & 4 Make every opportunity + * A worth-while gain, not loss: & ® The best is yours, so do not fear $ ® The bridge you'll never cross. ¢ + ¥ * * If life seems drab and difticult, ¢ # Just face it with a will; * # You do not have to Work alone & ¢ Since God is with you still. & # Press on with courage toward # * the goal, * % With Truth your shield em- * » boss; * % Be strong, look up, and Just & * ignore + # The bridge you'll never cross. % +» * PPPS PFPP 99020000 Kingston to win the election if every | THE TOWN WATCHMAN It is officially announced that brighter hats are to be turned ont for thé men. Hooray! Now we will be able to better compets with the lovely rouged faces of the ladies. Inspector J. Russel] Stuart, who has just returned from Brasil has not told us about the nuts that have made that country famous. No doubt the school kids will be eager to have the inspector give them ad- dresses on his South American travels, raising of vegetables. 167 PRINCESS STREET. would hardly place Tamworth in the list of places noted for modesty. Many university professors are re- ported delving into the Canadian archives at Ottawa this summer. That was an occupation of Prof. Adam Shortt over thirty years ago when he was head of the department of political science at Queen's Uni- versity. Prof. Shortt's old lectures were full of information that was only secured by a most careful study of old Canadian documents. The Cataraqui railway crossing, although it looks safe enough, com- tigues to be a stumbling block. No doubt motorists grow careless when they approach such an easy-looking crossing. However, lives are too precious to be lost for the sake of a few thousand dollars; so the thing to do is to more adequately protect all who travel that way. Kingston district gardeners have again shown their superiority in the Ope has only to look over our market square to bo convinced that nothing better can be seen anywhere. This district also produces the best cheese and hutter In Canada. Frontenac agriculturists should surely feel elated. ' | -- Stealing money from milk bottles at people's doors is about as mean a thing one can do, and it is hoped that if a case Is proven against a culprit a jail sentence will be given. Some mornings, babies and children likely go without milk because of the actions of this contemptible kind of let. a bert J. Bushell, MP." wil sound quite well, and if "Bob" man- add something worth while to Han- tit well re- -- SOWARDS COAL It will pay you to consult us before placing your order for your winter coal. Price and SOWARDS COAL CO. TELEPHONE 155 McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. LADIES!! LOOK!! Just received a shipment of hand-painted Crystalline Parchment Shades, in all colors. srrrenians.a... 92.50 and $2.75. Call in and see them. The Saunders Electric Co. PUBLIC LIBRARY BULLETIN Stories of Travel, Adven- ture, Romance, Nature and History--all free at your Public Library. Yours truly, . 'BIBBY'S Limited CO. Thousand Island 28c. and 40¢, sree sanenws Bo Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 30 and 990, "Phone 811. TELEPHONE 441. an READ en Bem [Almonte .. .. .. ,. ..Sept 21-34 ArRDrior .. ou oo. «+ Sept. 7-10 AvORMOTS +. .. «i 4. ..Bept. 16-17 Bancroft ..... .. .. ..Sept. 23-38 Beachburg..'.. .. .. «.Sept. 20-23 Belleville .. .. «Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Campbeliford Centreville .. .. .. .. Sept. 10-11 Cobden .. Colborne .. .. .. .. ..Sept. 21-23 Cornwall .. .. .. +. ,. Sept. 1-3 Daltl wv iie vu wna Sept. 6-8 Demorestville.. .. .. .. ..8ept. 35 Frankfort .. .. .. i. Sept. 16-17 Frankville Kemptville. : IRVOrARY o.oo ius a +.Bept. 29 Kingston .. Kemptville .. Lanark Lansdowne .. .. .. .. Sept, 21-22 {lombardy .. .. .. .. .. Londen va se we ae +. Sept. 11.18} Madoe .. Mapnooth . may ooth .. 'McDonald's THE FALL FAIRS «Sept. 17-18 *+ +. Sept, 30-Oct 1 s% ae se oo oBept. 23-24 aides as BODE 1002 eves ws voBept. 33-34 "ses 4. Sept. 14.18) s+ ws ae Bpet. 28-24 Sept. 11 as se se ee wen. Bept 23 vaias wen.00t 8-8 I can furnish detail dimen sions and all particulars, in- cluding prices, for any size motor. Save time and money d do your busmess locail A James Boyd Phone 2504. 398 Brook St. y Don't abuse or over. work them -- if they give cause for worry have us examine them now, i te as we Sept. 24-25 wr aw we suBopt: 29 Corners .. .. Sept. 34 | "usa su we oo Aug 34-27 se ev wa osu. Bept. 31.32 # es eo eu a. Bept. 23.24 a 6-28 "es we sw wa Et RR NE LA EE EE -d my ta AN au ma Aw es we Las wa be sania "Ee ee aes ( y