"THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 2 EWS FOR WOMEN READERS Use MP and enjoy your meals The subtle NEWS AND V ( COMING EVENTS ) The WL. Girl Guides will hold a tea rh sale in Notre Dame Convent Jaren on Thursday, August 36th, from to ¢ o'clock. ADVT. RATES, WOMAN'S PAGE: Coming évents, not intended to False money, lc. a word; Sainiinum Soc. it held to . money, 46 word; minimum $1. Reoeptions, engagements, mars announcements, personal no- Hoes, 35 worde or less, $1.00 per Insertion. Entertainments, concerts, meets ings, ete, 15¢. per line for readers: 0c. per line for display advts. Mini. | mum charge $1.00. AUNT HET | The Editor Hears 2 That among the visitors to the Kingston Museum this. week were two motor parties from New York and New Jersey who were loud in their admiration of Kingston. "It is the cleanest and best kept city we have passed throngh," said one man, and the others agreed. They ad- mired the quaint old tower and its contents, Macdonald Park and its beautiful view and commented upen our wide paved streets, the well-kept parks and the fine stone buildings. They went on their way advertising Kingston as a place to come to when on a motor trip through Ontario. " LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE the Department of Agriculture for Lennox and Addington. . GALLAGHER'S service 960 25¢ 'van +DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter 1: "Phone 887 See ue for all Kinds of Carpemtry work. Estimates given on mew Soors laid. Have your hardwood Soors clean. od with our new cleaning mae chine. Woman's Page Editor Phone 2618. x Private Phone 837w. a . . . Miss Ronnie Tullis, "Densmere," hed from New York to-day. % . x Prof. McArthur, Queen's Uni- ty, has returned from Ottawa. . LE Agnes Bellhouse, who has at Grimsby, returned to Wolfe on Friday, ' - Ld . 'Mrs. R. Vashon Rogers 16 in town Toronto and is with Mrs. ibald Young, Union street. : ss Col. Storey, New York, is visiting daughter, Mrs, Perry Mahood Mise Emma Pense, Waest Street, has gone to Ottawa for the unveiling of the memorial to the nursing-sis- ters who served in the Great War. oi ee Miss Mildred and Miss Helen Stocking, Derby, Conn., who are on a motor trip, were the guests at the "Y" during their stay in town. . * * Mrs. William Skinner and Mrs. Robinson retidrned to "Densmere" to-day from *Blinkbonnle." Ganano- que, where they have spent a month * . . guests of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Kemp, Kingston Junction. - * » Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Herman and their children, Lavone and Francis, motored home to Buffalo, N.Y., after That there is a lovely point Where "I meant to be buried in that the road winds around the high ele) k taf? but I spilled somethin' beside Wolf Lake, Bedford | ' 8¢ taffeta, hut 1 spilled o in | , ' county. It is a favorite stopping | Oo" thé hem an' now I'd be ashamed Miss Dorothy Willo ughby and Miss . Mahood, Johnson street. . Frank Lawson and Mrs. Ray m, London, Ont., are visiting and Mrs, Duncan McArthur, Street. . * . » Kathleen Robinson, Brock- will arrive in town on Mon- r the consecration, and will be mere." : 3 -. . * Miss Margaret Stafford, Universi- avenue, is spending her vacation Ottawa with her sister, Miss Alma . . * » Southall, St. Lawrence ave- Rds returned home after spend- | the past three months in Eng ov» Percy Girouard is arriving in this week-end by the Mont. He Is an eminent R.M.C, gra- . . . rs. J. K. Kerr, Toronto, will ar- (in town on Monday to visit ber iter, Mrs. Willam Harty, wn." - - . \ Mrs. Edwin McLelland and Miss McLelland have returned Merrickville, and are at the A. . - » G. D. Young, Detroit, Mich. pding his vacation with his ts, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald , Union street. fs . . * iiss Helen Anglin, Albert street, returned from Brandon, Man. #he was the guest of her aunt, + M. Matheson. . » . 8s Clara Bowman, 129 Bagot i left on Wednesday, to visit ds and relatives in Butfalo, N. Detroit, Mich. i . » . J. R. Orrls Whinton, who was her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hazlett, Frontenac street, re- to Toroto, today. » » - Ad Yates, London, Ont, and 'Newton/ Sarnia, have been re- Buesty of Prof. and Mrs. Dun- 'MeArthur, Bagot street. - . Cora Kemp, who has been in Watertown, N.Y., is visit- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James pmp, Kingston Junction. and Mrs, 0. v. Bartels and Mrs. Willlam Jackson left afternoon on a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec, » . . Rev. J. C. Farthing, Bishop ntreal, will be the guest of Mr, dford Calvin, "Rutland In town Tuesday. 4 - ;| @eacon Dobbs, King street, while in town for the consecration of Rev. Dr. L | Seager. He will be the consetritor. . » Margaret Bailey, Ottawa, who are taking a librarians' course i Queen's University, are at 'the Y. W. C. A. . * . Mrs. B. H. Marvig, who has been at "Blinkbonnie,"" Gananoque, . with her mother, Mrs. Willlam Skinner, hag left for her ome in Baldwing- ville, N.Y. . ta Moran, Syden- ham street, has 'returned from a holiday spent in Michigan. She visited Detroit, Flint, Pontiac, Sagi- Daw and Davidson. - » . Rev. A. BE. and Mrs. their sons who have been few weeks at a cottage near Tweed, returned to St, John's Rectory, Ports- mouth, today. | . LJ eo Mrs. B. M. Revelle, street," with her children, Lena and Calvin, has returned from ga visit | of three weeks With her sister, Mrs. J. W, Young, Chicago, 111. . * . . Miss Bernadet Smart with spending-a Frontenac Mr. and Mrs. George McLaughlin have returned to Flint, Mich., after a visit with the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Joyce, Charles street. » . Mr. Vincent Corbett, Wilmington, Del., will arrive in town on Sunday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corbett, who are at "Dens- mere." Miss Bleanor Phelan, Johnson street, has returned from Quebec, where she was the guest of her cou- sins, Hon. Lucien and Mrs, Can- non, ° - » . Mrs, William Harty * with her daughters, Miss Nadine and Miss Betty Harty, will leave next week for Winnipeg to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Osler. * Miss Elizabeth ang Miss Alberta Pelow have left for Toronto after spending the past two weeks with their parents, Mp and Mrs. D. Pelow, Clergy street. - 9 » Mrs. Donald MacPhail and her daughter, Miss Katherine MacPhail, are spending the week-end in Mus- koka with Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Primrose, Toronto. 4 Bl * - . 3 gi Lord and Lady Willingdon sail from 2hsiand for Canada on the 25th of September, when Lord Wile lingdon will take up his duties as Governor-General of the Dominion. * ee Mrs. L. H, Buckle and Mrs. C. B. Buckle and her son, Henry, who haye spent some time at "Dens mers," returned to their home in Wynnewood, Va., to-day. v »* = Williams, Bishop The Rt. Rev, G. of Huron, will be the guest of Arch- Roselawn' . Mr, Eugene Beaupre, New York, councilior of the retatl department of the New York Jonrnal, spent several days in town this webk with his mother, Mrs. H. Beaupre, John. son street. SE spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Alderdice, Garrett street, * * . Mrs. Percy Mahood entertained at luncheon at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Club on Friday. Bridge was played during the afternoon, when the prizes were won by Miss Eileen Folger and Mrs. Stewart M. Robertson. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Legris, Renfrew, announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne Marie Aileen to Michael James O'Brien, jr., son of Hon. M. J. O'Brien, Renfrew. The marriage will take place the middle of September. * . Canon A. H. Whalley, Ottawa, who will act as chaplain to the Bishop of Ottawa, at the consecration of Rev. C. A. Seager, D.D., as Bishop of On- tario, will come to Kingston on Mon- day with his son, Rev. A. C. Whalley, rector of St. Peter's Church, Brock- ville. . -. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, and their gon, and Miss Edith Newman' Fron- tenac street, motored to Leicester, Mass., accompanied by Mr. Homer Rantley. Some of the party will re- turn home next week, but Miss New- man will remain in Leicester, the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. Sprague. * . . Mrs. Ita Mae Maguire announces the engagement of her sister, Ve onica Rose Martin, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mar- tin, to Mr. A. F. A. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, To- ronto, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly in September. Miss Elva Gréenlees, who went to Jasper Park, Alaska and Vancouver, with Miss Isabel Baxter, was met at the coast by her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Crick and their daughter, Miss Anna Lloyd Crick, who motored from Pasadéna, Calif. They took Miss Greenlees back with them, and she saw the wonderful scenery of the Pacific Coast, visit- fag Crater Lake, Oregon, and other noted beauty spots. Bhe went to Catalina Island, and saw a sword fish weighing 450 pounds that had just been caught by the celebrated novel- ist, Zane Grey, Miss Greenlees will return to Kingston on Sunday. Miss Baxter, who has been visiting her brother, Col. Baxter, in Winnipeg, will return home shortly. ---------- "Blackberry Cordial," Gibson's. A | Log Cabin camp at Minesing, Island place for motorists and now it 18, | to face my Maker in it. for the present at least, spoiled by some vandals who gathered up the refuse of what must have been a very untidy camp and dumped it on! ple who | hey are | destroying the natural beauties of! the rocks at the shore. Peo are unable to realize that t the country side or who are #0 in- -- } That the new sleeves are full of | originality and many of them have | room for plenty of it, as well as the | arm of the wearer. Some of the newest designs are really a continu- ation of the yoke over the shoulder and covering the upper part of the | arm. Others have extremely deep | arm holes extending almost to the | waist line and giving a cape effect. | Long sleeves are generally knotte.d about the wrist or fall low over the | hand in medieval style. -- | That Miss Jean Ford Tolmie, the! Toronto girl chosen to represent On- tario's Queen City at the Atlantic! City beauty contest, has unbobbed ! hair and her mother strenuously re- | fuses to let her bob it. The sof: dark Bair was a large factor in the choice of Miss Jean as the pretties: girl of the hundred odd pretty To- ronto girls, and her mother with wisdom saw this and wanting her daughter to retain a beauty tha: many girls had robbed themselves of, is very definite on this point. She feels that the long tresses mav win still another prize for her daughter, That the largest fish to be caught In Algonquin Park, Ont., this season EN Engagement Announced. Mrs. C. A. Rixon, Brockville, an- ounces the engagement of het young- est daughter, Josephine Spalding, to Mr. Allan Samways, youngest son of Mr. George Samways. Wedding to {take place Sth of September. different to the comfort and pleasure | of others, can hardly Be said to be! within the pale of civilization. . | "Coty Face Cream," Gibson's. When you hear a man always prating about honesty set him down as a dead-beat. Time you get caught up with your work you need another vacation. "Coty Newpowder," Gibson's. TN TN ------ [-------------- -- Batescourt School Will Reopen Sept. 7.h, 182¢ Pupils received in all grades, in- cluding Primary and Collegiate Classes. Entrance class, If desired. Pupils moving to o her cities take first, second and third places in pri- vate and public schools A Mmited number of boarders taken. Those In restdence last year took high place in examinations Music and neing. For terms, ete., appl ADA J. BATES, 247 EXPECTANT _ MOTHERS Brock Street fell to a lady angler in the shape of | * 2 gray salmon trout weighing 20 3-4 pounds, which was caught by Mrs, C. M. Wallace, of Nashville, Tenn., who was a guest of the Canadian Lake, Algonquin Par. The trout measured 39 inches and had a girth of nineteen inches. It was caugh: in Island Lake in front of the camp. That Mr. Cyril Rice, known for years as the boy soprano of "The Little-Church- Around-the - Sotneis" New York, has come to man's esta e; and has a sweet tenor voice, which will be heard in St. Georga's Cathe- dral on Sunday morning as adver- tised in another column of this pa~ per.. THE BEAUTY DOCTOR BY NINON. § g E i £ 4 if Ed s i i : g { £ EE g : ot § g gx fh E ¥ » = & £ 3 i 3 § x if 3 g& i sil} fi gE £ ; : i i i 55 Hi i g | sati flavour o P. makes a world of difference to ordinary meals. ® sfyin DENTIST Eveninzs by appointment. 272 Princess Street. THE NEW NESTLE LANOIL AND CIRCULINE PERMANENT WAV- «s+es $15.00 and up. PRANK RODS 'Phone 108 i 185 WELLIN READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Wise Shoppers Do It For Saturday Night Pure Linen Lunch Cloths, 36 x 36, Blue and Gold. Fancy borders. Very special for .............90¢c. each. Fancy Colored Bordered Towels -- hemstitched cord borders for 75¢. pair, Men's Fancy Cashmere Sox, Eng- - lish make, for .... >. ... -75¢. a pair Pure Linen Tea Towels, hemmed ready to use, for .........25¢. each Women's Pure Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, for . . ... ..10c. each. Silk Stockings that give satisfactory wear. Luxite make, for $1.00 a pair. W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE The New Brunswick Phonograph is the latest improves We will be 'very ment in the musical world, and excels any similar ; Rt ok