Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1926, p. 11

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Foe fs Monday, August 23, 1926. ites ts re et ep The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public F 3 5 a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC ---- The British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. } | GLASSIFIKD ADVERTISING a @ie restricted to Lheir | 1 classification, aud 'to ihe | ular Dally Whig style of type | CLABSLY 1b RATED: oti i Daily rale per libe OF SUR x ' insertions: Minimum charges, 26 cents. : ry rater per Mue Chargo Cast | BORIS cc srevvy seniors 4 3 3 3 wane WAFS iu vid : Bis RT ay : ou prover pre aid Memoriam $1.50; cael, $1.00 Ordered for irregpiiar the one-time inser- taken for less Laan De received by oui at The Brit- ; within ¢ days iron ingeriion, cash rate | MURPHY--A PRIVE --- In Kingston on jAug. 238d, Funerszl from SCOTT Funeral from hig late residence, Regent Friends and acquaintances are respect- Daley Bourdeau, who passed away on 3 t to edit all slanted Savortisios | #43; ask for a want ad. | August 23rd, 1931, | at home in the beautiful hills of God, | By | Bome day, some time, when our part Is 4nd silently sinks life's western sun, th BIRTHS. Brockville on Aug. 15th, to Mr. and Mns L. W. Murphy (nee Muriel G. Corneil), Lyn, Ont, a son. ---- Ss eo To ------------ DEATHS. urtered into rest on Sat- August gist, 1926, ev. Dalrymple Ferguson, LL.D. ith year. is late residence, 135; to St! will be heid, cemetery. Please omit Sowers. Leon Prive his late residence, 3258 Jiuntrea] Street, Wednesday morn- ing. at 9 o'clock, to St. James Chapel, where 4 solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of his soul. In Kingston on Aug. 21st, 1936, Walter D. Scott, aged 75 yoats. ° 1928, St, on Tuesday, at 7.4; a.m. to St Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the happy repose of his soul fully invited to attend. Interment at Wolfe Island. IN MEMORIAM. In ever loving memory of Mrs. Mary MEX AND BOYS WANTED -<To Hh Suis. 16c Ladies le. Street. ma tet A -- SPARE TIME-Exira money. Do a little work _Help Wanted Male aud Female Help Wanted 8b ATTENTION Big $6 Private Christs mas Card sampie book free } imaginable demand this sedson for the Celebrated inexpensive i - B#cure orders now ev deliver later. Highe Greatest oF capital unnecessn ~Garretson, Brastford; Out i Jd. W. Curzon's Barber Shop 's hair outs, 235¢. Shaves 10c Boys 01 Wel alter busiBess hours. Be our representative in your city. Position is high class, snd we only Want Busting ¢r Women. The now. 438 Spadina Ave. Toronto. ambitious peopie, men Hertel Co. he kingdom of rest so fair, done Oy We shall meet her there, ---Bon Willlam and family. ground floor, four NT On rooms and three piece bath. Heated, electric lights and cated; one black I Sas; centrally lo- Srom car, Rent mods: ve. mmediate possession. 23, Whig Office. JAMES REID | 208 aud 906 PRINCHSS $1ict 'Phone 147 for 'Ambutance | | w. KENT MACNEE | writhg Alt Kinds of Insurance. 7 ock and Wellington Sts. 'Phone 2051 ; oll Sodkars Ea Store MEETING IS HELD "At Newburgh In the Interests of Wr, R. J. Bushell, + Progressive. duthusisstic meeting in the In- 'of Mr. R. J. Bushell, the : candidate, was held on 'night at Newburgh. The taken by Mr. Anson Ayles- 3 reeve, and there was a pd crowd present to Hsten to the $ ve candidate, who a splendid reception, re- An Lost and wound 1 te AUTOMOBILE JACK--On road north of | LO PEKINESE DOG With white lost. TWO YALE KEYS--Found. Owner may TRICYOLB--Found, on Thursday even- Harrowsmith, found. APARTMENT -- Or single 1d. Rock Beach, Foxboro, rooms, with , Tor long or short holiday: easy Fmg. © Quiet, convalescent rest or eal honeymoon. Apply I. B. Gay, t. Apply Albert Alton, R. R. 1, Harrowsm/th, Ont, ST--On road between 'Kingston and |} Harrowsmith, end door of Chevrolet truck rack. Finder kindly inform APARTMENT Brock Street, 4 gas Hemlock Park Dairy. feet. 'Phone 1944. bave same at 178 Alfred St. J ing. ner may have same at 347 s Ow Princess Street proving same. Help Wanted FURNISHED od, imeludin, Possess: Undon Sires Wes WOO le ceniral residential 11, Whig Office. FLAT----Heeted and Ught- pi&no, on ground fioop, minediately. Apply 188 Business laces 8 ~~ Male Help Wanted 2 BOYS-.Ta sell week-end Ap- King CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher sho ~~will make alterations Apply 69 Patrick Street. to syit ténan papers. BY HaroM J. Smith, Barrack and treets. earn 31.00 to $2.00 wn hour in your a OFFIOES--VYor rent, lar, MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You oan D. e and emall iding. Terms ileation to R. Spare time writing shuweards. No can- we Instruct you vassing or solicit DE: pnstrue work. . Write to«{ } and supply you wit, day. Fhe Menhent tt Company, Limit. ed, 21 Dominion Billding, RF otonto. SroRn-i: y oecup Possession Beptembe Livipgston & Wellington Street, formers by Emily Crawford, florist. r 1st. Apply to C. Bro, Brock Street. Female Help Wanted 8 Re Houses month; kitchen help- $46. uarters and food sup- Hed. Apply. with references to Tapa tor-master, Royal Military Col- BRICK HOUSE TO LET Earl and Alfred Streets. improvewnémts; ply on premises. All modern first class shape. Ap- HOUSEMAID--Apply Mrs. Waldron, 31 <f King Street. A MIDDLE AGED COAL AND RAILWAY to extend the area of the tion of our coal," urged In a brief address to the miners of Michel, Saturday, premier was on his way from Fernie to Lethbridge. it," he added, "by subsidising the transport the cheapest possible railway rate Liat will enable the roads to get along but when we have got that we shall certainly have to do somethin, to pay & portion of that rate from eral funds of the country. carry the Conservative policles into effect, our country certainly will be able to pay it." do not propose," declared Premier FRAME House All 1 rage, ollingw 4 169 Ragla 8 rod Eovemants, Feet, he n Road, or phone 1ar2y, WOMAN---TO work in Seantry. in family of two. Easy place. {inte ull particulars in reply. Mrs. J. Dowling, R. R. No. 8, Enter prise, 'Ont ol Vv nace, hardwood once. FINE IDENCE ~-- We. : fotos Pa nt end, 'near rk, eight rooms, h.w. fur. 3 w oors, 3 p. b ectrieity, verandah. Poss 'Phone 3515 or appl tenac Street. -- ae | Tg ==Some extra money betwe. and Christmas. $10 to Teo easily made Sroekly ape Hme, jak orders rial Art" Personal Christmas Cards. me: Take season; Kingston. A 2784-r-3 at FURNISHED SUMMER DUNGALOS and 7 rooms, screened veran: view Park; ply J. D. Boyd. Telephone view. Everyone a omer. a later, Aiberal filo. ae, Te Ad nd for free 1 book. 51 Wellington n, British Canadian, West, Toronto, in MATTERS DISCUSSED Michel, B.C., Aug. 23.--"Ws want consump- Premier Meighen coal The he for "We want to extend | of of our coal. We want ® gen- It we -------- Proposes Increased Rates. Lethbridge, Alta, Aug. 233.---"I n HOUSE TO LET--3 of University, water heating; open fireplace; fe voted, roomed house, west near Union St Hot ced- gh Vacant Octeber 1st. 'Phone 156§-m, tions of our country are far dis- tant from the thickly populated cen- tres where certain parts of their pros ducts should be sold." Mr. Meighen denied reports that stood for a high tariff. What he stood for, he said, was a stable tariff based on protective principle. Prime minister 'referred to tariff legisla- tion by Saskatchewan legislature, which he sald Mr. Dunning had "1 have challenged members the King Government to move those resolutions in the House of Commons," Mr. Meighen declared. For paign, Prem<r Meighen on Satur-|W day aftermoon at Fernie, discussed the pesition of the Home Bank de- positors. He reviewed the legisla- tion giving relief "sympathetic consideration" to fur- ther hardship not bill. ; the first time in the cam- snd promised covered by the CHANGES ADVOCATED. Municipal Government by Dr, H. L. Brittian. Dr. Horace L. Brittian, managing director of the Buresu of Muni. pair i iid was the speaker wands uncheon on Monday and he spoke of the weak. nesses In the |OUT QUR WAY. orum and a True Market Place BY WILLIAMS. | ___iBusiness Services its a WHUTE Tier IDEE ? NAILIN! i] UP A. LOT.uH, MORE LETTERS, KINDA BULLETIN BoARD LIKE? OH, JES MAKIN IT A LITTLE MORE CONVENIYUNT FER CERTAIN SCISSORBILLED Aud GENTLEMEN UH READ MY MAIL & Lr 7S ---- Real Estate For Rent Real Estate For Sale 1 pecitg. Ladies' Halr rerior HAIR WORK Laaies Transfors ches) abhlie Ladies ang Ars. Cun« HAINgELom mations, bobbed euris slugei: ing, Children's r 8. ou Hireet, (FRENCH MARCEL WAVI Water 'Waving, Mound and Be | Crime, Hair Bogbing and Trion | Facial and Scalp Trestmedit, ution given to Halr Being. 4 or txer, Ja $15.00 FULL HEAD, ~id EXTRAS A. B. MNGSSURY, 23 209 Priacess Street. y Auctioneers AUCTIONEERS--Expert service, rate charges. We can sell an : anywhere, any time. 'Phone 881. Murray's Auction Rooms, Market Square. 24a. FIRE-Automobile and Casualty Insure ee ance. KE. M. Crumley, 420 Karl's 'Phone 1i83-M. INSURANCE~-Only the most reds companies represented. Strange Strange, estabiished in 1560 aide: Clarence. sircet, oppusite Post Offices RRNLe De SLITLM--~lusurance Broker, ail branches ui iusurdnce in old il companies of nighest uw ncial 8 - ing. 28] King direet Hast. 'Phobos 35:8-w, Hes 1131. Insurance 3 Decorators Ba A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorators Shop and residence 'phone 1968. tice 388 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTINGe=-ADd pap done now. I'ricks reasonable paper fay sie. Horton, 145 Collings Wood Street. 'Phone 2984-J. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING== Shingling and all kinds of work done prompuy. Kelly Bros, 21 Earl Street, near rrie St SIGN PAINTINGe=J. 8m Robinson, rest #5 bagot Street Co Houses 9? LIVINGSTON AVE.-- 7 roomed house. All improvemens, gas, newly decorat- ed, garden with fruit, hear ear line. Apply 28 Livingston Ave. 'Phone 712-m. Immediate possession: SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE--Newly deco- rated, barn and large lot, North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 3784 R LARGE HOUSE O%ad shed, stable and rden, in city 8. e ath Apply Box ¥-20, whiz otelos, 0 BRICK HOUSE -- Centrally lo- iy; 2% an ra 3iipment. y Ain to H Trotter, ar's Ware, 345 Princess Street. NE HOUSK---233 Brook Street, slec- Water heatiugt" Smesines possession ater he hy Apply to James Reid. 264 Princess St. 7 ROOMED HOUSE--Sixth Street. new- ¥ Core : fe Ment, 3 plece th t 00. per rooms, rhe Iighs and nt e "Je. Apply H. F. Norman, Patrick ree . TO LET--House, 138 Wellington Street, recently newly 'decorated; modern In every way. lmmediate possession. Al- so furnished house in first class condi- tion, 'in best location.. Apply at 63 Clergy street, v TEN ROOMS -- Al modern; centrally situated, ould rént as a whole or in a ments fitted. Bateman Real state, Brock Street. Rooms 10 ROOMS-- Good loeality, nd cold running Water in each room; well heated. Keasonable terms. 493 Johnson St. corper Frontenac St. 'Phone 987-3. Wantea To Rent 11 WANTED--Fiat of § or 4 furnished rooms, Aone or hospital young married couple, P 'ist, 1926. Apply to Geo. D, ton, Sax 475, Cobourg, Ont.. State ete. rom, Fon OCCUPATION -- Sept. £ jess, seven -roo herd i . Vom li fire- preferred; atesdy. ot wat at; RELI, nae SED "1, Whig Office," Real Estate For Sale p: oder for gs, to Leonird Gordon 50 ACRE FARM--At Inverary 0 $s cows § pena, team ANTED 1 on hou iz inge- davai for Cai run~¥ Al im- } to Houses i4 OUNNINGHAM--Rea] Estate Agent. eriooking CRy Park, $6,500. veriouking the Lake, $5,300. 1) (2) (3) Stuart Bt, near Queen's, $6,800. These are all in good condition. Cunningham, real Estate Agent. RESIDENCE~Brick hot water heating, electric gas, 3-p. bath, east side. quick sale. Apply J. veneer, 8 rooms, light and p tor B. Cook, Bank of Toronto Buliding. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--On stone foun. Sheptace. ait ce, & rag aos. location on Nelson street, $5,600. - rooms, 1 storeys and attic, improvements, garage, Apply to M. B. Trumpour, 370 Princess street, phone 704 or 2072W. x 1 Real Estate W. stULLIN and insurance Broker Johnson and Division Streets Phone 538-w, See Advi Page 2 rooms, modern, eentral rick, 8 Shiv Prume, b rooms, improvements. arms and Stores would exchange. Insurance. ongy to Roan: 'Phone 1189-J. _ Articles For Sale Miscellaneous Q; 351 Princess St. BRICK--S8toc wire cut, bul A. Neal, 624 Johnson St. "Phone 3041. Rustic, pressed, rain tile. R ing tile and ASHES Especially suited be tor To to had ARgrove's Queen Streets. CANARI®S- Guaranteed Rolers, with or without cages, Apply 188 Union St. And heavy Clinkers for road work drawing. Apply Foundry, King and GILL NET FISHING-- Equ Nay mowor boat, shanty, reels, ete. license. Clarence Sherman, For nee, Ont net, 192 Ag s of gill rticulars RR - tit ste {RAIN SEPARATOR-<A Victor Mathew Moody, as new. Pp 3" x 36"; ada work. nly used a short time, face 4 ce rn On a price fof Dest A. Bharp for tractor As Apply to q , BRR. No. 1, Udessa, Will sell ath ul tzman and Co. lonie, wal- PIANO--Healn put case, in Skoellant condition. At a ly reduced price; on saa terms. . Lindsay Lad, 121 neess St. grea! wv Te Rest" 9617. PUPPIES. Water We FOP that is 41 i SERNERS... Gury purpose fie, Tae Paririagy Wire sakor pper, ting oto. Turntrare spent in bed at Frontenac: Mattresg Co. 377 King St. E. niels, oodles For SH A, i of your that one-third . "Invest in Phone is, r- n Fences Sliver, NR N FURNITURE An iu ure Ue er --- 3 Sire. Soocsiucry To GO TO TAL shingles, lowest and mixed Phone for prices. coal pea coal, § and delivered hard, $350. loads, Phone 24 LUMBER~R 0 Wo Resawing and Hon, ocurner Streets. Fine cinders $1.00, Peat, $12.00 ton, 2 cart: ugh shingles and lath, flooring, all plani Brock 'Phone 889. LUMBER YARD Concession street, for used lumber at $35 per thousand, new lumber and price possible; hard wood, soft and mixed siabs. Phone 2763J. HARD COAL COKE-Limited su ply, $10.00 ton for this month only. 7.00 ton, all rescreaned ard Clinkers, 50c. load. Soft slabs, $3.00; 40W, W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington, cor. Ordnance. iressed, also t a finish hard. inde, stovewood ng. J. Peters & and Toronto Tailoring and Pressing 20 de suit -W, or 220 Johnston St. Dressmaking SUITS AND OVERCOATS, $30.00--~Made to your order in latest patterns. Terms ma customers. 'Phone call on J. G. Patterson, 160 20a. fants' outfits. done . at DRESSMAKING-- Children's Also plain reasona and In- sewing Mrs. ble prices. Waison, 200 Wellington Street, corner Ordnance St. 'Phone 2440-wy Professivual 21 LUOY. treet, DRUGKL Marnelis, corner Streets. Massey Xera tion free. : Bvenings b phone §23-J. SKIN Scars, Pits, elec, . Batisfactory Golire Years' experience. Kye, , Nose, Bagot Street. Pp in VR. HOWARD to 3.30 p.m. ments 'phone Hours § azpol BLEMISMES -- Hair, Warts, Birthmarks, pa finished after others have _ cured without operation, «seo. F. &nd Jeunie A., Chire- rectors, Registered Nur 'Phone 951-w, 1-5, 6-7.30. "Consultation 203 Bagot u = tro. PRACTITIONER «. W. A of rrie and Prin. cess Chiropractie - ments, Slectric treatments nd pst service. Consulta. ~13 am, 1-8 p.m. intmens. Office tele dence 'phone 957-J. Moles, Cancers, oui and fled, 38 Tr. B J. Lake, Throat, Skin. 258 w. House 11365 re Fy ov 8 Glanscs PS Medica PRICE Bagot Street, Xingil ed to fee of o oF. ear, nose and throat, E wg 1.30 I sok FOLOER-- 23% Praciies limit. am, 1.30 Appoint. + Hh tor won PAX AN AND or "tor, x 8 Law Ort Barrister ang Solicitors #1b te eee eg w NGTON Barrister Soliel- 0 Publis. re Rody Eh Shige Welling CLANINGHAM @ ¥ and vein 9 i 3 Syelid Smith, REV ELLG--Barrign 8 Cidrence Mir E Day AGHA " Arranged. . '2'hons ARYNOLDS, J. Combarriscer and 5.tiel. Brock Bireel. MNoitguges hd oh oa Lad i 5 TEN © Pave TIME Saving yout househu id lea by lpiting the n- e you we £5 4 Bar . opporiumities - positions, ice yon are. misting 1 ech Cn ~~ Barristers Cunbningham, K.C.; 6 45 Wi arm propesty. Blrrister and eoraer of Hing Ban Money 1g Cisssitied it you Financial 00 VRUNTENACU LOAN AND INV MENT SOCIETY ~~ locorporated 1861. President, A. D. Carswr vice-president J. AM. Farrell Monuy loan cn © aud farm properties; vestmenl. Bonds bvught and sold, Posils received and interest paid minimum monthly balance if. > ht, manager, 87 Clarence St .: Storage STORAGK-For furniture, clean, alry rooms and spaces; your owh ¢ aud key. Frost's City Soran 308 9-w, : 306 Queen St 'hone 826. ies. or 1vdd-d. BOYD'S STURAGE WAREHOUS furniture or any merchandise. provi building. Ih 1000 or 117%, Miscentancous ASHESw-Cleaned out of collars Yards, ciean job done. A. #4 Husseli Street ASHES--Removed from yard and lars, genersl carting; first class woud for sale Sapmates Huckley Transter, 143 Yor "Phone 291 and 2516-M. BATTERY SERVICE-- Radio tubes res Juvenated! Make your set more § vient. Canada Hadlo Stores. CAVERLY TRANSFER, A CO.~.U Princess Street, pioughfhg, barre and discing dens. Also gen teamwork dohe. Estimates gi 'Phone 1507-J. - Expert Plane Tang, Player-Plano Adjusting Phone 1544. C. Wo LINDSAY, LIMITED UF HULLS TARIN GADD general rep lug. leave oiders ut up drop a lo FW. Hae 4 Clergy 3 'Phone 1600-J, Automobiles TR tbat Auto Accessories CHEVROLET SEDAN -- 1824 Su engine, mechanically perfect, rignat 0 & gulck buyer. 18% Street West. ' ------------ BouGE DHROTHERS Delivery truck in od Tunning ' » t. SI Fo £ or. No reasgy fer refused raves bros, 211 cess Hireet. y Commercial pe budies, California lstering. Awnings an #47 Kiug street. 'Voone 2946. Auto Wrecking Co. Ulie on Ferd Yrueks . Also wii kinds Second Aufomisbile prose V4 wil makes curs. i Fires. wil ainey Secund Hund price A400 10 $0.00, RUSEN & POLLITT H 'Phone 2978, 140 BUDBAL I A So hg i, Read the Clgdbified Page p | found articles. Pernaps whee po § missing is advertised Anotg the foum (articles, If fot, J8L ue Belp you lo jie by df i tance, 1 You ase missing ihe Lew } tae'it 7 roipe Toad rg the # R ce por | ed "Poona 3016-J.

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