Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1926, p. 1

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£ Er YEAR 03; No, 196. KINGSTCN, ONTARIO, MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 1920. That Canada Is Prosperi Well | T D ; Lib 1. [PD ANEW REGIME | hat Canada ls Prospering so We FOR CONTROL « 10 Defeat the Ll erals I » R. Peacock by the Grand Trunk Pa- [Canadian Industties. At the present > [ferences between the debenture|{tiore clearly than they were a year f lines and, consequently, if a portion of his election tour in Ontario. Re-organization. | Sete MARRIED ONLY A DAY; | reputation of honorable men and to |devoted to an article entitled "Mac- King 'pietured as Wall] the Hudson Bay Rallway in the wild- [awakening yesterday morning, found installed, General Antlers IN LAKE TRAGEDY zc In the coal war have been dis | * declared Rt. Hon. Mac-|U. 8. are told that King and his fol. | the navy and provineial garrisons. ing for His Honey- {ence here between the representa- : #he party was raising | reproduced an article which..jt stat- by a aps to patriotic | The Liveral leader stated that gi : coroners jury inquiring into the| Clevelayd, Onio, Aug. tour of Western Can: | 111641 propaganda, it made it clear | of Much Comment. tique collector, who ended a tweénty-| Gerken, formerly the Phelan, which i in P } "The Untamed Lady" : i 1 i i ¥ = i - London, Aug. 23.--The editor of; Further the Spectator says: "A : the Spectator, im connection with charge of over-borrowing most cer- {2Pproving references to the appoint- tainly canmot be brought against Declaration of Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King, Who 0 on. a enzie : . d tific debenture holders as an in-|time there Is a feeling of intense 0 Th . ) A Bloodless Revolution (Occurs | aevendent committee to negotiate satisfaction here not only that Can- tikish Niners Seek the Aid of 3 - ? ; ah ich Aims to Influence Electors b [i ro : y A 4 : {holders and the Canadian Nationael|cr two ago. The United States has q 4 THE PANGALOS REGIME Railways, says: "The City naturally {racognized it ever since the war and : demands that the financing of the!{s financial stake in Canada has in- + hd a -- North Bay, Aug. 28.--"The Tory,the Liberal leader again fin the SR | Overthrown by (Gen. Kondylis---| f the Empire seems to be overbor-] Mr. Peacock ig a graduate and a : | 8 smoke screen $0 2ids the main l- Mr, King displayed to his North | pe RR AA J . : onous gas intended to injure the | roneo evening paper, A full page was| LATE R. M. CARR-HARRIS | f a § Py aeapison, who was! Athens, Aug. 28. Athens, 'on COMMITS SUICIDE . dort 3 London, Aug. 23.--The hopes of , "poison the minds of the electors | kensie { fines 300 miles north of Winnipeg on|a new regime {appointed again, 1 : en | Bensle King bere. Saturday night. [lowers believe Canada should. be| overthrew the Pangalos regime with- | moon PEOPLE AROUSED OVER ==: resistance. Public buildings were . Lifeboat Found Upside Down tives of the coal owners and t # A A arson » annexation to the |ed, was published in the Wall Street DR ROSS S - Pp i oy " while temporarily insane," was the Sank In Storm. [most sanguine of optimists Into am: while the article was 'devoid ot | Letter of Mr. George Bawden dexth last night of Herbert Von life boat in which four after spending Bunday 1in|that "The Big ' Interests in Wall | four-hour 'honeymoon. by slashing sank, off Erie, Pa. early today, into coal fields to argue the strike eee ® HE ® ¢ \ 2 * . . oe, Ig terests rying Killed In Seaplane Crash EE F INDS Great Satisfaction mn rntam ment of Reginald McKenna and E. [either the Canadian Government or : ' with the Canadian National Rail-[ada is prospering, as-it undoubted- the Tory (Campaign of Slander gai At the Week-End. fs, representatives with a view)ly is, but that her future possibi- Soviet Delegates. ! y ------ ; {to settling the longstanding dif-[tles are being recognized a little False Appeal to Patriotic Feeli | 0 a 0 C ee Ings. {Empire shall be on sound business|creased enormously." ital preparing for the final week ing here, financial circles are notjtrustee of Queen's University, King. campaign of slander is not so much | cap! . ¥ | Coup Effected to jrowing here, financia es are not tru of n rsity, 8 : ! Secure Sound {silent in criticism." eton., Sues of the campaign es it is pois- Bay audience here a copy of a To- | killed when his sea lane crashed near | i pa x allegations and vile in- | Street's hero-- Financial interests of | Thursday. Kondylis, supported by the troops, | VWas Just on the Eve of Leav=- ] The collapse of the last confers campaign had failed, he |free of British influence." The page| [------------" fter Steam Ger striki Halifax, N.8., Aug. 23.--"Suicide A oF ken Rs -- ry pecs, TOTS ' . 9 nti the elec: | Journal. erdict rendered Saturday by the gl [other tit of gloom. , 2 leader of the Opposition has! truth and was in the nature of po-| and Whig Article Subject : : fv Cambridge, Mass., au-|the crew of the his throat with a ragor on the eve [Were cast adrift in Lake Erie, when |ers into continued resistance. Will leave for the Maritime | Street wore combining with the Big 8. The mext two weeks will [Interests of Canadas to do their ut- BL orgy J Saetts Sarton : J States departure for the . United their craft was swept from the side| Discouragement has chilled the 'be spent in the maritimes and Sow: | most to prevent the return of the | Belleville caused quite a stir in the | ; TE 9 States with his bride of a day, at|of the rescuing vessel, the car ferry rosy hopes of a few days ago and the summer resort of Chester, N.8., Maitland, was found floating upside one wonders how long the er Quebec. September 5th will find | Libe ho city Saturd ight. ig : | . » fl Gavernment. to power ie urday En re a A : {near here Friday night. down in mid-lake Saturday after- 'strike, now sixteen weeks Whigs at the newstands, as every. : Von Beaverstein was one of the moon by the steamer Uranus. jdays old, will drag on be oné was anxious to read what had numerous summer visitors at the| One of the four missing men, s'de or both grow weary. } if south shore resort and had only been | Howard Wageman, fireman of the| To-day the ceatre of interest was been said. a (Canvasser Sa S That Dr Ross There 1s a good" deal- of - resent. in Chester a short time when he |Gerken, was found floating uncon- transferred from London to the coal 1 . ment not only among the Liberals met and married Miss Loursen Rob- | scious in mid-lake by Captain Nel- (fields. "Emperor" Cook and the 3 ; inson, formerly assistant registrar son Seymour and crew of the Unit- jother leaders of the strikers have and Progressi but al 8! ves, but also among of deeds, and daughter of a former |ed States coast guard station at|decided to talk straight to - the ' 1.4 . ; labor men at Dr. Ross' statements. a Losing Hold on Local Voters As one labor man pup it, "What. = hotel proprietor, now deceased. The | Erie, iy It *had been erroneously miners in an endea: f gv ; i suicide was committed in the home [reported that he had been washed 'make the (ever Messrs, Heaps and Woods ashore at Ashtabula. Fe of the bride, when the bridegrsom had gone The men who have not been ac- [counted for -are George McMina, eda worth may be blamed for, they are {i representatives of labor in par. 13 Fcbb Cause and F. id Jooks Ake add .g evening lo b Sook, star i J sally fray dation ms nl A | I a le med Poni ihn, ares ad IG ment Will Be J to Power Is i A, ditions Different From Last F: all. ike to know va ot .- 5 ORS BE snd lturn to work has alarmed him bd CL ------ 3 Another labor man called up the GIZY. THEODORUS: PANGALOS KING AND MINISTER the other members of the miners! The first weak of the Liberal cam-ythan a dozen myself," he stated "but | Liberal headquarters Monday morn- TTT TT TT BURY DIFFERENCES GALES AND RAINS executive. PHizn closed Saturday night and every | I understand'some of the other can. {Ing, to tell them that he had read occupied by the revolutionary troops; S---- DISTURB ONTARIO | Meanwhile numerous strikers con- "Member of the campaign committee | vassers Have met quite a number. T/the Whig. "There are five votes in | thusiastically' recognizing. the situa- King Ohristian Agrees to Re=| : -- tinue 'to dribble back to work. ¥ Skpresséd pleasure at the progress|hear of lots of young fellows Who our family." he said, "and they are [tion created: : } «| Much Damage Is Done to Or The Government fs still - stand that bas been made. Canvassers who | are writing home, wanting to come |all going for Halliday." ; Following an invitation, Admiral ceive H. Perciva Dodge den Prod ¢ {pat, It Is maintaining its d have been at work for several days| back, and think there will be a lot| Dr. Ross' attack on the patriotism Konduriotis has accepted 4 return This Week. srocuoe and Frult uot to interfere, unless waked are bringing in news every night that of the boys coming home this fall." | of the Liberals has had an excellen: [to the presidency of the republic. Areas, . indicates very clearly that Dr. Ross' Pins l'eftect "on the Liberal organization. | Pangalos was arrested at Spetsai| Copenhagen, Aug. 23. -- The -- Feeling in the Maritimes. | Three old stalwarts walked into the (and 4s coming to Athens under es- | newspaper Extrabladet intimated to-| Toronto, Aug, 23---Clearing skies €fDMment does nol expect to be ap One Liberal to whom The Whig! committee rooms Satarday nigh.:|cort aboard the destfoyer Pergamos. | day that the alleged strained rela-|80d Warmer breezes from the south. Prosched by either side. : was talking Saturday night sald he|and stated they were in the fight to |The former war minister, General tionship between King Christian X.| West yesterday afternoon brought | Nevertheless, Sir Avthur Steels the finish. Liberals are aroused as|Tserulis, has. been arrested and, | and H. Percival Dodge, the American | Tellet to residents of central ang Maitland, Minister of Labor, ; been spending never before.and if théy don't land |slong with others, will.appear before | minister, has been eased, or at least | Western Ontario following a week: of Boling himself in readiness 2 3 He reported | "Jim" Halliday in a seat at Ottawa a special court of inquiry. . | that the king had decided to forget |"ORstantly increasing easterly winds jshouid a conciliatory step be made that the sentiment there was entirely | it will not be for lack of enthusiasm | A manifesto issued by General | his displeasure to the extent of re-| Which reached gale proportions dur. DY the coal owners or cosl miners. changed. "Nova Scotia is really Lib-| and concerted effort. The Liberals Kondylls and. distributed. by planes | celving Dodge next Tuesday. ing the night, seriously crippling He has abandoned ail hope of & holl- eral," the letter states, "and I have are mot "overconfident" but they | explains. that the present coup was Yesterday the paper said that |!ra8sportation on Lakes Ontario and (day and will stick to bis post hers met dosens of men whose famillesiare working. ' effected in order to realize sound re- Dodge, who was appointed to - his| Bri and doing serious damage to Témaein within a few miles of have been Liberals for generations, | : organization of {he armed forces and |pose fn February, had not been re-|S'a8ding crops. Local suthorities (408 listening for the Huttering who are sorry they voted against the administrative. machinery. of the ceived by the king because the min. | State that the blow of the past week |{2® 'Wings of the dove of peace. country. It accused Pangalos of Ister had neglected to keep an ayp-| "8 the worst August storm since aw jasvitsbie Be liday Government last fall. They are not ye : r se 4 Re rns > X Boing to do it this time," he contin- Vy Threatened sregarding . constitutional rights, _ | 1816. e ; pointment to present his creden The, % tiiat Sant was TSOE next Monday in order to * dispute. For 'the present the Gove ues, "and they are confidently ex- and promises solemnly given the tials at the palace. * The paper then he emerg opti pecting 10 of the 14 seats in Nova # : army, the navy and the nation four- said that it now was the king' accompanied by heavy rain, which [tinue t ney 1 be : ald OW Was the king's turn will further delay the barvesting of [hich, it bie should de y ¥ * Scotia to return Liberal candidates." teen months ago. : Sn Kondylls promises a speedy return to let Dodge wait. crops and doing almost frreparable ¥en the strikers and the men. re. Yarmouth, NB. 'A 23 to a normal state of freedom of the | - damage in some cases. No lives have [turning to work, will a tare coms 23-- |press, justice apd honest 'adminis. been reported lost in this provinge, PPCOSSATY. 'The little village of-Tusket near tration and requests the nation ty AN EARLY PEACE IN but property loss will be' heavy, par et-- here was threatened with de- support him in his heavy task. ? : Heularly at seaside resorts. Ad vivo sarens | MEXICO ANTICIPATED) 252s or, pe 8 . wind, the waters of Lake Ontario '®® miners' un ---- : : reached a tremendous height at jShecinl representatives of 'the See Bolats. breaking over 'the top So" Goverment Fe 93 Méudaz of lighthouses at Burlington, on a SE ee a. : Lake 'Ontario, and. Port Stanley on oe thelr Ee the iy dake Brie. The programme, in - which « The" rainfall for the month of y August to date is 4.24 inches, while [MOOV delegates mean to play the normal average for the entire in- {month is 3.77 inches. The record August rainfall occurred in 1915 when 8.14 inches fell. Since last Monday night an east Cases of typhus of a mild form are

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