Prices on Furs Ladies are cordially in- *vited to visit our Show Rooms and take advan- tage of our mid-summer prices at much less than regular retail prices, Latest models in beau- tiful Hudson Seal Coats, Muskrat, French Seal, Persian Lamb, Silver Raccoon. McKAY MADE FURS Need no guarantee. Quality, Workmanship and Skins ab- solutely as represented. . LAY AWAY PLAN Makes it easy and convenient for you to obtain a Fur Coat : without a large outlay of cash. Select your Coat now; pay a small deposit and terms may be to suit you, so you will have your Coat ready to Fall. ! wear in the a Buying direct from our factory you save the middleman's | John McKay Ltd. 149-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON ------ Squibb's Dental Cream Made with SQUIBB'S MILK OF MAGNESIA. For the care and preservation of the Teeth and Gums. LARGE TUBE *. Branigan's Drug i - 268 Princess Street EH Phone 18 B50c. ; il) 111. i! Delicious and Refreshing 10 § AND LOW PRICE Peko Blend Tea Excellent flavor, 1b. sve 00, Pickling Vinegar (Finest quality), gallon . . 5c. . Broken Walnuts New stock, Ib. verse dies B00 Pure Clover New season's (84) pail ,.60c THE DAILY B rere Rr I { The Upper School Resalts A Kingston Collegiate Institute = 4 pr I means 76-100, II means 66-74, III means §0-65, C means 50-59. Allan, Harold--Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Liter. C. Andrews, IIL Aylen, Patricia--Alg. C. Babcock, Olivis--Eng: Comp. C, Eng. Liteg. III. Baker, Doris--Eng. Eng. Liter. C. Bews, :Dorothy--Bng. Comp. C. Bews, Kenneth--BEng, Comp, II, Eng. Liter. IL Arthur--Eng. Comp. Comp. I, Bishop, Dorothy--Eng. Comp. I, Cc Eng. Liter. I.» Black, Pearl---Eng. Comp. C. Brown, George--Eng. Comp. II, Bunt, Charles--Algebra C, Géeome- try II, Trigonometry C, French Authors C, ' Byrke, Willlam----Eng. Comp. C. Burns, Dorothy--Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Liter. II Catheart, Gordon--Eng. ITI, Eng. Liter. C. Caughey, Mildred--Eng. Comp I, Eng. Liter. II, Latin Authors II, Latin Comp. II. Caverly, Ina--Eag. Comp. III, Eng. Liter. II, Algebra II, Gemetry C, Trigonometry III Cavin, Marguerite--Eng. II, Bog. Liter, II Clarke, Cecil--Eng. Eng. Liter. C. Compton, Edith--Algebra 11, Geometry II, Trigonometry III, Lat- Authors III, Latin Comp. I, French Authors II, French Comp. C. Conger, Frances--Eng. Comp. Comp. Comp. II, Comp. - Connolly, Eddington--Eng. Liter. Connor, Sarah---HEng. Comp, C, Eng. Liter. C. Cooke, Mima--Eng. Eng. Liter. 1, Davison, John---Eng. Comp. C, Day, Roy--Eng. Liter. III. Duncan, Elsie--Eng. Comp. BEng. Liter. C, ~~. Dunnett, Kenneth--Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Liter. IL Dupre, Fred--BEug. Liter. C. Dupfe, Olive--Eng. Liter. C, Zo- ology C. Edgar, George--Eng. Eng. Liter. C. Elliott, Stewart--Bng. Comp. II, | Eng. Liter. II, Algebra C, Geometry {C, Trigonometry C, French Authors II, French Comp. C. | Bttinger, Bessie--Eng. Eng. Liter. C. { Fraser, Frank--Eng. Liter. C. Friendship, Hilda--Eng. Comp, C. Gallagher, Logan--Eng. Cope. III, Eng. Liter. II, Algebra C, Tri- gonometry C: Gibson, Lawrence--Eng. Comp, C, Bug. Liter. C. Glover, Albert--Eng. Comp. IIL ey, Flora~-iing, Comp. H, Comp. IL C, Comp. C, ~ Comp. I, '|. Godfrey, Eng! Liter. C, Algebra C, Zoology C. Gordon, Irene---Algebra J, Geome- try 1, Trigonometry I, Latin Authors I, Latin Comp. I, French Aufhors I, French Comp. II, Greek Authors C, Greek Comp. IIL Graham, Thomas--Geometry C, Prigonometry C. Hamilton, Herbert--BEng. Liter. Handler, Bénjamin--Eng. Comp. Bereneice -- Eng. Latin Henderson, Comp. III, Trigononietry OC, Authors C, Latin Comp. C, Henderson, Bessie--Eng. Comp, C, History C, Algebra C, Geometry C, Trigonometry ©, Lafln Authors C, Latin Comp. II, French: Authors C. Horwood, Lorna--Eng, Comp. II Jackson, Jean--BEng. Comp.C, Eng. Liter, III, Latin Authors C, Latin Comp. C, Johnston, Aubrew--Eng. Comp. C. Johnston, Leslie--Eng. Comp. C. Kelley, Helen--Eng. Comp. II. Lavell, Richard--Eng. Comp. II, Eng. Liter. III, History C, Algebra III, Geometry II, Trigonometry I, Latin Authors I, Latin Comp. I, French Authors III, French Comp, "Leadbeater, Vina---Eng. Comp. C, gg Liter. C. oe Phyllis--Eng. Comp. II. LeHeup, Lols--Algebra C, Geome- try II, Trigonometry I, Latin Auth- ors III, Latin Comp. C, French Auth- ors C, French Comp. C. . Leonatd Comp. C, , Willlam--Eng. Eng. Liters. C. MacCrimmon, John--Botan Patterson, Marion~Eug. Comp. C, Eng. Liter. II. Percival, Wiiliam---Bug. Comp. II, gebra C, Geometry CO, Trigohome- try 1II, Physics C, Chemistry C, Freach Authors C, French Comp, C. Pickering, Kilborn--HEag. Comp. C. Eng. Liter. 11. Pollock, Alas---Lng. Liter. III Publow, Marjorie=--Bag., Comp. ns IL, Bog. Liter, I. Redd, John--Rug. Liter. C, Alge- bra C, Trigonometry IIL Rowland, Dorothy---Eng. Comp. Sanders, Frank----Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Liter. C, Sanders, Geo.--Eng. Comp. C, Al- gebra, C, Geometry II, Scrutton, Marion--Hng. Comp. C. Shurtleff, Geo.--BEng. Comp. IIL Silver, Marien--Eng. Comp. C. Eng. Liter. II. Simmons, Bert--Kng. Comp. C. Simpson, Fred---Eng. Comp. C. Smith, Clitford---REng. Comp. II. Eng. Liter, O. Smith, Hasel--Eng. Comp. C, Hia- tory O, Algebra 111, Latin Authors C Smith, Loren--BEng. Comp. If. Smith, Norman---Bng. Comp, IT. Sproule, Flora--~Bung. Comp. III, Eng. Liter. ©. Sproule, Helen--Eng. Liter. gonometry C. Stewart, John--Eng." Comp. III, Algebra I, Geometry I, Trigonome- try I, Physics I, Chemistry I, French Authors I, French Comp. I. Swerbrick, Ford--Eng. Comp. C. Taft, Reginald--Eng. Liter. IL. Taylor, Cecll--Eng. Liter. III, Al- gebra C, Geometry C, Trigonometry C, Tri ' Taylor, Lawrence--Eng. Comp. III, Algebra II, Geometry II, Trig.. III, Chemistry C, French Authors IL French Qomp. IIL Truscott, Marion--Eng. Comp. C Veale, Lauretta--Eng. Comp. 0, Eng. Liter. C. Wallace, Grant--Eng. Comp. III, Eng. Liter. C. ' Waugh, = Freeman--Eng, Comp. III, Eng. Liter. III. Way, Ronald--Eng. Comp. II. Weir, Irene--Eng. Comp. C., Eng. Liter.. IT, Latin Authors (, Lat. Comp. III White, Thos.--Bng. Comp. C. Wilder, Stuart---Eng. Comp. ), Eng. Liter. C. Wilson, Lols--Eng. Liter. C, Alge- bra C, Geometry II, Trigonometry 1, Latin Comp. C, French Authors C. -------------- Where Loafers Feel at Home. enced vacationists who are hunting ing for a place to have a "back to nature" -- y loaf around in your old slothes tan "once. white" Yanaing shoes--where you have to do nothing but rest and "soak up" the sunshine. For that kind of a vacation there's no finer place than the Muskoka Lakes. 3 Bring slong your bathing suit, your tennis racket, your golf clubs and your dancing foot. You'll want to use them all. Comfortable accommodation may be arranged at over seventy hotels, large and small to suf your pocket book. Theré are three routes to Mus- koka Lakes--Canadian National to Muskoka Wharf, Bala Park or Lake Joseph Whart. Write J. P. Hanley agent of the Canadian National Railways, 'Kingston, Ont., for llus- trated" litefature and full informa- tion--rates, hotels, etc. Fell. Into Hold, St. Catharines, Aug. 23.~Joseph Cushner, an employee of the Ontario Paper M#ll, Thorold, died shortly af- ter admission to the General Hos pital Friday last from injuries re- ceived when he fell into.the hold of a scow from which he 'was hel ng 10 Xnioad a cargo of sulphur for mill. = RITISH ese Are you among the many experi- ! WHIG Foe ---- Linoleums ' a i} Kirkcaldy STORE NEWS D THE HOUSE OF GOOD FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR OILCLOTHS Best quality Dominion Floor Oileloths in a host of splendid de- signs, in all widths up to 2} yards wide at New patterns in Floor Oilcloth Rugs. cveveny am... 55¢ 8q. yd. * PRINTED LINOLEUMS Dominion Printed Linoleums in new Block, Floral and Tiling designs in all widths up Congoleum Rugs in new designs; all sizes, ' to 4 yards wide. Priced from 9Cc. sq. yd. up. Scotch INLAID LINOLEUMS A splendid range to chaose from in all gauges in Dominion and makes, at prices that will save you money. before buying. JASPE AND GRANITE LINOLEUMS Two new makes of Inlaid Lino- leum, only recently placed on the market. Be sure and see these BATTLESHIP LINOLEUMS The floor that endures: comes in all plain shades in all thick- nesses and when waxed and polished makes a beautiful, rich floor that is imvossible to sur- pass. D.-A. SHAW. Limited Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. The Always Busy Store. Smart Fall Hats Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET ! little daughter, Beth. Miss Mae Moxon has returned home after a delightful trip to Ann Arbor, Detroit, New York and To- ronto, Her cousin, Mrs. Tireman, accompanied her and spent a few days the guest of Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Moxon, Frederick Rhilips, of Buffalo, |i N.Y., who, with his family, is holi- [Hi daying in the county, was the solo- || ist at Picton United Church on Sun- || day evening last. $1430--Portsmouth, snug Nome with garden and barn, PiCTON Plcton, Aug. 23.---The Prince Ed- ward Country Plowmen will hold the farm has not as yet been decid- ed upon. However, it was decided to have it somewhere in the vieinity of Boomfleld. There will be twenty- three classes with generous prizes for each class. A pldWwmen's banquet will be held in the evening, at which the distribution of prizes will take place and addresses will be delivered. Raymond spoke in Picton armories Saturday night in the interests of H. H. Horsey, the Liberal candidate. « A very interesting event took place at the home of Rev, W. W. and Mrs. Weese on Aug. 14th, when their daughter, Grace, became the bride of Albert 'L. Kiehner, M.A., science lecturer, Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Que. The ceremony was verformed by the bride's brother, as- sisted by Rev. R. W. Street, a broth. ar-in-law, in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the family. W. A, Jones is in attendance at the summer convention of the On- tario Association of Memorial Crafts men at Wihdsor. Before returning he will also attend international convention at Detr Mich. Miss Effie Williamson has return- ed home after a holiday with. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williamson at Presqu' Isle. Mrs. EB. R..Frapkish and three children and nurse are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Morley Currie, Nexford. Miss Anna McGivern is visiting friends at Peterboro and Sutton West, Mr. Hume Duffill, of Detroit, is a ghost at the home of Mrs. H, W. 'obey, : : Mrs. W. Vandusen entertained at a birthday party on Saturday last ia honor of the tenth birthday of her their annual match on Oct. 18th; but Hon. Vincent Massey and W. G.' : $1,600-~Areh St, frame dwelling | CATTLE BUYERS MU. ald strie Are Quite Numerous in the Country . Just Now. 32 Mr. and Mrs, G. Goudy spent Sun- day with friends at Portsmouth. Mr. ard Mrs. Thomas Peters, Cole Lake, ||! rere Sunday visitors at Clair Meeks. '[} Mr. and Mrs. T. McCrone, Rochester, || N.Y, and Mrs. Nolan, Kingston, were at Thomas Penault's on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. BE. James and ¥uth Meeks were in the city Satur- day. A number of the young mes from here went west on the harvesters' excursion." Mrs. McQuaigg, Peter- boro, is spending some time at Roy Mpir's. Mrs. Lancaster, Chicago; | and Mr, and Mrs. A. Lesley and family, Reynoldston, at C. Gonie's. Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Ball visited friends in Kingston recently. Mr. [Ji and Mrs. Fred Clatk, Mogeow, at | Frank Clark's. Mr. and Mrs, J. W. || $3,100A1 St. 1l hie fred St, Setachied, wits | 1 os.00. York St. new solid brick, conveniences. $3,500-Johnson ut; tral, brick, electric, B. med Oo | $3.700--Drock $t., - bungalow; modern, em | 84,100-Nelson St. tra a Deen me, lot 86 x frame, with | $4,500~Beverly St. | stable. | 98.800. Vietorfia i St, new brick, Money to loan. Houses for remt. EW. Muli Real Estate and 3 Cor. Johnson and Division . Phone 580w, BS0J and 58S, For all kinds of Insurance SEE OUR J. B SAMPSON, Edwards, Toronto, and Mrs. N. 1 Yorke and family, Parham, also B. Hayes, Parham, called !n the village on Wednesday evening. Vincént Dillon and Patrick Tim. mins, Chippawa, were at Mrs. "J. Timmins on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Davey and family, Hartington, at William Walker's, Mr. and Mrs. O. Snider and daughters, also Mrs. Cas- sel, Napanee, spent a day at James Meets. The Y. P. 8. held a meeting in the United church Thursday even- ing. : The Ladies' Aid will hold their next meeting at Mrs. Sidney Grant's on the 14th of September. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tuepah, Watertown, N. Y., at Lewis Tuepah's. Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Dean, Flint, Mich, visit- ed her sunt, Mrs. John Carrick, one day last week. Cattle buyers are Bumeroys in this vicinity. Hospital conducted in 1 by the Misses McGee may be quired by the municipality. Good 's Binger Wate and Maito Cream Sandwich B