Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Aug 1926, p. 3

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A tre 3 i --___THE DAILY BRITISH WHig Monday, August 23, 1926, ~~ CANA --] DIAN NURSES: | British Statesmen Tour Canada - | =~ ---- = NEET AT OTTAWA | ER = es OS toa few sctiard. shoves + In War Will Be Unveiled | Tuesday. | | The Kingston nursing sisterhood ; : Cae ; 4 g ® Is well represented at the thirteenth ? Hi on " Ms § % 4 general meeting 'of the Canadian | " v iN : C 4 4 e ad y E ' Nurses' Association, which opened in | ' % 4 i a , Ottawa to-day, and continues until bg J wv / i p . Friday afternoon. Not only in point 4 of attendance, nor because of the | progressive strides which this as-| [1 ; ° ® sociation has made, will it be of the! Greatest import, but because the | 3 # | biggest undertaking by this profes- ? 5 oo. wa f E 3 sion in Canada will be culminated in | 5 ; wr : the unveiling on Tuesday afternoon | * : of the memorial to the Canadian | : . numing sisters, who gave their lives | ; y J tf A d in the Great War, It is expected that | : a a 3 _---- ' _--- omy : us rrive ® nents [he nurses present will be J enty-one members of the Kingdom's dele going to assist in the celebration . | In connection with mearly three hundred who served | ; of the new Australian capt but at gation to the Empire Parliamentary Assoclation the whe uf pela ay Saphtal, x he overseas during that war eriod. On | "Tuesday tg these b overseas | conferences In Australia In the fall who arrived at Dominion will be made, 'nurses will meot at a special dinner! Quebec on the 8.8. "Empress of Scotland." The dele knowledge on economic athering ed for them. = The ation Is headed by the Rt. Hon, Arthur Henderson ment and a study of the h as a re arrange. Oe i ried Secretary of State for Home Affairs and | whole will be made. Conferences of a similar nature . memorial, which 4s of soli Baste' | Yice-chairman of the delegation, = The Marquis Of [will be held every two years following an agreement -.< Yas carved in Italy, and I a beaut Sallsbury who is chairman, arrived in Canada earlier reached at the 1924 South African meeting. ful piece of work. To this only and will meet the delegation in, Vancouver when The members of the party from left to right are: 3 jCanadian durses contributed, 'It was they will sail on the 8.8, Aorangi™ for the Common- Top row--E, M. O. Clough, secretary of the South : | expected that the Governor-General wealth, Travelling over the Canadian Pacific lines, | African branth; Sir Frank Nelson: Sir Howard j « Lord Byng, would be in Ottawa for the Parliamentarians will tour leisurely across Can. D'Egville; Rt. Hon. Tan MacPherson kc; Rt. Hon. this ovent, biit, in view of his ab ada visiting most of the principal cities making a Afties Henderson Chief Labor Whip; Rt. Hon. Sir ¢ Mary ite MacDon study of conditions in this Dominion. A motor trip | Evelyn Cecil, G.B E.; Dr. J. H Wi ; sence, Matron Marguerite Hii from Banff to some of the beauty spots in the Cana. Bryan Cooper, ald, who was. in charge of the Cun dian Pacific Rockies is anticipated before the party | branch; Sepator adian nurses overseas, will officiate embark for the Antipodes, State. Top row--F. A. B The matron-in-chief in Canada The conferences in A Thompson; J. B. Cou durfng the great war was Matron nature, taking place in Senator Michael F. Edith Rayside, a graduate of Queen's | wealth, They will b Mackinder; Br University, who is now the super- | jatives of the parh D.S.0,; J. 0 fitendent of nurses at the Hamil Africa, Southern R odes d | nell, C.B, G3 Dr. T. ® ton General Hospital. Miss Rav- the Legislature of British Osmond Esmond, ID, Ir sido, aftef giving splendid SATVICO | bmn Pt Ar Ar Aint en LS feharge © Was recalled home tc take | WINNERS OF PRIZES Heldn Robinson, Lm: : ¢harge in Canada, a Beryl Chant, Malloryt, " Nason Willoughby, of, Kingston, |r, Stock Ete. at the Brock-| i nt Mallorytown. FLAPPER FANNY SAYS || ood is also in Ottawa, 'she having been | ville Pair, Good Dressing. * attain. f in charge of the Queen's University | Brockville, Aug. 23.--The results Phoebe Watson, Brockville, unit overseas. (Of the contests in the live - stock Bessie White, Bellamy. : . {J1dging at Brockville Fair are as fol- Vera Kyle; Brockville. ws: | Margaret Booth, Lyn. | en ' Kathleen Bushtield, Lyn. MARINE Daley Gutire. athicen Bushield, Lyn. -- » Guy Gillespie, Ventnor, 89. Phe steamer Jeska 'arrived from | Byron Smith, Lansdowne, 88, PITTSFERRY LADIES" AID, he Oswego and is unloading coal at| Olan Corr, Fairtield, 87. ---- ! ; 18wift's whart. Jack Bushfield, Lyn, 85. Had a Fine Gathering at Mrs, G. | The Binmac tug Conqueror ar-| ' Arthur Horton, Lansdowne, $3. Maitland"s Home. f .rived over the week-end with four! Geo. Foley, Lansdowne, 79. Pittsterry, Aug. 21. Harvest: barg Nellie Redin ton, Andron| Gordon Smith, Lansdowne, 76. ing the grain is the order of the day. ' . * . . a . . L., Eo L. Melrose and they are - The construction gang are working ! . 1 1gns and specially awaiting the steamer Cedarton es wide on'the road near Barclay's Hill, and Hogs. f . which is expected with grain. O. H. Davidson, Brockville, 3, 90.] this part of the road is in a very D The steamer Hansa i8 expected | Carmen Grier, Lansdowne, 86. bad condition for traffic. Mr. and i ' RICED ses' an $2.00 to $4.75 'this week with corn for the elevator, Chas. Horton, Lansdowne, 85. Mrs. Howard Brash and baby, also The steamer Kingston called op Olan Corr, Fairfield, 71. 4 Mrs. J. Wilson, Sr., motored to Ot- her east and west trips Sunday. Arthur Horton, Lansdowne, 70. tawa 'and spent the week-end with | \ The freighter Glenelg called in| Geo. Bushtield, Lyn," 68. friends and relatives. Miss Emma | \ . ® . Port and cleared west Sunday. Bernard Slack, Brockville, 3, $5. [Scott motored to Smith's Ralls on | I 5 @® . The freighter City of Hamilton Sop-- Sunday with, her cousins, Mr. and | > «leared west this morning for To- Horses. Mrs, Edgers, and will spend some | i : Tonto. Chas. Horton, Lansdowne, 92, time there. Miss Mabel Bell, R.N. | The steamer Toronto makes her| Arthur Horton, Lansdowne, 90. New York, is the guest of her sister, two. regular. trips to-day, caliing in|' O. H. Davidson, Brockville, 3, 89; Mrs. William Brash. ' gr or EA vii ® port on her way east and west, ko ack. Brockville, 3, 87 1 James" Spence and daughters Qa : . 0 i lite, | Carmen Grier, Lansdowne, 87, ee } ' : Pilot records Sunday--Iocolite Bernard Blac. Brockville, 383. Miss Bdna and Mabel, motored to A shark is a big fish, So are men | / gore. 515 am; ILI 104, up, 8.30 Ottawa this: week, and will attend m.; CIty of Ottawa, down, 10.30] Clarence Grier, Fairfield Bast, 82. the Ottawa Fair. Mrs. Davig 24 who think they are sharks. [ m.; Sarnolite, down, 2.20 pm.; Seveh highest ranking individuals Clement is visiting with her sister ---- gies . : plebranch, down, - 6.30 p.m ; &re as follows: ; . : Barionene up e pa; Maple. | Corman Grier, Lansdovae, a in uate Ranons has fmprov.| ~ PPATH OF.A LITTLE LAD. | GOLDETTE NON RAVEL KAYSER ton, down, 11.30 Pim; Brulin, up,; Arthur Horton; wansdowne, 243. . OOMERS UN ERWEAR 11.55 pim.; Monday--Stewart, down,| Chas. Horton, Lansdowne, 227, fo hanse with Sew Fook ed He Suffered From Croup---Buried in BLOOMERS . 2 { 4.80 am.; Aube, up, 8.00 am: Berna Slack, Brockville, 3, 221. at, 8 Pson chil. Elgin . ! G anteed non- | Vests Bl 3 ne 9.50 am Mark Re Brockville, 3, 316, [dren also Mrs. A. Simpson Spent Elgin, Aug. 21.--On Wednesday ' : uar x y oomers Rahane, up, 9. + ; : he Sunday at Battersea. death 'entered the home. of Joseph | J} All sizes and a won- ravel, striped pat- and Step-Ins. All D.'H. Davidson, Brockville, 3,314. Recent visitors at J. Edgar's were: Guay, formerly of Cornwall, and d ful Jack : +808, z er range of col- ree Rusufteid hs 345 ere | MI. and Mrs, Wm, Graham and | cldimed Howard, a fair child of six £ l terns, colors and Sizes. » : daughter, Enterprise; Mr. ang Mrs. | summers, The little chap had been ors. : 2 : * Stone's Sivan. namely, 3, ig i Roy Watts, Wolfe Island; Mr. W. E. [in since Sunday with croup. He fs! ! . Sale Price hs $2.50 Attractively Priced. of fon. are as follows: Mosier, Wolfe 'Island; Mrs. B. Orr survived by his parents, five sisters | Sale Price . . $2.95 X h and son, Ross; Mr. and Mrs. Joha| and seven brothers, all of whom | Flower op Nutrition. | McMaster and children, Gananoque: Were present at the funeral this |fi LENNARDS Er ei ; Florence Booth, Lyn. Miss Ella Mosier, Woite Island. Mr, morning, which left his father's re- | : © 331 PRINCESS STREET Bessie White, Bellamy. and Mrs. William Graham and | sidence at 9.30 a.m, interment tak- H S PYJ VESTS Dora Smith, Lansdowne. daughter, Enterprise, Spent the ing place in St. Columbanus ceme- ||} II K ., ot "ho deliver. towers ta any Buell Dome Smith, Lasndow week-end' with, relatives hor. oe. JAMAS The best value 'in All new shades and Canada + United. States Florence Read, Brockville. Toe Ladies" Aid met at the home| Mrs, I Morris and her mother, All colors and th d : i ' of Mrs. George Maitlahd, on' Wed- | Mm rd Colors an Spe- e tra e. special values, -- 8 ' - rs. 8... Smith, and little Eleanor: |B . PT . Member ' Baking. nesday afternoon. Mrs, Maitland | Smith, left on Wednesday for the J cially priced, $6.00 Sale Price vo. $1.00. $1.50 and $1.95 Dora Smith, Lansdowne. ' '| entertained the ladies on their west to visit Mrs. Roddick Mr. $ Bernice Bushfield, Lyn. . beautiful jawn, ang a dalaty lunch. and Mrs. Stanley Cole are visitors Kathleen Bushfield, Lyn. eon was spread; all reported an en-/ in the village. fr Margaret Booth, Lyn, Joyable time. Migs Jessie Maitland, The LOL. held a very success Phoebe Watson, Brockville. Niagara Falls, fs holidaying With | ful social and dance on August 19th, ' ---- her parents here. the proceetls to be used to aid the ad i Sewing. -- lL continuation scheol. Floren¢é Booth, Lyn. . Mrs. Heber Thompson was found i ------------ Florence Read, Brockville, . - dead ins thair at hér home In| A treat. Perrin's Best Yet and Bernice Buslifield, T.yn. Woodstock. - Butter Cream Chocolate Bars, Nr bath We - A cart rm, > Hu have been appointed as {ffi for Fhe OHIO TRUSS Co. thelr thirty-six

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