3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Monday, ; NEWS AND V WS FOR WOMEN READERS' LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Ooman's Page Editor Phone 2613 Private Phone 857w. - - . Prof. W. T. McClement has ro urned from Toronto. - . . 'Miss Iva Vancamp, Merrickville, the guest of friends in Kingston, . - - Miss Edna Geraldi, Princess (réet, is visiting her uncle in Ot- - » - ~" R. W. Garrett, Johnson 8t, has returned from the Lake Dr. and Mrs. Guilford B. Reed, rt street, left on Saturday for 'William. - . » L Miss Rook, Napanee, has been vis- Prof. and Mrs. John Matheson, Street. . . - Miss Hattie Wilton, Princess is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. + M. Purdy, Murvale. 5 - * - Mr. H. F. Richardson, Stuart Bot, and little Miss Diana have re- ed from England, - - - Miss Bizabeth and Miss Evelyn lark have returned from a visit to res, ans Ernesttown. : \ Ad * . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McKellan of € on, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. McKellar, Kincardine. - * - 'Miss ' Agnes McLelland, , is spending a fortnight Lydia Couch, Picton. =. King- with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice White and Helen, Kingston, are visiting in Burr's neighborhood, . . ' 'Mrs. W. Bartlett Dalton, West bt, left to-day for Toronto to visit brother, Mr. Jack Smythe, and Smythe. . . » Dr. W. F. Jackson, Brockville, will dn town on Tuesday for the con- on of the Bishop-elect of of fo. » » - - Beatrice and Miss Madele 8, Portsmouth, have return- a visit to Watertown and mont, N.Y. * » 2» Nina Elmsléy, King strest, urned from Shanty Bay;where a8 the guest of her aunt, Mrs. ir A. Willison," Ee ee 8 A. W. Bremner -and Miss Bremner, Outremont, Qua, ¥isiting Mr. W. McCammon and gaughters, Division street. - ss» F. G, Cole, of feo, Ont., are spending their lon at Amherst Island with the 8s brother, Mr, Robert Smith. il *® * 'Stuart Callaghan and Mr. 'Pearson, who have been spend- wéek with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , Alfred street, have left York. X Grice Hiscock, Mrs. George tual summer sale of home J. R. H. Graham, eldest son ot Capt. and Mrs. J. J. Graham, Kingston: The marriage to take place quietly in the first week of September, - wv - Miss Bleanore Rowland, s Earl stragt, has returned from Tozonls after spending the past month with Mr. and Mra. R. 8. Gourley, Foxbar Road. : . . *. Rt. Rev. James Sweeney, Bishcp of Toronto, will arrive in town this evening and will be with Chancellor Walkem at "Kewaydin,"" Union street. . - - Mrs. Walter Johason, Sr., and her son, Worden, have left on an extended visit to North Bay. They will stop over at Toronto and Lon- don en route. . . - - Mrs. Edward J. Venney, Brockville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Har- rington, Syracuse, N.Y. She was ac- companied by Mrs. Harry Parkia. Kingston. . v . Miss Jessie Redmond, Fort Wil- liam, Ont. is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Earl street. Miss Redmond is on her return from a three weeks' tour through the Maritime Provinces. . - v Capon Muckleston and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Muckleston motored from Ottawa and are with the Misses Muckleston, Clergy street. Canon Muckleston wil he among the clergy present at the consecration. * . . Mrs. B. M. Clark has returned from a trip to St. Catharines and To- ronto. Later she will leave with her daughier, Miss Evelyn Clark, for Herbert, Sask. where Miss Clark is onthe staff of the high school. 're . - Mr. Harry Leonard, after spendinz eight weeks visiting his sister, Mrs. Joseph Nash, New York City, and the past two weeks with his sisier. Mrs. K. Hagerman, Rochester, N.Y, has returned home. » > " . Mrs. William. Percey and her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Ridge, and Mr. Robert Paynter, motored from Toronto and spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Me- Clement. Pittsterry, Mrs. MeCle- ment returning to Toronto with them for a vacation. i . . * On' Tuesday afternoon Mrs. T, C. D. Bedell received for the first time since taking up residence in Bloom- fleld and. many friends took advan:- age of this opportunity to welcome her to her new home: Mrs. H. W. Bedell, Picton, received with her in the drawing-room, which was taste- fully done with handsome gladicli. Miss Bedell, Hillier, presided over the tea table, which was covered with a beautiful cover of (Cluny lace and centered with a bow! of asters, sweat peas and baby's breath, Miss Nell Miller, Miss Marjorie Purtelle and Miss Beatrice Bedell, the daughter of the house, assisted with the serving. vy TT 9 Last week the ladies of St, John's church, Pittsburg, held their an- made and Mrs. 8. F. Campbell motor cooking and sewing at the home of of the Canadian Nurses' As- x . sa . and Mrs. Robert Hewton Fair! th Ottawa to-day to attend the Wirs. Edward Kilpatrick (opposite XFastview Park) where many inter 'ested buyers rounding camps. Mrs. James Eng- Ish and Mrs. Kilpatrick welcomed came from sur- ® engagement of their {the visitors, and received the small r, Marjorie Winifred, to Dr. @dmission fee. The sale room an lattraction, long tables laden with ell kinds of tempting things to eat, being placed , there. Mrs. James {Barnes was convener assisted by Drs, Percy Clarke, Miss Mary Gates gud Laura Gates. The wares were pradily bought. A table with all ¥.xles of aprons was looked after by Pre. John McClement and Mrs. fi allantyne while Mrs. Robert Gates {vas kept busy at the ice cream and kindy table. After each visitor had Pade their purchase, the tea room iy with flowers was sought, where a was poured by Mrs. Farquerson, pad Mrs. Ballantyne at a prettily ar- pinged table. The rere Mrs. Chester Cowan, B!linson Vanhorn, Thelma English, Raira Gates, Alice Cowan. -. . . * The Chaumont yachtsmen failed to bring good weather with them on Saturday but they are hoping for better luck next week-end, However if the races couldn't come off ths yachtsmen and the ladies' who ac- companied them were right royally entertained by the committee of the Kingston Yacht Club! Luncheon was provided and during the afternoon tea was served, Mrs. Halloway Wad- dell and Mrs, Hansord Hora presid tea assistants couldn't come off on account of the high wind and rain the younger peo- ple present spent the - afternoon dancing to, the music of the planc played by Mrs. Arthur Macnee and Miss Virginia Fair, In the evening a dance was held and a great many of the members and their friends | were present. Among those at the af- ternoon and evening gaities were Mrs H. W. Richardson, Mrs. Ford, Mrs. H. F. Richardson, Mrs. Herbert, N. Robertson, Mrs. Reeve (Ottawa): Mrs. J. C. Ponsford, Mrs. T. G. Bis- hop, Mrs. W. H. Craig, Mrs. Travers Hora, Mrs. Arthur Gildersleeve, Miss Gildersleeve, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sandborn, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. David- son, Mr. W. Harty, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- and Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mr. and Mrs. Day, Watertown, N.Y.: Col. and Mrs. J. 8. Skinner, Mrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Miss Elizabeth Suther- land, Miss Hilda Langwith, Miss Dorothea Sands, Miss Marguerite, Smith, Miss® Helen Tofield, Miss Kitty Walsh, Miss Jane Waddell. Miss Betty Nickle, Miss Helen Ire- land, Miss Jean Roblin, Miss Mary Hora, Miss Ruth Gildersleeve, Miss Nina Elmsley, Miss Dot Rigney, Miss Flo Cunningham, Miss Dorothy Por- ter, Miss Kathléen Bibby, Miss Eve- lyn Ford, Miss Betty Murray, Miss Mary Reeve, Miss M. Bailey the members of the club and the vist. tors. Liberal Women's Meeting. A meeting for the Liberal women ¢' Kingston and Portsmouth is to 1: held in the committee rooms, 1 'ng street, near Brock street, on 'i 1esday evening at eight o'clock. 411 Liberal women are asked to at- kt nd. The Buenos Aires and Pacific rail: way runs between Buenos Aires and Valparaiso, two tropical towns, but the line, in crossing the Andes, runs for hundreds of miles through a re- gion of eternal snow. It is claimed thdt a new shower- proof stocking, made from artificial silk and treated by a patented.pro- cess, cannot be marked by mud or water, If all of London's refuse were burned in modern destructors, it is estimated that electricity worth more than $10,000,000 could pe produced annually. Misses | ing at the tea table. As the races! ward Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Hart! t Household Suggestions i Stuffed Peppers. A new way ol serving green pep- pers is to fill the cases with ear- dines dnd pfmento cheese. rubbed to a paste. The pepper may then be sliced as sandwich filling or salad garnish, Mint Tea. Iced tea is improved iu flavor by the addition of a mint loaf and a slice of lemon. Tomato Sandwiches. Never make tomata sandwiches until just before servinz, If made too soon, they becom: soggy and warm, Cheese Crackers. A satisfying accompaniment for the salad course consis:s of crackers lightly sprinkled wita American cheese and browned in the oven. -- To Wash Sweaters When washing sweatars, spread out to dry on a thick towel, pulling them to the original shape 'and size with the use of a taps measure. Dry in the shade. D; Cheese Cloth. Cheese cloth home-dyed in jade, heliotrope or burnt orange makes pretty curtains for the solarium, the guest chamber or tha breakfast room, ---- To Chill Melons, Even the coolest melon will be more appetizing if it comes to th table with a small piece of ice in its { heart, Lunch Cloths. Lunch cloths and doilies should be rolled on a roll of paper or card- board and laidfon a shelf. Inen drawer they are sure creased, to be BISHOP ADDRESSES THE BRIDAL PAIR London's Famous Prelate As- sists at Niece's Wedding In Toronto. A ---- Toronto, Aug. 28.--""God Himsels has married you." These were the words of Right Reverend A. F, Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of Londen, ag he concl Miss Ethel .Grace Winnington-Tn- gram, to Captain H. R. Carradus, in the Chu of the Redeemer Satur- day afterfioon. ' The bishop departed from the us- ual custom at church weddings and gave a short address to the bridal pair, at the conclusion of the cere- mony. . "Son and daughter." he said, as they rose from their knees after his benediction, "you have asked me to say a few words to you on this oc- casion. Those whom God hath Join- Nothing happens by accident. has given you the love you have for one another and brought you to the marriage altar. If my words mean anything they mean this, God Him- self has m you." Then he urged on them that they should make a return to God for His goodness to them. "There are three wazs in which you may do gt. Be true comrades to each OthéF. Help one anotber. Marriage is the most beautiful com- radeship in the world." Secondly he advised them to keep in close communion with God. "Serve Him," he exhorted them. Lastly, he counselled 'them . to make their home an attractive Christian abiding place. "Let yonr happiness overflow to others" he sald. "Let your lives be like a shining light, shining more and more unto the perfect day." words that e the bridal pair man and wife. Rev. Canon R. A. Arm- strong, rector of the church did this. Thus the law of the kept free from wrinkles by being | In the | : undef # the wedding ceremony of his niece, | The Editor Hears That along the roads of Frontenac are flowers that would make eny country beautiful. Many of their names are known to us. The familiar goldenrod is waving plumes of gold, and purple asters are beginning to show starry blos- soms. - In the low places the carise blossoms Joe pieweed makes a feast for the bees, white snake root is here, too, and in the water beside the road are blue pickerel weed and white arrowhead, with leaves form: ed like an Indian arrowhead. St. John's wort and several varieties of the willow herb known as firewead, because it loves the fireswept places best, are in the fields, and oa the rocks elocampane, or wild sunflower, adds its gold to the gold of the goldenrod. In some of the swamps i are orchids, the lovely pink moccasin T ant, or showy orchid, and the blue | gentian, one of our most beautiful | Canadian wild flowers, may he found at this time of the year. Many more flowers that we should all know are in the roadside gar- | dens, and in the deep woods .are {ferns that this year have kept their | freshness in an unusual way ow- ¥:g to the rains and cool weather. i | | | ----- | That Dame Maud McCarty, G.B.E., | RR.C, who has come from England {on a visit to Canada, has received a | cable from England informing her twat every. branch of the nursing | services wished to place wreaths on | the memorial to the Canadian nurs- ing sisters to be unveiled in the House of Commons at Ottawa on Tuesday. That the Women's Institutes of Frontenac will have a fine display of flowers at the Kingston Indus- trial Exhibition, Severa] of the In- | stitutes have had demonstrations of {table decoration and the arrange- j ment of flowers and the horticultur- { al exhibit put on by the Institute J omises to be one of the attractions ¢' the fair. The General Hospital jorutia by the demonstrations, for the flowers are sent in to cheer the Eck in the rooms and the wards. a piece of a tree cut in two by a beaver at Long Lake, near Verona, to the Kingston museum. Every day the stock of curios is increased, ani the gifts listed 'so that later a cata- I'gue may be printed for the use of the visitors, - X ; ; ai All Women Should Vote, Canadian women, it is to be hoped, will, in the'coming election, prove beyond a doubt that they do not merit the scathing rebuke given their American sisters by Mrs. Olive Joy Wright in her presidential aa- dress to the 300 delegates of the National Federation of Business ani Professional Women's clubs in con- vention in Des Moines, Ia, She satd> "The indifference of the average woman to the privileges and re- ed togéther let no man put asunder. | God sponsibilities of citizenship is a mat- for of great concerf. The women are needed, and could make a great contribution to the political life of our nation, just as they have proven 80 valuable an addition to the busi- ness and professional world." GALLAGHER'S SERVICE 960 25¢ 'wan DAY OR NIGHT The Sine di not pronounce the !: The ideal hot weather food SHREDDED TRISCUITis Shredded Wheat pressed ¥ into awafer-the ideal cracker spread with butter cheese or served with salads Dr. Vincent A. Martin 272 Princess Street. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Dancing from 8 to 12 (standard time) SID FOX Orchestra in attendance. H. R. CLARK, Manager, DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 108 "my The Robertson China Shop China -- Crockery -- Glassware Emma I. Gwatkin, Prop. "25" 65 BROCK STREET. 604. That Mr. J. Theobald has given || | | BLANKETS FOR EARLY FALL Fancy Blankets in all pure wool, dainty colors and patterns; full, large sizes; only $5.50 each. Grey Camping Blankets, all wool, will stand hard wear, for $3.00 each. "Red, Tan and Fawn Point Blankets, all 'wool for $4.75 each. ; Best quality Scotch Wool Blankets, all white and with pink and blue borders, in five sizes for $5.50 each up. x Crib and Cot Blankets in all sizes. A See our new Fall and Winter Coats. Best uality materials and linings. High class -- trimmings, newest styles at moderate prices. ; W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE i STYLE H3s. a ESTEY CHURCH ORGAN : ) 4 feet. 4 feet § inch 2 feet TEER 4 faut. OMEN es. Depth 3 > ' COLLINS BAY © DANCING PAVILION .