THE.DAILY BRITISH WHIG VETERAN PROFESSOR [AGED 70; FIGHTS nan" woe POLICE CONSTABLES ONE BIG | FIELD D AY FOLLOW (J D. Ferguson on Tuesday Face Rifle Before Arrest- | AT THE ORIOKET FED DAY THE CROWD 'CRICKET FIELD WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25 The funeral of Rev. Dr. George D.{ The Belleville Intelligencer says: Must Closed Ferguson, which was conducted {Acting under instructions from In- Fleld. TODAY and WED. A Luxuriously stodhtes Society Com. dy Drama, With Gloria in the Stellar Role of Her Career. GLORIA WIE) hil 5. from his late residence, Bagot street, [SPector Gurnett 4nd on information Secretary Willlam Fowler, of the on Tuesday afternoon, was attended |[ODtained as a result of investigations City Baseball League, on Tuesday in by many old friends both of Dr. Fer- [of Provincial Oficér D. B. Wagar of morning 'received a telegram from 4 1.30 p.m. « ONTARIO HAYL son and his family, The Royal M{- {Euterprise, on August 19th Inspestor Susan College and Queen's Univer- |NaDhan of this city and Officer Wa- [ne executive of the O.B.A.A., say- ing that it would be O. K. for a game ST. PAUL'S vs WONDER Y'S by invitation. 3.30 p.m. pnt sity, with both of whi¢h institutions [887 placed under arrést Frank in the Cricket Field, with Ottawa SUPREMES vs TREASURES Fe Toe Sh Babul on A To 0 mr Se 1s eh sad ap ers ad ire hs Thar terian 'Church, conducted the ser-[*Uit of further information by Wa-|, con aniee which would make it vice, and interment was made at Cu |S3F traced Blakely's movements in impossible to play the game in the taraqn! cemetery. the liquor trade. Cricket Field. - In ady case, the Cricket Field being open, would be RACES FOR YOUNG AND OLD! 4 PRIZES FOR EACH EVENT -- 25 BIG EVENTS. A GIFT FOR EVERY KIDDIE ON THE GROUNDS. 14th P.W.O.R. BAND IN ATTENDANCE. RACES FOR MOTHER AND FATHER. BABY SHOW FOR BABY. COME ONE--COME ALL! It was discovered that he had been The honorary pall-besrers were Nes Principal Bruce Taylor, Dr. Watson, Bringing Wao. from Ranhew 32 3} against the regulations. Mr. Fowler Dr. Jordan, Dr. Morgan, Dr. Alexan- & » x i a e a t therefore wired back saying that the der Grant of Quebec, and Prof, Cal- [YOURE men of the village. Remain-| 0 "Cr ga™se ons be staged in lender, the most of whom were as ing aver Bight the aficers wont 168 the Fair Grounds, which {is the sociated with Dr. Ferguson during ROLY and waited for Blakely |. ocean tisld here suitable. ' i0 put in an appearance. The fin- : h t Dee: ived his active career at Queén's. The ally found 'Blin coming along the No word has ye n receive 'pall-bearers were Messrs. W. T. wl pirpliond & : Er about the. Midget play-off but it is Minnes. James Minmes, J. B. Me. | to 8% Aton 1 Boasees on ve expected that -a sudden-death game | Leod, W. Gill, A. W, McLean, and J. ew. Te | will be arranged, possibly here. -------- ! sented the officers and put up quite J C. Strange, all elders of St. Andrew's & battle and it was only after con.|/ or Pata Ten The girls of St. Paul's siderable difficulty that he was final: ly overpowered and shackled by Wagar, assisted by Inspector Naphan. Japm yi Slay the Froutenacs He was taken to Napanee, where he slievilie We z : was lodged In the county Jail seven o'clock at Victoria Park. After being arrested Blakely was he Races. quite docile and caused no further The ary Ehy series of four trouble. He was in pbssession of « dinghy races was salled Monday loaded rifle at the time, which In- afternoon, , a fine 'bleeze blowing Spector Naphan fortunately gained The redults Were: ? Possession and handed it to a neigh- Class A--Rees, Rigney, Hora bor. Blakely seeing that his gun Class B--Grant, Bishop, Chown. was useless proceeded to use Lis Class C--Bibby, Harly, . a Slap is Bron hin od, The final results of the sexies have hig an Sry and I€1,5t been finished yet, but will likely be publishéd in a day or two. This Agile as a man of fifty, He was de- mime thas M youd at He is the last scheduled dinghy race of HGUOr takay AVL Hy " A ae the season, the race with Chaumont desperate character and great credit this purday, be 10 Dor Scheduled reflects on the officers for effecting * i his arrest; It is his second offense. CHECKER 'Taxicabs Any plage 1a city CONCERT MEMORIAL HALL 7.80 p.m. BEST TALENT. FREE T0 ALL softball of at Floral tributes were received from many friends and from Queen's | University, Royal Military College and St. Andrew's Churéh, Rev. Dr. Donald Ross, a former prineipal of Queen's Theological College was one {of the mournérs. Archie J., Saska- [toon, Douglas of Port Arthur and a BD a ' i | | Mellis of Port Hope as well as | Misses Bessie and Ina Ferguson were id 3 : . : ~ "Notice to Creditors ur I------ {present at the funeral of thelr fa. We Sn Tale Ratate of Joseph ' ther, "? DAY OR NiGET The cab that rorced the prices All new § aud 7 sedans § the Township of County of Frontenae, -------------- NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to EXCURSION TO OTTAWA Section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.8.0; ] 21, that all creditors and a Slaims or demands Peomoted by R. J. Bushell was Well Attended. ol n Ad 8 ins Ge Slate of he sald Joseph . The excursion to the Experimental 'who d on pr about (A8Y of March, 1926, at the Tat dy of Avense joss 05| Farm at Ottawa promoted by R. J, Baid er deliver to the| Bushell the manager of the King. Sotaaminiatratrix Of ston Industrial Exhibition left the C.N.R. Station here this morning about 125 strong. It was eatimated ,| that many people between Kingston estament of the said - Christ part tones latémant ure o and Ottawa would take advantage of the special train to visit the Bx- es Pe mrt Otis Miller batted in two runs and WHOLESALERS VICTORS. Mickey. Heath one. ni SELBY WON THE GAME. Friendly Softball Game Played With Maribank, ; 23.--The Maribank In a 6 to 5 Baseball Game With the The Whelton ray the Tanners STOCK MARKETS | of the Mercantile League met at the Selby, Aug. Cricket Field Monday evening in an ims, a ¥ 5 TAKE NOTICE that after such oned date the sald Adminis- tratrix will proceed to distribute the asseis of the sald deceased among the théreto, having regard 8 of which it shall then he sald Adminis or an art thereof to a re #00 or pér g of whose eiatm poles shall not ave recel by it the time such ribution. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, Solicitors for the said Administratrix. at| were heard around the platform be- perimental station and the Central Canada Exhibition which Is also In full swing at Ottawa. Mr. Bushell was very much In evidence, making sure that everyones had a good time, and many complimentary remarks to 18 fore the train pulled out that Mr. Bushell had been able to secure such softball team played a friendly game of ball with the softball team here on Friday night, the score being 17 in favor of Selby. Rev. and Mre. Bitstone are visiting friends in Toronto, and Mrs. L. Hudgin's kitchen showar on Friday night. Mise Emma Innis spent a week at A number attended Mr. erratic game of baseball, the Whole- salers winning by the close scora of 6-5. The Wholesalers started on the wigning side, the Tanners making many errors which cost them runs But in the fourth, they started to catch up, getting in two runs, and again tn the fifth they got a run, and two more in the sixth, making (Reported by Johnston & Ward, corngr King and Clarence Streets, metmhbers of the Montreal and Toronte Stock Exchapges). New York. Aug. 24th, 1.30 p.m. AR COI. ovo onviviiinrinsnn 57% Baldwin Will be held in the Liberal Headquarters, » ON Croydon with her friend, Miss Etta Kring. A number from here inténd taking in the Napanes Phir this wpek. A. Wood, who has been laid up with ® lame limb, we are glad to say, is improving. it five all, but the Wholesalers pull- éd in another run in the seventh when the game was cdlled because of the threatening storm. The Tan. ners appear to be a get-together team, and had they known each better they would . possibly have been on the other end of the score, The Wholesalers aré a good aggrega- tion and it speaks well of the Tan- ners that Bert Dodd's group did not run away with them. Tanners--Pearn c; Barrette p; Peters 1b; Mercer 2b; Fowler ss; Williams sa; Téigley ct; Donnelly If; Cornish rf. 4 Wholesalers-- Elliott 2b; Stone ¢; Dodd p; Buck 1b; Murray ss; Rice of; J. Anson IM; Ledférd 3b; Clift ef. The scoré by innings: Wholesalers, . ..0122001--8 Tanners. . .. vio +:0002120--5 Umpire--""Paddy" Kettle. DELORO DEFEATS ODESSA IN SUDDEN DEATH GAME Belleville," Ont., Aug. 24--Delore experienced no difficulty in dispos- ing of Odessa in a sudden-death game in the first round of the inter- mediate 0.B.A.A. here this afternoon by a score of 13 to 0. The winners piléd up a big lead in the second inning, when they scored niae runs. Ralph pitched six innings for Del- oro, and Leal the remaining threé. Between them they allowed five hits. Kilgannon went the full route for Odessa, and was hit hard and timely. Only a small crowd was present. De- loo are a smart aggregation and are éxpected to go considerable dfstance in the intermediate séries. The scores: RHE Deloro. 0903 010-9 14 2 Odessa. 0 000 od at Kingston, this 10th day of|® 10W excursion rate. Chrysler Gen. Motors Int. Nickle int. Comb. Eng. ..:... «+o. Mack Truck Marland Oil N.Y. C ie MOP PAB. «tensa ov voninns 80% Pan. Am. Pete B. Pierce Arrow Sinclair O11 Soy. Paes. ...... I. . ilo. 107 Btlidebaker Texas Oil Tobacco Prods. Union Pacific U. 8. Rubber U. 8. Steel West. Air Brake Willys Overland Woolworth King Wednesday Eve., Aug. 25th Brief addresses will be delivered by Mr. Jas. Halliday, the Liberal candidate: Mr. J. S. Macdonald, Mr. George Bawden, Mr. Ambrose Shea and others. Everybody cordially invited; WARD MEETINGS At Liberal Headquarters TO-NIGHT -- ot. Lawrence Ward. All workers urged to be present. LADIES' MEETING = - pf In the Ladies' Rooms, Liberal Headquart- ers to-night at 8. LIBERAL DANCE : The Liberal. Workers will ve & dance at Liberal Head. quarters on FRIDAY NIGHT, a, yon All those in the candidature of Mr. James Halliday are cordially invited. A first class orchestra in attendance. A special invitation is.ex. tended to the young people: / . J : Liberal Headquarters, King St. / { Ane 1926, NINN. The Paris skirt now ends above the knees and has scalloped . edges for J J daily which make it still more Abbreviat. except Mon. and Sat. at 2 B od. é Mr. and Mrs. A. Denison and Har PD . Rudolph = Valentino, . deceased |0ld, Toronto, are visiting friends movie actor, loft St $750,. (here. Mrs. G. Clark and baby speat 000, week at F. L. Amey's. J. Dudge- bu left for the wast on Wednesday last. Mr, and Mrs Knox, Toronto, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gourlie last week. Mr. and © Mrs. Garrett And baby, Toronto, left for their home on Saturday, after spending tome time with friends here, Mrs. R. Schemerhorn, Napanee, 'Was the guest of Miss F. McCauley last week. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster, at D. W. MeKim's on Sunday. 10. A. SMART, and 1788:J. "TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders for the r al of HR SPECIAL, POLICE DRAFTED. To Guard the Miners Who Are at Work. Mansfield, Eng, Aug. 24.--8pecial police have been drafted to various 'collieries in this area as the result of complaints that intimidation of miners desiring to return to work <{by strike pickets is creating a th.| tréMtening situation. Many of the work | Strike pickets are arméd with cud: oe as! gels, the complaints say. The temp rect; | OF in the Nottinghamshire coal field where several thousand miners have tesumed work, is rising, although acts of open violence thus far haye been few. Reports from . various pits within a radius of ten miles of stated that, with one posible exception, the number of miners at work to-day was much less than yesterday. Aug. 24th, 1.30 p.m. rE 88 17% Abitinvt ... Asbestos... .,. ... Asbestos, pid. Bell Tal ... Brazil ... Brompton ... . B. C. Fish ... Can. Comet. ... +... ys: Can, Cement, pfd. .. ... .,. Dom. Bridge ... ... .. Dom. Textile .. Hollinger... ... .. Ind. Alcodol ... .. Laurentide .. Mickhy ... .,. ... ... Moat. Power, new ... Nat, Breweries : Nat. Breweries, pid. Qttawa Power... ..." ... Penmane ... ... ... un Price Bros. ... oun J Quebec Power ... ... .. .. Spanish River ... .. ... Spanish River, pfd. ... Steel Co. of Can. ... .. Twin City ... Winnipeg ... THE PUBLIC WARNED An the City MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor At Elliott's Barber Shop te, in the p.m. ag SI HE 1 hee omnia "bier, 14 Jarra, " | Ere TEL | VOTE FOR JIM "THE PEOPLE'S A SA Fe a ---- ARD ON THE s REE" ---- a FINDS 'NO COMBINE | IN EASTERN CANADA In Gonneotion With Fruits and a » Ottawa, Aug. 24--Complaints 00 000000 5 3 Special showing of Wats Fountain Pens, Pencils and In window