The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place i Britis Whig BINT pt in| xe HID Wentio BY WILLIAMS. |. Buen Savion 5 din t ng- N, h 3 ar YR ger Be are , e Help Wanted Sb ' : 5 RINGaTON, : Mrs MM. J. Daly, Glanbuiaie a oo. x Z HE A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorator, VERTSING - a da p 7 3 . L S y : CS are rusiiead fo laa | PATERSON ier and Nr whi Campy | 'RAE x ho 5 7] ws WAY Mine) [WELLT ALLOWED {Rey cat Lem' CE rr et i Beil, Patecscn, 273 ng Sable de BR Z FIT WHEN T GOT EM i FOR SHRINKAGE. * OVERALLS - THEN GET YOUR PAINTING--AR Sl Secu i ' ee . ) done now. I'rices reasonable > Wal MARRIAG ust 31st, por! oe " Wood street ona * S84 a Collings RK~-- Of Au ; ' 3 ne oi BB LAR Ethel june: ntford, Ont. YZ FELT LIKE A MOT . PAINTIN ee ttt eth G AND PAPER HANGING rates per " = a a 3 gaugin £3 Freaegick Gibson, of| MEN AND BOYS WANTED --To pat 2 INA TENT--NOW T Shingling and ail kinds of Fepais 8r ny ros., 31 . r. J. ly q be Sho v » nL : Bunbary. OBL. Mew nde cual Jie. Shaves ive. Boy¥ OM 2 FEEL LIKE A TENTIN ~ Earl Smet emp. Ke sssanah seissnsssse -- Ladies 4 ox " ; hase Births, ho DEATHS. lingwon Street a NA MOTH, 3 - OVER: SIGN FAINTING. 5 Hoblason reat insertion LLA -- denhaan on August ¥ aia and Memoriam Ba AD 970 Caroline Conley. reliot Agents Wanted 4 --~Charged, s $1.50; cash, $1.00 of the late Johm Ballard, in her No ras : 76th year. . AGENTS-Get in a profitable, all-year iar Bunerdl from her son-in-law's resl-| comm business of your OWN. for irregs I | the time inser dence, George Davies, to St. Paul's| pyery erty owner is a4 customer : Do by less tasn church on Wednesday, August *l or Ey - e Bundred varieties of 200s at 2 p.m. Interment at Sydenham| ,¢ hapdy Red Nursery products. x rage words the cemetery. Cash week. let equip » ' * rien Os and, aes iniances respootfully ment InatPustions. Fred Tite ada received by Rvited to attend, Dom: * Nursert Montreal a 3 ? : : ¢ 1 ala ot The Brite DODD--At Grace Hospital, Toronto, on , Al 7 Bad) Iy "balance. Rt. Friday, Aug. 20th, 1926, Homer, be BELARLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted 2 Bir » A er, 87 Clarence St. Joved son of David and, Maggie Raw or every Bhiepressnted Juseriat; yo J i / i 4 Ye odd, aged 21 years. rgest com te stock, six hundr LS Btoragy 08. Funeral took place from the residence » n bli 3 of "8 . 218 bagot Street (3 : EOE FRUNTENAC LOAN AND INV MENT SocIEtY br Ineorpy 1861. President, A. D. oye Yase-president J. M. Farrel, | ke thes NN Rea I CG »f his parents, Sharbot a, Ont, 3 > » ARR | Bo) 1 Monday, 23rd instant, at 2.30 p.m. 1h A i [ : AG rd Sarniturs, Soa a MeDONALD-In the Hotel Dieu Hospis onto. re J and key. Frost's Ci Storage, day. tal, Kingston, on August 24th, 1938, ER " \ 4 305 Queen St. 'Phone 526. Res. SS-w. Norma Irene McDonald, daughter So 1 " \ \ f lis or 1833-J. E the a line type. Gilber? McDonald. A a RINNE t R ' " Funeral from her father's residence, . \ B * A A A Aa i } BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHO US E---ior v Sudbury, on Thursday morming af : A AN \ 4 TR furniture or aay merchindise. Fires request. 3 x srve t 7.45 a.m. standard time, to St. James \ { p ! \ proof Lullding. 1000 or 1177, a izhers Iaetive the riaht to edit Chapel in Kingston, where a solemn ir : 3 " ¢ = \ A = 5 i br mass will be sung for the happy \ J, Miscertancous : i iephone 343; sak for & waut ad. repose of her soul ? - N Ne : rw \ 3 * } 3 » : hace RE \ \ 0 ASHES-~Cleaned out of celiars and' = onli SHIR ata 7 A 1} RS ER WON hd J Heep esse a i rey 7 \ 3 3 usse. tree " e 5 | CRANK~=For Briscoe car, lost between 2 7p A : | Inverary and Colin's Lake, on August nd floor, \four b § 7 25 A ¥ ASHES---Removed from yard and eeis | 17th. Finder please return to Harvey me 06 bath. Heated, Eo ars; general carting; first class arys Snider, Harrowsmith, or leave at the ie And° gas; centrally los ! : wood for sale. kstunates given ony Whig Oftice. ; ol lack ofr. 4 RL on Huckley Transfer, 143 York Street : & <| Bi ifmedn . ' : % ZY : 'Phone 291 and 3316-M. LOST--On road between Kingston an ge. | . nn A : Harrowsmith, end door of ES ovrolet I, 7 RN : prs a" \ -- 1 BATTERY SERVICE--B¢ sure and see truck rack. Finder kindly Inform | AP. "=~ Or. single rooms, J 3 ee ¢ 3 the new models Atwater-iKent Hadid Hemlock Park Dairy. board, 1088 or short holiday , d and speakers. 'Easy terms. Canads jerms, uiet, onyalescunt un a or . LOST-wA purse. Rewars. Please re- @ in, Apply I. B. Gay, > i ba turn to Capital Theat Rod Boas) ors' Ont gr a EEN : BATTERY SERVICE -- 'Phone Raid' at 1207, We'll call for your battery, re= PRKINESE DOG-- With white feet! APARTPMENT-- : 7 2 #7 E gharge and deliver. Canadas Radio lost. "Phone 1944. ok Street, 5 BAP, Stores. Rentals If you wish. ange, refr ~ igerator, "dArdw: - 3 . : ---- - - have Sine SETH rg 8 Oe = hk met (OVERALLS --THE VERY NEW AND THE NOT VERY OLD. JRwllael | CAVERLY. tRaxsren co Grose \ ol itt and discing gardens. Also gene TRICYCLB---Found, on Thursday even- Radio S.ores ' teamwork done. Estimates given. BE Over may hive same at 347 a "Phone 1507-J. rinceas Street by proving same. -- ss 8 Sam A Expert Plano Tuning, : Real Estate For Rent Articles For Sale Player-Plane aAajusting. Help Wanted ; TH Rooms Miscellan ar LIM a Ey FURNISHED FLA eatéd and Mght. crm Phone 1544. RR ---- HD plano, on, ground 1gnt w ous 18 aa CW. LINDSAY, TED Male Help Wanted 8! Possessio immediately. Apply 188 Union Street west, FURNISHED ROOMS-- Good locality, BRICK--Stock, pressed. Rug Rustic | DRUGLEAS PRACTITIONER ow A | UPHULSTERING--AUd general repair. BOYS--To sell week-end papers, Ap- hot and cold runnifg water in each! wire cut, building tile and Tain tile] Ty ceils, corner of rrie and Prin.| 08. Leave orders at or drop a card 2 Harold J. Smith, Barrack and King Business laces s m; Well heated SAsonable terms.| A. Neal, 624 Johnson St. "Phone 3041. Streets. Chiroprgeétic sdjust.| !0 #. W. Harold, 104 Clergy Street treets. : Bt., corner Fr St. 3 5 i a lectric treatme and hand-| 'Fhoas 1600+J, : CORNER SUITABLE--For butcher sh Phone 937-4. CANARIES Guaranteed Rowers, with X-ray service. Consulta. FIRST CLASS PLUMBER-- APPLY Mo-| "will take slterations to suit tenan ND DOARD==193 Brook Street. | -- Liout chges. Apply am tl tens Hours 2:2 am, 1+6 pn. i Kelvey & Birch, Ltd., Brock St. Apply 69 Patrick Street. Room AND BO rOC TOOL. | messin seems Evenings by agpolutment. Office oles . Phone 1747-J. FOR SALE--Bicycle tires, $1.75 and phone S231. | yr phone Nir i Tar hoNEY AT HOME You can OS iORg- Yor rent, ome and smal) = en iene hk icin AR - NO CRATING NO WAITING. | ea : © $2.00 an hour in your Rent 4 a SMISHES. Nis _ p Spare time writing showeards. No Tout © suit in the ibs np Sing. Tor $ Wantea To 11 Si. Phone Toes. w. ye. pars Shin. Molea, Super, safe, padded vang for Pur. vaguing or soliciting; we instruct you D. Sloan. Bibby Limited > Scars, Pits, ete, removed parm nfture and Pianos. A load on every And supply you with work. . Write to- L ROOM AND BOARD WANTED --Gentle- . ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and] Fo%d. Watch for our load bulletin ed. 31 Dominion Badin ery st: BFORB--173 Wellington Sireer, formar:| MAD rasident in Kinkston, esires som: | GILL NET FISMING-- furnished after others have failed || °° the Twentieth. ed, 21 Dominion Bulldihg, Toronto, ly otcupied by Emily Crawford, florist Jéttgble, room and aD rT ate Equipment, consists of gill nets §oiire cured oo Rous ~obe tion, 38 BETS hie Hamlit i | home. er r ~ hy ¥ milton, Ont. Livingston & Bro. Brock soir. © C| Chie accommodation, Box B-34, Wihig| motor bost, shanty, reels, ete. 1926 | IS ers Nose, Throat Skin. "308 | Female Help Wanted 8 . : : : ock Street. ¢ Mcense. r particulars app) 3 og Nose, Office. ena. Sherman ROE ry Bagot Mtreet. Phono 301w. House 11 COOK~--~At $60 per month; kitchen help- ers at $46. 94 natn . Houses ® WANTED_Flat of 3 or 4 furhisned| Napanee, Ont. Try or h or ny Ang Tood sup-| BRICK HOUSE TO LET -- Corner of| Looms: partied aouy 16, Possession Oct. | GRAIN SRPARATOR--A Victor Mathew Pliad. or PPlY with Ne iences to ir and Alfred Sta ts. Al modern in. bord +14 ho Geo or Denton, Moody, Eo 383 adabtea for tractor | DR. HOWARD Kingacon. FLO BR 114 ' veménts; first class shape. . , Ont. 8, | work, n i shor me. As| Bag v - lege. ply on premises. co ve. Ap Pox "a, Co 4 ste term Will sell at a very re-| ®d Ye. nose and | CHEVROLET SEDAN -- 1934 Supsn - foe 2 k sale. throat Hours: 10 to 1230 a 1.30 1 hanigall fect Tice " . or quic 3 >. o w Ao engine, mechan y perfect. A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN-To work in| FRAME | 0 All 1mprovements,| WANTED FOR PATION -- Sept. fis Sharp, RR. No. A to 3.30 p.m. Evenings 4 Appoint. ph 10 & quick buyer. 188 Uaipn Seis Fall phir To et PRE SAND fp Selim ood Sui ld | TN ene fav Set Teor x ; | Slice nd A lo » hy ty, - - wa, 3 Dowling, RR Nos Fh y or Phone 1473: house; Univ Lose, | PIANG--HeIntaman and Co. Ionics, wal- Barristers ana Solicitors ®1b | DODGE BROTHERS---Delivery tr kein prige, Ont. FINE ARSIDENCE --W, lace red; sthady, hot water heat,| nut case, in excellent condition. At &|~ " good running No rexstnably a a Viet rk, w. Saunaky tubs; by member of Univer. SToathy reguchd price; 0p, saey terns. | W. H. HERRINGTON Barrister. Soliel.| [er refused: Graves bros. im : Male or Female Help W. nace, hard sity; Shiaour, ous child. Box| C. W. Lindsay Ltd, 131 Princess St. | tor and Notary Pubde bt Welling-| cess Street. P Wanted Bal: electricity, verandan Posse ip 13 Whie: Oo, : ton Street. 'Phone 1645-w. DO YOU WANT WORK--Call at 133] tense Str ae THs SPapply 3 Real Estate Sal ite that W pent | WE vf CUNNINGHAM & SM Ba po a of Auk >, on way frov heh 2 en . n Ling a Ma »- ute, ul v oa Wellington Street after § pm. oe For oe Raat? a ont Bote v httres Co. Phone and Scien. Th, Clarence at 8 tushy ohm, Commeteia, ! " # . S an ham, K.C.: , Califo a AGENTS--150% profit. Call at 132 Wel-| § and 7 nd 'Farms and Land 1 ne wie | Cyril M, Smith, ning Tid Bele ring: AR RIIrn an rig ® lington Street after § p.m. a su | RUBBISH BURNERS Gurdon Fences, 347 King street. 'Phone 2945. 00 sere, 8. miley from Kings- ee Kets f h est of mov ; Bast : ARM] K or BY DAY AND REVELLE---Barrister and ( IN A COLLISION: King ston. "a , 60 under Sultivation, Ju 'hos : Parifiaey Wire % fh Soleltire 2 arence Street, 8 ; : a Rd . IC. * . AR ho fa : gi nik he Bruen, for 200 hens.| Wotka. ¥ Nickle, risagin aranged 5a. drveils [4 po Wrecking Co. JSE TO LETS roomed house, west| Of : EET-------- REYN, 4. Co--Barrister and Solel One ton bord of University, near Union St. Hot - r . al J ] heating: : a t Inverary for sal tor, Fock Street. Mortgages ar- Also Kinds of Seconda HAD A CLOSE CALL Ragen Vasnl" Suites Tot "Yinsss) "tN IA I Toke. ou ahd Boh: Puram S201 Raed gnc Sa thre "property || Antemobii Parte for Sh Hab Sf - os i ae n plaments and Shop: on easy terma to| FURNITURE Anflqus Sha modera| LFhORe 3505. Hand. Tires, 'all oh rs a mare oouple or any. re-| furmit & . : » Fire Ohief ' Armstrong, Mrs. LIINGYTON AVE 7 roomed Bouss. sponaible Party. Apply Box 4-130 Whik| oo ir 0068 BUFSRL aucomsbors "oer Lon ois rao aug | priot SLOS 48000, +4 Armstron bers ed, A With "tei. he Rly deco! Cl -- | Tanne an k, over Ro Bank. Money RE DAME CONVENT ¢ "J ang ins of Apply "' Livingston ave. "'pnonc| 18 A FARM--Improved. tiled. mod. fo loan. 'Phone 1949. "Phone 2475-w, amily In shap. 13-m. Immediate possession. residence. an - n Arn ; Ladies' Halr Parlor 24 - > RR SAAS ra ce k ns : : RESULTS ANNOUNCED SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE--Newly docs. nd roa ailgiaby oA Bar A 61 for new or CADILLAC T PASSENGER TOURING - ji v «| 88 \ . . : : Fire Chief James Armatrong, Mre,| fated. boy and large io, Nort ay] sain. Wham Leckie RB. AUS00 PAF ¥) HAIN WORK | with Art craft sncioest Ta ' fred. Apply 7D. oyd- 'Phone 2784 u E les' cently been repainted.' Upholsterd 3 ) ------ : Armstrong, their two daughters, Miss R 3 Housos th ourls; switches, Showa no sign of wear. Tires are TH Who P § Anne Armstrong and Miss Kathleen 3 200 oa ing, i au Ihe motor runs like a watch and + Bohool and Normal 8 Armstrong and son, Guy, had a close he 4 on or oq ni A TA ins "wiings, ningham, Bay Street, Kingston. | jong service with tr or ml \ call from being seriously injurdd in] to BB Trogier. Trotiers Hardware, Aaj Frincens Street. Telephone for repalca * A perfect sar Tor dad Examinations. fun automobile accident Sunday morn-| 2t8 Erincess Street. E 16 wd . Brockvilie one 0 Se---- 0 : or. while on their way to Windsor, ET Tere Broek greet, kh Slde. Shea, Wolfe Tog, . 9th ; Rn Py bed pp w= § nt. Di o 0) ot} ------ ] i J J} water heating. R . : Cassidy A.--Bng. Comp. 1, Bng.| The accident Occurred on the high-! App Reali id. 284 Phincens ot AN A J \ E History C, Algebra C. Trigo- [way, two miles east of Oshawa. The FT ROOMED HOUSE--Si be Lars. bs TO TALBOT'S LUMBER Y 7,_Qu or "45° | FORD TOURING, 1018. A 1, Lat. Auth. 2, Latin Comp car in which the party was travelling, | Iw Aecorated" et gi rs bw. J : ber - 3 : ; ' ve , 1 3 pi 36 ¥ tion. ! usand, new FORD : 920, + ¥r. Auth. C, Fr. Comp. C; _ foollided with a truck and suffered AE dur L 33. ' . rice i ] 6 M.Eng. Comp. 1, Eng. serious damage, but luckily the mem. St ood ott ana . With Era it. dal back, starter and 1, Lat. Auth. 3, Latin --%, [bers of the party were not seriously ov : FORD TOURING, 1021, : hurt. ; » With Sta eh Auth. C, French Comp. C, Per and extras. Grimshaw K.--Eng. Comp. 1, Tri-| 'Mise"Anne Armstrong suffered cuts Teta w firm CO ted : ose, 188 Wellington Street, Build] al : FORD SEDAN, at $onometry C. ; about the head and Mrs. Armstrong 2 Ses eaten : " iid : A.B. URY | With Starter aad entre | Orimshaw L.--Eng. Comp. C.|also suffered cuts. iodoa | in first class i. ' \ Peat, cart FORD. TON TRUCK = « Lit. 3, Franch Auth. C. - AlL the members of the party were Tom Tus vad Nn a 3 X a; Wh take Bodv. new moths ang enderson J.--Bng. Comp. 3, lable to continue on their trip. . Shaten, sor : - : trinsmisgiog. : §. Lit. 1, History C, Algebra 3, Chief Armstrong is attending the! eb TN 1 modern; Sinerally ; jus (h : also | AUOT10! STAR SPECIAL TOURING : 3, Lat. 'Auth. 1, Lat. Comp. 2, [fire chists' convention in Windsor, pan 3 Bateman Rea) SE : " J ; i] With many extras. ch A, cr. Camp. C. iia xy : et, ; Rese p , OVERLAND 4 DOOR SEDAN Harkness F.---Eng. Lit. 2. be pan Tuesday Tl : SR -- rests. Pp ; ubre. CHANDLIER 6 TOURING : Ym ng: Comp. C, Ent rnaraday; Septompes Tn oon : ret) Now Market. eben Pressing. ; Why wait . you have wil th j Aebra_ C. Trig. C, Latin ie 'gorng to be a Brac for 1 i 1 sins, modern. __ . Talloring : nis 3, NEW CAR when you Sn 3, Latin Comp, C. S0laE to be. a fair that everybody ou : Xeha In a naar, ay to inspect these cat Auley M.--Bng: Comp. C, Eng. will attending. We advise all ' le to take fn this, the model d lots a Ets Somp. 2. Eng. ounty fair of the Dominion, for they 100 dbs, sales L prot Teng. Comp. 3, Hug | il Seainly ajay every very past of this made at $13.10 to $13.25 glitory ©, Algebra c. Latin |G i Jor iS oxastmant