a "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG" 'NEWS 'AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE . Woman's Page Editor Phone 2613 : Private Phone 857w. » * * Mrs. W. M. Nickle is visiting ¢n Hamilton. - * - * The Bishop of Ottawa is the guest of Mrs. D. E, Mundell, Barrie street. . . . Rev. A. H and Mrs. MecTear, _ Prenton, are among the visitors in "town to-day. sc © _ Rev. W. M. Loucks, Tofonto, is With his mother, Mrs. Edwia Loucks, Division street. » . * . . Major and Mrs. Garnet Greer, who have been at Peterboro, will return to town shortly. - . " Mr. J. M. Farrell, who has been at ~ Thousand Islnd Park, is expected home on Saturday, . . ® Judge Reyholds. Brockville, is ia town for the consecration of the Bishop of Ontario, * - » Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pound and their son, Troy, N.Y. are visiting Mr, Pound's parents. . . . Prof. Anglin, Battersea, is visit- ing Rev. 8. F. Maine at Manketa ° Lodge, Port Stanley. * » » Mr. and Mrs. M. Lemmon, Victoria street, have left on a trip to Ro- chester and Buffalo, N.Y, . . . Mr. Gordon Thompson and Mr, Mosten Payne have returned from a trip in the United States. - . r Miss Josephine Kaminski has left to join her sisters, who are enjoy- ing a holiday on Glen Island, » » - Mrs. Frances A. Nicholson, Belle- ville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 'W. D. Graham, Wellington street. . . . Mrs. Grace Yellowley has returned to her home in Oshawa after visiting with Mrs. A. Potter, Johnson street. . - . Miss Ada Jenkins, Princess street, fas returned from a visit to To- " ronto, Guelph, Niagara Falls 'and 'Buffalo, N.Y, ary hn . © Mr, and Mrs. Landels, who spent 8 week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Fiynn, Collin's Bay, have returned to town. . - . Rev. A. H. Young, one of the senior clergy of the diocese, is In own. for the consecration. : : ww Rey. L. A, Davis and Mrs. Davis, Brockville, were in town to-day for . the consecration. 3 ? - . Col. and Mrs. Austin G. Gillies, Ottawa, are spending a short time at @ Manoir Richelieu, Point au Pio. x A . . . Mis. Walter King, Wallington, is the guest of Mrs. A. F. Cobb, Ottawa, Cobb entertained at tea in hon- of her visitor on Monday. ® . » . "Mrs. B. F. Lamsan of St. Cathar- ines, is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, Stuart > h, * * * Mrs T G. Newton and Dorothy Newton, Detroit, Mick., for- Miss i mer Kingstonians, are visitors in J * * » 'Mrs. James Cornelius entertained on Friday for her nieces, Miss Doris Mim Lojs Storms, Rutherford, Land Mrs. Frank Kirkpatrick, ng Place, are in town and are the Misses Kirkpatrick, King Le d Mrs. Plerre Blommer and ; ee 4 their children, Pittsburgh, Pa., are | | the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Sibbit, "The Greenses." ' . * . Lieut.<Col, B. C. Dean and Mrs. Dean, London, Ont, who have beer on a motor trip to New York, are spending a week in town. - LJ * The Bishop of Niagara, who is one of the bishops in town to-day, is the guest of Mr. P. D. Lyman and Miss (Lyman, King street west. | . . » | Dr. and Mrs, J. H. Moxley of | Hamilton have returned home after {8 visit with the latter's parents, Mr. land Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, Stuart | street, i . . - Mrs. F. 8. Ferguson, president of the Women's lustitute of the district of Frontenac, came in from In- yerary for the meéting of the Juaior W.1. on Monday. . * . Mr. and Mvs, James Martin, Galt, are visiting the latter's sister, Miss E. Richardson, Victoria street. Miss Van Camp, Merrickville, is also with Miss Richardson. - . * Mrs. T. W. Reynolds and Miss Eleanor Reynolds, Brockville, are in town for the consecration an@ were present at the luncheon in . St. George's Hall. » . * Canon and Mrs. W. F. FitaGerald, who are at the Sand Banks, were un- able to return to town for the con- secration service in St. George's Ca- thedral. . tb . The ladies of the diocesan board of the Woman's Auxiliary were in charge of the arrangements of the 'uncheon given in St. George's Hall after the consecration. , - *- » Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and their little sons, Fho have been visit- ing Mrs. Gibson and Miss Nina Gib~ sonfl, Clergy street, will return to their home in Chatham this week. * . . ad Mrs. D. J. Smith, Buffalo, N.Y. has returned home after' spending several weeks here with her sister, Rev. Sister Taggart, Hotel Dieu Hos- pital, and Mrs. J. T. Murphy, Outer Station. » » * Mrs. Charles 'Patterson, Montreal, a sister-in-law of Mrs. C, A. Seager, is: at '"'Densmere" while in town for the consecration. Miss Patt 5 the overseas nurses dinner and the unveiling of the memorial to the sisters who died in the great war. Mrs. Kane is one of the overseas nurses, . . » Wellington street, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Winifred, to Mr. Bertram Frederick, formerly of Kingston. The wedding to take place the lat- ter part of September. * . » Mr. and Mrs. John Bute and Miss Agnes Bute, Houston, Texas, arrived in town to-day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hill, King street west. Mr. Richard Franklin, also from Texas, accompanied them and will join Mrs. Franklin, who is at "Blink Bonnie," Gananoque, » . . Mrs. R. W. Rayson and her son, Rev. R. 8. Rayson, who have been in Muskoka and Torohto, returzed to town on Manday. Rev. R. S. Ray- son has been appointed curate of St. Thomas' Church, Toronto, and, with Mrs. R. 8. Rayson, will leave [01 that city at the end of the mont - * » On Thursday evening, Aug. 19th, at the home of Mrs. John Baker, Cataraqui, a concert was given by Mr. Fred Blanksby and Mr. Gordon Horn of Erie, Pa. These two gentle- men belong to the Moose Quartétte Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sanger, 85] "Canada's Finest and Most Costly Piano" The Gift of Her Dreams . Of all gifts the most precious, this Nordheimer Grand will bring to the home the abiding Joy of music which mirrors every mood, The dainty Nordheimer "Apartment" Grand is only five feet long--a size admir- ably suited for small living room or apartment. Its exqui- site touch is a constant invi- tation to play, while its beauty of design and enduring quality are lasting sources of pride ard satisfaction. Kirkpatrick's Art Store, 159 Princess Street oanads™s Olacst STusic House Established 1840 and orange tone look especially well of Erie, Pa., which has won the championship three successive years | at the Méose convention * held. in| New York in 1924, in Baltimore in! 1925 and in Chicago in 1926. Mr. Blanksby, with his pleasing tenor and Mr. Horn with a rich baritone, in a dark green bowl or in a brown wicker basket. These flowers are a splendid decoration' for a room with rather dark coloring and if used for table decoration are more effective on a polished wood table with doyly worked in somewhat the delighted the guests with a number of solos and duets. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Horn, Mr. Blanks- | by and Mr. Edwards of Erie, 'Pa.,| Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, Mr. and] Miss Heaton, Mr. Bert Cooper of, Kingston, who accompanied the | singers on the piano, Mrs. James Cooke and Miss Dorothy Cooke, Mrs. Kish, Mrs. BE. Cooke, Mrs. Sprott, Mrs. Simpson, Miss E. Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Purdy, Mrs, Blair, and Mr. James Blair, Mrs. Bullen, Mr. Harold Sharp, Mr. Bernard Curran, Miss Mabel Wad- dell of Winchester. At the close of the evening the hostess served re- freshments assisted by a number of the young people. The National An- them was then sung bringing a most enjoyable evening to a close. WEDDINGS. Toronto, is with Mrs. Herbert Robinson, "The Bungalow," King street. Par g . . » x Mrs. Sam Hooper, Brandon, Is vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Graham, Wellington street. * Mrs. Hooper is president of the W.A. of Brandon diocese and represented that society at the consecration and luncheon to- day. ' . * * A Dutch luncheon was given at the Cataraqui Golf and Country Glub on Monday by some of the girls of the younger set in honor of Miss Kitty Walsh, who returns to Van- couver, B.C., shortly. . . * Mrs. Gordon Dick, after having spent several weeks with her par- ents, University avenue, has left with Mrs. D.'J. Smith to epend some time in Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y., before returning to her home tm Montreal, . . . A Dutch tea with mah jongg and bridge was arranged at the Cata- raqui Golf and Country Club this afternoon in honor of Mrs. J. K. Kerr, Toronto, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Willlam Harty, "Roselawn." . . . / Sheffield-McAvoy Wedding. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist church parsontge, Athens, an August 18th, when Mev. H. E. Warren united in marriage, Anna Mary, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McAvoy, Athens, and David Richard Sheftield, son of the late Mr. Albert, and Mrs. Laura Sheffield, of Athens. The bride looked charming in a gown of sand flat crepe with navy trimmings, and hat to mateh. They were attended by Miss Margaret Mc- Avoy, sister of the bride, who wore a gown of golden flat crepe, and Mr. William = Miller, of Chantry. The happy couple left for Brockville, from where they left by boat on Thursday for Toronto, Niagara Falls, and other points. On their return they will reside east of Athens, where the groom is a prosperous farmer. | The Editor Hears That the young girls from Fron- tenac who sre going to Ottawa and Toronto to enter the judging compe- tion at the exhibitions are all bright, pretty and well-dressed. They have endeavored to make a success of Dr. and Mrs. J.' HB. Kane, Brock strest, motored to Ottawa to-day for ls TIT nm Th their work as house keepers and whether they win a prize or not they have learned many valuable legsons and have gone far in. the highest profession for women, that of keep- ing house and making that house a comfortable and happy place. -- *That a g turnout of the Liberal women of K 1s expected at the meeting in the committee rooms this evening. The women voters of Kingston outnumber the men, and every women should consider it her duty to cast a ballot. i Lea same shades. The spikes of the gla- dioll, so much used for decoration at this season of the year, are effec- tive in a tall jar. The shades of pink of the rose tint deepening to a crim- son, should be kept together and the Salmon pink and the varying tones of that shade will make a charming picturé together, Sweet- peas have a variety of tints that seem to blend in a mysterious way if left by themselves and are more et- fective this way, cosmos too, never clash together but put them with scarlet geraniums or orange nastur- tilums and they are at once lost as far as decorative work is concerned. There are flowers that go together lightened by baby's breath, mignon- ette, verbenas and other small an- nuals. Yellow flowers in a brown jar in a room with dark oak or walnut furniture are like a touch of sun- light and a table with yellow flow- ers and yellow candles in brass sticks may be very artistic. AR | FRONTENAC GIRLS Who Will Compete at Household Science Event at Ottawa. Miss Rose Hopkins of the Depart- ment of Agriculture is spending few days in town and on Monday and again today gave the girls o? the Junior Institutes of Frontenac a short course that will enable them to, It is hoped, suceessfully compete in the girls household science judg- ing competition at Ottawa, where some of them went today, and at the Canadian National Exhibition in To- ronto where a team of girls from eighteen to twenty-six years of age will go from Frontenac to compete with many other teams of the same age from all over the dominion. Miss Hopkins shows them the qualities to | be considered in home made bread, in school lunches, in family menus, in house dresses and so on. The girls who went to Ottawa today are under sixteen; two of them only thirteen, will each judge separately but the Toronto team will work together. The girls who went to Ottawa with Mrs. A. W. Sirett and Mrs. J. D. Shibley, .Harrowsmith .are: Miss Flora Sproule, Westbrooke; Miss Helen ° Shibley, 'Harrowsmith and Miss Gwenneth Sleeth; Inverary. The Toronto team will be composed of Miss Helen Wilmot. Pittsburgh, Miss Flora Sproule, Westbrooke; Miss Gladys Robb, Battersea; Miss Doro- thea Dixon and Miss Beatrice. ley, Sunbury; Miss Nettle Battersea and Miss Helen Kerr, rowsmith, Miss Keith Kemp, Glen- burnie, and possibly some others. I'm powdered, an' when the preacher was tellin' that sad story Sunday mornin', I kept my eyes on Cousin Ed's bald spot." AA telling of the influence and power which lie in the girl and woman in her home. Most enjoyable also were the piand solos of Miss Agnes and Master Archie Medley and Miss Florence Hogan, Tea was served by the hostess assisted by her sisters, Miss Mary Draper and Mrs. Medley. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. M, Shagnon on the evening of Sept. 8th to which the husbands of the members are invit- ed. Statistics show that married men are six times more reliable than single men. RESTORED 9 600D HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children COOKING OIL THE CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED MONTREAL cnn SM | THE NEW NESTLE LANOIL AND NENT WAV. ING ........... $15.00 and up. FRANK ROBBS 185 WELLINGTON STREET Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Evenings by appointment. 373 Princess Street. Phone 108 GALLAGHER'S SERVICE 960 | 25¢ 'Nan DAY OR NIGHT SPECIALS FROM OUR Linen Department Pure Linen Lunch Cloths with colored borders, extra fine damask; 45, 54 and.63 inches. $5.00 each. Very special at $3.00, $4.00 and +. Fancy, colored, bordered Towels with | novelty stripe, 45c¢. each. Pure Linen Table Cloths, borders all around, for $2.95 hemstitched, at 35¢c., 40c., .4 2x Zvds. with | | each. Embroidered Linen Pillow Cases, scal- loped and hemstiiched, at $4.00 and $5.00 a pair, Bridge Sets in Italian Damask and all the novelty styles at $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 a set SEE OUR NEW FALL COATS! . W. N. Linton & Co. { THE IRISH LINEN STORE Qrgan os fs fons: ESTEY CHURCH ORGAN angth ¢ foot. Height 4 feet § inches. Depth 2 foot : 7% inches. a