8 | 1 ---- The British Whig KINGSTON. are restr al 32 %1assiB0a tion, Penta CLASHIVIED RATES: Dally rats per line or sonsesutive Minimum 35 cents. pul, per ins Caarge 3 : GRAYS Livanps woud wee s 1 "ranaR Besprnnn Deaths. Bisthe, Sngaes dar 9, £8, 3 mr one-time inser i a 5» a ch ~ Advert } for Joss tasn STATE 16: aan. ILO 8 for irresmiat 0 will Ada t at ™ rR yA Dhocinl Tate for peaciy vertising A request. Plblighots rensrve the right to edit or reject all ulassified advertising phone 343; sek for & want ad. « Cash Bs ate 0 "the poured 488 BdJusl- Wednesday, August 25, 1926. The Whig's Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place DEATHS. CARR-HARRIS--Suddenly, in Northern Manitoba, on Thursday, Aug. 19th. 4926, Redford McLeod Carr-Harrls, aged twenty-two. Funerai under mil'tary « escort, will leave the residence of hig mother, 23 Mack Street, Kingston, Friday 27th, at 2.30 p.m Redeemed by blood more precious than ghed on Flanders flelds. © think: to step on shore and shore Heaven-- To take hold of a hand, and that hand God's ' that He was spared the parting of tears, He was spared the mortal strife, It wag scarcely dying--he only passed In a moment to" endless life. op low was his Master's call at it did not reach our ears; x Put-he heard the sound and his quick response & Was full of joy--no fears Weep not for his swift release From earthly pain and care: Nor grieve that he resghed hfs home and rest Ere he knew that he was there, Lost and Youna 1 CRANK-For Briscoe car, lost between Inverary and Colin's Lake, on August 17th. Finder please return to Harvey Snider, Harrowsmith, or leave at the hig Office. LOST--On road between Kingston and Harrowsmith, end door of Chevrolet truck rack. Finder kindly ipform Hemlock Park Dairy. LOST--A Jupse. Reward. Pleage re- turn to Capital Theatre. LOST, STRAYED-- Or stolen, collie, narrow, SHouilers. Anyone notice will 1507.7, PFEKINBSE DOG With lost. Phone 1944. TRICYOLE=Found, on Thursday even- J Owner may have same at 347 Princess Street Y proving same. yellow Rex. nd harboring dog after this be prosecuted. "Phone white feet, Help Wanted Male Help Wanted BOYS-.To sell week-end papers, Bi Haron J. Bmith, Barrack and reets. Ap~ Kine FIRST OLASS PLUMBER Apply Mc- Kelvey & Birch, Ltd, Brock St. MAKE MONEY AT MOME-You can earn $1.06 to $2.00 an hour in your THE DAILY-BRITISH WHIGC Help Wanted Male and Female Help Waated 3b Private Christ TION. Big #5 Private Celedrated inexpensive Royal Series. Secure orders now even in spars time; deliver later. i est commission. Ex. jerishes or of 1 unnecessary. Brad- -Garretson, ntfard, Ont. EXTRA-Money this fall! You ean make several hundred dollars by act. ing as cur representative in your lo. In, Apply at once for tat par L Mater Kraft Greeting Co., Toronto, Ont. MEX AND 8 WANTED -To pat- PY Ceraons Barber Shop. cuts, 25c. Shaves 10c. Boys' ibe. Ladies 3c. 201 Wel Wanted 4 MAN OR WOMAN--To travél and ap- point agents. Yearly guarantee $1093 (being $21 weekly average), eX~ penses. Experience unnecessary. For Particulars write Winston Ce., Toronto. RELIABLE SALES AGENTS--Wanted now for every unrepresented distriot; if whic on Be and secure territory. Nursery Ce. Toronto. YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN-With one small el , desires position as house- Keeper Jor Pi tant people. Apply 48 West Union APARTMENT -- Or single rooms, with board, for long or shor: holiday; easy terms. Quiet, convalescent rest ideal honeymoon. Apply I. B. Rock Beasn, ¥oxboro, unt APARTMENT-- Sydenham Apartments, Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath room range, refrigerator, hardwood Ors. Apply 69 Brock Street. DESIRABLE APARTMENT---Furnished a 7 rooms ana bath f decorated, hard. electricity, gas, in best central residential locality. Apply Bos J-11, Whig Office. FURNISHED FLAT-Heated and Hght- ed, including piano, on ground noor OUT OUR WAY, BY WILLIAMS. . ps I LISSIN NOW, TOD - IF SUMPN DONT" WORK RIGHT~YA KNOW "RAIN COAT LEAKS ER TH' Sint Bowl. MPN WHY TRY TH' COMES OFF ER JOS HOLLER LP HOSE ~ MY GOSH! IF THIS WORWS AWRIGHT SHUNS 1S MADE, ORT US OFF 'N TH OLR, Ha Real Estate For Rent Rooms 10 FURNISHED ROOMS- Good locality, hot and cold running water in each Miscellaneous FOR SALE--Bicycle tires, $2.00; also tubes at $1.00 eac AN ToD WANNA COME UP --\A HNOwW WA MIGHT WANNA COME. UP--WHY JIS YANK TH' «2 HEROES ARE MADE - NOT BORN. Articles For Sale 1.75 and Apply - 'MEMBER -\1P vA Tawllans oles BY NEA agAVICE, WC. Business Services Professivua DRUGLEJS PRACTITIONER : Marcells, corner of Barrie and Prih- . 11 -- | Business Services A Decorators : "0a A: ANDERSON---Painter and Decorator, Shop and residence 'phone 1966. of fice 283 King Street. GET YOUR PAINTING--And i done mow, Mrices reasonable. wall Horton, 145 Collings Pager for saie. wood Street. 'Phone 3984-J. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGIN Gow, Shingling and. al kinds of Jepaty 4 one promptly. | TOS. Earl Street, 'near Yarrie Su ? SIGN PAINTING. Robinson, Tear #18 bagot Street a aR Financial 0 FRON C LOAN AND bd a OUIETY -- locorpora President, A. D. Cartwright, tJ. M. Farrell Mongy to and farm properties; a Borage ¥TORAGE---F0 alry r a Shate 3 aud key, rost's City torag! 3056 Queen St. 'Phone 536. Res. or 1933-4. BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE--Far J furniture or any merchandise. Fires proof Lullding. 'Phone 1000 or 1177, ps ---- | Miscentancous ¥ ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and ards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 4 Russell Street. 'Phone 1255. i ol ASHES--Removed from yard and oels lars; general sarting first class drys wood "for sale 8 t Buckley Transfer, 143 or 'Phone 291 and 2516-M. BATTERY SERVICE Use yous buds pea ker awa, rom youp rn et. a Pave eXtenaIon cords. Canadas Radio Stores. 'Phone 1307. BATTERY SERVICE -- Phone Radio 1307. We'll call for your battery, shargpe and deliver. Canada Stores. Rentals if you wish. CAVERLY TRANSFER Fla tn Princess Street. ploughing, harre and discing gardens. Also gene teamwork done. Estimates given 'Phone 1507.J. 3 Expert Plano Tuning, Player-Plane Adjusting. Phone 1544, C. W. LINDSAY, LAMITED UPHUOLSTERING--=ANd genera] roplesl ing. Leave orders at or drop a oa Suiow cess Streets, Chiropractic adjust ments, electric trea'ments and hand. massage. X.ray service. Consulta. tion free. Hours 9-12 am. 1-§ pm. Evenings by agpolutment. Office tele- phune 522-J. esidence 'phone 957-J. SKIN BLEMISHES - Hair, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Scars, Pits, ete, ly. Satisfactory furnished &fter Golire Years experience. spare time writing showeards. No can- Possession Immediately. Apply 188 vassing or soleiting; we Instruct you! Union Street west. and Subbly Jou with work, , Write to-| emcee 00 3 e day. enhenitt Compady, Limit- Business laces 5 ed, 21 Dominion Building, Toronto. = CORNER SUITABLE~-For butcher si will make alterations to suit ténsn Apply 69 Patrick Street. OFFICES --For rent, large and small 0 ices, in the Bibby Building. Terms to sult tenant upon application to R. D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. STORE--173 Wellington Street, former- ly occupied by Emily Crawford, florist. Fossession September 1st. Apply to C. Livingston & Nro, Brock Street. Houses BRICK HOUSE TO LET -- Corner of Karl and Alfred Streets. All modern improvements; first class shape. Ap-l ply on premises. room; well heated. heéagonable térms.| Muller's bicycle works, 571-373 King 492 Johnson St., corner Frogtenac St.| SB. 'Phone 1981-w, 'Phone 897-5. - L ROOM AND BOARD--198 Brock Street.| GILL NET FISHING-- 'Phone 1741-J. EER = Equipment consists of gill Wantea To Rent 11 motor boat, shanty, reels, ete. license. For particulars by Sherman ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--Gantle-| Clarence . man resident in Kingston, dsaires ous Napanee, Ont. fortabié room and boar n private; c iy home. Liberal compensation for suit- OERAIN JSTARATOR-=A Vistor Mathew hie accommodation. Hox B-M, Whig! Moi: Only used a short time. As oe, cae | BOOd as jaw, Will Sell a u yer re re ------------------------------------ WANTED--Flat of 3 or 4 furnished| diced price for quick sale. Apply to rooms, near college or hospital, for Sneat A. Sharp, R.R. No. 1, Udéesa, young married couple. Possession Oct. . ast, 1926. Apply to Geo. DU. Denton, Box 475, Cobuurg, Unt. State terms, ete. to FF. W. Hareld, 104 Clergy Sireet. 'Fhone 1600-4, : 'Auto Accessories KINGSTON AUTO TOP AND Bony ho A DR Coupe bodies, California Tops snd U helstering. Awnings and Tents, oe 347 King street. "FPhone 1945. Auto Wrecking Co. One ton Ford Truck. Also all kinds of Second Automobile Farts for all makes nets, 3436 apply Nu. §, Female Help Wanted 8 COOK-~At $60 per month; kitchen help- ers at $46. Snr an and food sup- plied. Apply with references to Ruarter-master, Royal Mllitary Col- ge. Moles, neers, removed parmanent- Glasses fitted and 33 b Kk Kye, Nose, t H Bagot-$nreet. Phono 30iw. House 113 loud dod mE Medica DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER 33% Bagot Street, Kingston, Praccice limite ed (0 diseases of the eye. Ar, nose and front Hours) A 12.30 am. 1.30 0 3. pan. venings 7-8. A int. ments 'phone 3051. Phong CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS 'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1318-J, Classified Dispray Ww. KENT MACNEE Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wellington Sts. 'Phone 2051 = 1 k 0 i "Turk's Store 'PHONE 706. 2 = : INQUEST INTO DEATH OF THOMAS MoALPINE Adjourned Till the 30th--=Two Cases of B.O.T.A. at Deseronto. .Deseronto, Aug. 24.--Thomas Me- Alping, seventy-nine years of age, died from injuries received when fruck by C.N.R, passenger train No. a as Marysville crossing 3 Sarap. ; afternpen. The preliminary ir - t was opened before Dr. W. V. t yesterday aftermoon at the 1 of Michael McAlpine, near A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN--To work in country, in family of two. Eaay place. State full particulars in reply. Mrs. mm. J. Dowling, R. R, No. 3, Enter- prise, oFvIcE ASSISTANT. Wanted imme- ately. Only experienced need apply. Box C18, Whig Office. PPA WOMAN ASSIST--With housework from 10 om 2, four days a week. Ap- Pp ly to Mrs. Saunders, corner Alice and Afra Brees PIANO--Heintzman and Co. Tonle, wale nut case, in excellent condition. At a greatly reduced pfice; on easy terms. WANTED FOR OCCUPATION -- Sept.| W. Lindsay Ltd. 131 Princess St. th on, long lease, PROVIDE-~For that one-third of your house, near Shiversity, th i Jie that is spent in bed, "Invest in . Brom WIA fite-| pogti gf Frontenac Mattress Co. Phone lace preferred; steady, hot water heat, 19613., $17 King $t. E. Bundry 1bss £5 member 3 iver : Yi WhiY Skifoun one child. Box | RuBnSH BURNER Gurden Fence U-23, Whig Office, . Ga Baskes ER aurg purpose. 'Phone 380. Partridge Wire & lron Real Estate For Sale ve Be RE St a Farms and Land 12 FARM--100 acres, § miles from Kings-| - , Furafture ton, 60 acres under cultivation, rune nl water, hen houses for 300 hens. | PURNITURE-- Antique and furniture sold and bought. Leonard Gordon, Glenvale, 1 dud 0 n Sienvale er, 507 Frincess Street, - Lesses Antique Shoo, HOUSE ~ All jmprovments, 304 Colngwood Street. Ap~ Raglan Road, or phone 1473-J. FINE RESIDENCE -- West end, near|. Viotoria Park, eight rooms, hw. fur. nace, hardweod floors, 3 p. bath, £48, Slzstrialty. verandah. Pogdessi at once, ° ne 2515 or apply 344 Fron- tenac Street. FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS-- 5b and 7 Ah replaces and screened vera ; $8.00 to $10.00 per oH rarand, Park; ¢ ie ron Kingston. Apply J. D. Boyd. Telephone 2784-r-3 at view, HOUSE TO LET--8§ roomed house, west of piversity, near Union St. Hot water heating; open fireplace; fenced- 13 Dath. Vacant October 1st. "Phone 1568-m. LIVINGSTON AVE. 7 roome house, a improvements, gas, newly decorat. , garden Nefr car line. sara 3 3 WH, HERRINGTON --Barriate . ply ve tor and Nouns Publie, isl 0 ton Street. 'Bhone 2545-w. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and polisitors, 1" ao rente Street, mgston, . 8B, Cunnningham, ni Cyril M. Smith. eke 158 | DAY AND REVELLE--Barristere and medial slut 0 ® SAseN MI in n. Ys rian evellie M Sram. Mortgages arranged. 'Phons 205. REYNOLDS, J, C~Barrister and So ol tor, $1 Brock Sree Mortgages net range on an m re) . "Phone 3509. PEOpaRty. SHEA---AMbrose, B.A. Solieitor. and Brock, over Royal 'Phone 1999. ladies' Halr Parlor ALL ST CLads v RL al x Fists fim 6 Co | ANOTHER ALLOTMEN] Telephone 1898. ALLY FORD TOURING, 1918. IFRENCH MAROEL WAVING. = Bobbed ROADST 1920 getting: : Bul : had With extrt 10s IF at ttontion | iv (A Ha FORD CURING ' 1921 Switzer" fF 7 Susan, ice With Starter and extras, EAD, $16. NO EXTRAS coal ine 4 Soft slabs, $3.00; FORD SEDAN, 1923. : ms ro EET se hard, $3.50. 12.00 ton, 3 cart- 3 With Starter and extras FORD TON TRUCK Phone 2440W, W. C. Bruton, 290 Wellington, cor. Ordnance, ! 3 Wi'h stake bodv, new motor 2a aie Ph Solial- | | Welling Male or Female Help Wanted 8a EARN. extra ones and Christmas. $10 to $20 ohsily made ekly taking orders weekly in Spare time, for "Imperial Art" Personal C ristmas Cards. Everyones a oustomer. Take ders Dow, KQclivery inter, commission. en or free sample book, British Canadian, 51 Wellingto West, Toronto. ot n CHEVROLET SEDAN -- 1524 Su engine, mechanically perfect. right to a quick buyer. ps Street, West i en DODGE BROTHERS--Delivery truck ood running order. No reasonab or refused. Graves Bros. 211 cess Street, FORD TON TRUCK-In good runn ng order, five good tires, 1933 nh eap for quick sale. ne Rol Henry, Cataraqul, Ont., Tel, 2398 r CADILLAC 7 PASSENGER TO ¢ with Art craft enclosed h cently been nr Upholst ainted. sews no sign of wear. Tires are he motor runs like a watch an is not a'rattie in the car, It will long service with little °F oy ve Phi, Advise guise vice. ce ,00. Brockville, Ont. Works, Plating Copper, ete. in Silver, Nickle, between now 50 ACRE FARM-<At Inverary for sale, with 5 cows 50 hens, team and al} im- plements and crop. On easy terms to 8) young married couple or y re- sponsible party. Apply Box Phin Oitice. de. ve mri et Wes ssn 78 ACRE FARM-~Improvéd, tiléd, mod- ern Brick residence and bank Ran b and outbuildings; all complete. sell reasonable for cash. od bar: h. Go gain. Willlam Lackje, R. R. L Houscy 4 ick, 8 rooms, modern, central. " e, 3 a Eh fov ements. arms an 8 wou x e. Insurance, e Money to loan VISITORS AT WESTPORT. They Gather There From All Parts of the Country. Westport, Aug. 23.--Mrs. James McCann, Toronto, is spending her a 58 holidays with Mr. and Mrs. James ~ ] B. Maza Ray Kilpatrick, Brock wy Ne measton eton, hone ville, is spending a few days in town. : Edmond McCaffrey spent the week-| atag: are snd ao ra 5 end in Ottawa. Alexander Blair and / Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phoms 2784 son, Hugh, Perth, were visitors in town op Friday. Mrs. M. Porter is spending a tew days with friends in Brockville. Mrs. J. R. Graham and Mrs, G. Mc¢Don- ald, Brockville, were guests of Mrs. 454 Agof A. P. Niblock on Friday. Mr. and to. Jai 5 : Mrs. Delorme Deacon, South Poreu- > aes Reid 24 Lite pine, former residents here, are re-| 7, MOOMED HOUSE home inewing acquaintances in town. bath and furnace. Maryaville. Dr. O'Reilly and James | "nies" piokoct, Gananoque. and Mre. Month, MeAl ne Nels ine valy By ra W. Scott, Westport, spent Monday examin an | wi hol ® M been identified, the inquiry was ad- oA Un 1 under, oe er Journed until Monday, Aus. 30th. 18 fryine Yriends fn town. Miss Irene _ the pérish hall, Marysville} Bengt Hull 1s visiting friends in Ottawa, ke and Dificar Mack as ere {Miss Olive McEwen has returned f present on behalf of the Muvineigl home after spending a month with police, Phe jury consists of Jo friends In 3 ; "Miss I.'Kenyon, Perth, spent the Corrigan (foreman), John MecCam- Robert J. Martin, Joseph |, oi Wook' with Miss Maye Scott, Marshall Chozler, Calgary, is visit- n, Michael Farrell and James immond. The funeral took place ing his mother, Mrs. William Cros- treal, are the guests of $ a.m. at Marysville church and ent in Marysville cemetery, Mr. and Mrs, Balderson, visited Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. G. PAUL--Specialist for new or res ived, Bide Curtains, Slip Covers, Se- +4 upholstering pr okie , wind. shield and body glass put in Wht's you wait, llneleum and edging fo ne ning boards, waterproof truek eda er. line and awnings ® to Princess Street. Phone 1840 : Business Services Fuel ang Feed 18 ANTHRACITE COAL--Deliversd in cel. iars at $15.28 from car; $15.50 if taken from sheds, CAITLIN sxifa. Orders ooked. Apply CW; efile, 159 Col- lingwood St. "Phone 236%-m, G0 TO TALBOT'S LUMBER YARD 'gneession straet, for used lumber a + th a Dow a oid les, lowest price sible; har Sy soft Rog xed slabs, ne for prices. Phone 3753J. 1y, $10.00 ot § ba. 004. rescrean ieiivered. n $c. load Barris Law Office, corner re Bank Klee Money LL Ever SOLID BRICK HOUSE -- Centrally Jo- fo HB Trotter. Tari ors ard DY a Totter, er' A 345 Princess Street. © ware STON, OU. 33 Brock Stree tric fabs a hardwgod flo ay y eating. Immed T CONNOR, = "Phone 1183-J. Bt Princess St. NNINGHAM--Rea] Estaty A ne. ¥) on piven ing City Park DA nd! Qrerlooking the Lake, $5,300. tuart near Queen's, $6,300. all in condition. "starter elec ) not| { } Se Are h real Estate Agent. xth Street, news 8 iece Rént 25.08 © r also house on Cowdy Str 4 ¢ electric light and toilet. t Apply H. F. Norman, Parriek OB-=Brick ve 8 hot water heating. elsetric Hght and San es FB Geka u . 3 Toronto Bui ne: SOLID BRICK HOUSE=On stone foun dation, 7 Iooms, 3 s.oreys and attie, Arepiace; all speed transmission, and f= STAR SPECIAL TOURING With many extras. OVERLAND 4 DOOR SEDAN CHANDLIER 6 TOURING. -{ Why wait until you have all oney for a NE '| Bave thew 30 reasonabia." 00 TOU We invite you to Ouse, 138 Wellington Street, ated; ern in y decorated; modern imprevem: sn EW. sULLaN Real Bstate and Insurance Broker a TT - 15 - ges VAN _LUVEN BROS Canada's gross agricultural wes at the end of last year has been mated by the bureau of statistics as Br aot a Ar Sale grr | SH Set ¥ are t ot employées o : . La t «508,257, of the previous Mr. and Mrs. W. Besley. ~r 1 - Cot ad > BSETUnaY - , Blue beads are a foken of 'h | ---- : ; fuck to the orient. d ranks pext to Macaroni in the older meant t. "mu, BY GEORGE McMAN Si dy oh! phond Sit" 424 family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me. Culloch, Glenvale, were visitors last week at William Taggart's. McWilliams and Miss Alce The nmiany friends of Jack Dale, Bo is a patient in the Hotel Dieu, figston, will be glad to hear that jo is improving. : | Gauit, Napanee, is spend- | vacation at the home of his , Mrs. M. B. Gault, Laura Gowan, Oshawa, is « teller at the Bank of ws While Mr. Ple The insect the haman fu inte