THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Wednesday, August 25, 1926. Founded 1847. THE JAEGER SHOP | Here's DB, Styl "Every Man should have a double-breast- ed Suit in his wardrobe, particularly this season when the wedge-coated styles lend themselves so interestingly ' to the new modes. They're featured this season in three value-giving groups at 21.50 *30 *35 In Navy Blue and fancy effects. LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR BURBERRY COATS If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk Retail 2600 Wholesale 1767 Office 3654 Anderson Bros. Ltd. QUALITY - LARGER MARKET - SERVICE 1,000 pounds Spare Ribs, pound ....:13¢. TRIMMED LOIN ROASTS 35¢. 1b. PORK BUTT ROAST PORK 25¢. Ib. SHOULDER ROAST YORK 23c. 1b. Limerick Sausage, pound . WINDSOR ) SAUSAGE TENDERLOIN 2 lbs, 35c. Pound 55c¢. Shirriff's Orange Marmalade, 4 pound pail 69¢. OXFORD SAUSAGE 2 Ibs. 25c¢. Keillers' Dundee Black Currant Jam, 39¢. bottle ---- | Beaumert Pimento Cheese, } pound . . 30, PRIME, NEW ~ Cheese Pound 25c, |- Puffed Wheat--special, package . 12e, wo RICH, OLD # CITY AND DISTRICT ------ Yellow Free and White Peaches, only 76c. for a big bas- ket, Thursday, at Carnovsky's. Major McManus Improving, Major W. J. McManus continues to improve in the General Hospital. |He has been very critically ill, and {his friends are pleased to hear that | is condition is better. | Given Buspended Sentence. {| A young woman who was before | Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw on Tues- | day, on a charge of stealing a dress, | was allowed to go on suspended sent- fence, The accused made restitution. | -- | Women Liberal Workers Meet, | A meeting of the Liberal womerr | workers was held at Liberal head- | quarters last night Mrs. Diack, the | president, was in the chair and many matters of importance were | discussed. | | | Revision of Voters' List. { The revising of the voters' lists, | which is taking place at present, is proving quite a task and on the [first day of the revision fifty-seven | people made application to have nounces that he -will convert the | building into an apartment house. The house, which is a very large one, Was occupied by the Carruthers fam- ily for over one hundred years, but forty years ago a three-storey brick | addition was put up which material ly increased the room. The Property is situated in an excellent location and is surrounded by quite extensive grounds. Mrs. John Bell Carruthers was the last of the family to occupy the residence. Canadian Pacific Steamships City ticket office, 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steamships: ' Empress of Scotland, from Quebee, due Cherbourg and Southampton, Aug. 25th, and due Hamburg, Aug. 27th.. Empriss of France, from Ham- burg, Southampton and Cherbourg, due Quebec, Aug.. 27th. ! Montrose, from Montreal, due Liv- erpool, Aug. 27th. . Montclare, from Liverpool, Quebec, Aug. 27th. Harburn, from Antwerp and Southampton, due Quebec, Aug. 31st. Empress of Russia, from Vancou- due | corrections made. Just as many will | probably apply to-day to have their names added of to have them trans. ferred from one ward to another, -- Choir Visits Hotel Dieu. The seminary choir of St. Mary's ver, due Yokohama, Aug. 30th, and due Hong Kong, Sept. 6th. Empress of Asia, from Hong Kong, due Vancouver, Sept, 6th, Had Enjoyablé Time, College, Augusta, visited the Hotel The excursion to the Experimen | Dieu, on Friday afternoon. There ara | oy outy members in the choir and all | of these are boys who are in attend- ance at the institution. They spent | |a pleasant time at the hospital and | sang at the Benediction dervices Fri- | day evening. Cattle Triplets. During this season there was one lot of triplets and one pair of twins born at the Hemlock Park Stock Farm, all of which lived and thrived. It will be remembered that last sea- | son quadruplets were born at this! jsame farm, but they did not live. | |Recently a young two-month-old bull | as sold to a man in Syracuse, N.Y. | and it will be shipped very soom, | A ---------- R.C.H.A. Return Thursday. On Thursday morning the R.C.H.A. will return to the eity from their camp at Petawawa. They have had a very busy summer and it will be quite a change for the members to get back into the city again. A de- tachment of the Artillery are billed to appear at the Canadian National exhibition at Toronto, which opens this Saturday. ' Visiting Boats, Visiting boats at the Kingston Yacht Club to-day include the Lotus from Sodus Point and the Hudson from Chaumont Bay. Theyfare here for the dinghy races which were to {be wailed last Saturday but are being sailed this week-end. This race, when the Chaumont and Kingston sailors battle, is attracting attention of many surrounding clubs and many visitors are expected for the event. tal Farm at Ottawa, conducted by the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, Proved a wonderful success and those who were not able to make the trip last June were afforded an op- portunity of seeing this model farm and all the most modern improve- ments both in machinery and cult: vating methods. Also many spant a very emjoyable holiday at the Cen- | 'O= tral Canada Exhibition and report: that it is a show well worth seeing, with exhibits from afl over Ontario and Quebec, and many novel and en- tertaining features. The total num- ber taking in the excursion on Tues- day was 286 and most of the hali- dayers returned home early Wednes- day morning. Mr. R. J. Bushell, the energetic manager of the Kingston Industrial Exhibition, personally con ducted the excursion and devoted himself to seeing that all had an an joyable time, | Lm soca news | Mrs. Sterne, Toronto, was in town with her father, Rev. A. H. Young, on Tuesday, -. . * 3 Miss Muriel Wright, Ottawa, is with her sister, Mrs. Carr-Harris, Mack street. - . . Mrs. W. W. Craig, West street, entertained the visiting bishops a: their hosts and hostesses at tea on Tuesday afternoon. - "® » Celebrate Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Hamm, 234 Brock Avenue, Toronto, celebrated their golden wedding on Monday by holding a family gathering and re ception, which was attended by Scores of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hamm were married in Napanee in 1876, were both born J4n Canada and have lived for the past forty years in Toronto, where' Mr. Hamm is a builder. C.N.R. Handles the Tour. Mr. T. BE. P. Pringle, general ageat of the passenger department of the Canadian Nktional Railways, was in the city with the Cambridge students. He handles their tour in Ontario and in the United States. The students travel in two parlor cars wih a spe- cial diner attached. They are given every comfort and attention. They came here on the International Lim. } wheat crop is growing stronger, but ited on Tuesday and left for Toronto to-day on the same train, ---- No Hard Times Here. The demand for men in the west to help in the harvesting of the large still the east does not respond to the Mr. and Mrs. James Hales, Toron- to, were visitors in town on Tuesday and were with Prof. W. T. MacCle- ment, Queen's University, - - - os. John Fairlie and Master Herbert Wood, Brock street, have returned from Calabogie, where they were with Rev, John and Mrs, Mac- donald. * * - Rev. J. H. H, and Mrs. Coleman, Napanee, who have returned from a trip to Vancouver and California, were in town on Tuesday for the consecration. A . - . Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Benn, Moscow, and Mrs. B. W,. Gilbert, Napanee, who motored to Rochester, N.Y, to spend a week with their relatives, have returned Home. . - ». Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fair, Simcoe, were with Mrs. J. M. Fair, Aberdeen avenue, for the week-end. Mr, Fair has returned home, but Mrs. Fair will remain is town for a week. . . - Mrs. R. O. MacInnis, Iroquois Falls, Ont., is at her summer home, Port Darling, Muskoka, and for the past week has had as her guest Miss Margaret J. McMahon, also of Iro- quols Falls. : darts ~ . J 3 Fall Dress // Goods and \ Silk Exhibit A complete and unsurpass- ed line of new fabrics and colors: will be on display Thursday and we hope you will not delay your purchase, for the newest and prettiest are always the first to go. Wy o 300 yds. Chiffon Taffetas For evening wear--for daytime frocks--in wonderful shot effects or plain colors. Shades: ROSE WILD HONEY TANGERINE NAVY ROSEWOOD FLAME TURQUOISE CANARY BLACK ORCHID 36 inches wide. $2.00 and $2.25 900 yards Fugi Silk, 89¢ 25 shades of lovely Fugi Silk--most suitable for af- ternoon or pretty dance frocks. APRICOT POPPY CORAL PEACH JADE SEA GREEN FLAME HENNA TURQUOISE FLESH PINK ROSEWOOD NAVY SEAL BROWN PELICAN Black Satin Crepe is decidedly new for the evening or afternoon frock. Ask to see our special value. 39 inches wide, $3.00 yard 175 yds. Printed Silk Crepe de Chene' Flat Crepe and Canton Crepe in a wide range of de- signs and go ors. LE e above we will offer at a ver ial price. Regu- lar values $3.00 to $4 50, ¥ Specia. prics; Regu Your pick Thursday at one price $2.39 yd. 250, yds. Colored Economy Silk, 60c yard | 36 inches wide. A lovely silk finished fabric with a hi , Te hi 2uita e for dresses and s lustrous ap- ry Ly | { |