{ "Dodds, Mrs. Caton, Miss Jackson, | The Success of Miss Marian Fox, Marisiting Mr. and Mrs. Hérb Mastin. "trot, TH aah VOTE FOR H. H. HORSEY Liberal Cindidate for Lennox-Prince Edward, and a Liberal Progressive administra. tion i means the retention of the government railways and concrete achievements like the ROBB BUDGET. DAILY BRITISH WHIG ? Wednesday, August 25. 1926. PROBS: --Thursday, moderate winds, fair with a + little higher temperature, PICTON Pletoh, Aug.. 24--Mrs. W. R. Brown was: hostess to the Cherry Valley Women's Institute, at their monthly meeting, at her beautiful home on Main street on Tuesday af- térnoon. The president, Mrs. D. 8. Jackson, occupied the chair and Mrs. W. R. Monro, district secretary, gave a short address. A programme of un- usual merit was listened to atten- tively. Among those taking part were Miss Sara Caton, Mrs, Herber: Scott, Miss May Jackson, Mrs. Beck- VOTE FOR R.J.BUSHELL THE FARMERS' CANDIDATE IN FRONTENAC-ADDINGTON ~---- days with his parents at the Manse, Picton. The téa hostess at the Golf Club last week were Mrs, BE. M. Young, | & | WOMEN'S MEETINGS Misses Ida Martin, Nell Miller and Kathryn Tobey. Mrs. Rae Qufelt and two young sofis of Belleville are guests at the Woman's Missionary Pittsburgh Mission Rally. Members and friends of the three | Soclpties of] J. 8. Earle home, Ferguson street. Mrs. Arnold M. Platt is receiving this Tuesday afternoon, for the first time siace her marriage at her home, Bowery street, Earl McMullen of Kenosha, Wis- the Pittsburgh Circuit held a Mis- | sionary rally on Aug. 19th at the | home of Mrs. Richard Lloyd, presi- dent of the Pine Grove, W. M. S. Af-! ter opening the meeting with a! hymn and prayer by Mrs. Will'am vith, Mrs. Ruth Smith, Mrs. BE. A Morden, Mrs. T. BE. Waring and Mrs Mrs. BR. Cowan and Miss Newman | ¢ ¢gisted the hostess in serving dell} t Hus refreshments. | Mrs. Taylor MeVeity of Ottawa, fs} the guest of hen mother, Mrs. Os- 'wald Young, Mary street. : * Miss Dernice Reid is in Toronto Mr. and. Mrs. Alan Ohristie and $hildren are on a motor trip to St, $:mbbrt, Que. where they ard Buests of Mrs. Christie, Sr. . Miss Jessie Carter arrived in town 'Monday after a three month' trip v1. siting friends in Toronto and De- Mrs. Percy Osborne and daughter Norma, of Rochester, N.Y., are visit- ing Mrs. Gertrude Cralg, Chapel Street. : Norman W. Lee of the Royal Bank, Toronto is spending his holi- consin is & guest at the McMullen home, Main street. MADE FINE RECORD Bloomfield. *~ Bloomfield, Aug. 28--The prim- ary room is being Scripture Grice sang a solo, which all enjoy- ed. Mrs, Lloyd then introduced Mrs. Maybee, who has years in missionary work in China. | Mrs. Maybee's address was full of interest, when by dolls, dressed to represent the cus improved by a| toms of Chinese peop'e, she told or the difficulties which these people | Atkinson, Mrs. Lloyd read the Mrs. Clinton lesson. spent ald of varlous new hard wood floor, and the seats are being placed so as to give the children 'a better light for their work. The other rooms are having minor improvements made and all being thoroughly cleaned and made ready for school to open September 1st. We are very proud of the resord made by Miss Marian Fox, who com- pleted her fourth year in the Col- legiate, passing her examinations with" first class honors in five sub- jects, and second class honors in two. Miss Fox walked nearly a mile morning and evening . to take the school hus, and travelled the seven miles tu Picton and back, daily, ex cept in extreme weather, beside help- ing with the work of the home, and we think she deserves a great dea! of credit and wish her every suc- cess. A cheerful party of Toronto girls spent the week #nd at the home of C. W. Fraleigh. They have motored through the Adriondacks, New Eng- land States to Lake Placid, visited Montreal, Ottawa, ete., having splen- did weather throughout the trip un. if | ti] Saturday and rather than attempt } the bad detour on the Kingston i! road, made the stop over at Bloom- field. ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorland mo- {| tored to their home in Toronto Sat. urday, after a pleasant weeks' visit with their many old friends here. Mr. George Johnson left Thursday for Winnipeg to spend some time on il | his old ranch, now owned by his son. Mrs. Clinton and Miss Nell Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. C. Conneticut and other eastern points, and report a most enjoyable trip. . Mr. H. Y. Cooper left Thursday morning for Valley City, N.D., where Mrs. Cooper has been spending the summer with her mother and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper gave a family dinner party Wednesday ev. ening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. El mer Noxon d daughter of St. encountered in their desires to be-| come followers of,Christ. Mrs. Al [} | 1 fourtesn | H. McAlpin and Miss Mildred Me-! fi Alpin rendered several musica; selections during the tea hour. About fifty persons' were present. This is the first of a series of meet- ings planned by "the missionary workers. i ------ | TELEPHONE WORKS WELL. | The Operator, H. E. Saul, Gives Ef. | * ticlent Service. | { Northbrook, Aug. 23.--Huckle- berries continue plentiful,'and hun-| dreds of quarts are taken south] daily. Many loads frequent Belle-| ville market. Lloyd spent the week-end with Mr. | Peter Lloyd. Mr. C. Cameron, of | Kingston, was a Friday caller. Mr. | Cameron intends returning shortly to instal Delco lighting systems. * Mr. Robert Paul, of Seeley, made | Mr. and Mrs. James | his trip through purchasing beet | hides and wool. Mr. C. C. Thomp-| son has a carload of sugar to unload ! and many are purchaisng right from | the car. working condition, and praise is due our central operator, H. E. Saul, for prompt and efficient service. Mr. Gordon Wood installed a fine visible gas pump, and will handle Marathon gas in future at his gar- age. Mrs. L. BE. Shier, Belleville, spent the week with Mrs. R. J. Moon. Mr. Willlam Atkins spemd., the week-end at home, returning to Moa- cow, where he is engaged putting in bridges. Mr. Frank Thompson spent Supday at Point Anne with his brother, Thomas. Mr. C. OC, Thompson is erecting & five-room The telephone is in fine | NOW FO A Great 3 Day Sale R OUR ANNUAL st Sale! Starting Thurs- day continuing to Saturday House Furnishings and House-Keepers Supplies _ ASale with a Reason--having as its object supplying homes ' and house-keepers with their many needed requirements at great price concessions. Take full advantage of these August prices, and secure your Fall home-needs now. On Sale 9 o'clock $3.50 values. Thursday ! To go at $1.95 pair 'Cash and Carry --as this quotation is the lowest in whole of Canada ! For the first 50 customers We will place on sale 50 pair first quality Ibex Flannel- ette Blankets in the largest | 2-4. double-bed size. White or Grey with colored borders of Blue and Pink. Regular HOUSE-KEEPERS ! portunity is yours--take advantage of these new low prices and replenish your household needs. Bed Comforters SHEETING -- heavy weight, round thread Sale Price $2.75 each Sheeting, full bleached, priced as follows:-- 100 heavy, Cotton Down Filled 7-4 wi " Chintz Covered Bed Comforters in width Sale Price 47¢. yd. Sale Price 57c. yd. a full assortment of patterns and I colors. Size 60 x 72. Regular Sale Price 59¢. yd. $3.50 values. Curtain Madras 89c¢ yd. Real Scotch Cream Madras with well covered patterns. 45 to 50 ins. wide. Priced up to $1.75 a yard. J Colored Silk Madras $1.00 yd. Imported Silk Madras in colors Green, Rose, Blue: Gold and Silver. I lenges JI to a0 vard Cretonnes 39c yd. In light and dark shades, in large and small floral and conventional ~ Curtains S PRICE... .... PILLOW COTTON | _ The celebrated Wabasso Circular Pillow Cotton in three specially priced groups: -- GROUP 1 SALE in 40 and 42 in. widths. PRICE 35c. yd. GROUP 2 in 40, 42 and 44 in. widths. SALE PRICE 45c. GROUP 3in 40, 42 and 44 in. widths. yd. SALE PRICE 55¢. yd. PILLOW SLIPS Heavy, White Cotton Pillow Slips with hem- stitched ends. SALE PRICE ..... LINEN TOWELS Pure Irish Linen--good weight low prices | In 40, 42 and 44 inch widths. 43c. and size--at new Sale Price 23¢. each Sale Price 33c. each Two outstanding values in Linen Finished Cot- ton Table Damask. No. 1 is 54 inches wide No. 2 is 58 inches wide Sale Price $1.09 One piece pure Linen Table Damask; 70 inches wide . . . e Linen, full 2} yards long. "hare. ROLLER TOWELLING Sale Price $1.39 ......69. each Pure Linen, good, heavy weight. SALE PRICE ........ «+ +++. 1 yards for $1.00 BATH TOWELS ; & Extra heavy, large sized Terry Towels in two « {| Ko. 1 Colored Terry T. Is . .....Sale Price 47 No. 2 White Terry Towels . Sale Price 89. $3.50 pair Louise, Mo., who have been visiting | relatives here and in Belleville. French Voi 'values were 5 rmerly $5.50 up to $15.00 a pair. Lo Rw "uve ee