7 = w fo 9 Su - > pad -- : ERT $i Tet THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Wednesday, August 25, 1926." TimELY COMMENTS DEMPSEY ' WIT SITE | BASCoras-L . : | REROOF FOR 50 YEARS WITH TEE ay | [J gn | EDHAM KOLORED SHINGLES ) National League. Philadelphia, Pa. : Pittsburgh 10, Brooere 1, 'Philadelphia, Aug. 25. Jack | : H Cincinnati 4, New York 3. : a Dempsey, st. bf : Chicago 9, Philadelphia 4. : | . i Touts tc ie or eta anda es \ : Chicago 9, Philadelphia 0. : They will save you time, labor, money and Atlant ity, 1 Boston 2, St. Louis 1. ? I his Boaters aoied, he tity. tor : 8t. Louis 5, Boston 5. Cs add beauty and charm to your home. . : h Gene Tunney, September ' ; 23rd. The champion, together with " American League. ; | 3 | his write, Promoter * Tex Rickard, Washington 9, St. Louis 6. gon, i UMB Mayor Kendrick and others, visited eo: ! LR 5 : k the oemuridin. the inclosure. of Belting al Loagus. a , Victoria Street He ial Exposition 7 77% Rochester 3, Baltimore 0. ; Toronto 4, Jersey City 2. impressed 2 Toronto 3, Jersey City 0. ,000, icl- ; " with the huge $3,000,000 municl ' : Newark 8, Buffalo 4. pal stadium. As he looked about | ; him, at the high tiers of seats, he ex. . Newark 10, Buffalo 2. claimed : 5 Syracuse 5, Reading 2. : \ > "This is a knockout of a place. ; , A re erencia ; STANDING OF COLUBS. . What a spot it will be when ft is up." ---- -- ---- : title holder left for Atlantic National League. = Clty after a conference with Rick. a Won Lost re | CIGAR ard. He intends to start training to- | Sepa Pittsburgh .. .. ..87 48 .583 - Morrow provided that his camp is St. Louls.. .. ...70 BY .579 \ Teady for him, Cineinnatt.. ... ..70 51. .579 : or Ask for the Tex Rickard has opened head- Chioago.. .. .. ..83 B57. .528 25¢ Bull Dog si Quarters here, brin with him a New York.. .. .. .58 80 .492 CAREY g size Staff of assistants 'om Madison Brooklyn.. .. .. .58 66 .468 i Square Garden. These executives ; Boston... ..... /.. 48°71 , 403 Are traived in handling tickets and - Philadelphia.. .. .43 73 a1 other details, Rickard intends rent- vy ) ie-- Ing a buflding as permanent head. American League. Quarters within a day or two. : , j Won Lost P.C Billy Gibson, manager of Tunney, New York.. .. -..77 45 - .831 fame with Rickard to Inspect sev- Cleveland.. ..... ..87 55 .549 etal training sites - offered the 4 Philadelphia.. .. ..67 56 .545 challenger. Among them is the gd LA Detroit.. .. .. ....863 57 525 Evergreen Farms, a country Club : ; ic: Washington. is ..60 B59 504 i on the outskirts of Philadelphia; 3 E Chicego.. .. .. ..80 61 .496 & delegation from Wildwood, N.J.. i y : St. Louls.. .. .. ..61 '12 415 "also presented a proposal to Gibson. ! Boston.. .. .. .. .42 83 .339 Ra, He also received offers from Dela- ity ---- | Ware Water Gap, Pa. oo International League. SAYS PRAYER HELPS WIN BASEBALL GAMES ; Won Lost P.C. It may be that the Pittsburgh Pirates will sweep through ! Toromto.. ... .. ..86 49. 637 to th Tabi 3 2 ? Beit ore .81 52.09) .0 another National League Pennant and world championship ¢ VOSS. . 5.81 83 .go4/| this fall, but if they do the vigtory will be empty and the glory EE 1 ati i irs Le | 2 Ontario Governmeat ing to BO: . .. ...77 59 .s56¢| tarnished for thousands of Pittsburgh fans who have followed this year. | Nothing 4s known at Queen's Rochester.. .. .. .66 69 .489|the fortunes of Max Carey for the last sixteen years. For Max / 2] CANADIAN NATIONAL University as to the possibility of \ : : ' : Chantler and Voss not entering the | Jersey City.. ., ...60 72 .45 Uarey is still an idol of the fans. He commands not only their 2 - rl fall session and turning out with the | Syracuse... .. 32 5 3 praise but their affection. He 18 something more than a mere = il E X H | i | ] } 0 i ". '"e .. . y | 5 g fa rugby squad. It is ng? thought like. | Reading. . 9 ball player, as anyone might have suspected last fall, when, ly that they: would break their with simple unaffectedness, he credited God Almighty with he i= T T course at this time to accept posi, | a answering his prayers for vi i { i i a ORON Oo 1 tions offered them in California. Washington pray Or Yiclory in the world series with f "wr The report from St. Thomas that SPORT NOTES remot Ar eA et RNS 1928 Dates--Aug. 28--Sept. 11 the two crack players were consider. ' : ~-- ing an offer to go south was news "| others the big lead of the Yankees . to the Queen's athletic authorities. Croquet 1s probably the only truly | would soon be cut down. , -- TT -- In sport circles the report still | amateur sport in the world. z ee 1 a i : : persists that Harry Batstone may ny : nyiRv) 08) AND Xet be seen in a Queen's uniform the The first international athletic coming rugby season. Bt is said | meet for women in Europe was BUFFALO'S BAMB that an effort is being made to get| held five years ago at Monte Carlo. TE » Billy Kelly Out to Better ny him to fake a science course. es -------------- The battling of Floyd Herman, International Loop i Gl lh," | 29x balloon Brooklyn's first baseman, who eame C LC THE REFEREE from Minneapolis, is proving one «Homer Mark. | | | QOODRICH SILVERTOWN TIRES AND TUBES of the . big features 4 the major | ' iz & VULCANIZING a s | league season. - il soe | | Phone 2852w What was Brian Norton's ranking While a student at Cornell, Miss] Rule 3 , | 108 Brook St. 5 a] Po [er 1 in national tennis last season?--D, Nora Stanton Blatch, granddaughter) SES F= | ' : F. G. of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was ; : fi Don't abuse or Dyer; Ninth, _ 'the first woman to swim across ; ; § Work them -- if they . What was the score of the final Cayuga Lake. : give cause for worry : GE ; match -in the recent British amateur | : * ow == ' Bl have us Xamine Here's an alin rookie | 5% championship?--F. G. M. Tris Speaker recently has been Ei | ih oF of the Cleveland Indians Sweetser beat Simpson 6 and 5. using the sacrifice hit instead of r em now, f idlin was recently purchased from |, at did Stutfy McInnis of the (ihe ni and run play, and has been i. ! 'Waco club Texas League, where Phiten it lost year?--F, D, T. getting excellent results from the | IE. g * : +3638, change in programme. 1 # gag up an rable Tacard, Je What was the result of the inter- . WI STamme. . | I ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APP ARATUS 08 lives 1p 10 prefiction, beh Jom finals in 236 Davis ¢up competi- | In the first Appeararics In com. : Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. & X n year? WALD petition, an Englis girl athletic, WIth. that snd pore. % In want njeated Australia, 3-1. |Miss Phyllis Green, lesped into "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" t-- In what years did ie Anderson | fame with a broad jump of 17 feet AWA FOOTBALL DRG, Co OPeR Olt WtleT--|3 1-4 inches, only one-quarter ot an| [EEE HALLIDAY CTRIC CO. A D. FG inch short of the world's record. = a as 901, 1903, 1904 and 1905. * vn : o Corner King and Princess Streets . . Phone 04, > It is seldom that an outfielder is : ; 3 : Ostrich racing is a popular sport fast enough to captuse seven flies in Vienna and. Rome. The ostriches in one game, and three of them are treated just like race horses, |on their way for sure extra-base and have trainers and - jockeys. hits, but this was the feat perform- Their speed fs amazing, often as |ed the other day by Mostril, of the much as 26 miles an hour, 'while | Chicago White Sox in a game with even with two men on {ts back an the Athletics. g ostrich has been known to run fas- . 0. 9 1 | ter than a horse. Cleveland ds one of the few teams The Ardmore team, whose fran- that seems to have the number of . ' chise has been transterred to Jop- [the New York Yankees. The In- ; . SoinG lin because of poor patronage, won | dians won five of their last eight $ 20 F rom she pennant in the first half of the | games with New York, and ff (tor. | - Billy Kelly, Ps 34 cont x Rg qutpment will be dug| Western Associetion season. example oould be 'emulated by Presenting Billy Kelly, the Babe : Smith's Fy to and incloding Torente on Laks Ontarie Shore his week, and everything will | wenn a R-- Ruth of the International League. il Seat! 2 to Junction, inclusive. 3 i full swing by the middle of i | ; : Billy plays for the Buffalo Bisons Seton to Bobcaygeon, inclusive; Drancel to Pert MeNicoll and a and the other day poled his thirty , ] _-- fourth circuit clout tion. h high mark for the Jeague estab- lished in 1922 by *'Red" Wingo, now of Detroit. With two monthe more to play Kelly hopes to reach" the 7 thus setting a record likely to stand for years.