Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1926, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ; August 26, 1926. _ The Whigs Classified Page Is a Public Forum and a True Market Place y a British Whin IR Ir DEATHS. General noel ead » Wanted _ ouT OUR WAY. k J | he i sday, Aug. 25th. 1926.| Male and Femate Help Wanted 3 : ; | CLABSF IND, ADVERT.SING } 5s {be held from 144" Cartes | ATTENTION Big $5 Private Cbrist-| £77) * | FIRB--Automobile and Casuaity Insure Bundt cisaincation. aed to lhe | [iSite of 36 Feb Shnd foie esse Ton Ch VB a menties Tes Burt oon» |e AOL SR Te & Fouts, Ply wile RATES: oe SU LI Nin Kinghte on August | Borne os nexpensive agian time: Col ry Z CIKE IT "TELL NUH ~-- DEAR +. 3, | INSURANGCE--Only the most reliably * Dally rate ver line or consecutive 7 . An. 7 deliver later. Highest commission. Ex- / | Companies represent: Strange a; lr mr JOUR SIFER (OF Posilion RECENED, | CIES Sa indies, Sac» = ur y « 5 - > . I 1 i Minimum Sarge, Boon rs L 9 0 turday morning . n, Se HEHE HL Hs 2 AND *2000 PER WEEK DAYAR . | fxs . 2 BN AN Pp S --0 p HH i : AC : : nd grt ronize a Cura, Barber Shop. i i NOTED r LAM UNABLE Ce ! 8 o:o- drs pussanreid 4 att the mass. B ORYS ...ccun craves ave J ES ; \ p he 10c. Boys' 2 THis Hag i . = ' : ory Bt ur dear son] Als emer sais. dhe. Shaves isc Bove 2h POSITION : OWIN' TO LARGE "agseave RI 8 ' Dasha Aorgrrieir charged, rr | om Jlland, taken home| JinEion Street. ' , / RESTS, KH WILL, S00 4 | d_ Hugh Er | i TION: | A enka had. Memoriam | August 26th, 191 "Agents Wanted 4 ENGAGE MM ENTIRE ATTENTIO ; a 18%; QRSh, $100. |. now that we shall find him LANE TA Cotes : [] \ ; | ane in When tears are wiped away, i jot; i -. S ) iN - k A. ANDERSON--Painter and Decorator iar id the v e rob band, Row for every unrepresented Jistriot: 5 . ny y . ¢ A ns J Rd {Amid the whi ir beg ira largest-an LB ha gl hundred R 5 . i . residence 'phone 1966. Of a rate; no ad. ta for less taan of four "lin Shop and | acres. ursery, established forty fice 283 King Street. on. | For well we know our Reggie, Years. Our agency is valuable. Write t six Average words to the |; 07 LOU in that home Mow and secure territory. Pelham ads. a ice within § days fro.a sent anid ot insertion, cash rate jas more than one day 8 FRI dIP igen F208 E2aiktper GET YOUR PAINGCING---ARd Pa Paper for amid, Horton, ih Calling~ wood Street. Yonons 2984, AS , ! 3 \ | a , | Where neither pain. or death, Nursery Co., Toronto. A fis I | dome now. JFrices reasonable. ww be received; by i parting ever come. a ' : i : Wanted 6 '... A little bilq shall lead them, 4 £ : 7 iy PAINTING AND FArEn HANGIN Ge Yes: e the cross, YOUNG WOMAN--With one - . HN . \ . Shingling and all kinds of repa } heaven receive us FON, aan position as house- 7 Z 2 _-- 3 oo 0) 4 work done promptly. Kelly Bros., 31 all gain: not Hepat for Protestant people. Apply y 7 = NN > wy, NES, J Earl Street, near Barrie St 8 $ =z $ AN, 1088. Mother and Father. ot] Vest Unton St. GA 2 Z ON NE) i \ | SIGN PAINTING--J. 5. Robinson, rear CARD OF THANKS. you G MARRIED covrLE = Deairs at ma V Feany iL | -~ 3 | bagot Street p , 88 000 Z 5 » ms | Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McDonald wish tielper. Apply Bol D-26, Whig Office a. NA = nen = type. | thank thejr friends and neighbors, Many years experience. A 3 * N os ¥ Henly Advert El iow. ang ascend, yursew of the Ho- rem : z ; 4 / ! FRUNTENAU LOAN AND INVESTS bor aayanand dectors in their recent § Real Estate For Rent © Mr ig 17d / ; | MENT SOCIETY -- Incorporated im FS FONSEVS the right to edi | Der o A im ne mm ~ ' CHa A P 1861. President, A. D. Cartwright, <. or reject all classified advertising dq: Apartments and Plats 7 Vice-president J. M. Farrell Money wo . loan on eit, aad arm pe opestioa: in. p s vestment, n i de F4iephons 243; ask for a want ad. Sh to entend ohethe late Leon Privel gp papa Sydenham Apartments, posits received Rnd Iarerot pala' on : . 2 | Joiah to 1 their DE oition of the Brock Street, 4 rooms and bath room minimum monthly balance. KR. & ympathy T 1 Dy 2 10M i rl - ood oh ~ ps {ing their late bereavement: (flowers), foots. ADDY re ator, Mardw Sartwright, manager, 37 Clarence St. | Mr. and Mrs. Willlams, Mrs. Fay, em- on = | Bloxees, Belleville Box Co. Mr. E.|Susinanis APARTMENT --Furnished aragy 208 Green, Mr. and Mrs. Brookes, Mrs. Ven- or unfurnished, 7 rooms ang bath- nie Bullick, Picton; (mass cards), Mrs. | room, beautifully decorated, hard. Prank Belonge, Mrs. Flannigan, Mrs.| wood floors electricity, gas, in best Stary Carr, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kennedy, | central residential locality. Apply Box Mr. Joseph Hammond, Mr. Lenogh, Mr. J-11, Whig Office. ares ££ A EZ STORAGE~~For furniture, clean, Sex: alry room» and spaces; your own loc and key. Frost's City Storage, 299+ 305 Queen SL. "Phone 526, es. 959-w. John Darragh, Mr, and Mrs. Liston, Mr. $ | 4 . Tr Phat | or 1932-3. and Mre. Walker, Mrs. L. helan. The FURNIS v = £ A N family also exiond their heartfelt] iq Including, pine iosted and Hent, 7 fF bof 211111 1 2 Le A | nox STORAGE WAREHOUSE--For i | thanks for the kindness shown by the 08s jon furniture or amy merchandise. Fires Sikters of the House of Providence whe | Dniocraion immediately. Apply 188 j proof building. 'I'hone 1000 or 1177, + = . i" dit W \ Ee ------ - Business aces 5 Vi AS . \ Miscertancous Lost and Touna 1) y A ijl: ; AN / / Z Ad ANN WN | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and | conmm SUFTABLE--TFor butcher shop 7 2025 " W\ NY Jards clean job dons A, McGregcts o 4 Russell Sireet. - 'Phong : | ASHBS--Removed from yard and eels attended Mr, Prive during his iliness, CRANK~--For Briscoe car, lost between| --wil] make erations to suit tenant, pg > A g Inverary and Colin's Lake. on August) Apply 69 Patridk Street. THE CURE FOR NOSIN JRwllamg 17th. Finder please return to BTVEY | "mea ae TREAT ' - ae Snider, Harrowsmith, or leave at the | OFFIOES--For rent, large and smal MENT NO 3 EY, \ g eral carting; first class arys Wie' brite to sun, fou, Bb Buln fore | ik Fp, caring An bie S08 - enant upon application to ---- Se ---------- 1 . g LOST--A purse. Reward. Please re-| D. Sloan, Bibby's Limited. : Buckley Transfer, 143 York Street - | Sar : turn to) Capital Theatre. Wot: D Real Estate For Rent Arcles For Sale Business Services Phone 291 and 3816- STORE--17 ® gton Street, formers -- -- rn _ | - - RE LOST: STRAYED Or atolen, yellow! ly opcupied by mo ily Crawford, florist. Rooms 10 Miscellaneous 15 Dr 20a, | BATTERY SERIE I as collie, narrow, white strip, ~ light Ossession September ist. ~ Apply to C. essmaking a. have 2 ital CT ia Radio Stores: Ahaulders, Alsvers Jo name ot Rex, Livingston & Bro. Brock Street. FURNISHED ROOMS Good locality, BRICK--Stock. pressed. Rug Rustic, DRESSMAKING--Contmaking sna os crops found harboring ¢ a Torihis Posmind cold running water in each! wire cut, building a aby Arn | Croat AIT a making. antted, | BATTERY SERVICE -- 'Phone Radia notice w e prosecuted. 'Plone Houses ° room; well heated. Keasonable terms. A. Neal, 824 Johnson St. "Phone 3041. coatg ned, r guarantted, | 1307. We'll call for yoursbattery, res 1507-J, > Terms moderate Eva Maddigan, 41 ' ' N Undertaker and Embaimer, ; 492 Johnson St, corner Frontenac St. Bagot Street. Phony Sontag charge and deliver. Canada Kadio FEIINDSE DOG-- Witl/ white feet. | BIMCK HOUSE TO LET -- Corner of| 'Phone 997-4. CANARIES--. Guaranteed Rolers, with| Bagot Street. 'Phone 20 3d | Stores. Rentals if you wish, AMBULANCE, 20, | lost. Phona Tis Y 1 White Tee. | "Earl abd AMed Strseh. All modern or without cages. Apply 188 Union St. Professionas 21 Ont. Phone ost, one a Improvements; first class shape. Ap-| LARG pif BRIGHT---Comfortable rooms, r---- TRICYCLE-Found on Thursday even- ply on premises. 4 oR bithroom floor. Board if desired. | FOR SALE--Bicycle tires, $1.75 and CAVERLY TRANSFER aripes x ince treet, ploughing, 168 wellinbon i usekeaping. APPLY | $2.00; Slso fubss at $1.00 cach. APply| DRUGLEDS PRACTITIONER -- Ww. A. and Siig Fardens Also gene give : L 1 ing. Owner may have same at M7 pRAME HOUSE All 1m A 71-37 Marceii 0 £ Barri - . 3 + ' J provements,| 169 Wellington St. Muller's bicycle works, 371 313 Xing Aarceiis, corner o Irie and Prin teamwork done. Kstimates . CUT FL Princess Street 304 Collingwao St. Emm by proving same. 'garage, Street. Ap- 'Phone 1961-w. cess Street Chiropractic adjust-| +p 507-J. Re -- oly 165 Raglan Road, or Phone 1472-7, ROOM AND BOARD--193 Brock Street. ments, electric treatments and hand. | hone. 1607 - massage. X-ray service. . Consulta. Expert Piano Tuning, ee ---- WEDDING BO! Help Wanted "Phone 1747-J. . ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS a anted FURNISHED SUMMER BUNGALOWS. = GILL NET FISHING-- fon free. Hours 9-13 am. 1-6 p.m. Player-Plano Agjusting. i}: K'S Male Help Wanted 8! 5 and 7 rooms, with fireplaces and " Wantea To Rent 11 * Evefiings b ERotiitment. Office tele- + ATRIC Screened verandahs: $3.00 to $10.00 per - Equipment Sonsiats AL nets, phone $82-J. esidence 'phone 957-J. > Phone A844. 0 - FOUNG week; tview Park; 6 mil ¢ - motor boat, shanty, reels, etc. 2 - C. W. LINDSAY, LIM ED « ART AND FLOWER STORE A YOUNG--And progressive life insur ton ay 7. D. Boyd Foren ROOM AND on RED. Gentle . lcense.' For particuldrs apply | LUCY==Geo. F. and déunie A, Chiro. : 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. their ongamisetion: fring | pA 2784-r-3 at Eastview. fortapie room and am in private| Clarence Shérman, R. R. Nou. §, pried ures, 502 Bagot | UrMULSTERING--AnG general repalrs a bright, energetic man for this district. LIVINGSTON A¥Ee~ 7 réomed house, BOMe. Liberal compensation for suit-| - Napanee, Ont. Feat. ° roa'? 1%! ing. Leave orders at or drop a card A 1-5, 6-17.00. Consuliation free. WW, Harold ) oot. il seom. ation. B. B- Wi oy to # fF are 104 Clergy Sir : ie ar ee > Oh od 9 all improvements, gas, newly deécorat. able acco mod n i 0x B-24, Whig GRAIN SEPARATOR--A Victor Mathew 'hone 1600-4 a ed, garden with fruit; near car line. Moody, 22" x 86"; adapted for tractor] SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, a Songdential A PL Em immsinsston "Ave. 'Phons| ww ixwED_--Fiut of 3 on 4 furnished] work. Only used a short time. As| Warts, Birthmarks Skin C rooms, d price for quick sale. A to| 1. Satistactory BOYS---To sell week-end papers. oung married couple. Possession Oct, | duced p . JARDLY uto Accessories ly HAroM J, Smith, Barrack ors Kite SEVE HOUSE--Newly deco- | 130"f, err! to Geo. D. Dento a Teets. a. J. Lak GETON AUTO TOP AND BODY PIANO~Heintzman and Co. Ionic, whi-| Eye, Kar, Skin, 35 hs 4 Ho A "Phone 2051 earn $1.00 TR Trotter, Trotier's Hardware, rooms, : large ving room with fire. PROVIDE~For that 7 King street. 'Phone tric light and gas, hardwood floors, hot Limit- | & U-23, Whig om £0 3.30 pam, Evenings 7.5. Ong ton. bord 7 N ROOMED Ernest A. Sharp, RR. No, 1, (dessa | INrBished after Be fated, barn apd inthe lot, No aTei| Box 78, ood. 'one State terms, | Ont. Years: experidnenithout operation. ' 35 red. poly J. on ete. N . A : ose, Throat, of Auto, B Writing All Kinds of Insurance. FIRS oLASS | PLUMBER... Apply Me-| RB 5 " WANTED FOR QCCUFPATION -- Sept,| DUE case, (n excellent condfiimns Nok Bagot Btreet. Phone $01w. House 11883 | ana hions, Commarcith y . - Broek SOLID BRICK HOUSE Centrally lo-| J5th on long lease, seven-roomed| STeatly reduced price; on easy terms Ih i nem Coupe bodies, Callfornin incess Street. : a one-third of your| DR. HOWARD PRICE FOLGER-- 338 Blace prefers Afifendy. hot Water haay, Hie, that. is spent In bed, "Invest in| Bagot Street, Kingston, Praciice limit. - 5 i J . : fo water heating. I late - . 5 : refr| , ms rr hr aoranto. Apply to James Reld, 254 Princess St. WANTED want a 5 or § room Bungar] RUBDISH BURNERS-- Gurden Fences, ents 'Phone Jos1." - Also ail i a ond 4 kers Female Help Wanted 3 In good lgoality. Client will buy Cates, Rashes nae SW PRrpOSe, | Ee === || Automobile Parts for all makes # , 7 OUSE--Sixth : - oy s Buy. ° . Partridge Wire 1ron Also ocongoleum ED ne ost new: Aeon, Chace unningham, Real Ks. hone Plating in Silver, 'Nickie |. cars, 712-m. Immediate possession. sarried an Se OF hospital, for| £00d as new. Will sell at re-| Bears, Pits, ote. Years' experience: Dr. lmer N Brock and Wellington Sts. MAKE MONEY A cated; all modern equipment. Apply house, near University, three LC. W.'Mindsay Lid, 121 Princess St heiStering. Awnings and ents, 2 . : " by : NE HOUSK---233 Brock Street, elec. . 4 at Frontenac Mattress Co. Phone! ed 10 yiseases of th , G8, : 5 ro . sity; family Sh Zour, one child, Box 13. 377 King St. £ ss rr 0 to 13.3 F, n ad Auto Wrecking Co. decorated, electric ligh 3 tate Agent, Clarence Street. Copper, ste. Second Hand Tires, all sizes ww A MAID-For genera] housework, Ap- « H. HERRINGTON --; flee 96.00, ply Box 1.26, Whig Office. month, alse house on Cowdy Street, 6 Woh. ul Notar Pubiie Mrjiater, Solel: » hv i Ty hex i - rooms, electric light'and toilet. Rent St 2 - 4 "Turle's Store puny fama ta Toyo! FEA Apply WF. ormas, eaiiik| eal Estate For Sale Furanurs ANGMAR a sor ROSEN & POLLITT : ' ¥ . h Street. ' + INN TH -- B 1 al on "Ve . "PHONE 706. Sate full particulars in reply, Mra. rey Se Farms and Land 12 FURNITURE-- Antique and modern| &nd Solicitors, 79 Clarence" Siregts "- Wim. Snowing, R. R. No. 3, Enter-| To LET--House, 138 Wellington Street, furniture sold and bought. M. Cram: Singaton. AB. Cunnaingham, K.C.' . CO i Vr . - ae x = recently newly de 8d; modern in| WARM=e00 &ores, § miles from Kings-| er. 507 I'riticess Street, successors io Automobiles For Sale every way, Immediate possession. Al. ton, 60 acres under cultivation, Losses Antique Shop. d ; OFFIOE ASSISTANT Wanted imme po furnish Ouse in. first class condi- whiter; hen houses for 200 DAY AND REVELLEK--Barrister, and --- f iA UNIQUE HEALTH diately. mie Derienged need apply.! tiop, in t location. "Apply at a3 pis 2 Leonard Gordon, Saas. Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ia CHEVROLET SEDAN aMd4 Bu and furnace. Rent $25.00 per LA 8 chanicall Box C-25, Wiig Office CleFgy street, 0 : Auto Tops and Cushions 16a, | fon. 'A E. Day, Adrian © Rois: TInt (0 ion dye Po fact Ua Ml Ro ------ ee ; origages arranged. 'Phons 205. Street West : exhibition, has granted free space for| TEN ROOMS -- All modern; central ARM] " = tr ob IT FOR FAR the exhibit =? situated. youn rent as a Whole id o Paes: Toe. L 6. A es Shectalin for new of re. | REYNOLDS, J. C~Barrister and Soliol. DODGE BROTHERS Delivery (rush # . : a ie ents tied. Bateman Real ; AN complete. Will ired, o riaing, Slip Covers, Se- tor, §1 Brock Streev Mortgages ar. DE a OT order. No reasonable ¥ % 0a : ---- ns e, Brock St or 'cash. Good yor rs | reet. i 1 tering and, decking, wing- ranged on city and farm Property, } 'In the Police Court 1 , n uphols ir Tom Sn en § a TT Ro Sor. Sage" Graves Bron i} oi ~ - or run< x los ana awatnge made Ick, Arpau: Bolero aa oBid: Barrister and] porn TON TRUCE ¥90d runaiy er. citor. Ce, corne ning --- Houses ' 14] Princess Street 'Phong ite -¥, nd Brock, over Foral Bank "eons order. ave Sood ties, apy nodel, ti 2398 r ops ior 30 Sonn. 'Phone i Henry, Cataraqui, Ont., Tel, * $18.00 per month. Apply 369 improvements. eated, for | $6,000.-Brick, § rooms. modern, central = Sw ; 1100 Frame, § ri 3 Ladies' Halr Parlor " \ jane Hoclal Hyglens Council of Can-| - "I think you are both to blame and | BES, treet, two blacks. fron brice pm re ool, eliange soni ANOTHER ALLO mE ada, the Mentel Hygiene Council of my advice to you is that in the fu- % EOS RG FIRST CLASS HAIR WORK a T R, 'Phone 1188-3. 351 Princess Sty MADE ER --Ladies' Transfors 018. v the. Canadian Tuberculosis [ture you keep away from each other ROTARY CLUB LUNCHEON, Te clos, bobbed curls, switehor aasor: | FORD TOURING. 1 4 ation of Canada and the Met- because it appears that every time ------ CS DNANAN---Reat Kathts Agent. 3 Th SoA #1 Rosina sive, culling, ag FORD ROADSTER, 1920, : liten Life Insurance Company are [you get together both = lose their | Musical Programme Featured the @ Queriooking the Lake, 35,300. from Shed ply CW a 15 es finghan" §8o00 Street. Kingston. | With extra it. del back, starter 1] - itiag with the various soele-| temper." 'Meeting Here on Thursday. Stuart St, near tasers. 15.800, Phons 2867. 0 extra tire. & th . a are all TOURING, of Kingston in bringing to the eity | This was the advice Acting Magis-| "Rotarian Collings ,was the chair. unningham, gent. TO TALBOTS LU YARD--. WAVING FORD Starter Xa, Jak bition week the most uni- {trate Ald, R. 1. Kent gave to a man | man at the Rotary Club luncheon on RESID : oncession s Round and Vi FORD "he ever shown here. |and a woman in the Palice Court on Thursday and the entertainment was hot re Taek electri' Hehe and rend cere alr Bobi and NE rimmine With SEDA x 2028 sion to bring the exhibit was | Thursday morning, They live close! provided by Miss Mariop Bruton and oe 3-p. bath, east Cheap for! poo! od Wood ed slabs Facial and Scalp Arsstment teial Arter and extras. at on Wednesday atternoon, [to each other, and got into an argu- Mr. Alexander, who were beard in aie. A 8, Gao, "Bank : Sic , & "Queen Street For ap. FORD TON TRUCK Miss Hewson, representing tlc ment last Friday afternoon, following | sergio ¥ery enjoyable votal selee.| ' Bointmeri 'phone 3016, speed transmission. | tor Sad lorie C a visit the husband of the woman in tions. Mr. Ernest Madrand accom. SOLID BRICK Housk.---On tong foun ' | Sop. STAR SPECIAL TOURING y ueation nade to the ther grr panied them on the piano. ans : A rove! y With many extras. house. Theré was a ¢ usiig] It was brought to the attention of Trum Princes cart. ' : iancuace and a counter chars but the Gib that the Rotary Club of| street. phens 10s ar Sergi'? Princes i |CVERLAND 4 DOOR SEDAN atter hearing the evidence, the otis arthage, h JEW au : EE ily igo nb > alt @ mayor and city coun- Magistrate decided to dismiss the Tuesday morni ext! Real Estate and Broker . ve representing thie charge. The evidence Was of a very to pay a visit to the Bo Pron Saas ane Division ang ney afar HR NEWS AR when you hy contradictory nature. Rotary Club. It was decided : : : : We invite you to inspect these cars that the Kingston club would méet Gg A : . r : 1 DAXE' TRIAL, | YEAR 70 PA grain crop is pt at ond Carnovsky's,. =. | ™ SHEE Inge i 33 1 3 : ¢ or- | that the uld do anything emt at

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