+ 18 I --------=Founded 1847. THE JAEGER SHOP | WHO ARE UP ON STYLE TAKE TO OUR FALL CLOTHES Men who like to attain the utmost heights of good grooming find full freedom to real- ize their aspirations in the clothes we pro- vide here. They're never commonplace in style, in fabrics or on patterns--they're distinctive, .dressy, desirable--the kind you will wear, SUITS TOPCOATS 625.00 and up. $20.00 and up. AGENTS IN KINGSTON FOR BURBERRY COATS LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk Office 365w Anderson Bros. Lid. QIAUTY LRG MARKT . RVI 1,000 pounds Spare Ribs, pound .....13e. TRIMMED LOIN ~ ROAST PORK ROAST PORK ROASTS 23c. lb. 25c¢. Ib. 35c. Ib. SHOULDER BUTT WINDSOR PORK SAUSAGE TENDERLOIN 2 lbs. 35¢c. Pound 55c¢. Shirriff's Orange Marmalade, 4 pound pail 69c. OXFORD SAUSAGE 2 Ibs. 25c¢. @l -- } Off To Texas. {cate here. He has not vet chosen the | Mr. Peter Deviin, William street, | location of the permanent office but | left on Thursday for EI Pago, Texas, | hopes to do 80 in a day or two. | jon Immigration business. | | ---- | Visiting His Native Place. Visiting in Ottawa. Mr. John Meagher, a former King- | Mr. William Lowney and Mr. Jas. { Stonian, who now sBouts for Belle- | | Wood of the Canadian Locomaqtive | ville after thirty years residence | { Company, are visiting In Ottawa this | there, was in the city on Wednes | | week, | day, to spiel for the Nationals. He | nin {is the same old John with a wonder | Ladies New Felt Hats. | ful spirit and activity. His family | We received this week two hun- | was honored in Kingston in early | | dred ladles felt hats all this seasons'! times and he loves to visit here fre- | {styles and colors also some large | quently, | Btyles in black and wine colored vei- | vets hats.---Corrigan's. ------ Suffering From Shock. { -- A despateh from Windsor ya: . {"James Armstrong, chief of f | | Kingston Fire Department and nec. | {BP with a delivery truck at the eor. |Tetary of the association, is suffer. | {ner of York and Barrie streets | ing considerably from shock, result-| | Thursday morning and while the |ing from an automobile accident {autos suffered some damage no near Oshawa while en route to the {one was hurt. convention." | -- Sent to Reformatory. { Band Concert. | A young married woman, charged | By kind permission of Lieut.-Col. | with abetting in the burglary of Br- | Goodwin and officers the P.W.O.R. {nest Summers' store at Mallory- | Band under the direction of Mr. | | town, appeared before Judge Dows- | Christmas W. O., will play the fol-| ley. She pleaded guilty and was sen- | lowing programme in Macdonald | ftenced to an indeterminate period | park Thursday evening at 8.15] tof two years in.the Mercer reforma- | o'clock, weather permitting. | tory, Toronto. : | March Our Nations Pride | ---- |Overture. .....Melodionus Memories | { | | Revising Vqters' Lists. Fox Trot....Bam Bam Bamy Shore The number of applications for iWaMay uN Song of Love additions or corrections to the vot.' Patrol Wee MacGregor ers' list made before Judge Lavell | Fox Trot Valencia | | during the last two days numbers | Cornet Solo Somewhere a Voibe is 120. Evening sessions of the revision Calling fo are to be held this evening and Fantaset Grand Military Tatoo | Friday evening, in addition to the] | regular morning sittings. Reception to Cataraqui Teams. Tm At the home of Mrs. John Baker, Moonlight Excursion. Cataraqui, the members of the La- Take the 8.8. Waubic Friday, Aug. | gies Softball team and the Junior 27th, Moonlight Excursion to Clay- Baseball Club were given a recep ton, N.Y., one hour at Clayton. Or- tion Wednesday evening. Towards chestra on board for dancing. Leave the close of the evening, Miss H. Kingston 7.30 p.m. city time. Tickets | cooke called on Mr. H. Sharp, man- 60¢ for sale at office of Rockport ager of the Ladies softball team, and Navigation Co., foot of Brock street, in a neat address presented him with phone 2195. an Eversharp pencil. Miss Laura Baker then called on Mr. Walter To Establish Office Here. Axford, coach of the team and pre. Mr. James T. Upton, Ottawa, has |sented him with an Eversharp pen- arrived in Kingston to open an of-| cil. Oswald Cliff, captain of the Jun- fice for the Northern Life Assurance | jor baseball team. presented Mr, H. Company, and will be district man- Simpson, manager, with 'a fine ager, with residence here. Mr. Up- [smoking set. Refreshments were ton says he has long desired to live {served and all voted the evening in Kingston, and is glad to now lo- having been very enjoyably spent. < i . OBITUARY || T™ Wednesday afternoon was Visitors' Sullivan. Day at the camp and there wers five At Camp Zinzindorp } The death occurred this morning parties of visitors. The afternoon of Thomas Sullivan, a life-long resi- was spent 'in es for 'the boys, main jfrom London, Eng., in 1910. He join- dent of the city after a lingering ill- ness. He is survived by two bro- Scouting games being the . m g. The swim also attracted a thers, Michael, of this city, and Deals, good deal of attention of ihe' via. of Ottawa. Funeral will take place tors . Saturday morning to St. Mary'd ca- A special Inspection was held in thedral. the afternoon by Scoutmaster Miles, accompanied by Mr. Harry Wilder, Arthur Burgess. Who unofficially - represented the The death occurred at the Gen- Kiwanis Club. Mr. Wilder, who is eral Hospital Wednesday night, | rently interested .in boys' work, August 25th, of Arthur Burgess, was surprised and delighted at the aged thirty-four, after a short illness ingenuity and resourcefulness of the of two weeks. Deceased came out boys shown. ed the 59th Battalion in 1915, and op flog ihe Wisitors hg pd fought in the Great War. He was all had a wonderful time at the fire, well-known by 'all his fellow work- livened by ethe competitions for ers in the Collingwood Shipbuilding songs and stories. The boys are Company, here, being a friend to very sorry that the camp ends this all. He is survived by his wife. The Saturday, . funeral will be held from his late residence, 144 Charles street, Sat. urday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock to Cataraqui cemetery. . ; ------ Winners at the Napance Fair at Norma McDonald. Judging Stock. The funeral of Norma MeDonald Twenty young men took part in took place from her father's resi-| the stock judging. contest at the dence to St. James chapel, where a| Napanee fair on Wednesday. It was solemn. requiem mass was sung by interesting to watch' them at their Rev. Father Casey. Deceased will be | work. The silver cup donated by Dr. sadly missed in hor community, | Stratton, Napanee, was awarded to where by her kind and lovable dispo-| the team from Camden East, com sition. she made numerous friends prising, H. M. and M. Jackson, and everywhere. The pall bearers were|E. Doew. Richmond team was sec. six small boys. The floral tributes] ond and South Fredericksburg third. were: wreath from Sunbury school! The highest individual scores were section 3; sprays: Miss Campbell, her | made in this order: H, M. Jackson; teacher; Grandpa and Grandma Me-| Enterprise; E. Drew, Moscow: Al Donald, Grandpa Christley, Mr. and | fred Price, Newburgh: M. Jackson, Mrs. Dowling, Miss Olive McDermott, | Enterprise and W. Frisken, Selby. Mr. and Mrs. E. Christley, Mr, and| The winners : 'Judging Mrs. J. Christley, Mr. and Mrs, W.| wee: Horses, Alfred Price, New- Christley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baine, Mr. burgh; beef cattle, H. Young, Sills- and Mrs. R. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Al ville; ' dairy cattle, A Woodcock Casterton, Mr. and Mrs J. Byron, | Napanee; sheep, H. M. Jackson, En- Mr. and Mrs. M. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. | terprise, swine, 1. Drew, Moscow. W. Makin, Mr. and Mrs. Burrows, ---------- Mrs. Faye. . ------ -- RESULTS OF JUDGING THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC FRIDAY'S OPPORTUNITIES IN THE 5] LINEN DEPARTMENT Housekeepers are well advised to take advantage of the numerous special offerings prepared for F riday's shoppers. CANADIAN SHEETING Best, plain, Canadian Sheeting, free from dressing -- three widths for selection. Note the low prices:-- 63 inch Sheeting 72 inch Sheeting . . 81 inch Sheeting . . WABASSO CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON An excellent grade of Pillow Cotton from the famous anadian mills. The widths offered at this very low price are 40, 42 inch. 35¢ yard 20 DOZ PURE LINEN TOWELS SPECIAL 35c EACH This special offering consists of a pure Linen Towel, 17 x 30, with double, colored, hemetitchod ends. Mauve, Orange, Rose, Blue. 150 YDS. PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLIN -. White with red border. Remarkable value. i 5° 15¢ yard PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING 25c yard ' A fine weave, all Linen Towelling, 22 ins. wide, well worth your consideration. : ALL LINEN COLORED LUNCH SETTS | CLOTH, 54x54 6 NAPKINS, 13x15 Special $2.95 The combined colors are White with borders of Blue, Gold and Rose. 300 YARDS ENGLISH LONG CLOTH : 36 inches wide. Extra fine weave, free from filling, most desirable for dainty lingerie. -