A Thursday, August 26, 1926. Easy to Gain| | With . | Yeast and Iron Je Cedar Shingles terial, furnishing more weather protection for the money than any other roofing. It keeps out heat and cold and will remain Yeast Combination of vii Vi I ick W, a This new combi Nation of yeast vits amines with vege table iron, renews the action of slug- gish blood cells, drives out dangers' ous body poisons, increases en e ry and endurance | supplies the tem with the vita- mines that build up weight. For years yeast has been known as % a'rich vitgmine food, but not until We perfected '"'iron- *. ized yenst"--which comes in concen- trated tablet form, was it possible to take yéast and fron in the right pro- portions to build up weight. Vegetable "Iron" when combined with yeast is quite easy to digest, ore Dette for the system. And yeasts | the door had severed as ordinary fresh | ing such a move! "yeast" when ifonized becomes just twice as or cake yeast. Ironized Yeast tablets are compos- ed of concentrated food Slements, the they are pleasant to ta ior they drug-like effects. If you are under weight, do not enjoy 800d health, lacking in' energy and forge, "ironized yeast" tablets will pick you right up, and if they fall, you get your money back. Sold by James B. McLeod and all 80qd druggists at $1.00 for a large 60-tablet package or sent direct from laboratory on receipt of price. Ironiz- ed Yeast Co., Fort Erle, Ontario, Can- ada. A General Insurance _ Five, Lite, Accident, Automo- bile, Burglary, Liability, Plate Glass, Baggage, Robbery. Reliable Companies only rep~ resented. R. H. Waddell 81 BROCK STREET Marcella; rigid with a horror that to her dying day she never would forget, stood rooted to the spot, un- able to scream again, or move. "After the crash of splintered glass and the triumphant cry of what must be a maniac, there was a ghastly silence, more terrible to endure than what had gone before. Then came a stealthy sound of someone tampering with the lock. Through the broken pané of the French window, a hand was evi. dently being inserted for the key... The wild warning of Deirdre over the telephone still hummed in Mar- cella's 'ears. . ."SBhot full of dope". . .'He'll kill you", . ."Get the police". . . Too late! The wires were eut! The hand that even now was groping at them, suspeet- These agonized thoughts flashed through Marcella's brain with light- ning speed. But even had the wires been loft untampered, of what avail at this-- the eleventh howr----to ery for hélp, or the police? In a moment the maniac would be on her. , .! An inarticulate prayer broke from her frozen lips--a prayer for strength, And, as though a swift answer had been sent to her, she found herself able to move, to think coherently and with _ tremendous speed. ' 3 The man was drig-maddened. That meant colossal strength. Drink might have removed his powers, giv- ing her some opportunity to eircum- vent him physically. But drugs. , . never! It meant, too, that he would be merciless. Capable of inflicting a slow torture, or of deliberately ham- mering her to death. Weren't the dally papers full of cases ' of this sort! His hatred was of Miles" fiancee. "PHONES 826-806. ® DR.J. CW. BROOM Dental Surgeon 150 Wellington Street. 'Phone 670 Evenings by appointment. AGAINST MORTGAGES Coke OT) Coke OTO Domestic Coke is made from the very best grades of Coal by the most modern by-product process, It will be to your advantage to mee Co. : Sold only by: af & WA MITCHELL & - E 1" OARIo. STREET Te FOR SALE. 1 " As in a lightning flash she realized it must be Leonie Day he wanted... not herself. Towards Leonle he Bore the grudge of his exposure to the po- lice, his subsequent Imprisonment. And-ghe eaw it all. Deirdre thought that she (Marcella) was engaged to M#les, ands inadvertently had let this brute have the address, and he had come for vengeance. had watched her from - the the of the 'verandah. He had Aeon her at the telephone. He only kiew she was a woman, young alone . 4nd terrified. .even if he'd realized she wasn't Leonie, the lust to kill had been aroused. . .and he would gratify it! No doubt he was too far gone in drugs to differentiate between one girl and another. Crash! Bang! He couldn't wait to fumble with the key, but was hagl- ing his whole strength on the door! Marcella, summoning all her forces, darted through the Wack: ness of the living room and out to the kitchen, where a door gave on a gort of cabbage patch. But here, alas! the exit was lock- ed, and its key hanging somewhere in thé darkness, ou a peg. Wildly she groped to find it. . to find mateh- os. p A final cae and a triumphant sound that wats-a weird, blood-curd- Mother Gives Credit here Credit is Due! ad pms he with Dongle' tatanc ais Ob which send its value in Douglas' Infant Tablets as soon as possible. 1 find it MRousitie to get along without them. I 'have three children and the baby is just mine months old. At birth he weighed only five pounds and ow he a weighs Shik 22 with wight and weighs thi pounds. Douglas' Infant Tablets, ise for $36's great plasare ton aut Tablets, mend ns Pri Delbert Myles, " The Twins woke up one morning to find a little note pinned to their pillow, It said: "Dear Children: "What do you think! Someons siole the House That Jack Built, Picked it right up wheres it stood pu Pippin HIN and walked off with t. "No one bas seen it since the night of Jack and Jill's party when Mrs. John, Jack's mother, lost her cider and ples in the dumb-waiter, "Next morning when Jack and Jill had gone down the hill, and Mrs. John bad gone to marke', someone took it. When they came [back the house was as gone as yes. terday. "Will you go and help them to hunt for it? ' Ever since you found the lost sleepy sand at the bottom of the sea, people think you are too smart for anything, I haven't 'time to go becanse I'm busy showing my ground fairies how to stack up moss and dirt around plants so that Jack Frost® cannot hurt them this winter. "Do go and help Jack if you can, because if he doesn't find his house before winter, I don't knew what he and his mother and sister will do. "The magic shoes are under your bed. Put them on and you will fing yourselves on Pippin Hill at once. "Lovingly yours, "The Queen." "Jimineesers!" ried. Nick, "1 should say we would go!" And he sprung out of bed and into his clothes and slipped on the magic shoes. And Nancy sprang out of her little bed and did the same thing. I mean she put on her clothes and 'er shoes! Not Niek's. : r winter-apples, and her sack of potatoes 'n every- thing. , Bverything' to keep house with but no houses to keep! It was a dreadful state of affairs! There was Jack and there was dill and there was Mrs. John look- ing as though the world had come to a sudden end. "What do you suppose could bave happened ?"* said Nancy. Jack and JiIl and Mrs, John looked ever so surprised to see the Twins, When you go any place by magie it it natural that you should make no hoise at all. "We haven't the least idea," seid Mrs. John. "Not the least. = An © know is that one minute we had a houss and the next minute we didn't. That's all." "Maybe the wind blew it away," said Nick. . UMaybe it did," said Jagk. "Maybe someone needed a house and stole it," said Nancy. "Maybe," said Jill 'ON; dear me! Maybes won't bring our house back," sighed Mrs. John. "I really don't know what we are going to do about it." : "Dofi't. wofry," said a kind voice close by. "And there stood fat, kind Mrs. Spratt, the fattest person in all Daddy - Gander Land. "Come right' over t breakfast, ' Jack and 1 have pancakes and bacon every morning. He eats the pancakes and I eat the bacon. We can talk it all over at «breakfast table." door. ling scream came from the fromt portion of the bungalow, The man had got inside! Rigid with terror, Marcella press ed her slim 'form against the kitchen wal, immediately behind the other He must have heard her come In here. . .and he would fol- low. . . » "My only chance is to slide past him and €I7 through the broken French wind8ws!" her brain reiter- ated. She waited. . . And all the time she prayed. . queer, incoherent prayers for help at this, the last moment. But the chances were a hundred to one against help coming. That she fully realized, The last train had come and gone. This brute had been a passenger. Nearer and nearer came the foot- steps, stealthy as a cat's. A chuckle sounded, horrible, mirthless and menacing. "So she thought she'd hide from me, did she?" a hoarse voice breath. ed. "She didn't Delieve me when J told her that I'd get her, even if ! bad to swing for it? Well, I'll show her that I'm a man of my word . ." Nearer and nearer! He was In the passage now, immediately olitside the kitchen door behind which the girl was crouching. Had there been a light of any sort, he must have seen her, through the crack. A pause. The maniac was intently listening. Except for the eerie sigh- ing of the branches outside the cot- tage, one might have heard a pin qrop. . . Changing his tactics, as though to force her to give away her where- abouts by sheer alarm, he ybélled in a stentorian voice: "Come out! Come out, I say! It'll fare worse for, you if you don't!" Marcella still crouched on. Her heart was hammering in a suffocat- Ing fashion in her throat. If only she could faint, and so--Ifainting-- die! he What would he do to her? Her imaginative brain could visualize a thousand tortures, each more ter- rible than the other! And then, out in the passage, he Struck a match, and thromgh the erack in the door the crouching girl could see his eyes--bloodshot, dilat- ed, with that terrible lustre which drugs alone can bring. Mad eyes lusting for vengeance! "Ah ha! I see you!" the flickering light with a cupped left hand; he stared directly at her through the open erack. "Come out and be dammed to you, I say!" The girl sprang up as the match suddenly went dut, darting to the far side of the kitchen tabls. She would die fighting. She had seen the handle of a knife protruding from his pocket. She must summon every muscle, every nefve, to save herself And then ensued a nightmare stalking, cat and mouse! "Tiger and lamb" would be more opposice. . (To Be Cantineaay, ; -- STELLA CONTINUATION SCHOOL. The Results of the Middle School Nessie Glenn--Algebra 1st (75. 100). composition (ec, 50-569; Latin Comp. ¢. Jennie Willard--- Algebra 1, Eng. Comp ¢, Fr. Comp ec. Haze] Strain--Algebra 1. Genevieve Filson--KEng. Comp ¢. The above are pupils who have speat only two years in High School, 2nd form pupils. . om Tugwell--Phys les 3rd (60- ) $ Gladys Tugwell--Chemistry 3. Dorothy Willard--Literature 2nd e. Dorothy Miller Ane. Hist, 2, Lat. Comp. ¢, Lat. Auth. ec. Hist, « Harry Glenn--Chem. 3. The 'house. She is now able to be about Shielding ! sound and waterproof for a long period of years. The clear Shingle we offer cedar that the logs produce, S. ANGLIN COAL, LUMBER AND CO. LIMITED WOODWORK, Private Branch a Phone 1571, to-day is made of the very best BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO Full Course Dinner WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR BEEN ENTIRELY " a ! our new lone inese Art St "A Player Piano with Full Orchestral Accompanimocnt FIRST-CLASS MEALS OPEN 6 AM. TO 2.30 A.M. Mallorytown, Aug. 23.--Mrs. Charles Higgs 18 camping by the river. Orval Buell is making a good recovery from the mumps. Mrs. Clarke Guild had the misfor- tune on Saturday evening to be run into by a galloping cow, being knock- ed backward, She was picked up unconscious and carried into the PHILIP TOY, Manager 208 Princess Streét 13 2: LT | Hard Wood the house again. Quite a number attended the big harvest dinner in connection with the United Church at Rockport, which was held on Grenadier Island, and report a splendid time. Mrs. Kenneth Bigford is seriously ill. The highway between here and Yonge's Mills is for the most part but a sin- gle track and a trip to Brockville is a dispairing and very discomforting thing, Because of this very little interest 1s being taken in Brockville fair from our direction. Mr.\and Mr¢. Joan Alexander of Kingston mse visiting at the lat- ter's parents' home for the week- end. Mr. Alexander sang a solo at the evening service in the United Church. Miss Arnold, R.N., from Kingston has taken charge of Mrs. Eugene Hagerman, who is seriously ill, Miss Catherine Mallory, R.NN., is in charge of her nephew, Orval Buell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blanchard returned from Toronto on Thurs day evening. Miss Vera M. Calvert left for her school work at Wawata, Sask., by the midnight train on | Sunday. Mrs. MacDonald and her sister, | Miss Elsie Paterson, have been the | guests of Miss Alice Tennant tor | some time. They returnéd to their home in Dundas on Yonday. On account of tha very heavy rains on Sunday morning there was no Sunday school or service. evening the pastor commenced a Soft Mixed Wood. 'Phone 1746J, S5¢ | RESTAURANT WH) HAS RENOVATED AXD REDECORATED THE CROWN CAFE Telephone 2836 Choice Body Hardwood, Kindling and Slabe, a Chas. Bedore & Son 840 NELSON STREET In the jueries of sermons on "Words in son to Those Who Are Weary A delicious treat for that Bruce Caughey--Alg. «¢, British ||' co ' |. "hurry-up' Sunday supper the Dominion and why it has created such a sensation in the United States. Canadians have a right to be proud of the success of this fine old Canadian ; product and to know that even the day supper just because you don't feel people in the United States take their like cooking. Lift it above the level of hats off to Canada and admit it is the "just another meal" by serving "Can- finest ginger ale ever sold in the US. A. ada Dry." It is a pleasant change Try it some night soon at dinner, from the usual routine, and your family when' entertaining' and just befdre re. and guests will appreciate it. tiring. It is, indeed, "The Champagne For there's something about #Can- of Ginger Ales." - . ada Dry" that makes it different from Special Hostess Package every other gi ing "Canada Dry." deal ttles in a substantial "HuRry-up" because the maid's out. because you want tp get out of the kitchen. Or because you had your big dinner in the middle of the day. But it need not be an ordinary Sun. ginger ale you ever have tasted. It i re in flavor--in wel borides: quality--in the distinction it adds to : occasion. . i at is the' reason has been famous for is sold by all "Canada CANADA By Appointment to Their Excellencies, The Lord and Lady Byng of Vimy Made in Canada by J. J. Mclaughlin Limited, Toronto and Ed Est. 189. In U. 8. 4 Hoe Canale 19 3. Lcotchnghlie Lich, Torts end Edmonon, 20 54 | Wholesale distributor, Fenwick Hendry Co., Kingston. - ¥