August 26, 1926. PETER B; KYNE'S NEW NOVEL THE UNDERSTANDING HEART Onsale at R. UGLOW & CO. He writes about men, for men--that's why women love his stories. ; . disakiniy (Bstablistied 1871) teamship passages booked to all parts of 'the world. Pass- « ports arranged. 3 Trans Peas, Alans] a Indies, Mediterran- | ! World Steamship wr S tir bisaene ii » $35 Wristlets we can recommend Gruen has now perfected the first wrist watch we can fully recommend at this price. for it to bring relatives or For ars a This is made possible by the write J. Sarwan a i A 0 or special Gruen movement con- Canadian National struction which allows : Boa, , corner Johnson and greater. size and strength | Ontario Kingston, Ont. Oper of parts, "day and 'Fhones 99 or 2837 $35 Gruen Wristlets are now available in a choice of several smart designs in heavy white reinforced gold Cases, Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELLERS 168 PRINCESS ST, 4: ZA slot machine which sells apples Bas been inventdd. 2 An aviators career is rarely more than Hifteen years. Is The Tire Worth ~ REPAIRING ?? This is a question you might want to ask about'a Tire you have, ASK |HARRY DINE For a real, honest opinion on Tire or Tube Repairs : COR. QUEEN AND BAGOT STS. PHONE 410-m. ° A be iy JUST ARRIVED ll 300 tons No. | Buckwheat, Coal for Spencer "fl Furnaces ........ $9.00 per ton, delivered. SOWARDS COAL CO. UPTOWN orice: alk tng Hy "Phone "i | inulin { FORTGARRY CAFE Our Motto is Quality aud Servite, | MAY WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OF PLEASING YOU 7 | . HAVE YOUR AFTERNOON TEA WITH US, i EDWARD LEE, Proprietor PRINCESS STREET. "PHONE 201. nr al Announcement! a NOW IS THE TIME for you to buy an ELECTRIC TOASTER, or | IRON that is guaranteed for service. Call in and let His show our lines at prices from ...... serveeees $3.00 to $7.50. all makes of ~We repale aud place tn first class order gers Plectric Co: Ruarantee our work, St eve a ARRAN To , a 13 4 LENNOX FARR AT Cow, 'dry, William Cranston. } | Wright, ib; R. Allison, c; J. Allen, | 71; G. Dixon, i; F. Prout, 3b and H. i Pollard, of. __ NAPANEE: CROWDED (Continued from Page 1) 3 Gallagher, ss; C. Davern, p: D Odesso--C. Smith, 2b: C. Clarke, 3b; Powley, If; Heath, p; B. Smith, | ¢; €. Amey, rf; H. Reid, of; H. Reid, ,¢f; R. Lueas, 8s; B. Kilgannon, 1b; and V. Powley, spare. Umpize~Herbert anee, Holder, Nap- r-- Holstein Cattle The judging of the holstein cattle | took place on Wednesday afternoon | on the grounds just south of the Who actéd as judge complimented the exhibitors on the splendid lot of cattle which they had on exhibi- tion. He stated that any of the ani- mals could be shown at the large fairs and would be in the prize mo- race track. Jamés A. Caskey, Madoc | \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHI Time--2.29 1-4, 2.27 1-2, The officials were:-- Starter--Jess Johnston, Dorland. Judges--Fred Laidley, Kingston; Van Wbodruff, Oshawa; and H. C. Ketcheson, London, England. Timers--E. J. Metcalfe, afd Chas. Boyes, Kingston. 2.29 1-4,2.20 1-4, Winners in Pigs and Swine. The exhibit of sheep and swine which was the largest on record was judged on "Tuesday afternoon. The following is a list of some of the winners in swine: R. J. Garbutt, Belleville, first and second on aged Yorkshire; Herbert Clancy, two firsts on Birkshire pigs and the special prize for the best hog on the grounds; Ray Reid, Odessa, special prize for the best sow on the grounds. Third prize 'on sow and pigs; third prize on Tamworth sow; third prize for Yorkshire sow un- der one year; Albert Martin, second prize on aged boar; P. Flanigan, Sharps Corners, first and secona on aged 'boar; first, second and third on Tamworth sows over ong year; first and second od a pair of sows ney. Robert Merritt & Sons, and William Cranston of StMleville who were the chief exhibitors earried off the most of the prizes. Mr. Merritt had eighteen head while Mr. Wm. Cranston had fourteen. THe follow- Ing is the list of the prize winners ig this competition. Bull, two years old and under under one year; second on boar pig under one year; first on sow and litter of pige; and special prize on sow and litter; Albert Martin, first on Yorkshire hog under ome year; first and second Birkshire sow. three, Robert Merritt. Bull calf under six months, Rob- ert Merritt first, and William Cran- ston, second. Cow, milking, Robert Merritt, first second and third. Helter, three years old and milk- ing, Robert Merritt, tirst, sécond and third. a . Heifer, two: - years (William Cranston firet Merritt second. Heifer, yearling calf, sr., Robert Merritt first and William Cranston, second. A . Heifer, yearling, calf, Jr., Robert Merritt, first and William Cranston, second. Heifer, two years old, dry, Wil liam Cranston. Heifer calf, under one year and over six months, William Cranston first, and Robert Merritt second and third. Helfer calf, under six months, William Cranston first and Robert Merritt second and third. old milking, and- Robert Heifer calf, under six months, William . Cranston first and Robert Merritt, second and third. Holstein herd, Robert Merritt. Get of one cow, two females over six months old and owned by one ex- hibitor, Robert Merritt, first and William Cranston second. Get of one sire, three females, over gix months old bred and owned by one exhibitor, Robert Mérritt, first and Willlam Cranston, second. The Dr. Harold Ward, Special, in memory of his father Dr. G. G, T. Ward, who was one of the first bree- ders of holst in cattle in the county of Lennox, Best bull, Robert Merritt first, Walsh second and - Willlam Cranston, third. Cow, Robert Merritt, first Willian: Cranston second and Robert -Mer- ritt, third. The judging of 'the other cattle will take place on Thursday. Two Great Horse Races. { The horse races created a grea\ deal of excitement. On account of the track being rather muddy the time of starting the races was posc- poned and during that time the track was dragged and it certainly helped greatly in drying the sur- tace. ; In the 2.18 class -Jim.Todd jr., own- 6d by Es Jones of Peterboro, took first money, by taking one second and three firsts. The 2.50 class was ~&¥ keenly contested. Just Mack, owned by Dickie Elmhurst Lang, Ont., got first money after a very unfortunate start. During the first heat there was a collision between Harry" Lesval and Just Jack which resulted In both horses being drawn for the heat. In the second third ani fourth heats Just Jack finished first. Four other horses were entered in the race but were drawn. Margaret Penalty owned by Charles Randall, crossed the fire fifth in the first and second heats and then was tak' en out of the race. x The races were as follows: 2.18 Class-- Jim Todd Jr, E. Jones, Peterboro .. ,. Ladd hurst, te.4. x11 1 Jemben Hal, F.'A. Lam- Perth "ic ae... Rose Todd, R. Payne, Tor- one... aus. Victoria +132 323 Galfe, Kingston ....... 4 Torry Mac, H. Lowry, Hail- . evbury 55 BY. laow. 4... 3858 65-2.22 1-2, 2.24 1-4, 2.20 1-4, 2.50 Class. Just Jack, Diekte 2 3 444 Bim- : Hamilton ......1 823 'Valley Todd, FP Met 3176 waitans 333] ram lamb; first and third ewe lamb: Finnigan, (Lister), first aged ram, third shearling rami third, aged ewe; 'second ewe lamb; first year- ling ewe. Harold VanAllen, third aged ram. Large Poultry Exhibit, THe poultry exhibit Ike that of the sheep and swine was the largest in the history. Last year the poul- try building was crowded and the directors bmilt an extension. Among the prize winners were: Harry Lush, Peterboro, two specials for the best cockerel and pullet in the show. Mrs. A. C. Rooks, special for the best cock in 'the show: special for the best collection in the show. Lester Boyes, grand son of J. L. Boyes, secretary of the fair won the prize for the best collection of pigeons. There was an exhibition of Chinchilla Rabbits owned by Will Shell, Bath and A. F. Hansfel, Nap anee, 4 Harry Stone - won the following prizes on his rose comb brown Leg. horns, first, cock; first and second hen, two firsts on cockerel' and pullet and special on pullet. ------------ 8,000 Square Miles of Playground. To get the most out of precious holidays into" which musi be crowd- ed enough fresh air, sunshine and natural beauty to carry you in health and happiness through the coming fifty weeks, there is no fin er vacation resort than Algonquin Park in the Highlands of Ontario. A t' playground, just as Na- ture e it, over 1,500 lakes, and a maze of tree-bowered streams alive with fish. Virgin forests eds: ing sandy beaches, hundreds of shady bywpaths along which you lose yourself in the beauty of the scenery. Cool, clean air perfumed with the odour of the evergreen gives you the appetite of an Indiin and sends you back to the eity full of vitMity-- glad you are alive, Highland Inn, Nominigan Camp and Camp Minnesing. offer splendid accommodation with most reason- able rates, supplying facilities for boating, bathing, dancing and other sports par excellence, For full information apply to any agent of the Canadian National Rail- ways. ~ ° ' ------------------------ PRENTICE BOYS PIONIC. -- in Grove at Stone Road, Aug. 24---The rasp- berries are about finished for this year. A number of people from here attended the Prentice Boys pic- nic in Hamilton's Grove on the 18th of August. ported a good time. Mrs. 8. Davis, Phrham, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mr. ang Mrs. Norman Truelove and family attended Brockville fair. Mr. True. love got first prize in the cheese test. Mrs. Williams Gibson is on the sick list. The friends of Mrs. Robert Barker was shocked to learn of her death, although she has Was a Fine : : : iz hE T Sheap--R. J. Garbutt, second, aged Lister ram; first and second shearling ram; first and second second and third yearling ewes. P. G SYDENRAM Sydenbam, Aug. 23.--A goodly | dumber from Sydenham attended the field day at Eiginburg on Wed- nesday, 18th, under the auspites of Elginburg baseball team. The day was ideal and all report a splendid programme both afternoon and eve- ming, the evening entertainment was staged by the 'The Little Review." The unusual jtem of the programme was the cleverly drawn cariwons by Cecil Wyatt. Mrs, William Hobbs spent last week in Kingston visiting her fa- ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bunt. G. W. McNaughton and family are tenting on their camping beach on the shore of Loughboro Lake. Geo. D. McNaughton has purchased a new Studebaker sport roadster. Dr. and Mrs. McPherson spent last week at Mrs. McPherson's father, Edward Sills. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant and family of Faust, Ont., and Miss Mina Purdy, Jollet, Ill, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank McRory and aléo Mr. dnd Mrs. Fred Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Blakslée and son, Claude and Albert Blaksiée left last weéék for a trip through the West and will visit Mr, A. Blakslee's son and daughiter. Mrs. Tilley Joyner, Napanee, was a recent visitor of Miss 8. McKim. Mrs, S. Graham and son, Kiugston, are visiting her aunt, Mrs. Oharles Joyner, and also Mrs. Davis Clarke. The Women's Institute held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. Davis Clark, on Tuesday, Aungust 17th, Miss Dorothy Rutledge, oper- ated on for appendicitis in the King- ston General Hospital, is improving very micely. The Guild of St. Paul'¢ Anglican church held a very suc- cessful sale of home made cooking at Mr. Lockead's drug store, Satur- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Leif Cranston have returned home after spending a month in Brockville and "Chicago. Mrs. James Shibley, Harrowsmith, has returned home after spending two months with her daughters, Mrs. Cliff Rutledge and Mrs. C. Amey. Glenn McRory and his bride are spending their honeymoon with his parénts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- MecRory. Misses Jean and Harriet Guess of the K. G. H., are spending their holidays at their home here. Dr. Marigan has sold his dental busi ness to Dr. McGowen, Toronto. Frank Reid and Miss Ruth Reid ire closing up their summer home. Miss Reid intends visiting in To- ronto before going to Harriston where she will resume her work as teacher in the Collegiate. Mrs. N. C. Reid and son are visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc. Rory. Miss Florence Lloyd and Miss Dorothy Kerns, Hamilton, are guests of Miss Agnes McNaughton. DEATH O FMRS. STRONG, She Was a Long Time Resident at Brooke. Brooke, Aug. 23---Farmers are busy cutting grain and all report a good crop.-We are glad for rain as it was badly needed. The pastures are drying up. The reception at HH. Ewins', was well attended and all report a good time. Mr, and Mrs. Erwin received many beautiful and | useful presents. Mr. and Mrs. John Conboy and family also - Willlam Warren, ot Olden, spent Sunday at Thomas L. Turlones'. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Peters also Mrs. J. Green spent Sunday at Jos. Kirkham's, Glen Bay, Mrs. Green, leaving by stage from Perth, is go- ing to her home at Dwyre Hill Mrs. Norman Dodds and daughter, Doro- thea, Perth, is visiting the Jatter's mother, Mrs. BE. Donley, for a few days. Much sympathy is felt tor Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Strong in the loss ot his mother, which passed AWAY on Thursday, her remains were laid at rest in St. Stephen's cemetery on Saturday. A large crowd attended. Mrs, Strong was well known .and highly respected. \Mrs. J. Trubre Mrs. A. B. Kirk- ham also Mrs. Alfred Kirkham and baby called on Mrs. B. Donley and Mrs. Dodds one day this week. Mrs. Susanna Gordon arrived home, Sat- urday after spending a few. days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson, who was sick with tonsi)- itis but is Improving. Rm -------- Man Fatally Injured, Cornwall, Aug. 26--Charles; Pri. meau, aged fifty, was fatally injured when he was caught betwesn two freight cars which were being shunt- od In th Howard Smith EVISION OF | OTERS LIST Court House FRIDAY, August 27th -- 10.30 am. to 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. SATURDAY and MONDAY, August 28 X and 30--10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. If your name is not on the lists as posted by the Registrar, you 'may apply to have your name added at the place and time indi- Ld cated above. ; hk AAR hh Akhhdhahdhgion a 4 a 4 i Ahaha a aa All information gladly furnished at the i LIBERAL CAMPAIGN ; i COMMITTEE ROOMS ~~ § King Street. Telephone 3300. Yote For Halliday The People's Popular Candidate WY Yay I, Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers : THIS IS SIMMONS' BEDDING WEEK . 4 2111] Sill "DURING AUGUST FURNITURE SALE. 7 See the great array of Simmons' special out set up on our spacious floors, iia) --THREE PIECES AT THE PRICE OF TWO (1) This beautiful walnut finished, two inch, continuous post steel and electrically welded, with imitation cane panels, centre, = ) All Steel Woven Wire or Coil Springs with a heavy cable on sides, 8) Simmons' Acme Mattress, all pure white felt. ' (4) A pair of Star Pillows in fancy Art Ticking. SIMMONS' SPECIALLY PRICED $25.00 FAMOUS OSTERMOOR AND BANNER SPRINGS. ALL SIZES, 3 JAMES REID THE, LEADING UNDERTAKER. WE STORE YOUR PURCHASE AND DELIVER FREE. For Good Meals Well Served THREE CASTLES CAFE 88 pric Sit Te rcv Vicar | 5 Youll Need a Preserving Kettle Sure ~~ It has been proven over and 'over _ that a new will give much better an an old one, and you can't afford Fig, ¥