4 " COMMONITY DANCE HELD AT NAPANEE _ Those Who Won In Charles- ton Competition Held at i the Armouries. © Naphnes, Aug. 28.--A large crowd ¢ in' attendance sat the annual | : unity dance held on the last Feo of the fair in the Armouries. i; orthestra of the Cobourg Kiltle bahd played delightfully for the @utlerOus dancers. During the even- dng CHarleston contests, both dou- Dies' and singles, were conducted. My. Jamies Patton of Toromto was the wintiet of the singles. The dou- 'Was a very close competition. M¥. Patton and Miss Barnes, and Mr. Hut and Miss ¥, Schelcher were | contestants. Finally, after a us digplay, Miss Schelcher . Hunt were given the award.. fi of Toronto was judge of Teston dancing and every- an off smoothly under the management of Mr, C. Waite, . Miss Jubnita Thompson of Toron- Lote spending & month with her Mys. Glover. § Helen and Constance Grange retuttied this week from spending © two months in Toronto and Mus- koka "Mrs. A. H. Jayne, South Napanee, ~ Isft of Wednesday last for the west, She will visit friends in Win- Es nipeg, Msn, Bowesmond and Bath 1 western cities, $ 3 1 tarned to Toronto g8ts, N.D!, also friends in Idaho, Nevads and Peniteton, B.C. Mrs. Fred Shibley of Providenve, R.I, 1s the guest of Mrs, Finkie. Mr, and Hrs. W. P. Deroche, who have been spending the past months "With friends In Vancouver, and ' returned home on Wednesday, Rev. J. H. H. Coleman and Mrs, Coleman returned this evedk from a month's trip to Vanéouver and Call- fornia. . Mr, and Mrs. Victor Atkins re on Wednesday "after apending the week-end the "guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8, B. Scott, - "Miss Bernice Woods of Ploton is "the guest of Mrs. Ivan Speneer, Mrs. Charles Yackson and children of Oshawa are spending the waek the fihortn of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Bowen, Dundas street. Mrs, Samus! Hooper of Brandon 'Spent a day this week the guest of THE a ---- VOTE FOR H. H. HORSEY Liberal Candidate for Lennox-Prince Edward, and secure a Liberal Progressive administra. tion. ; This means the retention of the government railways and concrete achievements like the ROBB BUDGET. Mr. and Hrs, F. L. Hooper. B. Anderson of New York City,and Ms sister, Mrs. A. R. Me Cluskey, of Lakewood, N.J., who have been spending the past two weeks with friends in and around Napanee, returned to their homes on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Shales of Perth Road'are spending the week- end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Knapp, John street. Mr. Charles Burpee, C.P.R. agent, of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week- end in Napanee. Mrs. Charles Nynel of Galt Is spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives In Napanee. Mrs, Alice Gibson of Montreal is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Finkle. CHOLERA INFANTUM Cholera infantum is one of the fatal ailments of childhood. Tt isa trouble that comes on suddenly, especially during the summer months, and un- less prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beycnd ald. Baby's Own Tablets are an {deal medicine in warding off this trouble. They regu- Iate the bowels and sweeten the stom- Ach and thus prevent the dreaded summer complaints. They are an ab- solute aafe medicine, being guaran- teed to contain neither opiates nor narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm--they always do good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents & box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -------------- snail UPPER SCHOOL \ RESULTS Of the Gananoque High School Are Announced, Sadie Allen-~French A. 2, French | Comp. ©. Jack Baker--Comp, C, Lit. 8, Geo. metry C. Phyllis Bates--M. History ©, Pr. i A. 3, French Comp. 8. Henry Cowan-Comp. 2, Lit. 1, M. fll sist. ©, Latin A. 3, Latin Comp. 3 {| French A, 8, French Comp. 1. h{ 2, French A. 0, French Comp. Austin Oumiings--Comp. 3, Lit. 2 ii] Chemistry 8, Clarense Cummings--=Qeom. ©. Helena Defr--Comp. 2, Lit. 1. Vetonloa Delr--Comp, ©, Lit. 8. Dota Dillon--Comp. 8, Lit. ©. Kathleen Blder--Comp. 1, Lit. 1. Mildred Gilbert--M. Hist. C, La Hn A, 8, Latin CO. 2, French A, 1, Fr. Comp, 3. : Russéll Grundy-~Comp. 8, Lit. 8. Ifred Hudson--Alg. 1, Trig. 1, Geom. 3, Latin A, 2, Latin Comp. 3. [ro DAILY BRITI French A, 3, French Comp. 2, Chem. 2 . "Brvin Kenliston--Alg. C, Trig. C. French A, 3, French Comp. 3, Chem. C. Genevieve Ledger---Comp. C. Hugo Lund--Comp. C, Lit. 2. Kenneth MacLean---Comp. OC. Keithe Patterson---Ldt. 1, Archis Reid---Comp. C, French A, 3, French .Comp, 3. Sara Shields--Comp. C, Lit. 8, Fr. A. 8, French Comp. C. 3 WEDDINGS. Davis--Gould. A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, Aug. 25th, at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Gould, Fairfield Plains, when their only daughter, Margaret Elizabeth Was united in marriage to Mr.-Olay- ton Thomas (Shirley) Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Bethel. The bride entersd the tasterully decorated drawing room with her father, to the strains of Mendels- Sohn's wedding march, played by Mrs. GQ. C. Raymer. She look- od very charming in a dress of white georgette crepe and silk bdrocaded lave, and wore the customary tulle vell with orange blossoms. She ear. ried a shower bouquet of roses and Hlly of the valley with a spray of heather. Miss Irene Ross of Burford who acted 4s bdridesmaid, wad De comingly gowned in pale green géor- Betts and carried a bouquet of roses and maiden hair fern. Little Karl Maleolm MoEwan acted as vell and ring bearer and. Mr. Arthur Martin of Arthur, Ont, supported the groom. The wedding ceremony was peor formed by Rev. 0. C. Rayner, Dusting the signing of the register, Helen Davis ster of the groom, sang very pleasingly, "My Prayer." Aftér the ceremony the bridal party and guests, numbering about thirty repaired to the drawing room where they partook of a dainty lun- cheon, The table was prettily dedors ated with ribbops and flowers. The groom's gift to the bride was a neck- lave of pearls. Appropriate gifts were also presented to the others asefses ing . The happy couple 16ft tor King- ston by motor amid showers of con. fetti and good wishes. From thers they took a boat t¥lp down the St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers. My, snd M#s. Davis will take up résidence at Bethe! and will be at homa after October 1st, BOOKS RAS Curiosity Rewarded. Graphic Pubs lishers, Ottawa, Price 28¢. This clever dialogue between "Gilbert Knox," the unknown author of "The Land of Afternoon," the furore, was played at Hart House before the Canadisn, Women's Press Club when thé members gath- ered in Tofomto for the triennial meeting. Mrs. Madge McBeth and Miss Williams, both of the Ottawa Press Club, presented this bright little skit, Mrs. MeBeth taking the part of "Gilbert Knox," masqued and dressed partly as a man and partly as a woman, Mise Williams, who was "The Curious Public," wore a huge question mark over hér even- ing frock. The production was ex- csedingly dlever and the many wit- ty turd of speach loudly applauded by an audience composed of writers and erities. f "The Lost Shipmate," by Theo- dore Goodridge Roberts, contains not lection fakes its name, but other Yorses steeped in the tang of the 864 and written. with a delightful simplicity and a freedom from that striving after efféct that mars much of our Canadian verse. "Fiddler's Green," a description of thé place where all honest mariners take their pleasure after death, will bs much liked. Among the verses not relat- ing to the sea, "River Morn" " and "The Last Billet". are perhaps the Mist | nest. "Che Captive Gypay." By Oohstanesd Davies- Woodrow. This collection of verses his a foreward by Charles G. D. Robetts commending its sincerity, confons and conseisntons workmanship, He 4068 On tO say that the little book is a protest against the defiénce of sound technique and the mistaking of vielence for strength and ugliness for originality, This 8 well-de- served praise. The verses are ate tractive and the Author his many delightful fancies which she clothes in verses with an equally delightful rythmn. "The Ear Trumpes." By Annie CO. Daunton, A strong appeal for comsiderbtion of the deal and those losing ' hearing. The vérses ars ¢1b writtén and the writer, with ef rather caustic pen, has t home to us some truths that A nmiAke us more sympathetic : Wie dérstanding of the sulléfring who are deprived of the Méfie of hearing. Book that set Ottawa society in a] only the verse from which the ol: | ; SH WHIG ------------ ------------ day ple, PROBS:--Probably local thunderstorms to-night. Sunday, fair. : o-night at Steacy's Every department offers its quota of bargains for Satur- Night Shoppers at prices that will appeal to all thrifty peo- Men's Broadcloth Shirts Forsyth and Strand Broadcloth Shirts in sizes 14 to® 164. e colors are White, Blue, Pongee .-- assorted sleeve lengths and worth regular $2.25, : TO-NIGHT .....: en $1.98 New Felt Hats 25 'new Felt Hats, featuring all the new style tenden. rtment of colors, Very special value, - TO-NIGHT $2.75 and $2.95. - | | i | Corsalettes 10 dozen Flesh Colored Corsalettes. Sizes 30 to 38. : TONIGHT ........... 98¢c. 'Terry Towels Extra large size, Colored Terry Towels; striped pat- terns. ' TONIGHT ..... 3 for $1.00 Linen Towe L250 yards all Linen Crash Towelling with red or blue + TONIGHT ...7 Yards $1.00 Linen Guest Towels 10 doz. All Linen Guest Towels~Pink, Blue, Mauve and Gold borders. Size 15 x 22. : : (TONIGHT folds tolatetel 49¢. Fa ' Maderia Serviettes |0dox; fe quality Linen Madeira Serviettes in 13 inch size o x 75e. each. . : > ; TONIGHT Welder atets 50c. - » (TO-NIGHT .....xwiv.'. $1,00