-- v August 30, 1926, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ------ lB : aaa TO-DAY [AMUSEMENTS |THE FUNERAL OF |coric.coieoeee om o ce oe an xan i, ent fe 1 J]: simmim---------------------- : srem-- | with a victory, \ ' r by ncn | orto || SLAIN GUARD HEED) o.oo Ett, ny 2 iene | TO THE ELECTORS OF Based om Edith 3. Hull's Cele- | > jern Ontario just a few years ago | day and expressed the belief that jun- brated Novel, "The Desert Healer" le M. HULL'S NOVEL ON 4 (Continued from Page 1) and who was shot there by 4 pdlice | iors would not only win in Picton to. = WITH : FF , No 1s CAPITOL struck on the head, Mary Potter| Posse. after he murdered a. Pro- {day but'would go & long way in the 3] | "Old Loves and New" is the screen | stated that he said "No," and fell to | vincial officer, perpetrated the other (playoffs. Their decisive victories over dll 5 i a Fil 'LEWIS | ; tack. Rogers was working ig the | the O 7 | t/dith M. Hull's celebrated | the ground and never spoke again. | attack. 8 gig € Ottawa team marked them as STONE [ne ol a huis Sspmited - penitentiary kitchen when he Made | strong contenders for the = junior : "AND FS turing Lewis Stone in the . finest, Conducting Investigation. his sensational break for freedom. | champlonship. Ladies and Gentlemen :-- SUPERB J ; z | fastest moving role he ever had. It| On Saturday afternoon, Warden J.| Ho took a fake message to Guard Having been honored at a representative conventi ec \ " : : Berrigan, who instéad of ogening : : i ; CAST : | is superb entertainment, this "Old |C. Ponsford and the members of his the wicket in the path sod ms THE FREE METHODIST of the Liberals of this Riding by being chosen as thei d New," which opens at the | staff conducted an investigation at * ) Jove, a hp to-day, a film replete | the scene where the assault took |the message through it, Spsned the . candidate to contest the coming Federal election, I A { with forceful situations, engrossing place. Convict Dickinson was pres. | ate, and Rogers Napusd eh ay . CONFERENCE ENDED appealing to you as a supporter of the Liberal Party for | {love interest, action and suspense, |ent with the warden on Saturday |eral times with & 'butcher knife he i the following reasons: & f and a setting in the Near East that | morning, and gave a very clear story had brought with him from the i g . | boings the mirage-ike mictoripl [Of What he sew. The other convicts | kitchen. Rogers then ran up the Stationing Committee Report 1. Because. the Liberals have brought the country i itentiary hill and: in th a» . os : Re | splendid of that far off land before | Wers brought a lime forthe omy ary of Mr. ¥ We ~Ordination of Elders from chaos to prosperity between 1921 and 10286. | 1 n norama of | scene during the d y | daner and trope brie thelr Stofy was told. The evidence house where he was recaptured. Held on Sunday. y means of the Robb Budget, reduced desert and tropical brilliance. Great v : : . | care has been exercised In selegting | was all taked down by the prison | Later Rogers was Faleassd on parole, 0, and at the same time have reduced the public but ran amuel, killing two people : | t. ' Barbara - | stenographer, who in turn will make The Free Methodist Conference : ¢ i the ng aks Pepininiod) Sooport which will be submitted to) And was finallfishot to death in. the | nag come to. a close. The final ger Robb promises still further reductions { Donald and Tully Marshall excel in | Ottawa, bush by police, =: vices Sunday were attended by con-|fl returned lo power, <ee | their respective roles. Monday night Although nothing official is an- gregations that filled the Court 8 The Liberal Government has placed the Canadian ers have|Dounced it is understood that all|; 1} | House to overfiowing. - At the mora- g g8 : : : . | B18. Yaa mg his Serenag musical | the copvicts stated that MeCoskey || ing service, .Rev. M. 1 R ota National Railways on a paying basis, and has eliminated T . h smerny appeared to be in the best of spirits SPOR] President of the conference, deliver- politics from this great public enterprise. 5 : o-ni ft | and they cannot account for his ' ed a forceful discourse. The after x x - oS ADERS 4. The Liberal Government enacted the Old Age HIS SER iy . murderous deed. noon service was In the interest of C . 3 . Opening of Military College. ---- the missionary work of the church.|l Pensions scheme, which was turned down by the ~ re The recruit class of the Royal Mili- ' A . rae . : . tte] tary College will be offictally consti-| Dnger Spec Hat Guard, af sc. KINGSTON DINGHY i Halts Selivered a YN yur Majority in the Senate, but will be introduced by the tuted at 7 o'clock this evening. Boys 3a y Liberals at the first opportunity. . Fane captured and taken back to the ligion of Africa whére he has: been have been coming in all afternoon and prison, he was placed in a ceil un- » TEAM VICTORIOUS laboring a8 a missionary tor" over 5. Because it is absolutely certain that the Liberal the staft- of the college have been hy ] der the keeper's hall under special twenty years. He and Mrs. Haley > # ; a kept very.busy assigning them toi OF LAC KeCF will be maintained un sang. two songs in the native lang. |] SOVernment will be returned te power, and we should uarters sid ooking after the er til such time as he appears for Defeated the Chaumont Sail-| nage. A subscription and cash offer- be represented 'on the government side of the House to ; t tak- > : : A. ifive new boys enter this year, and Be aaNithorities _ave_not ak ors Here on Saturday by ol cen to i oan fo look after the interests of Kingston and Portsmouth. : with about five ot fast your's recruits ing to do away with himself, Mc- 58 to 52. ing Service was in charge of Rev. W. _ 6. 1am very keenly interested in all matters affeot- who did not et al e . sam Bytions Coskey appears to be in a dazed con- H. Gregory, pastor of the First ing the workers, and will pledge my support to the Old it will make the larges facrs The | dition and does not realize the| The dinghy races held here on Sat- church in Toronto. The following i nd other matlers of vital interest to in the history of the institution. «| seriousness of the crime which he|urday afternoon betweell 'Chaumont | were ordained by the president: R. ; : other clagaes will open at seven o'- committed. and Kingston clubs resulted in a win | W. Gunter, as a deacon: Rev. W. H. the laboring classes of our country, i : ». sulte Eon RE betiol rates ¢lock of Friday evening. for Kingston by 58 to be. Linstead and Rev. S. B. Griffith ae 7-1 have always advocated that full 'justice should ESE * RE Shem ons Sta -- Sue wo = i 1 a - 0 Eg rates 4 r neces. a sama SSR PIRI : To a: Maps, Bama elders. = After the ordination of - re Sen Ton | (Red, Blue, Yalow Plums, reas At the request of the officials of{ 18t race--start 3.45 p.m. elders before the afternoon. service, |fj De done to our returned men, and that no man who ) TH Me Gages, Bradshaw, Washington an the Portsmouth penitentiary, Rev. Chaumont Points | the president baptised the infant served his country overseas during the Great War should 4 28a | Burbank Plums, 60c. to 75¢. big bas- Dr. Kin : : 3 . ! : A gsley, Roman Catholic chap- [Purcell ... ......... 8.35.09 10 girl of Rev. and Mrs, 8. B. Griffith. have ust cause fi in t Eo rrim's Biscuits ga ain4 igher, TUosdsy maming loys one prison. wit: Tar oo | Sureelh =: 12 oh rs: oy Tho business of the. contoronce [| 10 any } 4 c © 2 or compla | sguinst this count 4 4 3 Nn at, Carnovaky a 4 1th quiem mass in the Church of the|Hart ...... ... .... 8.36.13 8 | was all finished at the sitting Sat- have watched © egislation passed by the Mackenzie Sides ith Sie ee 0. Wil 2! Good. Thief, Portsmouth. 'on' Tues. Remington .... 3:37.09 5 | urday afternoon. A number of votes King Government in the interests of the returned #6 Y day morning at six o'clock for the Golding .3.38.65 1 of thanks were pasded including: to diers, and believe they have endeavored to deal fairly the president for the splendid man- repose of the soul of the late Guard i ¥ i : . & EASTERN 3 SEMI-FINALS Earl Jenkins o ner in which he conducted the busi. |] With all. All legislation in the interests of our refur ed The fate Guard Jenkin§ was one Kingston ness, to the secretaries, and to the (ll Men will recejve my support if you elect me to Parlja~ 0.B.A.A, MIDGETS of the officers, at the prison who wae | Hopkins ... ... ..... Kingston Press for the large amount ment. 3 2. : # sent down to the Canadian border |Jemmett i of space allowed to the reports. of : . ] : a . : Oi 'A. BMART, Agent. Phones 1525 OTTAWA vs, to bring back Gordon Simpson, one (Hora ...... ... ... the conference. A committée con-|§ 8: 1 am.in favor of a Tariff that will be beneficial to 4 and 1788. Dark Horses, (Kingston) of the rive who escaped from the sisting of the Kingston pastor and all classes and give ample protection to industry, and«l prison. three years ago, with Red district elder was appointed to con- | 'will also support any measure that will have for its he fa . i CRICKET FIELD {IR and who was captured ip New vey the vote of thanks to the press. : Bus for Cataraqui Cemetery daily Tuaesds A t 31st oe city. The place of the meeting of the next |} Object the good of the people generally and the wonkérs except Mon. and Sat. at 2 PA. uesday Jy gus § \ session was fixed by vote of con-{l in particular. Never Considered Dangerous, 2nd race--start 4.15 p.m. ference and it will be held af Wark- Lhave beén a citizen of. this riding for a great many 545 X : ' 3 : ---- 9p | The officials at the prison never! Ghaumont worth at 'the same time next year. 5 ) as 3 is Godkins' Livery "MAD AME WILDA" congideéd that MecCoskey was 8 purcall Ais 00. The last item of business ana tne |B. Years. 'I have always tried to give a generous portion of Phone 816, Gueen Strest. For some time he . one evokelug the most interest and (Ml my time to public service and if you honor me by send- Un usin: man. in ToRine Cosgrove ..... ... ..5. ot : tr #:the g ~ ; i 'was on the gang engaged in 08.17 excitement was the report of; ing me to Ottawa to represent you, I promise to do Now. at Hotel Pri ., the underground passage from the stationing committee which fodlows: : : ? : BLACK¢& taro Bt 6S. Gnorue Ce 'new female ward, which is now in Kingston District--Districh elder, everything in my power to promote the interests business, love and m Your | the course of "comstruction, to the C. V. Fairbairn; Kingston, A. F.|N Kingston and Porfamouth. : WHITE. past, present and indication of future holler room at the prison. He wae Ball; Odessa, D. E. Smith: Harrow. : } hie as mar in your cd > reported to be a4 good worker. About smith, 8. B. Gritfith; Gananoque, . Very truly yours, Any Place | Nature, clearly indicated. Gives in- two months ago he was transferred : nts| Barnet Babcock; Perth Road, Nor- 4 : which was engaged 'in putting ATT x ' a life | ew coment fence posts on the prison | Ho : (5.00.37 7 | _Maberly Distriet--Tichborne, W. "MISS LOUISE ||stuay. fs noted for being one of the property, BARR 5.00.47" ¢ | W. Brown; Vemnachar, R. Chatson; ' 1 ' Dest ng Yi Gan : Poy aie . ass. 50146 4 | Mayberly, D. M. Loucks; Flinton, ty . §jfrom 9.00 a.m. to 9.30 pm. + Act Pre-meditated PEAR ees fates Nicholas Bosco. s . Beauty Par lor Shall be here for a short time, * It becomes more'evident that the Salsa 75 ¢ Campbelli{ord District--<Campbell- , Mt Elliott's Barber Shop : fk, formation on all affairs. y : : 400-- in the City | to the gang under Guard Jenmkins, ink wpe. 452.10. 10 | man Eastman; Verona; D, S. Wart. ; Phone. i Ed of asine he oa advice bum is wad vpn 4BT10. 10 man; Westport, N. F, Perry fatal wounding of Guard Jenkins by Judge, Mr. T. Bishop. ford, E. R. Orser; Warkworth, I. A. ila : h Boy {de a "|| Conviet McCoskey was 'pre-meditat: : Daw; . Frankford, R. Babcock; 856 Princess Street, Phone att be. Vincent A. Martin od, It was learned on Monday mos s Sunskasper, Mr. Hugh Ryan, Capt. Peterborg, F. Loft; Cordova, J. W. . ; : : ing that the first thing that e-1"" : "| Potter; Picton, J. W. Covey; " DENTIST Coskey did op Saturday morning Starter, Mr. W. K. Macnee. Gunter, T. C. Hutchings; Marmors. # when he reported for work at the A LR. Sedore. § Eveniugs by appointment. Junction of Prison road and John- KINGSTON QOLFERS : Toronto distriet--District elder, oT Frincems Strast.. . Phene.ton fl 00 streets was td get his hands on DEFEAT BROOKVILLE!» Sayder; Toronto First church, W. the eraw bar. The convicts who -- N H. Gregory; Nxbridge, W. H. Lin. were working with. him did not Qame Local Lin stead; Belhaven; B. E. Stevenson: think much about it at the time, but Ina ----g On the Links Newmarket, G. A. Mitchell; Holt, H. Mince the fatal wounding took place] y by 32-15 Jr Crowder, = Armadale, Lawrence it comes to their minds how anxious : Askey. he was to get the bar of steel. a Muskoka District--District elder, £13 . : The golfers of the Cataraqui Golf | B. Snyder; Bracebridge, R. Bloye; I Other Murderous Attacks. and Country Club took sweet re-| Huntsville, A. W. Gunter; Graven. "The murder of 'Guard Jenkins a [venga onthe members of {he Brock. | burst, R. T. Casement: - Housey's penitentiary on - Saturday has|Ville team here on Saturday by de-| Rapids, Fred Jones; Hillsdale, G. H. the 2a the thoughts of those as |feating them by the scdrs of 32-15, | Bache; Midland, to be supplied. Sociated with 'the instituion to the|the scores being made up as fol. , - Several similar' murderous attacks |lOWS: Brockville a-- ice \ made by convicts on the guards dur- rockville.y Ee L ESTA ing the many years that the penal Ritchie, x L.. MARINE IN po é 3 a in situated at ny . nant, C. ". ... REA 4 , x » oh a :: ox: inwaring,A.G. 1 yr 4 PE -- 3 BL 1 ®, Chrysler, J. Por Rent -- Desirable haus, | QS re |Day. FH... 3 White wh two convicts at the old lime kiln at-| Brows, L. A. 3 Fitspatrick, L.. : i % . Nh Switt, B. H. ., (| tr 8 hard struggle and he way Swift . H. 0 Ogilvie, L. ©. : a aa made off. It is no . Fulford, G. .. ¢ that the injuries suffered 5 Bry at the hands of the conviets |C8¥S. F. A. .. 2 Wiser, J. G. ,. he in his deata ' hE } es | The Sn rasan boat ati ps ; 3 a oi iy 8. ang: Celentes . The Candidate, and Others. The government Boat (Soout make | i pe, : od at the causeway this ) , oe samo fl WARD MEETINGS me 0 | Hie shen to Montreal. Some : A 5 ' Vi oaded. A | : The steamer Jets from Oswego MONDAY, AUGUST 30th-- : 3] ® he Wiarton: eres eas at oe Victoria, Rideau, St. Lawrence. TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st NOMHUOHODOOOD OS wm