a a X 'OF INTEREST TO THE ls, MOTORISTS OF CANADA [[@ N February 15th just six months ago--we raised Accepted at first "on faith" by motorists who realized we | the curtain on a merchandising success that has no would not jeopardize our reputation by the slightest exagger. : counterpart in the annals of modern business. It was ation of the actual facts, elube is to-day ¢ ng then that we revealed the record of our four-year search the oil trade of Canada by reason of actual results achiev for the ideal motor lubricant, and announced the culmi- in daily use in at least three hundred thousand -cases. nation of that search in the development of a new and. There is no longer need for claim . Marvelube now 'wonderful refining process. At once the attention of the has a record o claim' proving whereby even the ultra- e fo orld was focussed upon Matvelube Motor Oil, sceptical must be convinced. il by reason of the assurances we Otradeand ~~ at in st J 8 : public that it S Sotiive ax a revelation in lubricating To complete the record of Marvelube's dramatic success, we efficiency. A : ; now Ye on file official endorsements of great oil dis- / : ; covery by the manufacturers -ni On April 20th, Marvelube went on sale across Canada. the motor cars used in Canada. Marvelube, having bee On that very y it became apparent that our high claims subjected by them to searching tests, has received unqual- had awakened the interest of car owners to an extent ified endorsement as a Motor Oil of low carbon-content, never achieved for any other oil product. That first day low-cold test, infinitesimal su ur content, unique resist- our Deslers and Servi Stations set jew fecords 1n Erank. ance to eniulsification and amazing abiuey to retain its 'case .10r customers anxious to get the lubrication "body" : conditi benefits which we had told them Marvelube would ensure. 3 By May 1st, Marvelube sales had attained such Jropor. : our tions as to reveal a most gratifying readiness on the part IC for their prompt acceptance of of the Motoring Public to accept our claims at their full new oil, we reiterate, for the benefit of those who have face value. 'From every one of our twelve Sales Divisions not yet tried it, the unqu stat 'that Marvelube is ; ) of a demand so v in excess of our most different from and su erior to any other lubricant that has Hicipations as to co e J Ey heretofore been offered to the motor- a public confidence seldom = Ee : fries #40. any commercial insti- i i x #% LA % x June 1st -- to meet this unforeseen emand --we had doubled our plant i # So ind vet today, orts to place