4 $ oN Splendid Floral Display of Mrs. + < gs 2» + bean 'done entirely by J > EHE 2) DAILY Monday, August 30, 1926, LETTERS To The Editor Of The Whig Parliament Is Supreme, :¢¢ To the Editor of The Whig: if Dear Sir--The Montreal Gazette, | SIN Aug. (p. 7. 1st col), reports ¥. Meighen as having said at Win- | lies. s dur | "Let them." (the Liberals), 'even | £ rot challenge apy act of ours as in- | i ralid because we were not legally a | i sovernment. If they succeed, 1 am | prepared' to resign the leadership of | { 'he Conservative party." ' | i: "An ora coun passed by | # the Governnfent could be challenged | iin the courts," Mr. Meighen said, "If fthe Government were not legally | Constituted, the courts would de-| Clare the order invalid. | Mr. Meighen knows---though it is! i hard to guess how little Mr. Meighen | 'knows,--Mr. Meighen ought = to] know that no inferior court--no, not | 'the Sovereign himself,--has juris | diction over Parliament. Only Par- | lanient itself can pass upon what | Parliament does. A Cabinet is but 4 Committee of Parliament, Already | Mr. Meighen's "shadow Govern-| ment" has been challenged in Par- | Hament, and by Parliament con-| demned, And Mr. Meighen slapped | Parliament's face for its temerity. But consider consequences, Mr. Meighen wold resign his party-lea- | dership! . "OR, what a fall were there, my eountrymas, '* | - 'All: along Mr. Meighen appears to | Rave tried to act the party-leader,-- | Tt the gt=lerman nor the patriot, | f'tan we derive from opponents' | Ponders greater advantage than fiom our own schemes. GEO: ANSON AYLESWORTH. Newburgh, August 28th FLOWER GARDEN Is i OREATING COMMENT E. Stanford Attracts Much Notice. A flower garden that has at- tracted much more than passing at- tention from residents of the city is that of 'Mrs. Edward Stanford, 17 Patrick street, where flowers of . various kinds have made that corn. er of Road and Patrick Street a spot of genuine beauty, . Sections of 'the corner, surround- 1s. Stanford's home, facing on an Road and facing on Patrick street, have been much admired by passers-by and many have asked per- mission to go through the garden, admiring the different flowers grown 'there by Mrs. Stanford, . From She _ gateway on Patrick street, the full length of the property on Patrick street and ound on the Raglan Road side of eo house, are flowers of all de-! iscriptions, gladiolas, roses, cactus, | 'peonies, roses, etc., and the different | 'tints and shades have transformed | the place into a real bower of 'bean ty. 'The caring for thesé flowers has on 'di Mrs. Stan- (ford (who Is deserving of great 'credit for the beauty 'spot she has (created on that corner. Her work with her fowers has been untiring and has resulted in her being high- Jy complimented by those who have seen her floral display. Swaine. piano - tuner. received at 100 Clergy street L 'phone E64w. © Take the children to the flower show in'the curling rink. Adults VOTE FOR H. H. HORSEY Liberal Candidate for Lennox-Prince Edward, and secure a Liberal Progressive administra. tion. This means the retention of the government railways and concrefe achievements like the ROBB BUDGET. -~ PROBS: --Cool to-night; fine on Tuesday. i | VOTE FOR R.J.BUSHELL The Man Who Put Kingston Fair on the | & . Map. C The Man Who Can Get Things Done for Farmers STOP SUNDAY WORK AT GRAIN ELEVATOR Secretary of Lord's Day Alli- ance Gave Order to Have Elevator Closed. Rev. A. T. Terryberry, provincial secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, who preached at both services in the First Baptist Church, on Sunday, paid a visit to & local grain elevator on Sunday and stgted that the ele- vator must not be operated on Sun- day, and that it was against the law to operate on Sunday. The man in charge of the elevator stated that the elevator would not be é&losed down unless he was authorizéd to do 80 by the er. Mr. Terryberry paid another visit to the elevator at 5 o'clock, in the afternoon, and the superintendent closed down. On Monday morning," Rev. Mr. Terryberry called 'on the manager of the elevator, when the manager informed him that the work at the elevator was being carried on in the usual way, that of having the Wessels unloaded as soon as they arrive so they could get away without any de- lay. And as far as can be learned this 'appears fo be the gemeral practice all aver the great lakes. At Fort William and Port Colborne the biz elevators work on Sunday. This has been the practice for many years and these elevators have not been interfered with. It is rumored that proceedings will also be taken to stop the steam- ers Wanbic and Brockville rufiblng out of here on Sunday, but as these steamers are operating on their re- gular routes, and as these water trips are very popular, it {s not pro- will allow these boat trips to be can- celled. No complaint was made to the head of the local police force regard- Ing the operation of the elevator on Sunday. cam ff 3 | Dropped Dead on i! York Central City, Saturday night, while about to. Way to Kingston It was Jearned & the city Mon. i day morning that Vahram Y. voud had d dead Ju the New station, New Fork board a train for Kingston. A friend i | telephoned to his who has-been with hor hi staying on Wolfe Island father, and she immediately left for || A New York. Mrs. Davoud was form- erly Constance Tandy, a daughter o Mr. Harry , King street. Mr. Davourd was born bable that the people of Kingston | do: PREMIER NEIGHEN PREDICTS MAJORITY He Says the Conservatives Will Make Gains In Western Canada. Kenora, Ont., Aug. 30.--"There is no doubt that the Conservatives will have a substantial majority," says Premier Meighen In a statement is- sued yesterday on the completion of his western tour. "I have not," the statement reads, "contracted the habit of making election predictions, but this can be said as a generally accepted fact rather than as a prediction: The Conservative party will have more Seats 'In Western Canada than they won in the election: of last October. I am absolutely confident that we will gain in each of the four west- ern provinces. FOUR FUGITIVES ARE RECAPTURED Courage of Deputy Warden 'Prevented General Delivery fof 1,400 Prisoners. si Ionia, Mich., Aug. 30.--Tweniy of the twenty-four convicts who es- caped from the state reformstory here Saturday morning, after over- powering twenty guards, are still at liberty apparently having scattered in various directions.. Four were recaptured during Saturday and are in solitary confinement, facing the possibility of three years' additional imprisonment for their short free- m. 1 The break, soon after 1.30 o'clock in the-morning, was one of the bold: est in the history of Michigan penal institutions. For a time five men, leaders in the escape, were in vir. tual possession of the prison. Among the leaders were Benton Ford and -{ Franklin Todd of Toledo, sentenced for holding up the Hadley State Bank in Lapeer County some months ago. ta That. many of the other 1,400 in- CHIEF ARMSTRONG | AGAIN SECRETARY | Elected to Office In Dominion { | Fire Chiefs' Association | Twelfth Time, | Fire Chief James Armstrong bas |B just returned fram Windsor Where | he attended the convention of the | Dominion Association of Fire Chiefs | held on August 24th, 25th, 26th and | 27th. 'There was & very large atten- | dance at the convention members be. | ibg present from as far as Halifax [J and as far west as Lethbridge. | The meetings were. very. interest. | ing and instructive, among the to- | pics being: discussed were, the pro-, per care of motor fire apparatus, and the capabilities of different siz. ed water mains and their efficiency in supplying good hose streams. This ' was especfally"instructive.and it was | the general opinion that all four! | inch mains should be removed from | service and all dead ends in water | system dliminated. The question of automobile oon | | gestion and parking of cars on | streets caused a long discussion and | { every chief who spoke complained that the work af the fire depart-| ments was being hindered from this | cause. Traffic control'was ably ex- plained by Commissioner Tuson of Windsor where the automatic stréet | signal control system has been in-| stalled] and which ap working well. The signals change | every 50 seconds, so that there is. very litle delay occasioned to traffic | which is held np by the red ght. | The efficiency of the hand water pump as compared' with the three gallon chemical acid and soda extin- | | guisher was also discussed and it | was decided that the hand pump was | decidely mare efficient for the ma- | jority of the smaller fires. | .. At the Friday morning session the : officers were elected for the ensuing | year. Hull, Quebec, was selected for Bi the 1927 convention. The officers |B elected were as follows: hief - Jessier, Hull, Que. x mates of the prison did not join the O from his lard, Mr. Haigh strong, Treasu to bei And now for the Season's Greatest one day sale event TUESDAY IS THE DAY And the scene of this super-bargain event is "'King- ston's Shopping Centre." - All previous sales will be over-shadowed by the re- sponse, we believe that will be accorded this sensational bargain event. Plan to be here, no matter what previous engage- ments you have made, as this sale is of extraordinary im- portance to every thrifty shopper. Shop Tuesday and Save Not only on seasonable merchandise but on your ex- pected fall requirements. New Suits, new Coats, new Dresses, new Millinery, dregs accessories and yardage - goods, offer complete stocks for your selections. Jaeger goods only excepted. All this for Tuesday! Everything marked in plain figures. There are no ifs andands--just all sales for cash, with no approvals or re- turns, Our entire $200,000