| Monday, August 30, 1926. \ ~ "PHONE 134. "PIANO TUNING THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ed Office 31 Brock St, cor, and Brock Street. ~F RRR George Clark Wright | 826. "You really care for the Field quid vein, and pretending to siioth- 81 BROCK STRE®T PHONES 836.806. R. H. Waddell er a slight yawn. "You're very much in earnest over her?" He raised his brows. arguing out this matter, if I were- n't? If I hadn't determined to make her my wife, do you think for one moment that I'd give a damn for all the slandering stories that could estrange us?" i "No, 1 suppose pot." Then, look- ing more closely st him: "You're a strong man, Warwick, and a ruth less one, You'd walk over anybody to grab what you wanted, irrespec- tive of the harm you did!" w DRJ.C.W. BROOM 150 Wellington Street. "Phone 679. appointment. Evenings by - WELLINGTON {LOANED MORTGAGES » "Phones 377, LL STRERT My ST Bane tr KINGSTON TRANSFER (0. Evenings 2281, His lips curled In a sneer. "Rather late in the day for you to become a moralist!" She did not flinch. "A» a matter of fact, it's pretty beastly to let another woman down. I never was a particular friend of the Marcella girls, but I teal I ought to stand by her, in the instance." - The man broke into a harsh laugh. What a consummate "possur" wap this pert young female! And he'd done so much for her! This was his thanks! But she evidently wasn't to be 'sot around.' He must change his tack. "Look here, Leonie, we've always been good pals. Why not come right out in the open and state'your case? What on earth's gained by beating about the bush? It gets us nowhere." This was irrefutable. "You admit, then, that the tale is true?" She put an elbow on the plass-topped wicker table that di- vided them, and propped her chin thoughtfully upon her hand. "It lsat a principle of mine to admit anything. But, as a woman of Intelligence, you must see that it might go rather against me with { Marcella to have & yarn of this sort "Should I be wasting my time in » brought to her ears at the eleventh hour, when our marriage day ap- girl? pursued Miss Leonfe in lan-| proaches "Oh, is it as soon as that? D"you kfow I thought that Miles, my quon- dam suitor, was going to take her from you?" He stared at her. Bot over the infatuation for the sculptor fellow, when she could speak so lightly of another woman taking him away from her? He But then one never knew working of the female mind. "You think that Marcella would sngich at any excuse to get out of her engagement with you?" went on Leonie, watching her effect with shrewd, calculating eyes. "That at- titude of mind isn't very promising for married life, is itr" It was against her own Interest to point out this undeniable fact, but she couldn't at the moment re- sist the impulse to 'bait' him, know- ing #ull well his inflexible deter- mination to marry his reluctant bride. Besides, it was fun to tease and sanoy him, realising that her grip on him was so secure, now that this extraordinary knowledge had come accidentally into her, possession. Like the sword of Dumocles, she could bang it over his head. until the very nuptial day! "Ar? the alternative?" said War. wick 7. man, coolly, with a sudden reading of her thoughts that made her jump. "Money, of course, How much!*" She named a sum that him. , "Blackmail"s a criminal offence, ag doubtless you must know?" he counter-thrust. "Whatever I've done or haven't done, I haven't put my. self within reach of the law." "No yet," sald Leonie composed- ly, "but you plan to do." There was a silence, wandered to the golf-course. Had she quite the startled Her eyes She to must give him time to think, "Yes," sald Daddy Gander to the Twins as they rode along through the sky on hig magic dustpan, 'the tin rooster was pight. There isn't any doubt that the Maiden-AM-Forlorn end the Tattered-Man have gone to bougekesping in the House-That- Jack-Bullt." "Oh, Look!" cried Nancy. "There is someone beckoning to us from that apple tree. Let's stop and ses who it is," 80 Daddy 'Gander sald. "Whoa!" to his dust-pan and it stopped in the tip-topmost branch of the applé tree. "Why, hello!" sald Nick. "It's the | apple-tree fairy who runs the eleva. tor up to the sky." : "I'm glad you haven't forgotten me," sald the appletres fairy. I thought I heard someone talking about - the House-That-Jack-Built. Was it you?" "It was me," sald Daddy Gander. "Do you. know anything about it?" "Dp I Well, I should say 80," remarked the apple-tree fairy. "1 ueed to lve in an apple tree on Pin Hall wheres Jack and Jill apd Ts. John live. Indeed, 1 was thers when Jack built Bis houss. I know all about it. It's got the cutest poroh and" "Oh; I mean do you know whérs it's gone!" asked Daddy Gander. 8 Jogt.> ete "Ants wings and snails horas" gried the Jittle fairy in. surprise. "You don't say so!" 1 "Oh, yes," spid Nancy. "It's gone and we're hunting for it. The tin : Tr on the barn and Higgledy Piggledy, the black hen, said that they thought the ' Maiden-All-Fer- lorn and the Tattersd-Man had gone -to housekeeping in it." 21. "I don't beleve it," ple-tree fairy. Pasmnio wl | De P emia | DoATOdT Sr 'Not that I know Gander. "But then seventeenth floor of the sky there is a place called "The Department of Lost Things." It's for the wind- storm things?" "Oh, pigs, and baby-carts, and baystacks, and churns, and automo- biles and houses and things lke that, that blow away in tornadoes, A tornado Is a wind storm said the apple-trée fairy, "They have to blow somewhere, don't they! 'So they 'blow up to the seventeenth floor of the sky and we fairies sort them out. It's quite a village." > "But. how could Jack's house be blown up thers when nothidg else was?" asked Nancy. "ON, easily!" said the fairy, vA tornado is just a wind cloud that looks like a kite with a tail. The tail comes along and--whisk! It can blow 'you right off the 'map and leave the person you were talking to without so much as pushing an eyelash out of place." "Well then," said Daddy Gander. "We'll go 'there at once and look." "Just leave your magi¢ dust-pan there," said the apple-tree fairy, 'I'll Tun you up in my 'elevator as quick. as Jack Robinson could wink hts eye." (Ta be Continued.) make & defiite decision. And, above | 3 all, she must keep her head and give an impession of complete tran quility. ' "American golfing clothes are ra. ther odd," she remarked, as though to "herself, "The men's I mean. There seems to be no definite type of tweeds or cut. I suppose they'd think the 'plus fours' our men wear, ridiculously baggy." Some girls in gaily | coloured woolen sweaters' went by on the veranda, laughing and talking. They looked so carefree that Leonie-- adventuress by dint of ecireum- stances, and not from choice, .she told herself--quite envied them. Rich parents were undoubtedly be- hind them. - They hada"t to..soot for money in the unpalatable ways that fell to her! , . 'Warwick spoke with a sudden- ness that made her start. i "If I were fool enough to give you a lump sum now, fo keep your mouth shut, I've no guarantes tha: you wouldn't go on with yous black. mail after marriage!" : Leonie thought a moment, then she voiced a thought that "had been turning in his own mind. "There would be no necessity for hush-money, because Marella would be yours, and no matter what she heard it would be--too/late!" "That's a sensible view." .com- mented the man approvingly. "I don't mind talking business with you now!" (To Be Continued.) -------------- AT SHARBOT LAKE Wb A Number of Bridgemen are Being Laid Off, Sharbot Lake, Aug. '27--A dance was given in Community last Mon- day evening. . Perth «orchestra fur- nished the music. The merchants banquet was held on Wednesday ev- ening. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs, Calgary, also Mr. and Mrs, J. Godwin, Kingston, visited a few days at W. H. Wal- roth's. Miss Ollie Mouros, Kingston, visited with Mrs. F.C. Wairoth a few days. Mrs. J. 'Bourk visited friends in Maberly a%few days. Mr, and Mrs. R, Cul of Sault Ste; Marie #nd Mr, and Mee Foes Avery Perth spent the week-end at M. Avery's. Albert Buellvls home from the General Hospital, Kingston. Bert Buell, Ottawa, {8 visiting at his home here, gpg TET Rey. J. Cantrell and Mrs. Cantrell and son Arthur, Oxford Milly, is vi- siting friends here a few Gays, Mrs. A. Réynolds and children ~ are at Waestport.: Mrs. Lewis, St. Paul visit- ed at A. Buell's, Sympathy is extendéd to Mr. and Mrs. David ' Dodds in the loss of their som, who died in Toronto. In- terment took place at Zealand on Monday. Rev. H. Coleman conduct. ed the service, en " Mr. and Mrs. M: Diew spent Sun- day st Long Lake. Marg Sheri- Gan spent the week-end in Perth. Mr. 'and children,' days in Toromto this week. | { Mrs. A. Lewis and children have I returned 'to Sudbury and Misses Etta and Laura Riley, New York, are spending .a month with their Wother, Mrs. Paul Riley. "38 Quite a number of Bridge men are laid off. Mr. and Mrs. W. Delite Newcastle at WwW. Davis'. Keith Erwin has secured a &ood position in Flint, Mich. The h( showers have been very much appre- ||} clated here as it was very dry lately. \ : s | RADIO tential TUESDAY, AUGUST 81. KDEA (800.1) Pittsburgh. 2.30 p.m.----Baseball scores. 5.30----Dinner concert. 6.15--Basebal] scores. 7.40--"Stockman-Farmer" report. 8--Sacred song concert. 9--Concert by the Players. 9.55--Baseball scores. 10.35--Pittsburgh Post from the Grand Theater. WEAF (402) New York, N.Y. 4% 8 p.m.--Bass baritone; pian- ist: Women's League: team music: Waldorf-Astoria music; baMtone French lecture; Wilson's orchestra; salon concert. : 8.30--Ritz Male quartet. Symphony concert | WHITE PINE LUMBER if , We carry choice stocks from' the large mills. Niee, well-manufactured, carefully dried lumber, A variety of sizes and lengths. : | It sells on sight and is bound fo please those parpeaters and workmen who take pride in their WOors. 3 ANGLIN CO, LIMITED OOAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK; ; BAY AND WELLINGTON STRERTS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO "Phone 1571, § --PARIS CAFE-- . FULL COURSE DINNER, 55. ff CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAYS 75¢ I FIRST CLASS MUSIC SUPPLIED. 4 LA CARTE SERVICE OX THE SHORTEST NOTICR . 10.--Moment musicale, 10.30--Farrell"s Greenwich vil" lage orchestra. ' ' 11.30 to 12---Albin's Bossert or- chestra. WIZ (455) New York, 6.05 p.m.--Frank Dole. 6.20--Waldort erchestra. 7--Bernard Abrens, baritone. 7.30--"Summer Willowers." 8--Pennsylvania Rafiroad hour. 9--Cook's Cruise. 9.45--Ofllsen's Pennsylvania orch. estra, : "---- WGY (870.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 1 p.m.-~Harmony Twins. 1.30--Organ recital. 5.30~~Ten Eyck programme. 6.30 Talk, 7,30--Musical programme. 8--Pennaylvapia Keystonéhs. 9-9.30--Cook's Soutliern Hemis- vhere Cruise. WBAL (248) Baltimore, Md. 6.30-7.30---Dinner orchestra. 7.3018----Mandolin orchestra. 8-9--Conecert. WBZ (838.1) 68 p.m.--Kimball Trio. 8.30--Amphion Trio. 9---Musical programme, 1 Mass, rs -- Complete 'radio pro, es sold at Canada Radio arn : ax a - Hi I i and Mrs. J. Cronk spent a day in Ot- tawa, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, Maberly visited at the parsonage, . and Mrs, R. Culbert and son and Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery are spending a couple of days if Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. McLaren, Perth, and Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Milton, spent a day with Mrs. J. Bourk. Mrs. J. But terill, Godfrey, visited friends this week. \ Mrs. K. Suddeby is visiting friends 'fa Kingston. J. H. Falr and & At BH. C. Walroth spent 5 couple 'ot gids 5 } Hi. F i if : Bef j i] ice isi lif : fd a maximum HI £ i 4 bh il hi : i i i | i i } i mond princess," to Carlyle Blackwell, American was a sensation in London society, She is called richest women in the at the Worl ¢ Wedding of Mrs. Leah Haxlon Barnato, England's flim star aol one of world. £ N-- Is Doing b (As Seen'by Popular Mechenics Magaiine | Tiny Phone for Deaf Hidden within the Eae