THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND' VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS' Thursday for their home in San Ber- nadino, Calif. LIFE"S SOCIAL SIDE Mr. W. 3. Wilton, Windsor, who | bas been visiting his sister, Mrs. H. Wilde - War Mee. Bacen L. McCrum, Earl street, left on Tues- m alsh, son of Tal | day for Renfrew. Walsh. The wedding to take place . ss a the second week in September. Rev. Gerald Despard, rector of St. a. Peter's Church, Toronto, with Mrs. | Despard and thelr children are Kingston, are visiting the former's spending some time at the Sand- Basen, Ny. 2nd Mrs. W. J. Under- banks. Mr. Despard was a Picton , 8t. mas. : . . . boy. . - * Mrs. Joseph Reeve, Ottawa, who Dr. R. R. MacGregor, Earl street, has been the guest of Mrs. Herbert leaves for the west on Friday. He N. Roberison, Wellington street, is will speak before the Medical As- returning home this eek, ' sociations at Edmonton, Vancouver, Mrs. M Sarkatoon, and Winnipeg and will Mitra ney: Janadowne, | avs 2 not return to Kingston for three weeks, evening for Miss Steacy, Kingston, «so» rors. ho 1a a bride of next Week. Mrs. EB. L. Bruce, Bagot street, . has returned from Apahoqua Island Mie Trene Allain, Porchestar. bi on the St. Lawrence where she Tow, e, ... mouth, until the opening of the Spent ek Nit Pid ry ar Phyills Spencer, Montreal, classes at Notre Dame Convent. merly of Queen's University, King- 4 : several ys w A * 9 8 ton, Mrs. Knight, Alice street, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Day and their| "2 & Je. son, Jack Bruce, Brock street, have « and Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Avon- returned after spending their holi- , have gone to To-|days in Napanee and Bowmanville. 40 spend several weeks. * +s : . Bown ai Mrs... Winslow, sister of Mrs. Ro- ® funcheon to have Nn given Ibert Crawford, Barrie street, return- hay ora at the Golf Club to- lod to Montreal on Monday after u Wallon sar aie Talis Juve Bas been postpened until Fri- {three weeks visit in Kingston. *. oo = * . - Tuesday, August 31, 1926. ™ | Have you tried MAIOLA for Mayonnaise? and Mrs. Dennis Jordsn, To- to, have returned from England. . » » * 'Doris Bayes, Ottawa, is in visiting Miss Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Underwood, 6 last tea and dance of the sea- i. be held at' the Yacht Club Pu FY teaspoonful J lIN3 pp PURE FLAKE Ad: LR TERT RT can every few | days. It prevents CRT IT Ae : WILSO GILLETT'S LYE . "My girl Mary's husband ain't none too bright, but her chin goes backward an' I didn't expect much." OSTRIOH LEATHER Katharine Burke, : has left to spend' three at Holly, Pa. . - = ------ Harold S. Pac ATCM. STUDIO: 840 Johnson Street. "Phone 2080-m, . * . Miss Ruth Gildersieeve was the hostess of a small luncheon at * the Cataraqui Golf Club on Monday for Miss Charity and Miss Peggy Prim- rose, New York. The other guests N'S Mr. and Mrs. William Hanty, Jr and their daughters, have arrived at SERVICE 960 25¢ 'War DAY OR NIGHT Women, which will be held in Mont- real August 25th-27th, will be the first occasion for actual contact be- twebn the older clubs and those re- tently organized ' in the Maritime Provinces. The sessions will be held at the Royal Victoria College and will include the reports of the vari- ous clubs and the standing commit- tee, with an address by Miss Char- lotte Whitton on the university wo- man and her community, the feature of the conference. NINN ull Among men, fifty-one per~ cent. are stronger in the right arm than in the left. In thirty-three cases the left arm is the stronger: in the rest the two arms are equal, i wy Hp natural novejty This strapped bag of brown ostrich leather is a for the fall. CARRIED * 0. Mrs. Thomas Arthur and her daughter, Miss Frieda Anthur, Inver- Her, stay in town, Mrs. ary, have lett for Toronto, where Carpenter will be the guest|the Lake-of-the-Woods to be guests they will be joined by Mrs. J. R. Gor. ir. and Mss. J. M. Campbell, (of Col. and Mrs. H. F. Osler for some don, Welland. After visiting Togon- Lyon. Ss» time. * 5.4 to exhibition Miss Arthur will go to Welland, where sh ill attend the " 'W. Hilyard and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming entestain- Welland Colleglite. » { venue have sent out invita-| ed at the Cataraqui Golf and Coun- a» IF an "At Home" on Friday fry Club on Monday eftérnoon for Dr. and Mrs. Coulter, Malone, HE ee Mrs, Henri Panet, Ottawa, N.Y., with their children and Mrs. Coulter's father, Rev. John Webster, Miss G M. Shannoh. Sunbury,| Canon and Mrs. W. F. FitzGerald, formerly pastor of Brock Street retu home after spending a | Brock street, returned on Monday Methodist Church, spent several days Wither aunt, Mrs. Fred Scott, | trom the Sand Banks, where they with Mrs. T. R. Carnovsky and left ne, spent the Past three Weeks. on Monday for Lindsay, where Mr. Webster will visit his relatives. . . » I. and Mrs. R. O. Alexander, Mrs. Allan Wagar, who has been visiting in Picton and the neighbor. Military College, have return- hood for the last two weeks, . re- England where they spent turning t0 Napanee the latter part es ie of this week. . and Mrs. John Primrose and mghters, who have spent Rmer in town, returned to York to-day. . . Rev. J. M. Laird, Mre. Laird and thelr family have returned to St. Thomas after spending several weeks at Port Dover, where they had 'a cottage for the first three Weeks of August. They had as their trip and are spending a few days in Jats ns. is, Jorays, Me. and ve Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs also returned home, ' William McAuley Charles Livingston, 151 Earl street. . 8 announce the engagement Mrs, Jacob E. Shibley and thelr a: The ladies who were entertained oy race x . y the Kiwanians at Collin's Bay on aly daughter; 9 bo daughter, Mi Lois K. Shibley, Har Monday evening will not forget the [3'1w0 week ay a Chition Springs] JOUEMISI evening they spent i (n a suk gf PrINgS | pavilion, where shaded fights hung *'a hidd Solin To oth or en by the flowers ban on the a vr: R. Jlalderatt and hat mantel piece. The singing, the spirit @ daughter, who have with of fellowship and good-will that Dr. and Mr. Haldsropt at Thels sot. pervaded the gathering was infect. fags 2 hors Ma k street. lous, and the coldest and most re- r oon Ag 8 served of the guests warmed under ' the influence of the Kiwanis spirit Mrs. David MecCaughenty and : hor ily, with a vy. fed and entered into the fun with a will. {from Streatsville and a4 Miss Hutton, Barriefield, and Mr. [and Mrs. Hugh Free, Diviston strect. - - . Me. KN. Storms, Wilton, has been spending a week with Mrs. B. H. Farrow at her cottage at Green- FOR THE COOLER NIGHTS Warm Bed Coverings Fancy, Plaid, all pure Wool Blankets, full large sizes, in Gold, Blue, Rose, Helio and Green, for .....".......'$5.50 each. Pure Scotch Wool Blankets, the finest quality, soft and warm, in all white and with Pink and Blue. borders, in 5 sizes, from $5.50 each up. * Eiderdown Comforters, English makes, light and warm, pretty patterns, from $10.00 up. : Children's Blankets for Cribs in Flan- . = Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Livingston have returned from their continental That the shop windows are show- ing the first of the autumn styles, and on the bargain counter are the pretty frocks that are left over from the summer stock. Some of these frocks are real bargains for they can be used in the afternoon at teas and bridges. It is a delight to have a new frock at the end of the sum- ] mer when one is tired of wearing the same things. There are still the gay knitted garments that are so well-worth buying and can be worn all winter under a coat. The care- ful shopper can be well dressed for a small cost. The thing is to have the right kind of thing to wear om all occasions and a color 'scheme that will not require too many changes in gloves, shoes and stock- ings and hats. oF] t Ebie he That the Torouto "Ex" is bigger and better than ever, and many Kingstonians are going westward by water, by raib and by moter. i £ 8 3 | The Editor Hears That George "Lawes can do more with a hundred old postage stamps than any man in Kingston, His lat- - g 8 1 afl H -------- hurst, dnd is now visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caton's, Toronto, . ® Mrs. Harry Webb and Mre. Fred Timleck and her son, Harry, Brock- ville, were week-end visitors in the city and were with Miss Lillian Bates at the Mowat Hospital. - * . Mr. and Mrs. EH. O. Ebersole, Un- lon street, have returned from a two weeks' motor trip, having visited N.Y., and Jamestown, N.Y. also spent a week at their cot- Angola-on , N.Y, k Eby and her daugh- a, who have deen rmer's mother, Mrs. D. Me. "Portsmouth," will leave est achievement is the ploturé -of a Canadian steamship passing the Isle of Wight to be seen'in a Wellington street window. The hull of the steamship is of stamps, the funnels have bars of stamps and the rock and lighthouse are most effectively de- corated with stamps. A charming touch is the red sails of a dinghy done in three cent stamps. The whole effect is most artistic. In an- other window is a motor éar done in stamps by, the same clever hands. That according to an announce- ment made by Hrs. Walter Vaugh- an, the conference of the Canadien Federation of University Hi g The big midway at Picton fair will include merry-go-round, ferris wheel and merry-mix-up, as well as @ large number of concessions. The midway will be running full force on Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 6th. Plan to attend. Everybody must visit the' midway. Four days, September 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, Emerson was fond of repeating that Englishmen are i ble of seizing an idea or of mastering a theory, but that they have a sin- cere belief in a fact. Take the children to the flower show in the curling rink. Adults i 3 j fe i g { i fi i i il a 26e, children bo, - 5 nelette and all wool, from $1.00 each up. ~ SEE OUR NEW FALL COATS, Li W. N. Linton & Co. . 2s THE IRISH LINEN STORE {> pasaansaassaans ren The Petloct Music Roll ] : y New releases every month of popu- : lar and classical music for your Player Piano. GEL a A Tr Come in and hear these: -- | 1.--I Wish | Had My Old Gal Back 2--Bye Bye, Backbid 3.--I'm reaching for the Moon.