Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1926, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Wednesday, September 1. 16; CITY AND DISTRICT | $F== === I ---- ------... I : Boost the Horticultural Soclety. large gang of men is employed on By visiting the flower show in the | the Job and the work is being rush. { Curling rink, Tuesday and Wedneo. ed with all speed so that it will be - day afternoon and evenings. well along before winter sets in, A -- 4 p. ' i Kingston Bank Clearings, Sentences Imposed. The following are the figures of On Monday James Burns and Adol- the Kingston Bankers' us Yuker appeared before Judge { House: August, i |eynolds, Brockville, for sentence | August, 1925, $3,084,358. on charges of shop-breaking and ------ S|theft. They Had pleaded guilty to re us roun Good Corn Orop. burglarizing the store 'of Ernest y The corn crop is Very good. The |Summers, Mallorytown, some days |{8Pedn has grown in epite of . They were sentenced to eigh- weather, months in the Ontario reforma- with a further indeterminate sentence of two years less one day | in the same institution, Goes to Ogdensburg, ---- A Ensign Madele Wilson wil] ac-| Died at Alliston, Aged Ninety, 3 ¥ ; e ¥ ' company the ' Kingston Salvation The death occurred in Alliston, ¢ From th smallest item to Army band to Ogdensburg, N.Y., for Ont., at the residence of his sister, week-end services. She will speak [of John W. Lee, in dis ninetieth - . the complete outfit for the at the local Citadel on the third year. Mr. Lee was formerly of Wa- & . Sunday of September, tertown, N.Y. When 4 young man Ah boy or girl. Everything need- ---- hie learned the blacksmith trade ih! 4 Y Sent a Wreath. Kingston with Willlam Deeks, He Da. | ed for School Days, in com. A wreath from the officers and [later went do Watertown, where he ; kuards of British Columbla Peni-|carned om 'the trade fon forty-five poof oy rtd plete variety and at the low- tentiary, New Westminster, B.C. Fears. He was a member of the da. < ; Co La. was recgived by the widow of Guard | fellows of Watertown for over ty X : > . . . re MB. nd on Tuesday, and it|years and his funeral will be con- Re THRLG est possible Prices consistent has b laced on 'th . ducted in Watertown by the lodge. 4 : 1 i a8 been placed on the grave The Sots wy Jaron 1 In Water. : i with dependable quality. To Run in Lanark, town cemetery, beside that of his ; | G. W. Buchanan, Carleton Place, | Wife. | | : : . Is coming out on the Liberal ticket | : As an illustration of this t eS , M.D, 1 -| * . Conservative mem or) fact we list here several con- i er Conservative member for North | | BY S1zes. 3 . Lanark. This will be a real political | LATE SOCIAL NEWS | i >... . . From the lowest price at which a decent []]| battle with the doctor. | vincing price quotations. School Suit can be sold to the highest price Bean of Bhamiot Laks Mrs. Fr Mae: arernr ay that a full purse and an indulgent fancy may tric moiDigan, general freisnt daughier have rereiny i their v . ; : traffic manager of the Canadian home in Watertown, after spending dictate, we have everything in Clothing that Pacific Rallway, will retire. from |» maps, SLoTtOY er Aeiding Girls' Fin 0 Ribb H active service in the company on Collingwood street, e Yy wears, Sept 1st. He entered the company's . 8.9 service in 1884 as a night operator Mrs. D, MacMurray, Collingwood MOTHERS at Sharbot Lake. street, left for a visit in Watertown 35¢ to 50c¢ Yr . : ---- and 8 , N.Y. 8h ill be th We take great pleasure in calling the at- To Be Tried for Fraud, pond om F. MacMrtrey, Water. P . tention of mothers, particularly to our Boys Frederick A. Cory, president and | fw. Np. A fine quality Cotton Hose manager of the Belleville Milling * a 0» " for School Girls in Black, i 'Clothing Company, will face trial at the next A miscellaneous shower was held M i . ade from an excellent ¢ court on a charge that he did obtain | 51 tp h f Miss Edith Pixley, . . 1 ARMOUR CLAD by Maud she Taiso Zreiences j575 367 Bare oh - Tuesday alge, quality Striped Broad- 10 Camel, Sizes rom ar yea in the township | Miss Hel Wallace, brid f Double seats, elbows and knees, seams of Thurlow 00 apni Soleo es ele} ta. ide of gory Sollay : ttsched os bsolutely fast co ors. reinforced. Two air Trous- - beautifully decorated in a color nd pockets P Tricycle Was Stolen. scheme of pink and white and pink ers if you wish. Some time during Tuesday night and white gladiolas in colored vases a tricycle was stolen from the home formed a pretty sight. 7 : SPECIAL $9.00 to $13.50 of Mr. F. King, Upper Princess The "bride-to-be was presented Boys' street. The tricycle was a brand with some very useful and hand. . * new one, having just been purchas- Some presents by her friends. Miss 4 ed a short time ago, The police have Pixley and Miss Joyner carried in GS i ON oS) been asked to try and locate it. the basket containing the presents 00 €rseys eT -- while Mrs. Joyner played a few bars Customs Returns. from the Wedding Mareh from = BOYS' 75.79 BOYS' The customs returns for tha Lohengrin, A pleasant time was According to size. month of August at the port of enjoyed and dainty refreshments B : ) SES Brock St. SHIRTS Kingston were as follows: Import were served. B For ne kPa To Walk fe $1.50 to $2.00 tise duties $2,057:81; sundry collec. given by the Women's Institute of hrtor ao 1; ltel $20.749.40. vo. | Sm. bY the Women's Ha © : tal for July $31,895.76, Bomor of mi ony i7 Hall, In A fine grade of all wool : 1 STN of Thursday, Sept. 2nd. After ' the . Jersey, turn down collar, CHILDREN'S COTTON Spoke at Erinsville, 1 . Mr. R. J." Bushell, the Progressive Mian Tae, Jacket oy i ittie 2 button front, nicely AND LISLE " candidate for Frontenac-Addington, i : . | son Bros Ltd was in Erinsville on Tuesday after- Sharpe. Dev "Mins Hamar or Has trimmed with contr ng Y i * ® ge and svaning and spoke Hzze ed, thanking the Institute and her colors, The shades: Grey, S rt Hose to Ir : Batherings. He was accompanie .%Y | many friends for: their kindness and Po Pp WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PROVISION DEALERS bir. Jong cor, ho dio' fae any Iiands top thelr diese and Fawn, Brown Heather, 9 a , oe ca ate w an ress had received. The president, Mrs Pretty, fan cy, d ouble tops, e Manfactrers ot Limerick Brand Hams, warmly received. W. M. Sands, on behalf of the W. I. : tof col ~' Bacon, Lard an ausages. | A oe Ertontan songrataiated her wishing her many H Pull assortment of colors; : Harry Varsil Hubbard, M.D., of en Da arg, | Prosper eavy over ches. The shades are 121 East Seventh street, Plain. singing "For she's a Jolly Good Fawn, Grey, Brown, Harvest, | IN FOODS, TOO, THE BEST IS [mele "5%, acumen, 3 | Flow A iets nou was spe Sweaters for Boys | Heiio | | - = CHEAP EST D., in the treatment and surgery of £5 . IR su ye, ear, nose and throat. Dr. Mac- > S Ov er 3 years reputation among citiz- donald is gpl of Queen's A tule nt ding was Solemnifeg $ 5 0 ° » > . in i } }| University and well-known to many | on Aug. , & ome of Mr. t 3 ens of Kingston for quality and service. | Reon tat and his wide circle of | and Mrs, Willoughby Sharpe, Tor. a » up Girls Middy Skirts . | friends wish him every success. en hi Hsien Roe, Sang ' » _* 3 | -- r. Irvine Rose, an urton E ; nerick Windsor Oxford {| Fabing at Horseshoo Tatand, | Martyn, son or Wer a sen, Burton Boys' All-Wool Sweaters | (of All-Wool 'Navy Serge, in the better quality, and Pleated on waist. 6 to 12, Sausage Reports from Horseshos Island [of Sidney township, were united fr Lose 2Thesge 2 Ibs. 25¢. | that tno pala fow days indicate IS Lawrence heavy Fall weight." Sizes y -- hy that the bass fishing up that way is 26 to 33; A $2.50 to $3.00 a. : -- splendid. A local merchant, who has | United Church, Pittsferry, are hold- pretty Fawn ; dant : : 3 been dolng some fishing off the |ing a sale of home cooking, etc., In : : : Information 5 re-grading various kinds {| shores of Horseshoe, has brought |the market house, Kingston, on Sat- with green trimmings, i i : eservi thusiastic reports of the |urday, Sept. 4th. iru Read best time for pe eg same, bow Bois there. The vielulty of i Mian ara, on! ist ' Girls' Mid : are always ina position to give, Horseshoe Island is becoming very | #1. Houston, ' areal 8! || popular as a fishing 'resort. Boys Leather 1 ; Rs / ; icktls, . ins ; : will, Swaine, ---- Few on Harvesters' Excursion. : i# Very few left - Kingston on the . Jo at $2 00 harvest excursions which were con. ; 9: h ducted over the C. P, R. 4nd the 0,| Races, City Park, Labor Day. : yi toc Ings Excellent a Whi N. R. on Tuesday. As a rule the ex- AE : : cellen uali cursions attract those who are out Dany : q ty, nite of work or who Rave only tem | nipanos tholle Hal, , " Jos ™ 'f N A Flanne ao Bus the. feet Rat on Tow | SeEhemrar 552. dimimidn _-- a 3 9% . to 5 Oc Sih! A Call | Collar and are leaving Kingston would indicate « that conditions here are good. ? TS TYTN BT a Sizes 6, 8, 10. Secured a Scholarship, as IF. Ef for Miss Helen Cowley, Westport, has] | VL AMMV 3 5 been awarded one of the Knights : 4 of Columbus scholarships for her sessile... SBe, nd RE svisiaii.. 8Be. Sok For 5: So

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