THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LOOKING ||GLENVALE UNITED | eananooue | The recognized Selection Specia 11 | AROUND Ly Ard Nr mn Sep', Loated Chen i" General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, There have been three tragedies| Oial Qathering Held Mon- in their inspection department. " He - fi In Kingston harbor this season of day Evening. : Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnston and } i navigation so far. Two of the vie- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ue fi tims were Inds and the other was a |; YE a McDonald, Teddy and Donald John- . il man of mature years. None of tha For the pas' five weeks the Unit-| 5ton, arrived home from Perth on three drownings were the result of |.» Glen Monday evening, where they had " e¢ Churen at vale has been clos- gone to lay the' remains of Miss ; ore 1 if| Swimming; all were accigents, the ed and undergoing repairs and re. We are offering as a special value fil victims falling into the water, two decoration. But on Sunday, Aug, |7%0¢ McDonald a: fest. The man- . , . i | 28pr and other officials of tne Royal ol ull wei ht from wharves and one from a motor 29th, the reopening services were single and double-breasted, f ght, ff trom Swimmpe ability does 30t | neta" the rou oBInE sor fling, of BARK of Canada, Toromto, of whos 3 1 'y : Lf e institution the deceased was a ' i | 2 a good quality, Serge Suits. ha a Says, ote in Sanger, oo "| Aylmer, Quebee, being the preacher valued employes, worn \r Ports to ; p ted nati ny for its superior quali ¥ $35 00 ) on this occasion. The paster, Rev. a value MSE aa 0 svar a esisine . il | mer. Ofttimes other Sonditions tise W. T. McKenzie, conducted the ser. Ro ntl. Ah Me Eee - B -- 5 . chunen of vouomey the "swimming vce at the: moraing sere up to hr . * Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers $880 ninte va 30.00 and $40.00 if! chance of reaching safety. the time of the dedicatory prayer | 2Te eutertaining at bridge this sven- 8 = He a "a. . - ry wy! » : i -- offered by Mr. Codling after which peat the former's residence, Pine TL il Two of the three swimmers who Mr. Codling preached and concluded | Street. x H il | have succeeded in crossing the | ihe service, His first' message wad| ATt Pullaw and Miss Lola er ~ ge an orne fi | treacherous English Channel this| enon 430 words of Paul to Timothy, ae Smong those who Jett yeste ay : 'Pho 362 I}! past month have been women, show- | «gyi. up the gift that is in thee" Shad a few days at the Toronto i . a "W. {ij In& that the female sex have great, as & timely message, well illu. : 213 Princess Street n Xi powers of endurance. It may seem | sirarad. ar brought home to thy 'The Dalziel Shows are attracting ii & foolish thing to attempt tg do, but | nears of every hearer. In the eyen- [large Sands on the market square. it 1s possible that the three swim- |i. pe preached from Math. 7:11, Rr irs. John Talbot motor- mers may make fortunes as the re- "If ye then being evil know how ts > ge elleville to-day to take in the sult of = posing before audiences. give good gifts to your children how bn They will remain a couple 'of Anyway they have performed great much more shall your Father give | 387s. feats, " Mr. and Mrs, Bond and son to them that ask Him." There were Smiley who have been visiting Mr. : 'hh 3 he large congregations and generous of- Stea mehi Passages t bros and Mrs. John LaRose motored *» : P 8 One thing that stands out pro ferings and the service of praise was back to Toronto to-day, Tams a 7 minently about the late movie actor splendidly led by the Kepler choir. t booked to all parts of 4 Valeatino is the attitude he assum- On Monday evening a social gath- Rose accompanied them, and wil : the world. Pass- ' ed when his wife sought a divorce ering was held in the church when ae lays at DS xibiion | after deciding that she did not want again Mr. Codling gave an address. y 0- " ' ; 1 . | Tonto to spend a few ways. ports arranged. |& home life. The actor displayed | pp. Baldwin, secretary of the Pres The many friends of Miss Irma tokets tasuca the characteristics of the real gentle. bytery and the Conference. gave a 3 Trams id, el Trans-Pacific, 41as al) > man by. refusing to contest her Suit, | fine summary of the church history | Nuttall are delighted to know that Bermuda, fi Indies, Mediterns though deeply fond of her. in the vicinity which was greatly ap. w hip fe. her condition continues to show improvement 1 i the : . -- preciated by all present, while W. B. Brough, of the General N inexpensive The election campaign progresses friends from Wilton, Mr. and Mrs Motors Accept c 5 i for it tri to E rope apace, though it is too quiet for the! B. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller troit who anes SThorat on, De 50d tor or! . p i old timers. This is perhaps because | and Miss E. Babcock and Miss Helen Brookville 8 . ng 8 Mother ip) 3 ! during the glorious the country is on Moliday and does | McKenzie entertained with songs aber A few. days ip Chesterfield : Tallls. Fi ate-leg or | Gananoque at the week-end Re-arrange your living room with G full apply to or| all season--on one of | not take an election seriously in the and duets. | J A : on our fi Bentuar A luxurious € Mrs. Garfield Hood and children Fireside Arm Chair from our large stock, well arranged re floore, : CLAssSh] s | Bood old summer time. However, Mr. B. Gondon made a statement are spending the week 1n Torout, Canadian National | : Ships--could y after the candidates meet on the|io the effect that the total cost of \ Station, corner Johnson and | \ hustings on nomination day there is | renovation was about $260 and all is Ne ------ and night" Kinston, 0 ue oe i Mable to pe some warm passages. met but about §28, the Ladies' Aid| BACK AFTER THIRTY YEARS, ; -- having rendered splendid assistance -- I Then again the workers generally | in the raising of the funds. A Couple From California Visiting THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AT are tod busy to enter into the cam. ---- at Bishop's Mills, "PHONE 147 FOR INVALID 'COACH. = YOUR SERVICES | Paign. Everybody appears to have » Bishop's Mills, Sept, 1.--After an DAY OR NIGHT. Job, and the election campaigy absence of thirty years, Mr. and | ame rooms everywhere have not one-half " lias ante, Minin the visitors. they did last October. } 8i8 of Mr. an rs. N. Greer, Inquire about convenient | The west cannot get half enough { The former started last May on a direct service to Belfast barvest helpers because the peopls To The Editor Hp Aotuse fie a iuent and have Enquire eamship - | Of Ontario are too busily employed, : . vis many interesting ocalities. Jo se to get out to help, This is no "hard Of The Whig Mrs.' George Huddleston, Mr. ang times" election eampaign. It is a Mrs. R. Foster, John Huddleston, J. B. PARKER "full dinner pail" campaign, ; w-- Hamilton, Mrs, J. Alexander, De. General Agent Ocean Traffic -- Extends Thanks, troft, Miss Atchison, C.P.R. Building, Toronto Hooray! The Liberals are going to Sir: At the last sitting of the | motored here on Thursday and wera further lower the taxation of the thirty-first session of the Bast On. |&uests of Mr. and Mrs. William Not- country it the party 1s elected to tario Conference of the Free Moth. | tell. Power on September Jdth. This is doist Church of Ontario In Canada, 8. Buker and Miss H. Bucker the kind of news we like to hear |a rising vote of thanks was given to | have returned after spending a few and, the peaple have faith in the pro- [The Daily British: Whig as an ex- [days visiting relatives in Prescott, mise of Mackenzie King, for did he pression of gratitude for their kind-| Mr, and Mrs. F. Seeley motored to Bot cut a big slice off the taxation [ness and generosity in publishing so | Massena, N.Y. on Sunday last ang A long distance, : iw of the people within the past four |tully and so accurately the various | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyp AW Motor Teueks with Afr Tives, -- ar months! 00d government and reports and 'proceadings of the con-| McLean of that city, Frank Moxley, Fae wi He L. BRYANT ; VESSEL IA HOY | ower rath 18 what the couhtry |ference sittings, = Rosetown, Sask., 1s a visitor at the Division Street, "Phone 1788, Sb lugs bliding [| wants, and this is secured from the We, the undersigned, were, on | home of Mr. John 'Wilmer. WwW. H. 2 : ten | Liberal Party. motion, appointed and instructed to' Pack, the village 'blacksmith, ang ST convey to you, sir, this expression of his family are moving to Kars, this It is indeed difficult to frame a|the conferemce's appreciation of your | week. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Alexan. Sunday observance act. There are | goodness in this respect, den, Prescott, are visiting friends Places where the first day of the! Please accept our hearty thanks. | here. week is very well kept as a day of | We ate Miss Black, Oxford Station, was rest, and one of these is Kingston, Very sincerely yours, the guest of Miss Helen Buker, re- which has a Sunday calm. ~CHARLES V, FAIRBAIRN, cently, Rev. Mr. Burgess, Brock. Let mo quote you on your § [as has been pointed out \ ~--ALFRED F. BALL. ville, was & visitor here on Wednes- house » Ill save "you part of the people can keep Sunday: [On behalf of the Bast Ont. Confer-|day. Several real estate deals were money. See me first, We have trains running, hotels. BAT ence, Free Methodist Church of | concluded recently, when Sohn Wil. All work guaranteed. 8&eS, restaurants, telegraph and tele. Ontario in Canada, mer purchased Mrs. John Thomp. phone offices, drug stores open: Kingston, Aug. 31. ' son's residence on Main street, Mrs. A lice, firemen and postal af ---------------------- H. Rowe, a residence on Maple ave. REDAN Ing---all regarded as works of neces- Engagement Announced. Nue and Ross Atkinson a farm from wr 'Phone 1464. . Where to draw the lipe at Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Phelps; Del- | Henry Crowder, near Oxford, Mills. A - "works of necessity" is a Breat|ta, announce the e gagement of | Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd have returne] Sar eens | problem. Anyway, Sunday in Can. their daughter, Beatrice Loreen, to | after spending a part of their an. : ada is a holy day as compared to yp. George Lawrence Taylor, eldest | nual holiday at Prescoty and other li | Sunday ip United States cities, where son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, places. ll | business Proceeds as usual, Athens. The marriage will take a > | -- place in September. Brockville Woman Dead, x : ENGLISH CHANNEL VICTOR NO.2 Long before the automobile began ----l Mrs. Lord Davis, aged thirty. Now Mille Gade, twen -8even, mother of two child to become common, the street rail-| po sure and see the flower show | eight, Poole's Resort, succumbed on quers the English Channel in almost Gertrude Ed 's » RL re an ao ul Soh Faw SS, er, spain tor 16, Sonny." four, and Marjorie, bwo, unday, | , afternoon and evening. rs y XS . Kingston folks we gi wir of letters are posted the evening meal, she attempted to *-ngland from New York, and were along while Dover. "I think no woman reaches her best physic every year without any address on | start the fire with coal-oil and can 4 on Y . the envelopes. exploded in her hands. Her hus- she's a mother, says the swimmer, whose real aI Labor Day sports in City Park. band and one adopted child survive. Clémington Corson. i and we #8 naturally to motor : t tne day 4s a duck does to ETHEL ne water. But notwithstanding, + tha :