3 a a TS Gk os v ov ii yi Fo fa boii ) Situs i ize TT , E ; : ro, x ; : : - 3 £ i : = y, September 4, 19286, ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC . ------ 15 _ 3 ' The Whig's Classified Page | Publi d a True Market PI e 1g S lassie age Is a I'ublic Oram and a rue arket ace 4 1 Mr" p: = 4 . - . - S-- 3 * PY : x ; A an i & : . . * DEATHS. ' Help Wanted - wi S.|--__ Business Services 7 The British Whig ed, hao fuio. N.Y. ou September Female Wanted 8 -- BY LLIAM HT Barristers and Solicitors 2b, 3 w 'KINGSTON. ONT. grt. 1828 : Say E fons. sal s Help Wi | S-- m ym SI I « re ttn amr. N 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTWSING 34: years 1a s ¥ Kitchen , . | NOLDS, J. CoBarrigrer and Solici. Prope Shssineuiion. na tp he" | Pungral Ton ner fuinecy residence, 14| 4, GOOD; SMAWE GIL: Lichen HEN! waar Ni VES THATS | Shen SSI Aoritess ar on, urham Street on - i io» Fo Tegulay Dally Whis style of type p.m. to Cataraqui a Saontiily: ADDRESS ENVELOPES AT HOME . DIDI TELL "Mi WHAT 1D | hone 3509, CLASSIVIED gr tive Friends and acq: uaintances resp Spare time, Earn $35 aully. £3. | 8 T Il CALL A : | SREA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and Daily Oe ertions: LEISHMAN--In Kingston on Sept. 4th, ue oad ork: Everything i) i Sou A / EM OFF comic | S04 Bevei av Ofics, "Bank "fi king Minimum Sharge, 8 cent. Chad 1926, Donald Borden, infant fon of Dorn sed. Superior Bureau, 543 Dear- - "TAKIN YOUR QUICKER'N STRIP! | to loan. "Phone 1388. rates per 3 r. and Mrs, om 5) 5 } . I a a 4 fairs soos ireneata iE 08 | pu man, aged his, Jate residence, '330 EXPERIENCED MILLINERY TRIN. ; Hl OVERALLS OFF YoU Coup ladies' Hair rarer 34 A ARR sscane 8. 68 Nelson Street, Monday afternoon at| ay 150 an office assistant with ) ify! { Samana sedde i 8s 2.30 to Cataraqui Cemetery. Kowicdes 0 nog phy. Aly bY BEFORE = : SHIN A - Alden Th, RIC ae charged, $1.50; EE a Seg mail or in Peta to Geo. Mil . i A Wi ST BLow. a tt Rator- 3 a aid Memoriam 1} Kingmony re 3 H th E Ss) Roo: Singelne; cur ihe. Ig Cans : ' > ; --- LADIES .. Earn $7 hundred gilding | 7 Br " 1 } 8 Cutting, rs. Cun- 5 Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 A ert ILE DUSTER o Found on Grosting Cards, "No selling. Picasant / \ Rs --T | TaiSham, &8 Bay Street, Fingsion. each . - k 8 work. r % a -- } ioesrilone tales th sus. time Tears | 111% Brock 8° Fischer 'Cara Co, 14° West 120d Bo, FRENCH MARCEL WAV rate; tAken for less tan |X py Foon oo Bagot Street. Own! Of ¥. {wate Saving, Round and ing Sl of ines. er may have same at r - MAID-GENERA e who can sleep FR, Tr ving, oun gE Sx Matage wordy to the | desu Streer "CARD CANE | ton ag Piplerred Apply 32 Reneing: et RL TR ig ; ads. be received by [HROWN LEATHER CARD CASE --| ton Ave Phone 1085-1. attention given to Halr Dyeing. Mise 2 paid at The Brit- found, Owner may have same at the MAID WANTED--Ons from the Sonn Suitses, 2 oharen, Street. ap- k : within § days from 8 URtice. try _oreferred. Apply Box T-4, Whig . Gaia HT MTs Toe Oe "1p Y © x ¥ , Tue ¥ mo 3 . ore axbiration. Wi or please return to 84 Lower Union "RERERCRR, LADY As Mouse. { A 1 be ¢ for the number of | St and receive reward. le of taking full charge. Good cook. $15 00 uit Heap Lo the ad. Shpedted snd adjust. A GOLD WRIST WATCH -- Found at| Fami of three adults. Apply D. B. » NO EXTRAS it Sade at tor Tat arsed. is Yacht Club. Apply Stewart of Yacht Jo! on, Lansdowne, R. R. 4. Al B. at Une ot Chid, -- Male or Female Help Wanted Be 209 Princess Street. = 'Phong 3018-1. rate for yearly advertising GENTLEMAN'S FELT HAT--And watch he oer ' Ueie. und, Sunday morning near ee Me-~ § ; AS Oheers here asrve Be right to edit thodist onuren, ad Street. Own- ie a Ard SWATE CHRISTMAS advertising er may have sa : me at #1 Colborne St. and Women already making five dol- En 1 , Ars up da pa ; experi Telephone 343; ask for & want ad LEOPARD ROBE FOR CAR-- Lost be- €nce or SADITRL Ante pe ne Garret taker. son Compa. : AUCTIONEERS--Expert service, modes i rate charges. We can sell anythi 5 3 | Anywhere, aay time. 'Phone 891. | | tween Cataraqui and Yarker, via Odes. ny, Brantford Ont Murray's Auction Rooms, Market S88. Reward if returned to 365 Barrie Square, Street, Kingston. BARN CHRISTMAS MONEY-- Easily aa ER Insurance #0 IV IE A TD ---------- and sant . re | SWEATER-Boy's, blue and white wool, time," Glee eLy, earned BR ares are ound on Ellerbeck St. Owner may sonal Christmas Cards to your friends at 242 University Avenue. | an neighbors. 35% commission paid. EE =| H © sample album free. Manag- fr. Christmas Cards, 603 Keefer Build. ing, Montreal. aa a Help 'W 8 3 Male and Female Help Wanted 3b FIRE---Automobile and Casuait Ingure 3 ance. EB. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. Be 'Phone 1783-M . INSURANCE----Only the most relisble | companies represented. | Strange, established in St 1860 Om of | Clarence Street, opposite Post Ofte ' | ACTIVE AA Ne ot Sood rnamanghid, EX oney thi lif You can ¥ ith od knowled of clerical wor, Y 5 ' oO pe: ! ADbly Box 0-2, Wh s Office. jpake several hundred dollars by act- | ns eh SLITER-~Insurance Broker, a [ em ---- ing as our representative in your lo- | a hraiches of a "ade In old lie h | Companies of highest n neial stan ing. 281 King Street Bast 'Phones i 2578-w. Res. 1131. : [| BOYS--To sell week-end papers, Ap.| cality, We have the best selection of Ply HarcM J. Smith, Barrack and King| Personal Christmas Cards in Canada, Streets. made » Stitselves om our pwh de- a ' . - Ll -- 2 meester sais gus. (Canadian artists). Only ambi- ~~ yr a . 3 j 1 § Decorators of BOY---For light delfvery work. Steady Hous, hustling men or women wanted. WRA PPED UP IN HIS WoRK JRrRwlliamsg | : Job for right boy. Apply A. Martin's,| Special Proposition to experienced . dhe cit ©1828 BY za sevice, me. | 5 $ 3 14d. Princess Street. Greeting Card Agents. A ply at once Na { A: ANDERSON--Painter and Decorator. 3 eee eee ee | fOr full partioulars. aster Kraft { Shop and residence 'phone 1966. . Phone 660 DRUG SUERK-- With some experience,| Greeting Co, Toronto, Ont. | fice 283 King Street. -- wanted. Apply ranigan's Drug Store. ~ rnp ee ------------ - 2 ---------------- rete -- Agen For GET YOUR PAINTING--And MH. J. KNIGHT MAKE MONEY AT HOME---Men and is Wanted - Real Estate For Rent. Real Estate For Sale 2 Articles For Sale. done now, Mrices roamonabio. PWall ms paper for adie... Horton, Er Colling~ 5 tereen. Ambulance sassing or soliciting. We instruct you Iliglous Yterature. = $300 guaranteed { AKER AND SMBALMER Women oan earn $1 to $2 an hour in v a] i | sate R ESL Yarker, 3 cruna, | Spare time writing showcards, No can. ie UAT WOMEN. letribiting ~ Houses 9 Houses 14 Auto Tops and Cushions 16a. | Wood Stréet. 'Phone 3984 Bsns | FAINTING AND ' PAPER HANGING-- dng. PEPY You with work. Write to- for hu work. Cash bonuses| pu; NGALOW=-Ot 7 rooms | $4,000--Brick bungalow, § rooms, mod. . PEER % P. H. ROBERTS, #1 Dominien fuiiaorPany, Limited, and COmmgacrY besides, th work rinx ISHED Ay. wintér months. Apply| ern; eR bry 7 5 hw aren Bide Choy iallat ae avers Se | Worlk dns, promptly He beets Te rtd Pry ae Ry a ETRE Blower ab Rier | Strain GRENIER Sel - | AMBULANCE. 20. oR) hed Cut Rive Sionanted for Bloe por rite Mr. Conrad, Spadina] HOUSE TO LET -- 85 Beverly Street,| $4.700--S0lid_ brick, 7 rooms, modern; Walt, linoleum and edging for rune | SIGN PAINTING--J. o. Robluson, rear Sydenham, Phone 403 Barrie Street. ot, 148., Toronto. Jear Ae, Brick Teoma, centra. Sika Brick, 7 rooms, all fm. line" and awntpes Bogor ruck tarpau: 276 bagot Street 0 .b. . id by . ! 3 : : WANTED -- Horizontal boring mil HOW MUCH DO YOU EARN? good cellar Ana furndes.! ary en. gR.300-rame, s Toms. sacdene Tabtral Princess Street. 'Phone 1640-F. Financial 20 4 CUT FLOWERS qustomed to making die ma A551 | How amy dollars per. Woek do you| SRYEN ROOMES HOUSE--Newly dogo. | Houses ang Fier 'ry JUK exchange. Wanted To muy 19 FRONTENAC LOAN AND iN WEDDING BOUQUETS Sanadian General Kleotric Co, Pater. WADE to earn 7 "Hers 1s 4 guestion al- TAted ord and large lot, North Al.|Issuramee, Money to loan. T ' : = NENT SCANTY oe TR ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS || borough. fount every man can answer, but very fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. 'Phone 3784 T. O'CONNOP, DOYS BICYCLE--ADDly 4 College SL. vice-president J. A. Farrell Mobuy to TRICK'S Classified ©1spray have a plan whorl, i Wel Ra 351 Princess Street. 'Phone 1180-1. AP TARABLE PROPERTY --In village | loan on €ity and tari properties: ins posits received and interost paid minimum monthly Our goal--not by gambling or speou- T0. HOUSK--1233 Brock oot, alec: | BRICK HOUSE 600 Princess Street, th "trie TE Dard Wood Roma! hot noe. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence Bt four acres more or less; on "the ht and fiomfortable home going cheap. Large| 10E that calls for hard work and the go water heating: Inthea te possession.| living room with fore briEht dine) Diomises, , good cottage, stable hen 1 , - rit use and' other buildings; good well. W. KENT MACNEE geot-it g that is backed up with a! Apply to James Reid. 254 Princeas Bt. 3 room and kitchen, 4 bedrooms on Sell cheap to quick buy % Apply to! ART AND FLOWER STORE of Marysville, Wolfe Island, contain-| vestment. ond bought and sold; des 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. : > to win. Hundreds of men in Can- floor, bathroom ' and separatel yy; Allinson, Wolfe Isla: BEY-TUNNEY BouT | 740% Al Kinds of tao, [| 5S Eo BILE LE EAR a i Aa, Be "Business Services a Brock and Wellington Sts. Sling oui tiaturlag™ sto Yor the| Month, ae E2EE on hres Mot water Retik yenesr, 3 Tooms -- i. "AY feos and duraiture. clean. ok ho ke Ply H. F. Patri , est side. Chea; Fuel ana reed 38) au Frost 44 i | et & permanent custom. recently. newly : n n -- Carrying extra. Orders] BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHO US BemFor Month. " er. rite to-day for full det ls to Immediate possessio; = booked. Apply C. 'W. eville, 159 Col.| furniture or Any merchandise. : 4 Pocteigerators. cookers || Foptinend: Mail order Co. P.O. Box #0 Hrniated Rouse in Nira: cane coral HOUSE FOR SALE || tinewooa 85° Toren sary i proof building. Phone 1000 or 1TH 'New York, Sept. 4.--Al boxing se cheap congoleum ee AR ny. - ADply. at 'of Gas, electric light for cooking GO TO TALBOTS LUMBER YARD = Miscenancous Ie n RL gon ha "Phone 205 whole family, backed up with high h . Norman 3-p. bath, t 8 City Su e In Philadelphia When 1 quality merehand Bow pricks iis or. Ppl x - ariek Quik sale. Apply 3B. Cook) OF 306 Qu st * hase 526. Ro 80a, ps This -- Baap, service and wou, Toney bas aaa ~| of Toronto Building. a aca Tr DorlcDell Sed nel | ox 1983-3. " »* - , hy the Gladiators Meet 3 elvigorsions --| Monte. You can 2 | TO LER--Rouse, 133 Wellington Street. lars at 3 Oonciasion street, for used lumber at 5 Position Wanted 6 : : for attendance and gate re- Ls 7 ROOMED BRICK HOUSB-- Furnished, || fireplace, two toilets, bath," hot || §35 por thousand, new lumber and : t of col and ter- 9 I ; ity, {| water furnace; all in good condi. Shingles, lowest price possible; hard | ASHES--Cleantd out o ron celpts appear certaln to be shatter 1 urk S Store when WIDOW---Desires positiomas| @ll Mone arclty, gas for | i 2 || $14 mixed wood, soft ana Jixed slabs | yards clean jo Song. A ah : Sed" when Jack . Dempsey. crawls hon , Ni abe crit SL tml. or | Soors, 31 'condition Nas: ohardwosd | tion, garage, oF prices. Shand mize ussell Sires h the ropes in the Sesqui-Cen- FHONE 195. valid, Apply Bor v3 Phi Slr, in Apply Me Queen Siteet. » i floors. Apply 235 Collingwood St. ASHES-- Removed from yard and bs L! 0 and dressed, also © temnlal Stadium 'at Philadelphia to YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN With ee = Sm shingles and fil. kinda, faish hard-| \Sre; egneral carting: drat class d , defend his title against the ex-Ma- CHURCH STAND ON Child, desires position oe 'Bousekeaper Rooms 10, Wanted--Real Estate Listings 1da.| Ww win ag, ) aan aod Buckley hratater 143 Fork foot , Gene Tunney. Unio Protestant We ox Bo 38 ov HED MS-- G locality, | I WANT T0 BUY--A small u, corner k and Toroato one ® he expectations of Tex Rickard VALENTINO BURIAL Office. ordi zh wis hot. and igang ath in Sach Jusiness in Kingston. Apply Box 8.1 | Sursets 'Phone 389. BATTERY SERVIOE--Easy terms ¥ 4 Shsqui officials are that mors i 109 ell heated. Feadle terms.| Whig Office, giving particulars and Instruction 81a | 811 Radios Better service apd 130,000 will pay ap- [Roman Catholic Paper Exe AJ anagem St. corner Frontenac St.| price. : ~ | [Canada Radio Stores. 'Phone 1307, : n toly $2,000,000 to see tha plains How Divorced Actor Real Estate For Rent FURN ROOMS Wit ith ep Ti . ro a paxhapt Foto Sng, : . - 9 3 prepar Of » - first 'heavyweight championship Recelved p TT Apartments dP 3 ou be 188 Brock Street" Prith. Articles For Sale &minations Toronto Conesrvatory. A AY vaing: oh match in over three years, with the REE : - 3. Music Doparimant ember ist, 1924, OW. Inman isis. of #lgantic concrete structure, centred Harton, Conn Set." os a ork Bera Syden Artments,| Sor AURNISRED ROOMS vor t Miscellaneous 18] denice. Ordnnne a, House of Provi a = 2 3 Jha wa arnt | doa pentane So. ome. Bre S501, BHC Gust vod] Seeing oh bation le iE Tet sate te Afi Sri HS TEACHER ob voton 3p Fave | Lavine dy fa le in sports. {ne Subject of a leading editorial ix | Povn RooNES APARTMENT.5. piece | Soe Siroet, oth, on 20 Johnson Bt "Phone 4041 | commences" Bepiambes Maio Ta nous Liege 304 Cian .- Rickard reached astonishing pro-| the Catholic Transeript, which ex- Qhietn BiraemTeRioncon. Apply "158 Real Estate For Sale SANARIES-- Guarantesd Rolers, with | 2 Brock Streec. Telephone 495 am. SE > plains his burial from a Roman Ca- , or without cages. Apply 183 Union St TLACHER OF PIANO--. Vera I. Hem. © motion heights in 1921 when he ab tei a % . Hem hos tholic church. The article sa. in | FURNISHED APARTMENT In fo] To Wants To Rent 3 FOR SALET OX Tercter 2%: $23 Brodk St. Pupils prepared for tracted a Shrong of 90.000 fans wha part: : 8 cally new te ome. (ned ¥ by a sR jel Pop. Cots Fast' ps, Fine miodemere or, Of sale exams. paid $1.600,000 to_see Dempsey "Valentino had certaln things to pA nil go ventral lo UNFURNISHED FLAT -- October 1, Ferrier. uller rding Kannels, 373 Spe : t . Spectacular Freuch- i rooma; CentFA]. Apply, statt Phone 1961-w, STON AUTO TOP AND ~ knock ou -- suis fn four | Bi¥e uD before he Soule Tecelye ab-| pmioT viEw-- 18 King sires partioutans to Box bi.1. Walz Satins . a Ci Profession 21 FR of Auto, Bugky, Bout : man, Georges Carpe Tou: i ---------------- PLAN Ow el; taman wal. BRE etter ------o-- Jushions, ' Tounds in the wooden saucer at] ®0lution. He would have to promise Feros of vara Chatbantments WANTED--Fiat of § or 4 Lrpiabed nut ohse, : Ja Bed price; dition. ' At ORUGLESS PRACTITIONER -- W. A. And dma Oo Princess Auto Accessories of trengled finance. The or, Sranted. be could receive the sacra big bowls and stadiums, plus hs Aust popular interest, has de | ihe 2 Stier, nade B' Sota: Biosys] : Thirt to give up certain women whom he rooms, near colleges or hos, grea price; Marcel Prine he A , be . 2 3, Jersey City. called his wives and break certain Sure. 2 . Joung i Shupls. as: C. Ww. » 131 Re opaner Chiropracaia®d Fb - Hi ne tre "Ehone 1945. io Tecords are the high marks ents, which other women TWO APARTMENTS--Unfurnished anal ist, & p to Geo PRO For that ments, electric treatments and hand: : boxing mow but they promise to | SREagements, PArtly. furmished, three room gas,| Box 474,700 Surg, Ont. Stats terms. Vn Der 13 of your X-ray . service. Consults. : Substantially bettered at Phila | 7, that he had made with them. Sispiricity. hardwond Rots, grate tor ete WI : Res af Frontivas Hatoky, dNVeR in Evenings by id tas em 48 pa | [4 Wrecking Co. ._ #ube 2 "Having satisfied the absolving Albert and Uiton. Phone 1386.) 1961. 377 Ring St 8 Dhlone 873-7, "Reelasmar paomics ftie- Ome ton Ford Truck. x It Bas Been only in recent yeaps| MIDIS that ho was sorry for the Business laces 8 tte Bisbny ERS Gurden Fences | LOGY Gas Boog fauna A. Cai Also ail Kinds of Second Hi y ly 1a the heavy, [POS and prepared to anand the CORNER SRE a | 7 tes, Baskets for Yap Purpose | ed Nurse '303 Brea: Automobile Parts for sil makes 5: + especial future, A new lease o ® CORNER r ARM... J eel. 'Phone 951-w, oury §-13 welght clase, as reached such Pd Rios to sult tenant Forks 8 tog a Buven® ScEee 130 Conenitation Hout ee 24,1404, Tires, all sivas = a 1 and SONORA GRANAPHONE -- Tiree SKIN =~ Hair, Moles re yA TNS, -- Wim re fare a skin a lon-dollar affairs of these big! "Invalid Tonle Wine" Gibsons. 3 _BosTON 2 months oid. | fy; or "ans td, and bouts, with Dempsey the cen-| Living costs in U.S. decreased Matty ae ord She mi 463 Brite | Soltrs "outed wi drawing card. eight-tenthe of one Per cent. during Street. preseat champion has fought | July. as compared with June. : six times if™~seven years, in-| Bank bas in the bout in which. he took wounded Ss le away from Jess Willard in | and nappa 18, but these halt dogen appear-| "Invalid Ton timate ThCled gate receipts U.S, will let: tng | 34:000.000, Six fehan a million share running aroand sip nd 18q - 8 roomed house; all er Tr] ; a a] car, the city. Apply Ts