¥ oe Spr WHIG. ee So J THE DAILY BRITISH Founded 1847. Boys' Odd Trousers . Boys' Sweaters AEEYEMR BAW, CLOTHES FOR BOYS} Double Seats, Knees and Elbows, Seams and Pockets reinforced. SCHOOL SUIT. Built for duty. : Styles to please mother. Prices to please father. SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY Store Closed Monday, Labor Day. COME TO-NIGHT. LIVINGSTON'S fl Boys' Blouses 75-79 Brock St. Boys Shits 1£ Off Your Route It Pays To Walk a ---------------------------------------------------- Ry ---- rt t---- i PHONES: Retal 2600 Wholesale 1767 Ofice 365w Aderstn Bos. Ld The other day a lady from Ottawa re- marked that she had never seen a provision + market laid out in a more efficient manner, both for the convenience of the customer ' and also the clerks. We 2re sure a visit here to-night will convince you also, - Headquarters for NIAGARA BASKET FRUITS Peaches, Pears, Plums = 3 Ripe, Eating Apples (Astracan), § pk. 30c, CLEARANCE SALE TO-NIGHT Monday being a holida; , it is necessary to clear all perishable goods, in : Special Fruit Sale 7-10 O'clock ll CITY AND DISTRICT To Take Place in Belleville. The eighth annual re-union of the 21st Battalion will take place in Belleville, on Friddy, October 15th Fall Term. Kingston Business College opeas for the fall term Tuesday, Sept. 7th. Rates moderate. H. F. Metcalfe, { Principal. Pembroke Minister Called. The congregation of St. Giles Church, Vancouver, B.C., has ex- tended a call to Rev. A. W. Mcln- tosh, B.D., Pembroke. ' Excursion Labor Day. 8 hours at Clayton, N.Y.; 1 hour at Alexandria Bay. Str. Brockville from Ferry Dock, 2 p.m., fast time. Fare: Adults 76c., children 50c. Cheese Board Sales. Picton, 735 at 16 1-16c. ,Mont Jole, Que., 75 at 15 1-16e¢. Listowel, 3,252 offered, 16 3-4¢ asked, 15 3-4c bid, no sales. Acting As Manager. H. L. Christie, Kingston, is acting manager of the Brockville branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia during the absence of J. A. Fiott, who is ou vacation, Among the Islands. Last trips of» the season. Satur- ddy and Sunday to Alexandria.Bay. Monday, Labor Day, special trip to Clayton and Alexan iria Bay. Steamer Brockville from Ferry Dock 2 p.m. fast time. Fare: Adults 75c., chil- dren 50c. Many Americans Visit Canada. The busses running from Ameri. can cities to ports along the border were crowded on Friday and Satur- day with people paying a visit to Canada over the holiday. The fer- ries running between the ports ex- perienced busy days. Died Quite Suddenly. Much sympathy is manifest in the city for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pound, of Toronto, whose only son, Edwin, died suddenly on Wednesday morn- ing. He was a bright little lad of eight years. He was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pound, of this city. Last Moonlight Excursion. ' Take the steamer Waubic Monday, Sept. 6th, Labor Day, moonlight ex- cursion to Clayton; one hour at Clayton; orchestra on board for dancing. Leave Kingston 7.30 p.m. city time, Tickets 50c., for sale at office of Rockport Navigation Com- pany, Limited. Phone 12196. w---- Passed Music Examinations. Miss Helen Ferguson, daughter of Rev. T. J. 8. Ferguson, recently tof Cooke's church, Kingston, was successful in, the midsummer Con- servatory Music exams held in King- ston, passing both her ° primary theory and junior violin examina- tions with honors. : Married at Easton's Corners. A quiet wedding was solemnizel at Easton's Corners on Thursday a: the home of the bride when Rev. L. M. England united in marriage Eva Ji, 'only daughter of Wesley Empey, to Thomas Hanna, Jasper. They were unattended. The happy couple motored to Ottawa where they spent a short honeymoon. Was Terribly Burned. Floyd McDermott, Cape Vincent, { N.Y., was terribly burned in Roch- ester, N.Y., when an ofl stove ex: ploded in the home he occupied. The most serious burns he suffered were about the face and it is feared that his eyesight is seriously impair- ed or destroyed. He was also burned about the hands and arms. Mr. Me- Dermott was twenty-three years of age and a school teacher. 3 PICTON flowers and just now his wonderful gladioll are attracting attention. They are rare blooms, bbautifully colored and delivered so fresh that they retain their charm for many days, & delight to all beholders. { tio best. He is also a grower of Nominations on . "The official nomination proceed- ings will be conducted between 12 noon and 2 p.m. on Tuesday. After the official proceedings an arrange- ment has been arrived at between Mr. Halliday and Dr. Ross whege~ by the speeches will not be made until the evening: Kingston will be on standard time on Tuesda so there will be no confusion on tant account, Kiwanis Activities. The speaker at the meeting of the Kiwanis Club on Tuesday at noon will be J. Alexander Edmison, Divi- sional Director Taylor Statten Camp Co. Mr. Edmison is acting president of the Alma Mater Soclety of Queen's University and he is an ex boy mayor of Toronto. Mr. Edmison has been at the Taylor Statten Camp all summer and in his address on Tuesday he will speak on boys' work. Mr. BEdmison is a very Interesting speaker and there will no doubt be a large number at Tuesday's meetin to hear him, . Woman Gets 117th Muskie. At Clayton, N.Y., two more mas kinonge, welghing sixteen and twenty-four pounds, were landed by Mrs. Mann bringing her total to 117 in thirty-five years on the river, and eight this month. In fishing for the big ones, Mrs. Mann also picks up many large pickerel and on Friday brought in four weighing about thirty-five pounds altogether. The fishing season is now at its best and river guides with parties are regis tering big catches of bass, pike and pickerel every day. ; 1 Workmen Favor Halliday. Jim Halliday is a decided favorite among the artisans of Kingston. He Is a worker among their ranks and Is as earnest an advocate of their claims as could be desired. The workingman has a fine idea of the benefits conferred by the Robb budget. Employment is abundant and the taxation, imposed by the Conservalive governments, he finds greatly reduced. The cash, hitherto appropriated by the tax gatherers, he now finds in his pockets .a real advantage to him and his family in their housekeeping. Knowing these things the workingmen favor Halli. day and will give him real support. S---- vy Held a "Tag. Day." The apni! appeal on behalf of the dumb animals wags on Sat- urday By the Humane Society of this y and the public responded gener- usly. The tagging effort was well organized and everyone was afford. ¢d an opportunity to help a very worthy cause. The Humane Society is an organization with the very | highest ideal, that of helping those who cannot help themselves, and while the work it does gets very Ift- tle publicity neverthless it is quite important and requires' funds to carry it on. LIBERAL DANCE 0 BE HELD NONDAY EVENING Everybody Invited to Attend Event at Campaign Head quarters. Announcement was made on Sat- urday that the Kingston Liberal As- sociation will hold a dance on Monday evening, at (he Liberal Headquarters, fn the' old . Oddtel- lows' Building, on King street, be- tween Brock and King street. There will be dancing between 8.30 p.m. and 11.30 p.m. and the music will be provided by Sid Fox's Serenad- ers. A cordial invitation has been ex- tended to both young and old to take part in the festivities. A re- -} cord crowd attended the dance held by the Liberal Association recently, and another big crowd is looked for on Monday evening. . : ee etocninp-- diab th aa Adhd a AAA AAA A a a = ' CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Saturday | Night before a holiday is always unusually busy and we there- 'fore make numer- ous suggestions to assist busy shop- pers. Black. Ladies' Holeproof Sik Hose -*1.00 pr. Sizes 84 to 10, Colors: Atmosphere, Piping Rock, Grain, Blush, Daybreak, White and Moonlight, Champagne, Super-Silk Hose $1.50 pr. An all pure Silk Thread Hose that will give Women entire satisfaction in wear, colo and fit. New shades: - PeachyGrain, Champagne, Flesh, Nude, French Nude, Ecru, Toast, Sugar-cane, White, Black and' many others. Fine | In Pink; White, Peach and Orchid. .39¢ & 45c¢ pr. Made from a fine Cotton yarn, Straps, knee length. 95c to $1.75 Boys' Leather Knit lose 39c to 50c pr. ir + LADIES' PURITAN Silk Stockings LAIDLAW'S LEADER 75¢ Pair Reinforced where the hard- est wear comes; all thé new shades for matching frocks. Sizes 84 to 10. Shades: Nude, Peach, Pablo, Beige, Airedale, Tuskin, Brown, White and Black. * Ladies' Sik Vests Special $1 ea. The shades are White, Peach, Blue, Green. BOYS' All Wool Jerseys 26 to 32. Colors, Prettily trimmed with contrasting stripes, ® Special $1 3 MEN'S -.' | For Fall wear, in all sizes, $1.95 Garment MEN"S Merino Shirts & Drawers 36 to 44. A nice weight for present § 4 %