Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1926, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ', Saturday, September 4, 1926. NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS Y " : Ee 4 |drew's manse, her father being ihe 3 | i | 1ate Rev. T. G. Smith. She has been | The Editor Hears J) . LIFE' S SOCI Al, SIDE |in New Brunswick visiting relatives | : | i tO | guseanives ; fasre ind wiopped tu Kisghion to Td | That the taggers whe collected for meet some of her girlhood friends. | . ee the Humane Society to-day were met 's Page Editor Phone 2018 Miss Dorothy Pilkington, who has Mr. and Mrs. BE. T. Boden with | with a ready response and smiling Private Phone 857w. been at "Densmere" has retiirned | their son Bdwin and their nephew | faces. The Humane Society appeals * ss to University, Va. Gerald Piller, who are motoring i for help for those who cannot help iss G. Abbott, Montreal, is at * es» from Bay City, Mich., will be the themselves and when one reads the NEmere."" Major and Mrs. Sheffield Bacon, guests while in Kingston of Mr. long list of the dumb animals who 2. 8» Bagot street, will leave on Sunday and Mrs. 7. A( Davidson, 'Union have been protected against the « and Mrs, J. F. Logan, Alice on a motor trip. treet. carelessness or cruelty of their own- . Rave returned from Montrea:. «es = es » : ik j \ ers by the officers of that society : .. Dr, and Mrs. Harold Ettinger, Mrs. J. H. Birkett, who spent the one realizes that it is with God's 8 Mary Andrews, Union street, Alice street, are spending a few Summer at "The Maples," feturned belp doing His work on earth. Bpending a few weeks in Toronto. | weeks in- Toronto. to town on Friday and is at "Dens- it ; - . 'sw mere". Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bir v.. That Monday evening is the time Miss Helen Tritton, *Ravens- Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibson, | gett, Montreal, and their small son, . RO you put your clock back an hour. Hamilton, is at "Densmere". Bevery street, have been spending John, are with her for the week-end. ] : Don't forget it or you may find your. Le "Ee the week in Toronto, . se self down town an hour too soon on Hiss Annie Bowie, Ottawa, is the Te. . Professor W. G. Jordan of Queen's] "A tom-boy kind of girl may | Tuesday morning. Just think how it of Mrs. James Bowie, Brock Miss Doris Post, Collingwood, is University, Kingston, and Mrs. Jor-|#hock some folks, but you don't ne- | you would regret that hour of slum- Delicious and t. ; spending a few weeks at Toronto |dan arrived In Toronto last evening | Yer hear of one bein' fooled by one | her. * : ; .- ws Kingston and West Huntingdon. and are visiting their son, Dr. Den-|0f these siick-headed drug store -- Refreshing 'Miss lla Hambley, Napanee, is B..8. 8 nis Jordan, and Mrs. Jordan, of Dan- | loafers." That many people are going off ing Prof. and Mrs. Matheson, | - Miss Catherine Burke, who has forth avenue, who have just return- tet cet. for the iast summer holiday and 4 1c street, been spending a holiday in Hawley, led from a trip to Britain and the ' many more are using Monday to .. Pa., has returned to her home hers. continent. After attending the Brit. A S ER WOMAN move in from their camps and cot. Cadet Brittain Francis, Montrea), * ss» i tages. Labor Day ends the summer: 8 Ish Medical Association convention 'return to Royal Military Col- Mrs. Reginald Brook will enter- at Nottingham. Dr. and Mrs. Jor- MAKES AN ATTEMPT on Tuesday we take up the winter on Sunday. tain at mah jongg at the Cataraqui dan toured En ? Work aad phy, GALLAGHER'S y ---- 1 L i 3. s.s ~ | Golt and Country Club on Tuesday. Wales. They a yhictiand_aud Mes. R. 0.) Jolliffe, Frontenac "so Brussels, Cologne, Amsterdan and |To 8wim English Channel, But That » bas returned from a trip up| Cadet David Anderson and Cadet The Hagu 1 the Princess street mer- ' . Rideau Lakes. Teddy Heament, Montreal, have re- battlefields as pods 8 due Historie Was Forced to Quit Off chants have had a splendid season TAXI THORNE -- turned to Royal Militay College, | nq the Hindenburg line, a portion Dover. owing to the number of men in work SERVICE 960 Kingston. of which may still be séen.--Toroiito and the number of tourists that have 3 bs SSI G ROGERS .u. Telegram, oueatone, Sept. 4.--The Ohas- (Passed through Kingston. Early in| | ANYWHERE a . Mrs. B Brunton and het son "ia, nel swim of "Mona MacLaren" and | the summer there was a feeling that | f 25c¢ IN CITY verett, Wellington street, left for y Horace C bandoned last|the cold spring and lafe summer] : of PIANO and THEORY Mrs. N. F. Dupuis and Mrs. John [HOMco Cary was abandon 3 T DIO removed to 878 Alfred St. Sabvury to-day to spend the week Matheson were joing hostesses of a |PIENt, owing to 1 rough sba, when would fold back the sale of light DAY OR NIGHT . ' end, charmingly-arranged tea as the for. [they Were seven miles off South | frocks, but the heat came with July Phone 2282-m, : ei.» mer's home on University avenue gl- Foreland, on the English coast, | and continued through August so ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS Dr. and Mrs. A. R. B. Williamson, Yen on Friday afternoon in honor of [Bear Dover, that the "sales, they tell us, were a ; ; -- (King street, and their family have Mrs. J. F. Macdonald who, with hee] Miss MacLaren appeared here sud-| much above the average. ] ! returned from thelr cottage at family, leaves / next week to join |9€nly during the early hours of yes-| -- THOMAS COPLEY "aN A G Loughboro Lake, . a Prof. Macdonald in Toronto. Mrs, [terday morning and, after A few Dre-i rigs the post office garden shows (Carpenter i: "Phone 987 || aE NEW NESTLE LANOIL AND erly of Vancouver, B.C, e treet. | Macdonald received with the hos. liminaries, plunged Into the 2 fnten | the citizens who pass it dallyisome| Bee we for ai Winds of Carpemwr) (| CIRCULINE PERMANENT WAV. of Violin, Harmony, otc | oe frat hur ig oe reel, {oases In the drawing room where |0-10 O'clock with the avowed intefi- very fine cosmos and asters. Flow-| werk. 'Estimates' gtvea on mew fours|| ING ; $15.00 and wp. idence Studio: 65 West Stree. || 710 has been in AX With her Summer flowers 'were used for de-|'ioD Of establishing a new time re- |, Of all kind are wonderfully fine | itd: Have your hardwood Soors cican. FRANK ROBBS ce o o jaunt, Mrs, Edward Whitman, will re- cord for the swim to England. Telephone 1412. » » tow 1 week , coration. Mrs. Colin Macpherson as. & ke pic-| this year sunshine and rain have ed with our mew fooy cleaning ma. 185 WELLINGTON STREET WFR 19,4wn gext week, sisted [ihe hastesk and in the tea ou Shotosriphers tried bat ane ouc-| bean 80 happily divided that the beet | chime : --{ room Mrs. Malcolm Macgillivray . -| results have been given to us by the 1 p ¢ Mr -- Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Downs and { cessfully hid her face and only her|| he Holland has a river called Y. In old S. Packer the. loon 40d Mrs. Arthur Neish cut Head Gardener. China there is a city called U, apd |in Sweden a town called A. their son Sydney, Kent street, are |ine lces, The tea assistants were ell-sTeased back could be got on spending a holiday at Niagara Falls Miss lla Hambly, Na the plates. - A. .C.M. : and Toronto exhibition. Beis ast Re spaes, Mise A 'fow hundred yards off shore wes a That the Liverai women have a Teac) of Pi and / = , pA all or boat. In it amon ne organization and are working Feacher ano Theory ' Doris McClelland and Miss Rutn |& Sm mator pL 5 together in a notable wa Us prepared for examinations. Major Charles Grant, left today MacClement. During the afternoon [Others was an Englishman who gave Ph BTUDIO: 340 Johnson Street. for Halifax and will return shortly Mrs. Arthuf Clark the name of Horace Cary, who joined + 'Phone 2050-m, ~~ with Mrs. Grant and their children times, accompanied br Sen Lo the girl in the water. He sald the SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE {fo dccupy a house on Bagot street. ralne Minnes, a trea ¢ motorboat would be the only craft to a by the guests. oo" faseompany them, FOR SATURDAY OF Miss Elsie Corbett and Mr. Vin- .- a.» cent Corbett, who have 'been with Rev. W. Hil HATS FOR THE FALL Rn . W. yard and Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Corbett at "Dens- | yo avenue, Portsmouth. enter. OF BLACK VELVET. EA - mere," returned to Virginia today. | tained at the tea on ¥riuay wice.- New York, Sept. 4.--Among ths : Sa. noon In their charming oid house [Bats which will be prominent this ] Mr. and Mrs. Philip Terry, who the | fall are wide-brimmed models of J : with its spacious grounds. In have deen with the latter's parents, tea: room the Porth centred with a|Ddlack velvet, simply trimmed. Whils Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Alfred silver basket of asters of pales |Small hats with highly draped Street, will return. to Toronto 'on mauve was presided over ya crowns are among. the mew Imports do : Monday. W. F. PitsGerald snd M from = Paris. American women Will kil Hes ore o 5 P, rs. Joseph * ' ; ana Director Queen Street Miss Ni ai . Ki street Siliott, assisted by Mm. A Bb. {othectall Tae Bb 2 Ditsw cats Church, 88 Nan Skinner, RE Street, Smart, Mrs: A. W. Birett, Mrs. | Will undoubtedly cling to large hats left for the Thousand Islands to-day Geor a for 4 Sir ly fall. Boy- ge Kidd, Miss Henatr{ and | fOr dress wdarYor early fall. ¥ os rats Staging and Plata [| 1g, 00g" (ng- weekend Wins Mrs. | Miss Cantrel. The visitors Nghe nd ish felt shapes continue to rule for - 460 Brock St. 'Phone 1147.J, Douglas at her summer home near ed into the drawingraom from the | SPOrts wear. wo Sasanoque. = tea room were thrilled to find a . Biouag and boleto Iretmdnt Ae ) 40 _only, new, 2 piece Suits, all pure | deep fireplace with a real "crane" |found on most of the ea ¥ fa y . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kingsbury, on which real kettles of w - 3 : ; ater had | dresses designed for day and form ewest styles and colors ful oy Schoottc Ty Tots ey ose, the week-end boiled over the fire. The quaint old |al wear. Where the blouse adds Wool, mn f si iy S inl $9 50. : < (ings. | 10Use with the thick walls was ad.| width to the upper portion of the asso t of sizes. pecial at . Opening Septem | nh A. B. Kingsbury and Mrs, Kings- mired by the guests. The summer | dress the skirt is almost invariably rtmen hd bury, Montreal street. : Bey house in the garden was lovely with | Blender. Full, flaring skirts on the ® or" flowers and here Mrs. J. C. Pons- | contrary often accompany the bolery. ; 90 new, Flannel Dresses--all the 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Hensley, and ford cut the ices, assisted by Miss| The sleeveless bolero designed for . I aaaiored from heir hove WBthel Woodrotf, Sydenham, who is|fofmai occasions is posed over a popular shades, made in the very new- * n visiting her sister, Mrs, Smith, Miss form-titting bodice. The bolero ex- : 4 1 Ing a oy an with SE 200 Mrs. rime Graken aud Miss , Phyllis | tends above the normal waist line. & -- est styles. All sizes. Very special fh , . . . . Smith. During the afternoon Mr. | sash is worn about the normal waist f '$5 95 ch Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell ana | oR: F. Harvey played several | tying at one side and the full skin: oF. trade nner iE OR thelr 'family, Loadod: have returned | P1400 numbérs which were much en-| flares at the hem line. 5 , Joyed. Among those present were Beaded taffeta evening gowns are : f om Soom Welk. am pame at Mrs. C. A. Seager. the Dean of On- [among the unusual fai] models Health. : 4 spent the month of August. - tario and Mrs. W. W. Craig, Arch-| which follow the bouffant lMues of » °® on . - I. deacon Dobbs, Canon FitzGerald, | period frocks. Ome particulaly Md SEafsdtc [| A dance will be given at. the[ReY. Canon Austin and Mrs. Smith. herr tul model is fashioned of ! THE IRISH LINEN STORE and Collegiate Yacht Club on Monday night as a | CStATaqui: Rev./A, E. Smari, Rey. 80ld and bronze changeable taffeta . mir ' ce class, If desired. Labor Day festivity for the visitors | ©: #ud Mrs. Scammell, Rev. W. G. headed in gold and bronse beads. Movin 19 oth Sitien take {| in town. The music will be provided | *@d Mrs. Swaine, Bath, Mrs. Kear. The bodice is slender, following (he ublle sch "2 [i oy. Sia Pox and i Serenaders. | Re¥ Jones Mrs. R. W. Rayson, Ms. | lines of the bust sud narrowing at num of boarders . eo 0 atbant Rabinsen, uta Havelock the waist line with horizontal rows took Mrs. F. Coppin and Mrs. W. g.| Brice, Mrs. J. W. Jones, Mrs. Guy|ot beadwork forming a girdle effect Rg Pickering and their ehilines, Que. | JMELY. Mrs. GR. Roonay, Mus. A. ust: below the normal' waist: Lect apply bec street have returned from Wil |B. Cogswel, Mrs. H. P. Lowe, 'The skirt which gathers in at the [ten where they were visiting Mr. | MTS. E. J. B. Pense, Dr. and Mrs. R. waist is widened at the hem wheres and Mrs. Perey Lemmon. J. Gardiner, Dr. Kidd, Mr. J. B. horizontal = and alternate rows of .v » Walkem, Mrs. D. B. Mundell, Mrs. gold ana bronze headwork extend Prof. and Mrs. T. Callander, Majt- | ATehibald Young, Miss Muckiéston, | to the knees. Black taffeta frocks land street, who returned from their Miss Martha Smith, Miss McRae, beaded in white crystals are also trip to the Adirondacks, have spent | Miss Ethelwyn Loueks, shown for dinner occasions. a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Fred.| the Misses Wilson, erick Etherington, "Fettercairn," | 108, Miss Craig and ; Finger Bowls. their summer home on Indian Lake. For the formal dinner, finger : * 5 a bowls should hold slightly heated, Mrs. G. W. Donald, who spent a| oy | delleately scented water, They Week at the Y.W.C.A., has left for should be one-third full, } 'her home in California and will be a spending a short time fn Montana on Reohahas a Rinses a 7 : Boa jae | : Bond " poabien. ; | I T7 ARN . PIANOS s f ~~ Select your Piano in the privacy of fil: el "meng

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